

The Research on Apple Pests’ Species, Regional Distribution and the Occurrence Trend of Major Pests

【作者】 赵增锋

【导师】 曹克强;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国苹果生产中病虫害发生种类多,发生频率高,分布地域广,危害损失大,有些病虫害对生产造成了毁灭性损害。为加强病虫害科学防治,本研究进行了苹果病虫害种类和分布的全国性调查。通过两年的全国性普查,查明了当前苹果病害种类51种,白粉病、斑点落叶病、粗皮病、腐烂病、干腐病、褐斑病、褐腐病、黑星病、花叶病毒病、轮纹病、煤污病、霉心病、炭疽病、套袋果实黑点病、锈病、锈果病等16种为主要病害;其中腐烂病、斑点落叶病、轮纹病是各省市分布最广的重大病害,对苹果产业的健康发展构成威胁。与以往记载相比,调查增加了两种新病害,分别是丝核菌叶枯病和炭疽菌叶枯病,前者于2010年在河南濮阳发现,菌丝可在枝叶上蔓延,引起死枝和叶枯。后者是近两年在河南商丘、安徽的砀山、江苏丰县及山东青岛等地发现;本次调查中收录到害虫78种,增加了两种新害虫-桔小食蝇和印度小裂绵蚜,其中山楂叶螨、桃小食心虫、绣线菊蚜、苹果绵蚜、苹果小卷叶蛾、二斑叶螨等21种害虫为主要害虫,发生最普遍的害虫是叶螨类和蚜虫类,这两类害虫在管理不善的果园常造成很大危害。在鳞翅目的害虫中,除苹果蠹蛾外,多属于次要害虫,但是在不同地域和天气条件下,一些次要害虫也有造成严重危害的可能,需要引起足够重视。根据调查数据,以点代面形式绘制出主要病虫害的分布区划图。区划图表明,苹果树腐烂病在主产省份发病均较重,个别的管理水平较好的幼龄园较轻。枝干轮纹病在山东、河南、河北、辽宁和天津等省市中等以上发生,其发生范围正从渤海湾产区正向西北地区推移,应引起密切关注。黑星病在新疆、山东、山西、甘肃、辽宁、黑龙江、天津和河南均有发现,除在新疆和黑龙江造成一定危害外,其他地区发生很轻;由于该病害为欧美国家苹果上的头号病害,对该病应保持高度关注。苹果害虫发生总体相对偏轻,二斑叶螨在河南发生较重,在山东蓬莱、辽宁东港、河北清苑和甘肃甘谷县等部分县点发生偏重,在新疆部分地区有较重的危害,应引起当地的注意。山楂叶螨发生程度比二斑叶螨严重,尤其在河北中部、山西南部和河南的北部及辽宁的东部等级重,在西南冷凉产区发生也较重。桃小食心虫在河北邯郸、山西长治、河南洛阳及黑龙江、吉林的个别地域发生严重,在新疆及西南冷凉产区未发现危害。绣线菊蚜分布相对较集中,在甘肃东南部、陕西中部和河南山西交界的较广泛地带呈带状较重分布,在环渤海产区北部、中部、南部呈三点状分布,并且河北中南部发生严重。苹果蠹蛾在新疆、甘肃、宁夏等地分布,此检疫性害虫由西往东蔓延扩散,与我国苹果种植区域由东向西的扩展相交汇,应引起足够重视。应用GM(1,1)模型和一次滑动平均混合模型,根据调查获取的2000年以来各地主要病虫害历史发生程度数据,对腐烂病、枝干轮纹病、褐斑病、斑点落叶病和黑星病五种病害和山楂叶螨、苹果绵蚜两种主要虫害未来三年的发生趋势进行了预测。预测走势中苹果树腐烂病在全国范围会维持高发趋势;枝干轮纹病、斑点落叶病在全国也呈高发趋势,但能够基本保持平稳;预测褐斑病在山西、黑星病在河南将呈快速上升走势,应引起足够重视。预测害虫发生程度变化不大,山楂叶螨和苹果绵蚜预测趋重,在山西苹果绵蚜会较重发生。还预测了苹果蠹蛾随有一定的扩散蔓延,但扩散速度不大。根据苹果产业体系综合试验站每年定期提供的病虫害监测实时数据,建立了苹果病虫害防治决策系统。应用数量化理论的方法,选取影响病虫害发生发展的品种抗性、物候期、发病程度、前几天和未来几天天气状况、前期是否用药、往年发病程度等七个主要影响因子为定性变量,针对每一变量给出不同的赋值,模型运算输出防治建议,可为广大果农提供病虫害防控决策。该决策系统已经通过中国苹果病虫害防控信息网实时指导各地的果农对病虫害进行科学防控。

【Abstract】 In China, apple pests are major obstacles for apple production. In order to strengthen scientific control of plant diseases and insect pests, the research of a national survey on apple pests and distribution was conducted.Through a two-year national survey, we have identified 51 different kinds of apple diseases. Among them, apple canker, leaf spot and ring rot are the three most important diseases in vast area of China and cause much damage for apple trees and for yields. Compared with the previous record, the survey found two new diseases. They are Rhizoctonia solani causing leaf blight and Glomerella causing leaf spots. The former was found in Puyang, Henan in 2010 that spread in branches and leaves, and lead the branches and leaves to death. The latter was found in Shangqiu of Henan, Dangshan of Anhui, Fengxian of Jiangsu and Qingdao of Shandong and other places in recent two years. The survey found 78 different kinds of pests. Among them Bactrocera dorsalis and Schizoneurella indica are two new species recently found in Zhengzhou and Yunnan province respectively. 21 species of pests such as Tetranychus viennensis, Carposina niponensis, Aphis citricola, Eriosoma lanigerum, Adoxophyes orana, Tetranychus urticae and so on are the main insect pests. The most common pests are mites and aphids, The insect pests in lepidoptera, except the codling moth, belong to secondary pests. But in some regions and under specified weather conditions, some secondary pests could cause serious damage, which also needs to be paid much attention.According to the survey data, distribution maps were draw out for the major pests. The map showed that apple canker is serous in most apple producing provinces. Ring rot caused by Botryospuaeria berengeriana are serious in Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Liaoning and Tianjin and the disease is developing from east to west provinces of China, which should be paid close attention. The Venturia inaequalis has been found in Xinjiang, Shandong, Shanxi, Gansu, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Tianjin and Henan and only cause problems in Xinjiang and Heilongjiang. In other regions it is very light. In general apple pests occur comparatively lighter than diseases. In some years, Tetranychus urticae could cause problems in Henan, Shandong, Liaoning, Hebei, Gansu and Xinjiang. Tetranychus viennensis usually is worse than Tetranychus urticae, especially in central Hebei, southern Shanxi and Northern Henan and Eastern Liaoning. In southwest platau apple producing areas it is also heavier. Carposina niponensis is serious in Handan of Hebei, Changzhi of Shanxi, Luoyang of Henan, some regions of Heilongjiang and Jilin. It has not been found in Xinjiang and southwest regions. Aphis citricola distributed relatively concentrated in southeast Gansu, central Shaanxi and northern Henan, southern Shanxi, as well as around Bohai. The codling moth distributed in Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia has the trend of spreading from the west to the east, and the apple growing region in our country is from the east to the west, which will be met and which should be paid enough attention.Using GM(1,1) model and a moving average model, predictions were made for five kinds of diseases, Valsa mali, Botryospuaeria berengeriana, Diplocarpon mali, Alternaria alternaria and Venturia inaequalis, as well as two kinds pests, Tetranychus viennensis and Eriosoma lanigerum, based on the investigation data of the last ten years. It is found that Valsa mali will remain high–occurrence trend in most regions. Botryospuaeria berengeriana and Alternaria alternaria also showed trends of high occurrence, but maintaining steady basically. It predicts that Diplocarpon mali in Shanxi and Venturia inaequalis in Henan would rise up quickly. The prediction reveals that Tetranychus viennensi and Eriosoma lanigerum will be more serious generally and woolly aphid in Shanxi will be much severer significantly. It is forecasted that Laspeyresia pomonella would also slightly spread, but the speed is rather slow.Based on the monitoring data provided by apple research stations of China, a decision support system was established. The basic principle is the application of quantitative theory such as selecting variety resistance, phenophase, the degree of disease, the climate of a few days earlier and later, chemical usage, the degree of disease in previous years as qualitative variables. And different assignment is given to each factor and the control decisions can be given after model operations. It can provide plant disease and insect pest prevention and control decision for the majority fruit growers. Currently the systen works at www.apple-ipm.cn to guide the fruit grower to strengthen scientific control to plant diseases and insect pests.

  • 【分类号】S436.611
  • 【被引频次】42
  • 【下载频次】2975
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