

Coordinated Development of Economy and Environment and Local Government Behavior

【作者】 秦绪娜

【导师】 高力克;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 随着工业化和城市化进程的不断推进,我国大多数地区面临着发展经济与保护环境的双重压力,压力之下如何促进二者的协调发展,成为地方政府面临的重大课题。因此,对经济环境协调发展与地方政府行为进行研究,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文以山东省目照市(地级市)为个案,运用一般政府行为理论、公共选择理论和可持续发展理论等理论,对经济增长与环境保护方面的政府行为取向进行纵横双向分析。首先,纵向分析改革开放以来日照市政府在经济增长与环境保护方面的行为取向。研究发现,日照市政府行为取向呈现出明显的阶段性特征。1978年到1988年的日照县时期,县政府重经济轻环境;1989年到1998年的建市十年间,市政府重经济兼顾环境;1999年至今,市政府力促经济与环境协调发展。其次,横向分析了1999年以来日照市政府在经济增长与环境保护方面的行为取向。研究发现,1999年以来日照市政府在发展经济与保护环境的双重压力下,一方面依托于当地良好的生态环境,积极发展循环经济,致力于打造生态城市,经济增长与环境保护实现了相对协调,但另一方面,作为处于工业化初期的沿海欠发达地区,日照市政府的发展战略仍未脱离重化工业的老路,通过引进一些重化工业大项目发展地方经济,导致某些环境指标恶化,产生了保护环境与发展经济各行其道的两张皮现象。地方政府上述行为背后的动因何在?本文试从内外因两个层面进行剖析。在影响地方政府行为的诸多因素中,最根本因素是地方政府的利益权衡与取舍,这是内因。现实中,经济发展与地方政府利益的高度相关性,极大地调动了地方政府发展经济的主动性和积极性,形成了其主导地区经济发展的持久动力。由GDP为核心的干部晋升考核机制、财政分权体制及监督制约机制构成的制度导向因素、同级政府间的竞争因素和辖区内微观主体的制约因素共同构成了地方政府行为的外部条件,它们作为客观环境因素激励和约束着地方政府行为的范围和边界。上述内外双重因素共同决定了特定时空下地方政府行为的基本取向:经济发展优先于环境保护。通过地方政府行为影响因素的剖析,本文认为规范地方政府行为,力促经济与环境协调发展,最关键的是要有完善的制度安排,并将制度的激励性与约束性有机结合起来,确立正确的地方政府利益导向机制,以优化地方政府行为。具体制度安排包括:一是完善干部晋升考核体制,做到考核体系由经济指标为主向公共服务指标为主转变,由对上负责为主向对下负责为主转变;二是改革现行财政分权体制,对中央与地方的财权和事权作出合理划分和配置;三是构建经济与环境综合决策机制,促进经济与环境相关部门由分割封闭式管理模式向综合协调管理模式转变;四是充分调动社会各种力量,以形成经济与环境协调发展的多元参与机制。

【Abstract】 As industrialization and urbanization progresses, most of areas in our country are facing pressures of economic development and environmental protection. How to promote the coordinated development of economy and environment has become a major issue facing local governments. Therefore, it is theoretically and practically significant to study the coordinated development of economy and environment and local government behavior.Taking the Rizhao City of Shandong Province for case study, this dissertation gives a two-way analysis of government behavior in economic development and environmental protection, based on the Theory of Government Behavior, Public Choice Theory, and Sustainable Development Theory. It begins with a vertical analysis of government behavior of Rizhao Municipal Government in economic development and environmental protection since the beginning of reform and opening-up, and the results suggest clear phrase characteristics. The focus of Rizhao County from1978to1988was economy rather than environment; from1989(when the city was founded) to1998the municipal government stressed economic development while taking into account the environment; whereas since1999special efforts have been made to promote the coordinated development of economy and environment.Secondly, a horizontal analysis is given of behaviors of Rizhao municipal government in economic development and environment protection since1999. Results show that since1999the government has spared no effort in developing cyclic economy to build an eco-city relying on its sound ecological environment, which contributed to the relative coordination of economic growth and environmental protection. However, as an underdeveloped coastal city, Rizhao has not yet given up its conventional emphasis on heavy chemical industry in making development strategies, and some environmental indicators have worsened owing to the introduction of some heavy chemical industry projects to develop its local economy, which leads to the discrepancy between environmental protection and economic development.What is behind the above-mentioned behavior of the local government? Both internal and external causes are analyzed in the dissertation. Among the factors that affect local government behavior, the internal one, and also the fundamental one, is the trade-off between cost and benefit. In reality, the high correlation between economic growth and benefit of the local government has greatly stimulated the initiative and enthusiasm of the government in developing economy, and has become a lasting motivation for local economic development. System-oriented factors involving the assessment mechanism for promotion of cadres with GDP as the core criterion, the system of fiscal decentralization, and supervision and control mechanism constitute the external factors, stimulating and restraining the local government behavior as the objective environment. Both external and internal factors work in combination to determine the behaviors of local government at a specific time and space. The combined effect of external and internal factors generally results in the local government more inclined to develop its local economy.Based on an analysis of the factors affecting local government behavior, the dissertation suggests that the key to standardizing local government behavior and promoting coordinated development of economy and environment is to improve system arrangements and combine the incentive and restriction of systems, so that a sound interest-oriented mechanism could be established to improve local government behavior. Specifically system arrangements involve the following:first, the assessment mechanism for promotion of cadres should be improved, with public service replacing economic indicators as the main criterion, and more emphasis laid on responsibility to people rather than responsibility to higher authorities; second, the existing system of fiscal decentralization need to be reformed to make rational division between central and local administrative power and financial authority; third, an integrated decision-making mechanism on economy and environment protection should be constructed to convert management system of authorities concerned with economy and environment from enclosed management to integrated and coordinative management system; fourth, it is necessary to bring into full play all social forces to form a multi-side participation mechanism for coordinated development of economy and environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D625;F127
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1567
  • 攻读期成果

