

Revoicing the Past Around the Mosque: An Ethnographic Study of the Multifaceted Narratives of Najiahu Village

【作者】 姜克银

【导师】 吴宗杰; Maria Jaschok;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 英语语言文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现代旅游开发伊始,纳家户村落诠释着“塞上回族文化旅游名城”的宏大意义。本文以旅游开发为背景,以“纳家户村落”为案例,探究“纳家户村落”这一文本的意义多元性。作者首先运用批判话语分析的方法,深入讨论了“塞上回族文化旅游名城”如何构成了庞大的知识体系,并使得“纳家户村落”的多元本土意义边缘化,甚至失声。其次,在这一宏大意义建构的基础上,运用谱系学的方法,不但从历史的角度分析了“塞上回族文化旅游名城”的意义霸权,而且指出了散落在民间的个体的、差异的意义碎片对于丰富“纳家户村落”文本理解的重要性。最后运用孔子的春秋笔法将四方形寨子、上寺、捏码子、八宝茶等这些充满相似性、连续性、异质性,甚至矛盾性的多元意义呈现了出来,从而让“纳家户村落”进入到一个丰富的意义世界。本研究关注了话语、表征、文本、意义含混性等重要概念,最终得出结论:“纳家户村落”文本无法用单一解释穷尽其意义。对“纳家户村落”文本的丰富理解,需要拥有一个更加开放的话语空间,以及对异文化的一种更加包容的心态,从而促进多元意义进行对话。同时,希望该研究能够对“少数民族”概念的理解以及对诸如纳家户古村落此类的旅游开发提供参考和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 This dissertation addresses the impact of tourism from a discursive perspective with reference to a case study of the text as Najiahu village. It intends to undertake an analysis of the multiple meanings of Najiahu village through the methods of critical discourse analysis and genealogy. First, the text of Famous Tourism City of Hui Culture Beyond the Frontier (FTCHCBF) is explored based on an approach of discourse analysis, which functions as the sole meaning during the tourism development in the case site of Najiahu village. Since the conceptual meaning constitutes a knowledge, which marginalizes and mutes the alternative meanings during the tourism development, a more comprehensive understanding of the discursive practice is allowed. So, with a critical discourse analysis of FTCHCBF as a premise, not only the discourse of FTCHCBF is revealed to be one of the contingencies and imagination of Najiahu village, but also the individuality and difference of the detailed muted meanings are stressed from a genealogical perspective next. Consequently, applying a writing style of chun qiu bi fa, the diverse interpretations of the text as Najiahu village such as si fang xing zhai zi, shang si, nie ma zi, ba bao cha and so on are approached as culturally shaped discursive practice, and the characteristics of similarity, continuity, hybridity and even contradiction of the text’s meanings is expounded. This study pays much attention to the conceptualizations of discourse, representation, text, and meaning ambiguity. A conclusion is drawn finally that Najiahu village is an unrepresentable space. It is hoped that in order to develop a multifaceted understanding of Najiahu village, openness for alternative meanings and a dialogue between each other should be created to encourage the tolerance of cultural differences, and this study can offer some inspirations to the tourism development in the villages like Najiahu village, and has more significant influence on it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】F592.6
  • 【下载频次】257

