

Study on the Development of Engineering Practice Competence Based on Industrial Needs

【作者】 余晓

【导师】 王沛民; 孔寒冰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 人口特征变化、全球化和技术快速变革的强大力量,驱使工程在社会中的作用发生了深刻变化,工程实践的重要性也日益突出。实践性是工程的本质属性,也是工程教育从传统“科学范式”向现代“工程范式”转变的核心议题。但是,由于没有厘清工程理论和工程实践的主次、先后关系,不区分科学教育与专业教育的内在差异,未明确工程实践能力的具体内涵,以至于出现了当前工程实践教育中‘重理论、轻实践”,“只知坐而论道、不懂起而践行”的普遍现象,工程教育质量正经受着严峻考验。本研究重点围绕“如何提升工程师工程实践能力”这一基本问题展开,力图全面分析工程实践培养的内涵及如何进行工程实践能力培养两大重要议题。具体而言,论文逐层深入研究以下几个问题:(1)在工程师能力形成的不同阶段,工程实践能力培养的最佳模式有哪些?(2)在知识经济背景下,面对信息技术和网络技术的飞速发展,工程师应具备怎样的工程实践能力框架?理工科院校的工程实践培养与产业界对工程师实践能力的要求之间的契合程度如何?(3)工程师实践能力的主要形成阶段及不同阶段对能力形成的相对重要性是怎么样的?(4)从管理层面考虑,如何设计与构建提升工程师实践能力的政策体系。基于上述问题,本研究通过理论演绎、案例研究、内容分析、问卷调研、数据分析等方法,开展了一系列理论探讨和实证研究。本研究获得的几个较有新意的主要结论如下:首先,工程人才的能力形成是一个动态、跨界和长期的过程。研究基于工程师能力形成的阶段,在全面分析工程实践所面临的新的场景之上,从大学、产业和社会机构的视角分析、总结和归纳三者开展工程实践的最佳模式。从大学角度,提出了产业导向的工程学位建设模式、工程训练平台模式;从产业角度提出了公司大学模式、实践社区模式;从社会机构角度提出了依托职业认证模式及产业与社会机构联合模式。这些模式构筑了工程人才实践能力形成从大学教育到工程训练直至专业实践的过程体系。其次,工程实践能力的内涵与当时情境之下的经济环境、技术水平和生产力条件有着密切的关系。在新的历史条件和背景之下,工程实践能力的内涵也发生了巨大变化。论文根据针对366位企业技术管理者的调研数据分析结果,将工程实践能力区分为工程设计能力、工程应用能力、工程操作能力、工程商务能力和工程沟通能力五个维度,并明确了每一维度的具体内容。随之,通过已经获得的实践能力框架并结合对工科专业教师的调研进行分析,结果显示,相对企业需求,理工科院校对工程实践能力培养的认识存在显著差异,契合程度在80%左右。其中,工程设计能力和工程沟通能力的契合程度较高,而工程商务能力和工程操作能力的契合程度较低。再次,工程师实践能力的形成过程中,高校、产业和社会机构均对其起到了显著的正向影响作用。研究通过对企业34位近3年新进工程师的深度访谈,运用内容分析方法对访谈资料进行编码,结果发现:高校和产业对工程师实践能力的形成产生了重要影响,社会机构和个人因素的影响相对较弱。在此基础上,利用内容分析的结果,设计问卷,运用多元回归方法,对231份有效问卷分析后,进一步验证了上述结论;但是回归结论显示,个人因素在工程师的实践能力形成中没有直接的显著作用。对于不同的工程实践能力维度,大学和产业对于工程设计能力、工程应用能力、工程操作能力和工程商务能力的形成均具有正向影响,其中社会机构还对工程沟通能力产生正向影响,但是工程商务能力的培养主要依赖于社会机构的培训和个人自身素质,大学的作用并不明显。最后,在上述讨论基础上,研究对每一个关键因子进行内外部环境及发展现状的扫描,并基于此,从管理研究的视角提出了提升工程师实践能力的战略规划,设计了相应的行动计划,并从资源配置机制和评价机制等角度探讨制度保障,构建了新时期工程师实践能力的提升机制。本论文的贡献主要体现在:(1)面向产业需求,研究高校对工程实践能力的认识与企业需求的契合度,并借助政策工具强化管理手段是本文的新视角;(2)在新的工程实践场景之下,建构符合中国情境的工程实践能力框架是本文的新思路;(3)从工程人才能力形成的过程阶段,研究和识别工程实践能力的关键因素是本文的新内容。

【Abstract】 Driven by powerful forces included population characteristics, globalization and the rapid development of technology revolution, the function of engineering has undergone profound changes in society and the importance of engineering practice becomes increasingly outstanding. As the essential attribute of engineering, practice is the key issue of the engineering education transform from traditional "science paradigm" to modern "engineering paradigm". But, as a result of the failure in the field of engineering education to clarify the relationship between engineering theory and engineering practice, to distinguish the internal differences between scientific education and professional education and define the concrete connotation of the engineering practice competence, the condition of "valuing theory while despising practice" and "staying talking of theory but never knowing getting down to practice" are very common in the field of engineering practice which in turn put the quality of engineering education under rigorous tests.Therefore, this research will focus on the basic problem of "how to develop engineer’s practice competence" and attempt to analyze the two themes of the engineering practice connotation as well as engineering practice competence buliding deeply and comprehensively. To be specific, the thesis intends to solve the following questions step by step.(1)What is the best model of developing engineering practice competence in different periods of the formation of engineer’s competence?(2)Under the background of knowledge-based economy, information technology and network technology have achieved rapid development. What engineering practice competence framework should engineer possess? How does the requirement of industry for engineers’practice competence correspond to the training of engineering talents in colleges of science and engineering? Whether there are significant differences between them?(3)How important does the dominant formation period as well as different periods of engineers’practice competence mean to the formation of competence?(4)How to design and establish the policy mechanism in which engineers’ practice competence can be advanced from the viewpoint of management? Bringing the questions mentioned above, the thesis carries out a series of investigations from the view of theory and positivism through ways of theoretical derivation, case study, content analysis, questionnaire research and data analysis and so on.The main conclusions of originality concluded from the study are as follows:To begin with, the formation of engineering talent’s competence is a dynamic, cross-boundary and long-standing process. Based on the period of engineer formation, after analyzing comprehensively the new environment engineering practice is facing, the study, from the perspective of college, industry and society training institution, analyzes, summarizes and concludes their best pattern in launching engineering practice. From the viewpoint of college, the study puts forward the industry-oriented engineering degree building pattern and engineering training platform pattern; From the industry’s point of view, the corporate university pattern and the community of practice pattern; As to the society training institution,Occupational accreditation-supported pattern and combination pattern of industry and society institution. These patterns construct the entire process of the formation of engineering talent’s practice competence ranging from college education to engineering training until the professional practice.Moreover, the connotation of engineering practice competence has close relations with the economy environment, technology standard and the productivity condition in the situation of that time. Under the new history condition and background, the connotation has undergone great change. After analyzing the research data of366enterprise technology managers, the thesis generalizes the engineering practice capability into the following five dimensions according to the analysis result: Engineering design competence, Engineering application competence, Engineering operation competence, Engineering business competence and Engineering communication competence. It also specifies the specific content of every dimension. And then, through the framework which has gained practice competence and investigating the teachers of engineering major, the results show that as to company’s requirement, college of science and technology has obvious difference with companies on the knowledge of developing engineering practice competence with an correspondence degree of about80%; Among the result, the engineering design competence and the engineering communication competence have a high correspondence degree while the engineering business competence and engineering operation competence have a lower one. The results illustrate that higher engineering education should attach great importance to engineering practice.Thirdly, college, industry and society institution all have an obvious positive effect on the formation process of engineer’s practice competence. By interviewing34engineers who joined the company in three years and coding the interview data through means of content analysis, the results find that college and industry exert important influence on the formation while society training institution and individual factors have relatively weak effect on it. Based on this finding, taking advantage of the results of content analysis to design questionnaire and after analyzing231effective questionnaires through means of multiple regression, the study further proved the above conclusion. However, the regression conclusion shows that individual factors have no conspicuous effect on the formation directly. Regarding different dimensions of engineering practice competence, both college and industry have positive effect on the formation of engineering design competence, Engineering application competence, Engineering operation competence and Engineering business competence. And society institution also has a positive-going bearing on engineering communication competence; but the training of engineering business competence rests mainly on the training of society institution and individual’s own quality while college only produces definitive effects among the training.Finally, on the basis of the above discussion, the study scans the external and internal environment as well as development situation of every key-factor and puts forward the strategic planning to enhance Engineer’s practice competence from the viewpoint of management research. It also designs action plan accordingly and investigates the plan’s institutional protection from the point of resource allocation mechanism and evaluation mechanism and so on, in order to establish the enhancement mechanism of engineer’s practice competence in a new period.The contributions of the thesis mainly lie on the following items.(1)From the point of industry requirement, studying how college’s understanding of engineering practice competence corresponds to company’s requirement and strengthening management means with policy tools is the thesis’s new visual angle.(2)As a new idea, in the new engineering practice scene, the thesis has established the engineering practice competence framework in accordance with the Chinese situation.(3)In addition, some new contents appear in the formation period of engineering talent’s competence by studying and distinguishing the critical factors of engineering practice competence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TB-4;G642
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1626
  • 攻读期成果

