

【作者】 康建强

【导师】 杜贵晨;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在中国古代小说研究领域,意境研究长期处于薄弱态势,主要表现为研究者缺少关注,研究对象较为单一,研究成果也较少,因而一直未能实现全面深入的研究建构。本文旨在从自己对于意境理论的理解出发,以具有意境特征的中国古典小说文本为观照对象,通过对中国古典小说的意境质素形成、意境发生发展历程及其表现、意境创设生成与表现型态的研究,对中国古典小说意境进行综合观照与深度阐释。本文内容由六个部分组成。《绪论》,介绍中国古典小说意境研究的历史与现状,说明本选题确立的要义与研究方案。第一章《意境论》,从意境的语义界定、意的源起与意境的本质、意境的生成过程与触发形式、意境的特征与判定标准、中国古典小说意境界说五个方面对意境理论与中国古典小说意境进行基本界定与深度阐释。首先通过对意、境语义流变的探究,结合意、境二字的组合关系,实现对意境内涵的初步界定:即意境是指在人类生存时空中,人的主观心灵世界与外在客体世界在双向生发运动过程中有机交融而形成的审美心理图式。其次,从先秦诸子学说对人类存在状态的深刻阐释出发,探究意的源起,进而完成对意境内涵的哲学阐释:即意境是一个产生于人类残酷现实存在状态与理想生存状态的对比张力、形成于人“道”之间的双向运动、以“人道合一”为终极追求因而具有哲学色彩的美学范畴。在此基础上,从生活实践与艺术实践实际出发,对意境生成过程及其触发形式进行阐释。再次,结合各类艺术形式的现实存在及其意境的实际表现,完成对意境特征及判定标准的客观观照。最后,通过中国古代小说与中国古代诗歌、散文的比较,对中国古典小说意境进行区别性阐释。第二章《中国古典小说意境成因论》,立足中国古代小说的文体发展实际,从小说形成方式演进与作者之意的浓郁、小说意蕴的日益丰厚、诗性质素的融入与日益完善三个方面对中国古典小说意境的发生动因进行深度阐释。在中国古代,小说并非一种纯文学样式,而是一种复杂的文化学范畴。就主体角度而言,早期由采录编撰方式形成的小说,由于采录编撰者主观之意的稀薄与编撰的实用目的,其文学性大多较弱,后世亦如此。而在采录编撰方式基础上后来出现的有为而作式创作,由于小说家的主观之意日益浓厚,为小说意境的发生提供了必要前提条件。就小说客体表现而论,早期小说多为“说之小者”,大多不具备深刻的人生体验与道理蕴含。随着小说创作方式与小说观念的转变,小说的创作目的与内容表现也开始出现变化:远实用而日益趋于赏心,其中的人生体验与深刻道理亦趋于浓厚。这为中国古代小说意境的形成培育了又一必要前提条件。在上述两种因素的综合影响下,中国古代小说的诗性质素也渐趋浓郁。其表现有三:第一,诗性思维的渗入与成熟;第二,诗性表现技巧由单一趋于多样;第三,诗性语言运用趋于成熟。这为中国古典小说意境的形成提供了充分条件。因此,中国古代小说在宽泛的文化学范畴之内,由于上述三种因素的综合影响,逐渐开辟出一条纯文学表现的发展道路,并且为中国古典小说意境的形成提供了充要条件。第三章《中国古典小说意境发生发展论》,从中国古代小说创作的实际表现出发,阐述了中国古典小说意境的发生发展过程及其在不同时期的表现与特征。先秦时期的小说存世文本较少,且大多缺乏鲜明的文学性。但是,个别小说中开始出现了初具诗意的环境描写、奇幻的空间方位描写、韵文与情感意蕴成分。虽然尚未形成意境,但是为中国古典小说意境的发生孕育了质素。秦汉小说几无有意境者,亦未出现较为充分的意境质素,然其为后世小说意境的萌发提供了相应的前期门类发展准备。魏晋南北朝时期,受“远实用而近娱乐”、“都为赏心而作”思维的影响,小说的文学质性渐趋明显。然而,这一时期真正具有意境的小说数之寥寥,仍处于偶发状态。就其表现而言,由于篇幅的简短,大多采用点型与单线型表现形式,使得小说意境表现出简单性与潜隐性特征。白唐开始,小说意境正式走向发展的征途。由于诗性思维的充分发展,唐宋文言小说意境创设意识开始走向自觉,诗性思维趋于明确,意境质素趋于浓郁,意境构设手法趋于繁复,开始出现复线型与圆周放射式意境表现形式。而宋元话本小说则能够在平凡的故事中寄寓深刻的人生经验体悟,另外由于在叙事、写人以及语言体式方面的探索与进展,为日后中国古典小说意境的深度进展提供了可资借鉴的艺术经验。明清时期,由于小说创作高度繁荣与意境理论拓展等多种因素的影响,小说家的意境创设意识充分自觉,意境构设思维亦充分成熟,小说意境因而进入高度繁荣期。小说家熟练使用“寄兴于象”、高度繁富的诗性语言、圆环型表现形式等多样化意境构设手法,实现了小说意境形态、层级与风格的多样化,使得明清小说意境呈现出高度发育的鲜明特征。第四章《中国古典小说意境创设生成论》,立足中国古典小说的实际表现,从创生方式、创生理念与终极追求三个方面,对中国古典小说意境的创设生成进行深度阐释。中国古典小说通过一元化生、二极共构、三而一成、多维共生四种方式实现了简单与繁富相结合的意境创生方式,表现出鲜明的数理特征。结合小说文本的实际表现与作家的创设思维进行观照,可以凸显中国古典小说意境的创生理念,即圆形思维与动态平衡、神话素与象征思维、悲剧意识与母题书写三种创生理念。在三种创生理念的指导下,中国古典小说意境通过四种创生方式得以实现。不止如此,小说家在小说中还通过对人与自然之天相合、人与义理之天相合、人与主宰之天相合的诉求构设意境,表现出鲜明的追求“天人合一”的终极精神指向。第五章《中国古典小说意境表现型态论》,立足中国古典小说意境的实际表现,对其层级、形式与类型作了客观分析。中国古典小说意境的层级,首先表现为文本描绘的逼真生动的世界人生图景;读者经由阅读形成气韵生动的审美心理图式,是为第二层级;在上述二者的基础上,进入深邃无际的哲性思维空间,是为第三层级。与小说文本结构相对应,中国古典小说有局部意境与整体意境两种表现形式。局部意境分为孤立存在的局部意境与互相关联的局部意境两种形式,其中后者又可分为非整体意境中的局部意境与整体意境中的局部意境两种。局部意境通过叠加深化与逆向生发两种方式形成整体意境。整体意境可以分为内隐外显双向生发型、内隐外朴单向生发型两种类型。与中国古代小说的发展历程相一致,其表现形式也表现为从简单到复杂的动态过程。结合中国古代小说的文体要素进行考察,其意境类型可以分为叙事意境、艺术形象意境与环境意境三种类型。本文立足中国古典小说的实际表现,采用从文化原点出发、文本研究与理论观照相结合、历史与逻辑相结合的方法,以文学、哲学、美学多维融合视角,对中国古典小说意境进行了整体与深度阐释。客观而言,不但实现了多处局部创新,而且有益于中国古典小说意境研究的深入发展。

【Abstract】 In the scope of the study of ancient Chinese novels, the research about Yijing always shows a weak trend, mainly reflect in which researchers lack of attention, single object of study and less research. So, it was unable to achieve a comprehensive and in-depth research constructure. This article aims to departure from my understanding about Yijing, reflect many classical novels with Yijing features, by the research about the formation reason of Yijing of the Chinese classical novels, Yijing development process and performance, Yijing creation of the generation and expression patterns, achieve the comprehensive reflection and depth interpretation of Chinese classical novel’s Yijing.This article consists of six parts.The "Introduction" introduces the research history and present situation of the Chinese classical novel Yijing, explain the essence of the topics which is established and research programs.The first chapter "On the Yijing and Chinese classical novel’s Yijing" conduct basic definition and depth interpretation about Yijing theory and Chinese classical novel’s Yijing from five respects:semantic definition of Yijing, the source of meaning and the essence of Yijing, generation process and trigger in the form of Yijing, the characteristics and criteria of Yijing and definition about Chinese classical novel’s Yijing.First, this article achieve the initial definition about the Yijing’s connotation by the research of the Meaning and Border’s semantics rheology and combining the combination of reflection of relation of the Meaning and Border that is the Yijing is the aesthetic psychological schema which generate from the organic blend of the two-way germinal movement process of the subjective inner world of people and the external object world in the human existence time and space. In the second place, this article explore the Meaning’s origin and achieve the philosophical interpretations about Yijing starting from the doctrine of the pre-Qin profound interpretation about the hunman existence:that is the Yijing is a psychological schema which ultimate pursuit is "humanitarian one" which is generate from the contrast tension of the really cruel existing state and the ideal existing state and their two-way movement. On this basis, article achieves the interpretation about the build process and trigger form of Yijing startingfrom the life pratice and art pratice. Again, article achieves the objective reflection about the characteristics and criteria of Yijing combining the actual performance of various art forms and Yijing. Finally, article conduct the distinctive interpretation about Chinese classical novel’s Yijing by the comparation of Chinese classical novel and Chinese classical poem and Chinese classical prose.Chapter II "On the contuibuting factors of Chinese classical novel’s Yijing" execute depth interpretation about the occurance motivative reason of the Chinese classic novels’Yijing from three respects such as from the evolution way of novel formation and the rich of the author’s meaning, the increasingly lucrative of novel’s complication and from the intergration and steadily improvement of poem nature based on the actual situation of Chinese classical novel’s stylistic development.In ancient China, the novel was not a pure literary style but a complex cultural learning areas. For the subjective angle, early novels which generate via the collect and record ways most did not have the literary because of the editors’thin subjective meaning and practical purpose. It is the same reflection later. But, the promising creative ways which generated later based on the collection and record way provided the necessary prerequisite for the occurrence of novel conception because of increasing subjective meaning of the novelist. For the objective performance of novel, most early novels had not prefound meaning. With the change of creation style and conception of novel, the creative purpose and content performance began to change:far from practical aims and increasingly tended to delightful, life experience and profound truth tended to strong. It provided another necessary condition for the formantion of the quality of the Chinese classical novel. Under the influence of these two factors, the poetry nature of Chinese ancient novel became increasingly richer. It had three performance: first, the intervetion and grow of the poetic thinking;secondly, the poetic expression skills from single to diversity;thirdly, the use and mature of poetic language. It provided full condition for the Yijing quality’s formation of Chinese ancient novel. So, Chinese ancient classical novel opended up a purely literary expression development path due to the combined effect of these three factors within the context of the broader cultural studies and provided a necessary and sufficient condition for the formation of the quality of Chinese classical novel’s Yijing.ChaperⅢ"On the occurrence and development about Chinese classical novel’s Yijing" describe the occurrence and development process of Chinese classical novel’s Yijing and their performance and characteristics at different times from the ancient Chinese novel writing and the actual performance.Novels of pre-Qin survived in the world less, and most of them lack a distinctive literary. But, individual novel had begun to appear preliminary poetic description of environment, rich fantasy space position description, verse and emotinal inplications of composition. Although the Yijing had not yet formed, it breed factors for the occurrence for the Chinese classical novels’Yijing.Most novels of Qin and Han had not Yijing feature, failed to appeare more fully Yijing quality, but, they were prepared early categories development for later novel Yijing’s gerimination.In Weijin Dynasty, under the influence of "far from practical use and near to entertaintment" and "in order to delightful", the novel’s literary quality became apparent. Its performance was concerned, novel’s Yijing demonstrated the simplicity and latent characteristics because of the short length and the use of point type and single-line-type form of expression. From Tang Dynasty, novel Yijing officially entered the development. Since the full development of poetic thinking, classical novel’s Yijng of Tang and Song begun to consciously in create awareness, poetic thinking tended to clear, Yijing quality tended to be rich, Yijing structure techniques tended to more complicated and appeard of the double-track-type, circumference radiation Yijing manifestations. Talking novels of Song and Yuan could be ignited the profound life experience in the extraordinary language style. So, they provided many art experience for the full progress of the future Chinese classical novel’s Yijing. In Ming and Qing Dynasty, under the influence of many factors such as the prosperity of novel creation and the Yijing structure thinking also fully mature, so novel Yijing begun into highly prosperous period. Novelist skilled used "Send xing yu xiang", highly complex poetic language, expression of Ring-type form, paint, sound, etc diversification ways, achieved mangy diversification such as novel Yijing form, level and style. So, novel Yijing feature of Ming and Qing Dynasty showed a distinctive characteristic of high degree development.ChapterⅣ"On the creation and generation about Chinese classical novel’s Yijing" execute the depth explain from three respects such as creating style, creating idea and ultimate pursuit in the horizontal level based on the actual performance of Chinese classical novels.Chinese classical novel Yijing achieved the combination of simple and shigetomi create way and showed a strong mathematical characteristic by four ways such as "Generate from one pole", "Diode co-construction", "Form by three", "Multidimensional symbiotic". Combined the actual performance of novel and writer’s creation thinking, we can highlight the philosophy of the Chinese classical novel conception of creation, that is circular thinking and dynamic balance, the myth of prime and symbolic thinking, tragic consciousness and motif writing. Under the guidance of three creation concept, Chinese classical novel Yijing could be achieved by four creation style. More than that, writers also constructed Yijing by the pursuit to the fusion of human with nature, henry, dominate of ultimate. So, they showed the distinctive pursuit of "Human fuse with heaven".Chapter V "On the expression patterns about Chinese classical novel’s Yijing" execute an objective analysis about the level, form and type based on the actual performance of the Chinese classical novel Yijing.The level of Chinese classical novel’s Yijing firstly express as the realistic life and world picture which depicted in the text; the second level is the vivid aesthetic psychological schema though reader’s reading; on the basis of the above two, readers come into the deep and boundless philosophy thinking space, that is the third level. Corresponding to the novel structure of text, Chinese classical novels have local and overall Yijing style. The-local Yijing can be divided into interralated local Yijing and isolated local Yijng, the latter can be divided into local Yijing in the overall Yijing and non-overall Yijing. The local Yijing can composite overall Yijing by two ways such as superposition deepening and adverse growth. The overall Yijing has two style, that is implicit and explicit two-way hair, implicit outside the Parking hair. Consistent with the course of development of the Chinese classical novel, its manifestations also appear dynamic process which from simple to complex. Combined with the stylist element of Chinese classical novels to inspect, its types can be divided into the narrative Yijing, artistic image Yijing and enviroment Yijing. This article execute a overall deep interpretation about Chinese classical novel based on its actual performance and by using three ways such as depart from the culture origion, combined text research and theoretical reflection and combined method of history and logic and by multidimension intergration perspective such as literature, philosophy and aesthetic. Objectively to say, this article not only achieve many local innovation, but contribute to the in-depth development of Chinese classical novel research.


