

【作者】 张扬

【导师】 杜贵晨;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 胡适是中国古典小说研究的一代宗师,是用先进科学的、中西方结合的学术理念和方法进行小说研究的先行者,也是推动中国的学术研究发生巨大变革的领头人之一。对于他小说考证的学术、文化、社会意义,已有不少论著从各个角度进行研究,但还只是被发掘出了很小的一部分,也缺乏足够全面而深入的整体性阐释,因此对这一方面的探讨就显得尤为重要了。本书连同绪论在内共有十个部分,大体内容如下:绪论主要介绍胡适的小说研究在各个范畴的成就和意义,各时代对他这些成果的探讨的得失成败,以及本书正文各章的主要内容等。第一章《胡适研究古典小说的缘起、观念和方法》,从胡适对古典小说的爱好、研究古典小说的动机和研究古典小说的方法三个方面,全面论述了胡适是如何走上古典小说研究道路的。前人研究中不乏对胡适的某小说研究之缘起的论述,如宋广波的《胡适与红学》等,但像本文这样的全面细致的论述,应当还是前所未有的。第二章《胡适研究古典小说之分期及成就》,是从四部《胡适文存》入手,阐述他从少年到去世这近60年时间里,对小说研究的态度、关注重点、投入心血等方面的高低起伏,探讨造成这些现象的缘由。笔者相信对这一问题的研究理念具有很大的扩展潜力,可应用到对胡适的某部小说研究、哲学思想研究、社会活动研究等诸多方面,望能为方兴未艾的胡适研究作出一点贡献。第三章《胡适与“新红学”》,是应用第二章对胡适古典小说研究生涯分期的研究的有关理念与方法,对胡适的《红楼梦》研究所做的整体性的阐述。尤其是对他晚年的《红楼梦》研究中出现的“可远观而不可近赏”的情形及其缘由,做了较为详细的论述。第四章《胡适的水浒研究》,是从胡适的《水浒传》研究入手,论述他是如何将水浒故事的历史演变、《水浒传》的作者、版本和金圣叹的水浒批评等问题作为学术研究主题,一步步建立起现当代“水浒学”的主要框架的。第五章《胡适的吴敬梓和<儒林外史>研究》,是从《吴敬梓年谱》、《吴敬梓传》和《重印<文木山房集>序》着手,论述胡适是如何搜集资料,一步步将吴敬梓的生平、事迹、成就展现在世人而前的,以及胡适对《儒林外史》的白描技术、体裁结构和思想社会价值的看法。第六章《胡适对<聊斋志异>和<醒世姻缘传>的研究》,是从三个版本的《聊斋全集》、《醒世姻缘传》和其它文学作品与史料出发,阐述胡适是如何研究蒲松龄生平、《聊斋志异》和《醒世姻缘传》的艺术成就和思想社会价值的。第七章《胡适的小说史观》,是从胡适1926年在德国法兰克福,和1941年在美国华盛顿做的演讲《中国的小说》演讲入手,分析探讨他在其中展现出来的对中国小说发展演变史的整体认识。这两场演讲使用的都是英文,前者已由范劲先生译成汉语并略作评释,写成《胡适的一篇重要轶文》,发表在2005年第3期的《文艺理论研究》上。后者长期以来无人关注,笔者从《胡适全集》中发现了英文原文,将其译成汉语,发表在山东师范大学学报2012年第一期上。附录一《胡适小说研究论著系年》,是将与胡适古典小说研究有关的专著、论述、信件、日记、札记等,按照写作时间先后一一列出,每篇下附按时间先后排列的收入该文的书籍报刊。某些篇章附有解释。附录二《赫胥黎“存疑主义”对胡适小说研究的影响——以胡适<水浒传>、<红楼梦>的考证为例》,是阐述胡适如何从赫胥黎的Agnosticism概念中截取出“存疑主义”,并将其应用于对《水浒传》和《红楼梦》的考证研究上的。附录三《中国的小说——1941年2月15日胡适在华盛顿文学协会的演讲》,是笔者自行翻译的胡适一篇英文演讲。其后还有该英文演讲的原文。本文的主要创新点有以下几个:第一是根据《胡适文存》,指出在上世纪20~40年代,胡适在学术、文化、社会等方面的关注重点和研究重心的演变轨迹,由此推出他的小说研究在这种演变下受到了怎样的影响。而且笔者相信该演变的影响具有普遍性,不仅是对小说研究,对胡适在其它方面——国故学、语言文字学、教育学等——的研究,或多或少也会造成影响,这对我们从整体上认识胡适有一定的指导意义。第二是发现了胡适的一篇轶文——1941年2月15日在华盛顿文学协会的英文演讲《中国的小说》,并将其译成中文,发表在山东师范大学学报2012年第一期上。这篇演讲与他1926年10月27日于德国法兰克福的同名演讲是前后相承的,都是对中国小说的发展史的论述,先者定下基调,后者在此基础上补充、修正、发扬。由于胡适的小说研究中关于中国小说史的论述极少,这两篇演讲堪称是我们研究他对这一方面的认识的宝库,因此笔者相信这个发现的价值是比较高的。第三是阐述胡适与现当代“水浒学”的关系。现当代“水浒学”的几个主要范畴——水浒故事的发展演变史、《水浒传》作者问题、《水浒传》的版本问题——在胡适的《<水浒传>考证》中已经初露端倪,在其后的《<水浒传>后考》和《百二十回本<忠义水浒传>序》中终成气候。后人的研究就是在胡适这几篇著作的基础上发展起来的。

【Abstract】 Hu Shi’s research of Chinese classical novels generation master, is to use advanced science, combination of Chinese and western academic ideas and methods for novel research pioneer, but also promote the Chinese academic research leader of great change. For his novel research academic, cultural, social significance, many works from different angles to study, but is still being excavated a small part, but also the lack of adequate comprehensive overall interpretation, so on this respect discuss appear particularly important.This book, along with the introduction of a total of ten sections, roughly as follows:The introduction mainly describes Hu Shi’s novel research in various fields of achievement and the significance of the times, to him these results on gain and loss, as well as the text of each chapter of the main content.The first chapter" Hu Shi studies in classical novels, the origin of the idea and method of, from Hu Shi on classical novels, study of classical novels like motivation and study of classical novel method three aspects, discusses how Hu Shi embarked on the road of classical fiction research. In previous studies on one of Hu Shi’s novels are the origin of the study, such as Song Guangbo’s" Hu Shi and dream of Red Mansions", but like this comprehensive detail, should be the hitherto unknown.The second chapter" Hu Shi studies in classical novels of staging and achievement", is from the four" Hu Shi and" proceed with, elaborated him from juvenile to death in the nearly60years, the novel study attitude, focus, investment efforts, ups and downs, to probe the causes of these phenomena. The author believes that the study on this problem has great potential to expand the concept, can be applied to a novel of Hu Shi studies, philosophy, social activities of research and other aspects, hopes to be able to be just unfolding studies of Hu Shi makes a little contribution.The third chapter" Hu Shi and the" new Rcdology"", is the application of the second chapter of the Hu Shi classical fiction research career stages research concepts and methods, to Hu Shi’s" a dream of Red Mansions" studies done in the overall exposition. Especially in his later" a dream of Red Mansions" of and not too close to reward" situation and reason, discussed in detail in this paper.The fourth chapter" I lu Shi research" outlaws of the marsh, is from Hu Shi’s" Water Margin" to study proceed with, discussed how he will be a story of historical evolution," outlaws of the marsh" author, version of Jin Shengtan and the water margin of criticism as academic research theme, step by step, build contemporary" Water Margin" of the main frame the.The fifth chapter" Hu Shi Wu Jingzi and the’scholars’study", from" Wu Jingzi Chronicle","Wu Jingzi" and" reprint’paper Mushan real set order to discuss Hu Shi ’", is how to collect data, step by step, will Wu Jingzi’s life, achievement, achievement show in the world, as well as Hu Shi on" the scholars" Baimiao technology, generic structure and ideological social value view.The sixth chapter on" Hu Shi’strange’and’Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan’research", is from the three version of the" strange stories," complete" Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan" and other works of literature and historical sources, explains how Hu Shi Pu Songling ’s life," Liaozhaizhiyi" and" Xingshi Yinyuan Zhuan". Art achievement and thoughts of social value.The seventh chapter" Hu Shi’s view", is from Hu Shi in Germany in1926and1941in the United States of Frankfurt, Washington’s speech" Chinese novel" starting with the analysis of speech, in which he showed to the development of Chinese novel history of the evolution of cognition. The two speeches are using English, the former has been translated into Chinese by Mr. Fan Jin and a slightly explain," Hu Shi wrote an important Yiwen", published in2005third period" literary theory". The latter has long been neglected, the author from the" Hu Shi collection" was found in the English text, the Chinese translation, published in the Journal of Shandong Normal University in2012for the first time, this chapter is attached to the end of this translation.Appendix A:" Hu Shi’s research works is", is Hu Shi with the classical fiction research relevant monographs, discuss, letters, diary, notes, according to the time of writing has one one lists, each attached under the chronological arrangement of the income this paper books newspapers. Some chapters with explanation.Appendix two" Huxley" agnosticism" in Hu Shi’s Novels--Taking Hu Shi’ study of the effects of outlaws of the marsh,’’a dream of Red Mansions’textual research as an example", explains how Hu Shi is from Huxley’s Agnosticism concept is cut off’ agnosticism", and its application to the "Water Margin" and "a dream of Red Mansions" the research on the.Appendix three" Chinese Novels--February15,1941Hu Shi in Washington Literary Society Lecture", is the author’s own translation of Hu Shi an English speech. Subsequently and the English text of the speech.The major innovations of the thesis are the following:The first is based on the" Hu Shi and", pointed out in the last century20to40time, Hu Shi in the academic, cultural, social and other aspects of the focus of attention and the study of gravity center, the introduction of his novel research in this evolving under effects by how. But the author believed that the influence on the evolution of universal, not only for the study of novel, Hu Shi on the other hand-learning, language, education--research, will more or less influence, this to our overall understanding of Hu Shi has some guiding significance.Second found Hu Shi a Yiwen--February15,1941in Washington literary society English speech" Chinese Fiction", and translate it into Chinese, published in the Journal of Shandong Normal University in2012for the first time. The speech with him in Germany in October27,1926in Frankfurt of the same name address is successively, is on the development of Chinese novel history discuss, to set the tone, the latter on the basis of this supplement, amendment, carry forward. As a result of Hu Shi’s novels in the study of Chinese fiction history discuss rarely, these two speeches as we studied him on this aspect understanding treasure, so I believe this detected value is relatively high.The third is to elaborate Hu Shi and contemporary" Water Margin" relationship. Contemporary" Water Margin" of several major categories--a story of the development of history," Water Margin"," Water Margin author problem" version--on Hu Shi’s" Water Margin" in’’research has emerged, in the subsequent"’outlaws’ after the test" and" back to the120’"’ Water Margin in order for climate. Future studies in Hu Shi is the article on the basis of the development of.


