

【作者】 金明星

【导师】 许晓明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 关于组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效影响的研究,学术上的意义自不待言,对于现实的指导性价值也很重要。因为,随着我国市场化进程的开启,在市场化逻辑日益螺旋式上升的历史展开中,组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效之间的关系现象开始纷纷出现,组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效影响的重要性开始凸现。但是,就目前国内对于此类现象的关注来看,大部分仍然停留于一般泛泛而谈的层面,比较规范的实证研究很少。为此,本文在既有文献的基础上,采用问卷调研的形式,通过第一手资料的获取,来展开组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效之间关系的实证研究。本论文旨在探索中国文化背景下组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效的影响,以更好地了解中国人的组织公民行为缘何而起,为中国管理者的管理决策提供理论依据。在吸收和借鉴既有研究成果的基础之上,本文提出了比较全面系统的理论研究模型。首先研究了组织公平与工作绩效之间的直接关系。基于我国市场化背景的金融企业样本数据的检验结论表明,组织公平与工作绩效之间存在着比较显著的正向关系。其次,本文试图探寻组织公平与工作绩效之间关系得以存在的中间转换机制因素,为此,设定和检验了组织公民行为中间变量的作用假设。检验结果表明,组织公民行为的中介作用相对比较显著和突出。这说明,在我国市场化进程呈现鲜明的阶段性特征和市场化程度越来越高的外部经营环境下,企业具备适时地企业战略规划的调整、转换能力的重要性。通过上述理论和实证研究,本文得到了以下创新:首先是理论上的创新,主要体现在组织公民行为对工作绩效作用机理的分析和阐述上。基于公平理论和社会交换理论的组织公民行为对工作绩效问题的研究,一般都不可避免地存在着一个问题,就是组织公平对于工作绩效等企业管理结果的作用机理是什么?这是到目前为止公平理论和社会交换理论的理论黑箱,理论体系对此都没有给出系统的回答和解释。根据前文所述,公平理论和社会交换理论的诸多研究者在组织公平与于组织公民行为及工作绩效等三个方面的情景特征上对公平理论和社会交换理论的体系框架进行了完善,但是,仍然没有对居于组织公平与工作绩效等管理结果之间的作用机理进行深层次的触及。本文第三章立足于组织公平与工作绩效关系研究的现有文献,对组织公平与工作绩效之间的关系机理进行了大胆地探索性分析和总结,阐释了组织公民行为中间机制因素的作用机理。并在理论范式上,突破了传统的单个理论范式的局限。单个理论范式通常只能从某个角度对组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效的某一方面做出解释,组织公民行为作为一个新兴的复杂的组织行为现象,任何单一视角的解释都是无法自圆其说的,因此基于单一理论范式的模型虽然具有较强的诉求力,但其应用价值的局限性也非常明显。因此,本文在整合公平理论和社会交换理论的基础上,构建了一个综合性的模型来全面、系统分析组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效的影响机理,比以往的理论模型更丰富、更全面。其次是理论研究模型上的创新。相对于公平理论和社会交换理论关于组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效之间关系问题的现有研究,本文研究模型,不仅仅关注组织公平与工作绩效的直接关系,还关注居于组织公平与工作绩效关系之间的中介变量的作用,以及来自金融企业性质、金融企业规模及金融企业发展阶段等变量对于组织公平与工作绩效之间关系的影响作用。在已有研究的基础上构建了一个关于组织公民行为的整合框架,从组织公平的角度研究了“组织公民行为”这一重要的特征变量与工作绩效之间的关联性。从组织公平视角综合考察组织公民行为的中介作用,组织公民行为在组织公平和工作绩效之间的中介作用在前人的研究中还未得到验证,因此,组织公民行为在组织公平与工作绩效之间的作用、三者之间的作用关系并未有完整的研究。本研究从组织公平和社会交换理论出发,整合了组织公民行为在组织公平与工作绩效之间的中介作用,最终对它们的综合作用路径给出了清晰的解释。总体上,本研究没有聚焦在单一的概念上,而是提供了关于组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效的一个更全面的研究模型。再次是研究视角上的创新。本文从组织公平的视角扩展了对组织公民行为问题的研究。通过整合组织公民行为与工作绩效方面的文献,本研究构建了一个理论模型来系统研究组织公平与组织公民行为和工作绩效的关系。通过构建和检验该模型,本研究将组织公民行为要素作为一个影响工作绩效的重要中介因素。深化了对于中国背景下组织公民行为的认识,验证了组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效的重要影响。在以往的相关文献和研究中,学者们也有从不同视角分别研究和分析了可能影响组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效的内外部因素。不同于以往研究的方式,本文在现有研究成果基础上,尝试从金融企业中的组织公平对组织公民行为及工作绩效影响为研究对象,从组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效的关系视角出发,将上述可能影响到三者关系因素以及可能存在的影响关系,整合到一个研究模型中进行分析,从而在研究视角上进行了可能的创新。最后从分析层次上的创新。本研究丰富了公平理论和社会交换理论的分析层面。在分析层面上,传统理论存在组织公民行为中介作用缺位的问题,无论公平理论还是社会交换理论的研究视角,大多将组织公民行为作为自变量或者调节变量来探讨其对工作绩效的影响作用,并没有考虑到其作为中介变量的影响作用,更没有探讨组织公民行为在组织公平对工作绩效影响中的作用。本研究极大地拓展了组织行为领域的组织公民行为问题的研究。许多学者多方面研究组织公平与组织公民行为及工作绩效之间的关系,但有关组织公民行为在组织公平与工作绩效关系中所起的作用目前国外学者正在进行积极探索,在国内还是一个尚未充分研究的领域。本研究结合部分成功的金融企业的问卷调研,指出组织公民行为对金融企业的工作绩效具有重要影响,并探讨了组织公民行为在组织公平对工作绩效影响中的重要作用。理解组织公民行为是理解金融企业工作绩效的一个重要组成部分。分析层次的细化丰富和拓展了公平理论和社会交换理论的研究范畴。

【Abstract】 On organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors affect job performance research, academic sense to say the least, for the reality of the guidance value is also very important. Because, as the process of opening China’s market, the growing spiral in the market logic to start in the history of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and the relationship between job performance have started to appear the phenomenon of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior, work began to highlight the importance of performance impact. However, the current domestic focus for such phenomena, most remained in the general level of generalities, a fairly standard empirical research rarely.In this paper the existing literature, based on a questionnaire survey in the form of first-hand information on the acquisition, to expand the organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance of the relationship between empirical research. This paper aims to explore the Chinese culture in the context of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors affect job performance, to better understand the Chinese OCB Why the sky, the Chinese managers and provide a theoretical basis for management decisions. In both absorb and learn the basis of research results, this paper presents a more comprehensive and systematic theoretical research model.The first study of organizational justice and the direct relationship between job performance. Background of China’s market-based financial company concluded that the test sample data, organizational justice and job performance exists between the more significant positive relationship. Secondly, this paper attempts to explore the organizational justice and job performance relationship can exist between the intermediate conversion mechanism factors, this, settings, and organizational citizenship behaviors examined the role of intermediate variable assumptions. Test results showed that the intermediary role of organizational citizenship behavior is relatively significant and prominent. This shows that, in the process of China’s market presents a distinct stage characteristics and the market is becoming more external business environment, companies with timely adjustment of corporate strategic planning, transformation capacities.Through this theoretical and empirical research, this paper has been following conclusions and Innovation:The first is a theoretical innovation, mainly in organizational citizenship behavior on the job performance analysis and elaboration of the mechanism on. Based on equity theory and social exchange theory, organizational citizenship behavior on the job performance studies, generally there is inevitably a problem, is to organize a fair for job performance and other corporate governance mechanism is the result of what? This is by far the equity theory and the theory of social exchange theory, black box, the theoretical system which are not given the system’s answers and explanations. According to mentioned above, equity theory and social exchange theory, many researchers in the organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance characteristics of the three aspects of the scene on the equity theory and social exchange theory framework for improving the system, but still not living in organizational justice and job performance and other management mechanism of action between the results in depth of touch. This chapter based on the relationship between organizational justice and job performance of the existing research literature on organizational justice and job performance relationship between the mechanism of a boldly exploratory analysis and summary to explain the mechanism of organizational citizenship behavior factors among the mechanism of action. Paradigm in the theory, breaking the traditional limitations of a single theoretical paradigm. Usually only a single theoretical paradigm of the organization from a perspective of justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance to explain some aspect of organization citizenship behavior as an emerging phenomenon of complex organizational behavior, the interpretation of any single perspective is not justified, so the model based on a single theoretical paradigm has a strong although the demands of power, but its value is also very obvious limitations. Therefore, this article in the integration of equity theory and social exchange theory, based on building a comprehensive model to a comprehensive, systematic analysis of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior and work performance impact mechanism, the theoretical model than ever richer, more comprehensive.Followed by the theoretical research model of innovation. Relative to the equity theory and social exchange theory on organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance relationship between the existing research, this theoretical research model, organizational justice is not only concerned about the direct relationship with job performance, organizational justice is also concerned about the living relationship with job performance the role of intermediary between the variables, as well as from the nature of financial enterprises, financial firm size and financial variables such as business development stage of organizational justice and job performance for the relationship between effect. There has been research in this paper builds on an integration of organizational citizenship behavior framework, from the perspective of organizational citizenship behavior of the "organizational justice," the important features of variable and the correlation between job performance. From the perspective of a comprehensive study of organizational justice intermediary role of organizational citizenship behavior, organizational citizenship behavior in the organizational justice and job performance in the role of intermediary between the previous study has not been verified, therefore, organizational citizenship behavior in the organizational justice and job performance of between the role, the role of the relationship between the three is not a complete study.In this study, organizational justice and social exchange theory, the integration of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior in the intermediary role between job performance and ultimately the path of their combined effect gives a clear explanation. Overall, the theoretical study of this model, some research findings are not new, but this paper does not focus on a single concept, but to provide information on organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance of a more comprehensive research model.Once again, research perspectives on innovation. This expansion from the perspective of organizational justice on organizational citizenship behavior issues. Through the integration of organizational citizenship behavior and job performance in the literature, this study constructed a theoretical model to the system of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance. By building and testing the model, this study of organizational citizenship behavior as a factor affecting job performance of an important mediating factors. Context of deepening the Chinese understanding of organizational citizenship behavior, organizational justice verified organizational citizenship behavior and work performance of an important influence. In the past literature and research, scholars have different perspectives, respectively, from research and analysis organization that may affect the fairness of organizational citizenship behavior and work performance of internal and external factors, including external environmental factors, enterprise-level features and management for the influence behavior. Unlike previous studies, this article in the current study based on the results, try from financial companies in the organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviors affect job performance for the study, from the organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and job performance perspective, the relationship among the factors that may affect the impact and possible relationship, into a research model for analysis, resulting in possible research perspectives on innovation.Finally, the level of innovation from the analysis. In this study, enriched the social exchange theory, equity theory and analysis level. In the analysis level, the traditional theory in the absence of the intermediary role of organizational citizenship behavior problems, both social exchange theory, equity theory and research perspective, most of the organizational citizenship behavior as an independent variable or manipulated variable to explore its influence on job performance, does not take into account the impact of its role as an intermediary variable, and no study of organizational justice in organizational citizenship behaviors impact on job performance in the role. This study has greatly expanded the field of organizational behavior organizational citizenship behavior issues. Many scholars study the various organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and the relationship between job performance, but the organizational citizenship behavior in the relationship between organizational justice and job performance in the role of foreign scholars is currently being actively explored, at home or a not yet fully field of study.In this study, combined with some successful financial business case and questionnaire research, that organizational citizenship behavior on financial firms has an important impact on work performance and organizational citizenship behavior discussed in the impact of organizational justice on the job performance of an important role. Understanding of organizational citizenship behavior is to understand the financial performance of enterprises is an important part. Analysis of levels of refinement enrich and expand the social exchange theory, equity theory and research areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】C936
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2054

