

【作者】 陈艳丽

【导师】 王景科;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国现代小品文是中国现代文学的一个重要成就,这是从其诞生就被承认的事实。从五四新文学运动诞生直到三四十年代走向繁荣,中国现代小品文成为中国现代文学转型中最成功的文学文体。本文试图从文体学、发生学、语言学、符号学、解释学和美学的角度探究和分析其成功原因。打破近年来一直从文学的内容和思想性方面所作的外部研究的局限,回到文学研究的本体和内部对中国现代小品文进行研究,把握小品文文体的内在构造方式和相对稳定的文体范型,分析其文体形成的原因和独特的审美机制,探索小品文的独特文学特质和美学魅力,从而探索小品文的文体特征,使小品文与其它散文文体分离。进一步追寻中国现代小品文发展和生存的条件,以及这一文体在新时代中的发展可能。本文以发生论、本体论、流变论作为逻辑思路进行论证。导言部分介绍论文选题的理由、意义及方法。中国现代小品文文体理论建构与中国现代散文的文体建构混杂在一起,虽然这一文体从一开始就表现出明显的文体自觉意识,但后来的研究者往往将其与中国现代散文的其他文体相混合,出现了“杂文”、“美文”、“抒情散文”、“随感录”、“中国现代散文”等概念,小品文的独立文体特征没有得到明确地探讨和研究。从中国现代小品文文体理论建构的必要性切入,回到文学本体,从小品文的形成契机、语言选择和语言特征、文学体裁的界定过程、文体策略的运用以及审美风格追求等文学内部因素去探讨、研究小品文文体特征。概述该课题研究现状和存在的不足,并从中西方文体内涵对中国现代小品文文体进行界定,确定本论文的研究方向和研究内容。追溯小品文概念的源流,并论述中国现代小品文文体特征界定的缺陷以及存在的问题,概述本文对这一问题的分析研究。第一章从发生学和社会学的角度分析中国现代小品文作为一种时代文体产生的精神文化准备,论述小品文形成的文学生态环境。分析“文界革命”与小品文现代性观念的发生的联系,研究西学东渐——近代翻译的冲击,主要是新名词、外国语法、新的文学创作观念的进入对小品文文体产生潜在的观念和思维方面的影响,其中文学观念的影响主要是非功利纯文学观的影响。另外,知识分子身份与读者角色的新定位为中国现代小品文准备了创作主体和接受主体;而“觉世之文”的文本策略使新的读者审美需求成为小品文发展方向的决定因素之一。出版业的兴起,为小品文寄生与繁荣准备了载体。其中传播模式的转变和梁启超等先驱的尝试都为小品文文体的产生奠定了时代物质基础。白话文运动、国语运动与文学革命酝酿了小品文以白话为语体的时代语体。而五四新文化运动的“人”的发现和“人”的文学的提倡,使小品文主体性理论的生成成为可能。王国维的非功利文学观也在很大程度上影响了后来周作人的小品文的“言志”观。第二章从文体学和美学的角度论述小品文文类文体的选择。其中主要是由“载道”到“言志”的转化。研究小品文的文类文体的构成、继承和借鉴因素。其文类文体观念,首先是取自西方现代随笔体散文的自由畅达意识;而创作心态和审美意境则更多源于对中国明代性灵散文小品的继承。梳理小品文概念的发展过程,分析小品文、美文、纯文学散文、絮语散文、幽默散文等概念的关系以及演变。小品文的美学追求是审美理想主义,中国文学的抒情传统对小品文的体裁影响是使小品文选择了抒情的表达方式。分析小品文与西方Essay的关系,研究小品文如何对西方Essay进行有意味地剥离,取“情调”远“思想”的取舍,使小品文具有了浪漫主义的色彩和娓语式的笔调,对小品文娓语体形成有很大关系。而与晚明小品的关系是继承“独抒性灵”中对“性灵”的强调和表现,虽然“性灵”的内涵发生了时代的变化。但对“性灵”的没有局限地抒发和对情感的重视是其自由文体形成的重要因素之一,也是小品文对传统审美因素的继承的表现,是影响小品文文类文体的重要原因。最后论述小品文体裁的独立,特别是与杂文的对话与分离过程。第三章从语言学、符号学角度分析小品文的语体建构及其特点。周作人的文学语言建构观对小品文语体的产生具有决定性的作用,使白话由口语转化为具有审美意蕴的文学语言。解决了白话文语言转向的工具性缺陷,使白话成为审美化的书面文学语言。而小品文语体独具的诗性特点,来源于文言的运用与小品文对传统审美趣味的继承,文言的运用使小品文具有了诗一样的意境和意象,而意境和意象的诗性特征使小品文具有表象和表现功能,从而形成了小品文含蓄、雅致、言近旨远的审美风格。而口语、俗语方言的运用又使小品文语体亲切、生动,将民间视角纳入文学写作,对小品文的“娓语体”的形成起决定性的作用。另外,欧化语的运用完成了小品文文体的现代性,欧化语法使中国现代小品文的语言句式灵活多样,使表达趋向精密、细腻,给汉语环境中的读者带来新的审美体验,赋予小品文新的审美特质,使小品文文体具有了与时代和世界同步的特质。第四章从文体学角度论述小品文文体策略的选择与流变。分析三十年代京派诗化散文中对个性和个人情感的重视,以及注重意境的营造,对精致、典雅的诗一样的“白描式语言”的选择和追求,这些因素都在很大程度上继承了小品文文体特征。其营造意境和语言锤炼的文体策略选择既有传统因素又有现代因素,而新的文体策略因素的运用使这一诗化小品带给读者崭新的审美体验。而周作人的乡土小品以及对民间文学的重视,将朴素的民风与传统的抒情结合起来,孕育了乡土散文的某些特质。其中最主要的文体策略就是叙述视角的变化,选取周作人的远观他者视角和汪曾祺的在场口语亲在视角进行具象说明。周作人的远观视角的选择使他的乡土小品具有距离感,一种来源于文体策略选择而形成的距离美是乡土小品的别样美感之一。文化小品对理性和情趣的追求以及“贵族思想”、“绅士的洗礼”的思想强调很明显来源于小品文的“理趣之美”和“知识之美”的文体追求,具有将思想、情感与学识结合的文化之美的美学特色。这一文体风格的形成,与文化小品选择亲切化的话语方式,以及自由表达个人情感的文体策略是分不开的。结语论述小品文这一文体的发展趋向以及变化的可能性。分析时代审美心理的变化以及大众传媒文化的影响,可能使小品文成为一种边缘化的文体。同时,语言的变化尤其是汉语的时代变化也影响着小品文的创作和生存。重新界定“人性”、使“人性”具有时代内涵,是小品文在现时代生存的内容要求。小品文是一道立于时代边缘的传统风景。

【Abstract】 Chinese modern essays are one of the important achievements in modern Chinese literature, which is a fact admitted from its birth until its property. Chinese modern essays become the most successful literary style in the transformation of modern Chinese literature. This article attempts to explore and analyze the causes of its success from the stylistics, genetic, linguistics and the perspective of aesthetics, break the external limitation in the content of the literature and ideological content area in recent years, and return to literary research to the Chinese modern ontology and internal essays, so we can grasp the internal structure and style way relatively stable style paradigm, analyzes the reasons of the formation of style and unique aesthetic mechanism, and explore the unique characteristics and familiar literary glamour, thus to explore some of the stylistic features of the essay venter, and to make it separate and independent from other familiar prose styles. In order to achieve the development of the survival of the conditions of Chinese modern essays, and this literary style in the new era of development may. The logic idea of this article is to happen theory, ontology, rheological theory. Introduction of the thesis introduces the reason, the significance and methods. Beginning from the necessity of construction of Chinese modern essays,it expounds the necessity of literature itself back to study and significance, and introduces the subject research status and existing deficiencies. It also defines the Chinese modern style into the definition and make sure of the research direction and research content. Tracing the origin of familiar concept, it discusses the defects of the modern Chinese style characteristics and the existing problems, as well as the analysis and study.The first chapter analyses the Chinese modern essays as a spiritual culture and discusses the familiar form of literature ecological environment. It analyses the occurrence of "wen world revolution" and modernity concept, and the impact of to the east-modern translation, which is mainly the potential concept and the influence of the thinking of the new buzzword, foreign grammar, and new literary creation of concepts. The new location the identity of intellectualsand role of the readers prepares the creation subject and accept main body for the Chinese modern essays. "The feeling of the world" text tactic that new readers becoming literature development direction aesthetic demand one of the decisive factors. The development of publishing industry prepares the carrier for prosperity for parasitic, of which the transformation of the mode of transmission and Liang Qichao’s pioneer attempt for the generation of familiar style laid the age material base. The vernacular movement, mandarin movement and literary revolution brewing in age styles of the vernacular for familiar language style. And in the May Fourth New Culture Movement the finding of person and the promotion of literature of people enables the generation of subjectivity theory to become possible. The utility of wang guoweis literary view affects the familiar express will view in a large sense.Chapter 2 discusses sketch text aesthetic norms and literary style of deconstruction and construction, which is mainly transformation from "carry a way" to "express will". The composition of the familiar text and literary style of the legacies of factors are studied. The text and literary style concept, first is taken from the western modern essay the freedom of prose touch consciousness, creation and aesthetic mentality of artistic conception is more from spirit prose essays in Ming dynasty. It illustrates the development process of familiar concept and analyses pure literature prose essays, later, letters prose, humor prose. It puts forward aesthetic pursuit is familiar aesthetic idealism, and at the same time inherits Chinese literature lyrical tradition and make great changes. The genre influence of the literary tradition of familiar lyric makes it choose the lyrical expression. Analysing the relationship between the essay and the western essay, researching into western Essay familiar meaningful dissection, and taking "appeal" off "thought" makes with the essay romantic colour and the type of gentle language style tone, which has great influence on forming the type of gentle language style. And the relationship between the late Ming dynasty and essays is inherited the emphasis and performance from the "alone express their spiritual meaning" of "spiritual meaning", although the connotation of "spiritual meaning" changes a lot. But unlimited expressing and attention to inner feelings is the inheritance of traditional aesthetic factors and one of the important factors of the formation of the free style. It finally discusses the independent familiar genre, especially with essays of dialogue and the separation process.The third chapter analyses the construction and characteristics of modern essays. Zhou Zuoren’s construction point of view on literary language style has an important role, which lies in that oral dialect has transformed into the literary language of aesthetic implication. That perfected the instrumental defect of the vernacular languages, making the vernacular written a literary language of aesthetics. The unique style of poetic characteristics dates back to the use of classical Chinese and the inheritance to the traditional aesthetic interest. The use of classical Chinese has given the modern essays the artistic conception and the image like poems, and the artistic conception and imagery of the poetic features make sense and has the function of representation, which formed the implicative and refined aesthetic style and profound in its simplicity.The use of oral Chinese and idioms in dialect makes the modern essays kind, vivid, which has a decisive role in gthe forming of the style of euphemism. In addition, the use of European language has completed the style of modernity, and European grammar has brought in diversity of Chinese modern essays sentence patterns, making the expression to being exquisite precision, giving the readers a new aesthetic experience, endowed to the essays with new aesthetic qualities, finally resulting in the the essays with the style of the times and the world synchronization.The fourth chapter discusses the choice and changes of the style strategy. The character and personal emotional attention,paying attention to the construction of artistic conception and the delicate, elegant pursuit of language like poems in poetic prose of Beijing Style in the 1930s, is the inheritance of the stylistic feature of the modern essays in the very great degree Zhou zuoren local essays and his attention to folk literature, has combined simple folk and traditional lyrical style, giving birth to the certain features of local prose. One of the main strategy is the style of the change of the narrative angle, selecting Zhou Zuoren’s far view of his perspective and Wang zengqi’s the oral narration at present. The pursuit of reason and emotion, the noble thought and the thought of the baptism of gentleman obviously has rooted in the reason interesting and the beauty of knowledge of the modern essays and have the the aesthetic characteristics of combination of thought, emotion and knowledge.The conclusion discusses the marginalized trend and era surviving of this literary style The change of aesthetic psychology of the times and the influence of mass media culture makes the modern essays become a marginal genres. At the same time, the change of the Chinese language especially the change owing to times also affects the creation and survival of the modern essays. The new era puts forward to define human nature of the modern essays again, which makes human nature have the requirements of the meaning of the time. It is a traditional landscape in the edge of the era.


