

Research on Consumer Value Creation Mechanism of Mobile Commerce

【作者】 章小初

【导师】 吴晓波;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我们正迎来一个互联网、移动通信技术和电子商务相互融合的、富于创造性的发展阶段。移动商务正日益改变人们的工作和生活,使商务模式和客户价值创造模式发生了巨大的转变,也为企业提供了前所未有的战略机遇。本文借鉴已有理论研究,围绕“移动商务的客户价值创造机制”这一基本问题,深入讨论移动商务的价值主张是什么?如何创造客户价值?如何带来客户忠诚?等三个子问题。本研究通过定性分析与定量分析结合的方法,综合运用文献研究、案例研究、大样本统计研究等多种研究方法,以及SPSS、LIESREL和STATA等数理统计工具,逐层深入地展开三个子研究:子研究一:移动商务的价值主张研究。在文献研究基础上,通过对24个B2C移动商务应用案例的因果性案例研究,对57名移动商务使用者的访谈和观察,指出移动商务价值主张的内涵,提出移动商务价值主张变量测度模型,并通过87份前测问卷的探索性因子分析和902份最终问卷的测量方程检验,对测度模型进行实证验证。子研究二:移动商务的价值主张与客户价值之间的作用机制。通过探索性多案例研究,构建移动商务价值主张对客户价值影响作用的概念模型,通过902份大样本调查问卷多元统计回归等方法进行实证检验,同时对不同类型的B2C移动商务服务应用进行分类分析验证。子研究三:移动商务客户忠诚模型研究。通过厘清B2C移动商务客户价值、客户信任、客户满意和客户忠诚之间的内在联系,推导出移动商务客户忠诚模型并通过902份问卷的结构方程模型实证验证。进一步辨析个人创新性和移动商务涉入程度在其中的调节作用。通过全文的论证分析,形成了以下主要研究结论:1、移动商务价值主张内涵由四个方面构成:泛在性、方便性、个体性和位置性。泛在性是移动通信网络的泛在(随时随地)所产生的价值,主要表现为任何地点收发信息处理事务;任何时间收发信息处理事务;利用碎片和空闲时间。方便性是移动终端的方便(便捷)所带来的价值,主要表现在快捷接入服务;移动终端随手可得;移动终端操作方便。个体性是移动终端所有者个体性(归属个体)所带来的价值,主要表现在系统自动识别个体;提供个性化信息和服务;个人终端的安全性保障。位置性是基于位置的服务所产生的价值,主要表现在根据所在位置提供信息和服务;无须主动提供位置和路径;可以获得他人或物的位置和路径。2、移动商务价值主张影响客户价值,且影响显著。本研究将B2C移动商务客户价值分为感知收益(功能价值、情感价值、社会价值)和感知付出(货币付出、时间精力付出、精神付出)。研究证明,B2C移动商务价值主张显著影响客户价值。移动商务的价值主张(个体性和位置性更强)会显著地影响客户的感知收益;移动商务的价值主张也显著地影响客户的感知付出(对货币付出和时间精力付出更强)。同时,针对不同类型的B2C移动商务的影响机制在统计概念上无显著差异。3、移动商务客户价值直接影响并通过客户满意和客户信任影响客户忠诚。研究证明,移动商务客户价值感知收益直接影响客户忠诚,客户价值通过客户信任产生客户忠诚,客户价值通过客户满意影响客户信任并产生客户忠诚。同时,使用者的个人创新性和移动商务涉入程度在上述客户忠诚影响机制中产生调节作用。本研究构建了面向B2C移动商务的客户价值创造理论体系,其主要理论贡献包括如下几个方面:1、本研究剖析了移动商务价值主张内涵构成,并获得了包含了12个题项的移动商务价值主张测度量表,使移动商务价值主张的研究从理论分析进入到实践操作,揭示了移动商务价值主张的本质含义。2、本研究通过实证研究,验证了移动商务价值主张对客户价值的影响作用,完善了移动商务价值主张创造客户价值的理论构建,阐明了移动商务价值主张是客户价值的源泉,从而使企业通过移动商务创造客户价值并实现自身的商业价值。3、本研究将传统经济和电子商务领域的客户忠诚模型应用于移动商务情境获得了移动商务客户忠诚模型:移动商务客户价值感知收益直接作用客户忠诚,同时通过客户满意和客户信任影响客户忠诚。从而揭示了移动商务客户忠诚模型的特征,统一了之前在电子商务和移动通信服务客户忠诚模型研究中关于客户满意是否对客户忠诚起中介作用的分岐。本研究对移动商务客户价值创造机制进行了层层深入的实证研究,揭示了移动商务的价值主张如何创造客户价值并带来客户忠诚这一核心问题,这是移动商务价值创造研究在B2C移动商务视角中的进一步延伸和完善,架起了移动商务、价值创造、客户价值、客户忠诚理论之间的联系桥梁,并对移动商务背景下的价值创造、商务模式等理论体系进行补充和扩展,从而为企业有效实施移动商务策略提供支持与指导,因此具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 We are ushering a new and creative development stage with the combination of Internet, mobile communication technology and e-commerce. Mobile commerce is changing the way of people’s work and life, which leads to a huge change of business model and customer value creation model and also provides an unprecedented strategic opportunity for enterprises. Based on the existing theoretical research, this thesis focuses on customer value creation mechanism of mobile commerce. Specifically, this thesis explores three sub-research questions:(1) What is the value proposition of mobile commerce? (2) How to create customer value? (3) How to develop customer loyalty?This research explores three sub-researches by synthetically applying qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and using variety research methods (e.g. literature research, case study, large sample statistical research) and mathematical statistic tools (e.g. SPSS, LIESREL and STATA):Sub-research one:research on value proposition of mobile commerce. Based on the literature review, causal case study of 24 cases of B2C mobile commerce application and interview as well as observation of 57 users of mobile commerce, this research proposes the measure model of value proposition of mobile commerce which is empirically tested by exploratory factor analysis of 87 pre-test questionnaires and measurement equation test of 902 final questionnaires.Sub-research two:how value proposition of mobile commerce affects customer value. By conducting exploring multi-case study, this research constructs the conceptual model in which value proposition of mobile commerce is independent variable and customer value is dependent variable.And the model is empirically tested by multivariate statistical regression of 902 questionnaires. This research also classifies different kinds of B2C mobile commerce applications into varied categories including information and media, social and entertainment, transaction and identification. The conceptual model is also empirically tested at the context of above three types of mobile commerce applications.Sub-research three:research on customer loyalty model of mobile commerce. By analyzing the inner relationship of customer value, customer trust, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, this sub-research constructs conceptual model of customer loyalty of mobile commerce, which is empirically tested by structural model equation based on 902 questionnaires. This research also tests the moderate role of individual innovation and involvement of mobile commerce.Through the above three sub-researches, the following conclusions can be reached.(1) The essence of mobile commerce value proposition includes ubiquity, convenience, individuality and location.Ubiquity is the value generated by the pervasiveness (anywhere and anytime) of mobile communication network, mainly by sending and receiving information at any location and any time, fully using fragmented and leisure time.Convenience is the value generated by the ease of use of mobile terminal, mainly because services is quick to access; mobile devices are readily available; and mobile terminal is easy to operate. Maily because of quick access to services, readily available mobile devices and easily operated mobile terminal.)Individuality is the value generated by personalization of mobile terminal owner (belong to individual), mainly by automatically identifying individual; providing personalized information and services; the security guarantee for personal terminal.Location is the value generated by service based on flexible position, mainly by providing information and service based on location; without the initiative to provide the location and path; the access to other people’s or objects’location and path.(2) Value proposition of mobile commerce significantly influences customer value.This research divides customer value of B2C mobile commerce into perceived benefits (functional value, emotional value, social value) and perceived sacrifices (monetary sacrifice, time and effort sacrifice, psychology sacrifice). The result shows that value proposition of B2C mobile commerce significantly influences customer value and customer’s perceived benefits, while individuality and location have more significant impact on perceived benefits. Value proposition of mobile commerce also significantly influences customer’s perceived sacrifices, whilemonetary sacrifice and time and effort sacrifice have more significant effect. There is no significant statistic difference when this model is applied to different types of B2C mobile commerce.(3) Customer value of mobile commerce has direct influence and indirect influence by customer satisfaction and customer trust to customer loyalty.Customer value of mobile commerce has both direct and indirect influence on customer loyalty and the indirect influence works through customer satisfaction and customer trust.The empirical result testifies that customer value has direct influence on customer loyalty and indirect influence by customer trust to customer loyalty. Besides, customer value influences customer satisfaction by customer trust and creates customer loyalty. Individual innovation and involvement play mediate role in the above customer loyalty mechanism.The empirical result testifies that customer value not only has a direct influence on customer loyalty, but also effects customer satisfaction and customer turst, thus produces an indirect impact on customer loyalty.The findings of this research deepen our understanding of customer value creation mechanism of B2C mobile commerce. Specifically, this research has the following several contributions:(1) This research analyzes the connotation of value proposition of mobile commerce by causal case study and develops the measure scale (12 items) of value proposition based on large sample empirical research, which makes the analysis of value proposition switch from theoretical analysis to practical operation and reveals the essential meaning of the value proposition of mobile commerce.(2) By conducting exploring multi-case study, this research constructs the theoretical model of how value proposition creates customer value, which is testified by empirical research.(3) This research empirically tests the customer loyalty model of traditional economy and electronic commerce in the context of mobile commerce using large sample structural equation model, and develops customer loyalty model of mobile commerce. This thesis reveals the characteristics of customer loyalty model of mobile commerce, which means that perceived sacrifices have direct influence on customer loyalty, customer value influences customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, while customer trust influences customer loyaltyand customer loyalty has indirect influence on customer loyalty with customer trust playing the mediate role.This research conducts in-depth empirical research of customer value creation mechanism of mobile commerce, and analyzes the core research question of how value proposition creates customer value and generates customer loyalty, which is a further extension and improvement of value creation research based on the view of B2C mobile commerce. These finds have important theoretical and practical significance, providing guidance for effective mobile commerce strategy implementation,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】F626;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1759
  • 攻读期成果

