

On Aesthetic Wisdom of Lu Xiangshan’s Philosophical System

【作者】 王煦

【导师】 潘立勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 美学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 从历史的和逻辑的双重维度来考察象山心学以儒学为主干,对释、道思想的兼综,对孟学的继承与发展。本文选择象山心学的美学智慧作为考察的切入点,考证象山心学美学智慧形成的历史背景与理论背景。以“本心”与美学本体、“发明本心”与审美工夫、“本心”与审美境界作为研究的视角,较清晰地展现象山心学的美学智慧。性理或心性之学既是中国哲学的理论核心,也是传统儒学尤为宋明理学的重要内容。因此,宋明理学作为一种主流文化形态表现了性理化趋势,即以“性理”为本体,以涵养、磨练心体为工夫的理论求索。这种主流文化注重的不是物质世界及其规律性,而是人的存在、意义和价值,以及必须超越有限的自我而实现“大我”或“真我”,终极目标为人生境界。一个有着最高人生境界即审美境界的人,势必追求审美人生—诗意的人生、创造的人生、爱的人生。有这种人生境界的人,其心灵超越了个体生命的有限存在与意义,得到一种自由和解放,回归了自己的精神家园,进而确证其存在。这种主流文化的特有旨趣是关注生命,生命在心上闪光,性理是存在之本体,体认与滋育是澄莹的工夫。象山的性理思想主要源于孟氏之学并有发展,在对孟学做了哲学整合的基础上,从“心”处承接孟学向下说,提出“心即理”的命题,其理论贡献是将“理”这一本体概念范畴置于孟子的“心”论。它通过“心即理”这一命题的转换,将自己哲学体系的基点确立于“心”而非“理”上。此“心”称为先验的道德本体,进而建立了其本体概念即“本心”。象山完成了本体论的建构,就为其工夫论确立了哲学的基点。“本心”这一超验本体的建立,就直接包含、规定了道德实践的途径和方法。象山的工夫论是环绕“发明本心”而展开的,即在“心”上做工夫。这就是“心”包摄“物”、以“本心”为本的本体论和工夫论。本文具体地分析了象山心学美学的本体与工夫理论。象山以“本心”为本体,以“发明本心”为道德实践功夫。此两项乃象山心学的根本命题。象山的本体论哲学完全是从心理经验的自我提升而来,从道德本能上升而成,故此,其本体论和性理论完全合一,更具道德本体论之特质。象山的本体工夫论特点系体用合一,本体就是工夫,二者本不可分,本体的先天设定是工夫的出发点和前提,工夫为本体现实性品格之显现。“本心”作为吾心先验的道德本体,“发明本心”是后天证成之工夫,它表现着本体与工夫的同一性,结构的和合性。此本体工夫论,无先天的完全和已成的处于相对的情况,所有的皆在具体的境界里活力呈现。这种理论宗旨同样浸润于心学美学,其本身就具有生机勃勃的美学精神。本文重点分析了象山心学美学智慧,即美学本体、审美工夫和审美境界所凸显的心学美学智慧。这智慧正如象山所言:“我无事时,只似一个全无知无能底人。及事至,方出来,又却似个无所不知、无所不能之人。”这是象山以其证验后的本体“本心”为核心之展现。在象山处,吾心自己跟自己“对置”,如同“镜中观花”,“明镜”(“吾心”)变异为“花”(“万物”),“花”(“万物”)通过“明镜”(“吾心”)而显现出来。美的本体即“本心”,“本心”的显现就是美;审美乃对“本心”之美的体认,“本心”之美也在体认中澄莹,其一切皆在人生社会日常事为活动中“落座”,以人生境界为目的。其理论旨意和最高理想追求,即要完成高度的艺术人生,在精神上获得一大解脱;要进入“圣贤乐地”,在精神上获得最大满足与最大享受,即“大自在”的快乐、“与天地合其德”的快乐、“大世界的快乐”。由此显见,象山心学美学的逻辑结构应是本体—功夫—境界。

【Abstract】 Total study on Lu Xiangshan’s philosophical system digesting theoretical thought of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism and his inner breakthrough in Menciusm is developed from both historical and logical sides. My paper chooses aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical system as the study of the breakthrough point. Looking into the historical background and theoretica background of aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical system.Taking "Original-heart" for aesthetic original substance, "Self-discipline" for aesthetic effort,"Original-heart" and aesthetic ideal state for Content and Form as a study perspective. More clearly showing aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical system. Chinese culture embodies much of warm humanity, Showing its distinctive features,which can be summarized as follows: Mind and nature for original substance, Cultivation of heart and soul for effort. Human body and human heart and soul, the latter is the focus of inquiry. Its ultimate goal is to attain the aesthetic life state. A person, attaining such a state, is abound to pursue the aesthetic life, poetic life,creative life and love life. A person, attaining such a state, surpasses finite existence and meaning of individual life, gains a kind of freedom and liberation,returns to his spiritual homeland. The main purpose of this culture concerns about life.Xiangshan’s thought of mind and nature mainly originates from and develops Mencius. On the basics of philosophically integrating into Mencius, Xiangshan puts forward the proposition "the Heart is just the Principle". His Contribution to theory is to put the original substance concept "Principle" in Mencius’propositions of mind and nature. Through the conversion of the proposition "the Heart is just the Principle", his philosophy system is established on "Heart", not on "Principle". This "Heart" is called Pre-experienced ethical original substance, And then brings up his original substance category "Original-heart". Xiangshan completes the construction of original substance, establishes the philosophical basic point of effort theory. The establishment of the pre-experienced ethical original substance-"Original-heart" contains and provides directly the ways and methods of moral practice. Xiangshan’s effort theory is developed from "Self-discipline".This paper specifically analyzes the original substance and effort theory of aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical system. Xiangshan sets "Original-heart" as original substance, "Self-discipline"as moral practice effort,these are fundamental propositions of Xiangshan’s philosophy. Xiangshan’s original substance philosophy is completed from the rising of moral instinct.So his theory of original substance is with the unity of his thought of mind and nature. Original substance is effort,both is inseparable. The congenital set of original substance is the Starting point and the premise of effort,effort shows the reality character of original substance. Xiangshan’s original substance-effort theory goes far beyond the theoretical gradation.The"this-heart"is"instant-situation"of"Original-heart". All are showed in specific situation.The theoretical aim is soaked in the aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical System. Xiangshan’s philosophical system itself has vibrant aesthetic spirit. This paper Mainly analyses aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical System.The original substance of beauty is "Original-heart",The present of "Original-heart"is beauty. The appreciation of the beautiful things is the realization of the beauty of "Original-heart".The beauty of "Original-heart"is clear through realization. Its ultimate goal is to achieve "art of life",the extreme happiness of the mind with a sense of an organic whole of the heaven and the earth. Thus, logic structure of aesthetic wisdom of Xiangshan’s philosophical system is original substance-effort-ideal state.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】B244
  • 【下载频次】265

