

【作者】 史玉丰

【导师】 房福贤;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 寻根意识是人类的一种非常重要的意识,长期以来人们对于“寻根”的关注主要集中在八十年代的寻根文学上,并且是把它作为一种文学思潮来看待,而没有将它作为一种人类的基本意识来理解。进入二十世纪以来,中国文学中的寻根意识呈现出与古典文学不同的特征,在全球化浪潮和现代化进程中,对于中国传统文化的重新审视和理解成为二十世纪以来文学中的重要命题,对于“文化之根”的关注成为一代又一代作家书写的主题,在他们具体的书写中,寻根意识又因为不同的寻根主体,不同的历史语境,不同的寻根旨趣及其目的等表现出不同的面向,呈现出问题本身的复杂性。本文从整体上把握中国五四以来寻根意识在文学尤其是小说中的生发契机和重要表现,同时结合个例研究和对比研究,力图作出一个系统化和整体化的观照。导论对本论文的选题缘由、研究现状和研究方法进行了简要论述。第一章对二十世纪中国文学中的寻根意识作出概括论述,分别从寻根意识的发生与现代性,二十世纪中国文学中的寻根意识产生的历史语境以及寻根意识的不同表现等三个方面来探讨。寻根意识以“追根溯源”为主要特征,虽然从表面词义上有着复古主义的倾向,但实际上是人类身处“现在”,反顾过去,面对未来的一种充满自主性的意识,是对人类“我是谁?从哪里来?到哪里去?”的追问和探寻。中国二十世纪以来将寻根意识从古典时期的朦胧感知上升为理性认知,表现出十足的现代性,在时空意识的转变、亡国灭种的危机、中西文化的激烈冲突以及“他者”的启示中逐渐展开自己的多重面向:以进化论为基础的历史现代性焦虑,即对传统文化劣根的挖掘和批判;从本民族生命之根的追寻到重建国民品德,达到“立人”与“立国”的目的;在西方文化热的冲击之下反观民族文化,跨越文化断裂带,重镀民族的自我……寻根意识融入到中国现代性追求与反思中,在文学中被大量书写,论文以鲁迅、沈从文、韩少功为例,探讨了寻根意识在中国现当代文学中的丰富表现。这三位作家不但是我所认为的寻根意识的典型代表,而且在寻根意识发展的关节点上。第二章主要以鲁迅为例来探讨寻根意识。作为中国传统文化的儿子,鲁迅具有继承者和反叛者的双重身份,他以“历史中间物”来定位自己,以过客和无家可归的文化流浪者来对古老的中国文化之根作出自己的审视,在中国面临西方军事打击和经济压迫的历史情境中挖掘文化的劣根性,以国民性批判为主要切入点来进行。鲁迅的国民性批判理论主要来自于晚清知识者和美国传教士明恩溥,但是鲁迅也依据自己的人生阅历和现实观察,对国民性批判作出了自己的反思,他不仅将国民性批判上升到人性批判,而且将国民性批判作为一种启蒙的策略,并对启蒙本身产生了深刻的怀疑,无论是对启蒙有效性与合理性的思考,还是对启蒙者自身困境的发现,以及他对于民主和科学的反思,都显示了鲁迅作为一个现代人的自我反思的主体意识。第三章以沈从文为例,沈从文是一个主体意识非常强烈的作家,他的文化寻根意识是在他自我主体性追寻中逐渐发现的,他是五四新文化的被启蒙者,为了追求自己救国救民的梦想而从湘西来到都市,他在城乡文化的巨大差异中发现了城市中的“文明病”,具体表现为生命力的丧失和自然人性的异化。沈从文对于现代文明的救赎性发生了怀疑,转而从湘西文化中汲取雄强的和自由自在的生命活力,作为建构自然人性的重要资源,以美和善来达到重造民族品德、“立人”“立国”的目的。沈从文将对湘西文化的追寻建立在“生命”的思考之上,并以此为基点形成他城乡关系探讨的基点,城市与乡村既互相对峙,又互相吸引,在这种对峙和吸引中,沈从文进行了双重病症的发现和改造。沈从文作为城市中的乡下人和乡村中的城里人,始终处于一种文化边缘位置,他以“乡下人”作为自己的身份定位、价值追求和文化尺度,并以“乡下人”为基本的视角来批判城市文明,体现出他反现代性的现代性特征。第四章以韩少功为例,说明在八十年代这个激情年代,作为继“伤痕文学”“反思文学”之后出现的文学潮流,“寻根文学”表现为一种集体性出击的特征,经历了文革这个“文化断裂带”的知青们出于对自我主体性的追求,主张从中国传统文化中找寻文学的根,并且主要是从“非规范文化”中找寻已经失落了的中华民族的文化之根。具体到韩少功来说,就是以“马桥”为思索的原点踏上“寻根之路”,“马桥”已经成为如同“商州”、“小鲍庄”的文化符号,韩少功的作品可以视为从“马桥”出发又回归“马桥”的过程,《马桥词典》、《暗示》、《山南水北》等作品都可以视为韩少功以“马桥”为中心的延续辐射、不断重写和深入挖掘,集中体现了他对于文化和生命的关注。在寻根文学“求新求变”的整体价值追求之下,韩少功也在“常与变”中进行着自己的精神追求和艺术探索,并且对寻根文学作出了自己的反思,指出了“寻根”口号之策略性的一面。结语对于新世纪以来寻根意识的新表现作出了描述,在中国的经济发展和综合国力的提高以及全球化高度发展的今天,人们的关注重心更多的转移到物质方面,精神又出现了相对贫瘠,经济对于文化的侵蚀正以前所未有的速度和程度发展开来,价值的失落、紊乱和失范所导致的一系列社会问题和心理问题正以各种形式表现出来,呈现出一种整体上的精神危机。在具体的寻根过程中,一方面是文化学者对于“文化之根”的发掘,另一方面是人们对于“文化之根”的时尚化消费,这固然体现着人们对于文化的需求和渴望,同时寻根意识还出现了一种“回归自然”的倾向,张炜的“融入野地”、迟子建的“自然书写”、方兴未艾的“生态写作”等都是其具体呈现,这是人类在社会快速发展导致的心理失衡、人性异化、以及生存危机中生发出的一种精神补救,表达了作家寻找生命原点和生命意义的思考。只要我们还处在现代化进程和全球化语境中,还在继续思考民族命运和人类终极发展目标的问题,寻根就远未结束,未来文学的优秀之作可能从这一意识书写中产生。

【Abstract】 People have focused themselves mainly on the root-seeking literature for a long time in the1980s. As the essential consciousness, it was not interpreted as basic human consciousness, but aliterary trend. Since the advent of the 20th century, the root-seeking consciousness in Chineseliterature has shown different features from those of classical literature, therefore, it was animportant task to review and interpret Chinese traditional literature in the process ofglobalization and modernization. Writers over generations chose“the root-seeking culture”astheir writing theme. However, this consciousness varied with the different principal part,historical context as well as the purpose, which showed its complexity. This thesis discusses thereasons for its occurrence and its major manifestations in literature, especially in novels, after theMay Fourth Movement. Meanwhile,the author tries to make a systematic description by the caseand contrast study.There is a brief discussion on reasons for this thesis, research status and research methods inthe introduction.The root-seeking consciousness is characterized as“tracing the source”in Chinese literaturein the 20th century. It is generally discussed from the following three aspects—the occurrenceand modernity of root-seeking consciousness, the historical context in which root-seekingconsciousness appeared in Chinese literature and various manifestations of root-seekingconsciousness. Although it has the tendency of restorationism in its literal meaning, it is theconsciousness that is full of independence when humans look back or look ahead at present. Inother words, it is the question and exploration about“who am I? Where am I from? Whereshould I go?”Since the 20th century, the root-seeking consciousness has evolved into therational cognization rather than hazy perception in classical period, which displays the completemodernity. It gradually unfolds multi-layers in the face of the change of spatiotemporalconsciousness, the crisis of life or death, the fierce conflict between Chinese and western culture,and inspiration from others. There is historic anxiety based on the theory of evolution inmodernity, including exploration and critique of incorrigibility in the traditional culture; theeffort to trace the root of life and reconstruct the nation’s morality to achieve the purpose ofeducating people and founding the nation; the work to review the nation’s culture, bridge the cultural gap, and re-build the nation’s selfhood under the influence of the western culture…Theroot-seeking consciousness has become a part of the pursuit of Chinese modernity and beenwidely written in the literature. This paper takes Lu Xun, Shen Congwen and Han Shaogong asexamples to discuss the application of root-seeking consciousness in Chinese modern literature.The three writers are not only typical representatives of the root-seeking consciousness I thought,but also they are in the root-seeking consciousness development point.The second chapter takes Lu Xun as an example. As a son of Chinese traditional culture, heis a successor as well as a rebeller. He orientated himself“the historical intermedium”andreviewed the ancient root of Chinese literature from the point of view of a passer-by and vagrant.He undermined the cultural incorrigibility mainly by the national critique when China sufferedthe western military attack and economic pressure. Although his national critique theory mainlyoriginated from scholars in later Qing dynasty and American preacher Arthur Henderson Smith,he made his analysis in accordance with his own life experience and observation. He not onlydeveloped the national critique into that of humanity, but regarded the critique as a strategy ofenlightenment, and showed a deep doubt about the enlightenment. His subject consciousness onself-examination as a neoteric was revealed in his thought of validity and rationality ofenlightenment, awareness of torchbearers’dilemma, as well as his self-examination ondemocracy and science.The example of Shen Congwen can be found in the third chapter. He is a writer of strongsubject consciousness. His root-seeking consciousness emerged in the process of pursuingsubjectivity, but he was inspired by the new culture that occurred after the May FourthMovement. He came to the city from Xiangxi in order to realize his dream of saving the countryand the people. He was aware of the“civilization illness”, which refers to the loss of vitality anddissimilation of human nature, and the city in the tremendous difference between the urban andrural culture. He showed a doubt about the salvation of modern civilization. He drew strong andfree vitality from the Xiangxi culture as important resources to construct the natural humanity toachieve the purpose of reconstructing the nation’s morality as well as educating the nation andbuilding the country. He based his understanding of Xiangxi culture on his thought of life, andthen formed the basic view of urban and rural relationship. The urban and rural areas standopposite each other, on the other hand, they attract each other. He discovered this dual-illness and remounlded it in such a relationship. As a country folk in a city and an oppidan in thecountryside, he was always at the fringe of culture. He took the“Country Folk”as his identityorientation, value persuit and cultural standard. Meanwhile, he critisized the urban culture fromthe point of view of the“Country Folk”, which reflected his anti-modernity—a feature ofmodernity.The fourth chapter takes Han Shaogong as an example to state that“culture of root-seeking”,which follows“the Scars literature”and“the Reflection on literature”, has a characteristics ofcollective action in the 1980’s—an age full of passion. To persue self-subjectivity, theEducated Youth who experienced the Cultural Revolution advocated to seek the root of culture inChinese traditional culture, especially the lost culture root of Chinese nation in“irregularculture”. For Han Shaogong, his effort started from the thought of“Ma Qiao”which is a culturesymbol as“Shangzhou”and“Xiaobaozhuang”. His works, including The Dictionary of MaQiao,Hint,The South of Mountain and the North of Water are regarded as the continuousradiation centered on“Maqiao”with constant rewriting and deep exploration, which shows hisconcern about the culture and life. It is a process from“Maqiao”to“Maqiao”. In the process ofpursuing newness and change, which is the whole value of the root-seeking literature, hecontinued his spiritual pursuit and artistic exploration, made his own analysis on the root-seekingculture and pointed out the strategic feature in the catchword of“root-seeking”.In conclusion, there is a description of the new expressions of the root-seeking consciousnessin the late 20th century. With the development of Chinese economic, enhancement ofcomprehensive national strength, and the high level of globalization, the core of people’s concernhas moved to material things instead of the spirit, which leads to the relative spiritual infertility.The economy has eroded culture at an unprecedented speed and degree. A series of social andpsychological problems, caused by the loss of value, disorder and anomie, arise in various forms,which presents a kind of spiritual crisis on a whole. In the seeking process, cultural scholarsdiscover the“cultural roots”, on the other hand, people consume it in a fashionable way.Although this reflects people’s need and desire for culture, this long term commercialconsumption will inevitably exhaust the real culture root, therefore it is the“false root”.Moreover, the popularity of root-seeking does not only meet the need to establish a newinternational image for China, but also the need to develop the diversity of worldwide culture. The root-seeking consciousness also has a tendency of“returning to the nature”, such as ZhangWei’s“going into the wild”, Chi Zijian’s“writing on the nature”, and the“writing on theecology”in process. It is a spiritual remediation of psychological unbalance caused in the rapiddevelopment of human society, showing their thought on search for life origin and meaning. Aslong as we are still in the process of modernization and in the global context, and keep ponderingover the nation’s destiny and the goal of human ultimate development, this seeking is far moreterminated. More excellent literary works maybe come from it in the future.


