

【作者】 吴辉

【导师】 邹诗鹏;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文的核心任务是在经典社会理论视域中去澄清迪尔凯姆“社会事实论”的基本理解和问题实质,在此基础上去展开它和马克思、恩格斯所开启的唯物史观及其批判理论之间的交锋和对话,以此来阐释经典社会理论中的两大阐释路向:迪尔凯姆制定出来的实证社会理论传统,和马克思、恩格斯开创的批判社会理论传统,它们二者之间的根本差别和原则界分。并且笔者在文中把迪尔凯姆的社会事实论放在中国语境中加以考察,明确其对处于后革命时代及社会转型中的中国现实之建构的重要的借鉴意义。这样以来,迪尔凯姆的社会事实论及其实证社会学理论的当代性就能凸显出来;与之相应的是,唯物史观及其批判理论可以通过对迪尔凯姆实证社会学的回应,不断去澄清自身的理论前提,拓展自身的问题域,且深化唯物史观研究的复杂性。迪尔凯姆的社会事实论的研究,这一方面是从经典社会学理论的视角再次确认了唯物史观的当代性,另一方面也能促进唯物史观的深入研究,使得唯物史观的研究保持一种开放的学术视野。总的来说,迪尔凯姆社会事实论作为经典社会理论之实证社会理论的基本支撑,通过对它的理解和研究,不仅澄清实证社会学自身的诸多基本问题,同时,笔者认为,迪尔凯姆社会事实论是作为唯物史观研究的延伸性课题,正是唯物史观和实证社会学传统(甚至与韦伯开创的解释社会理论)之间的批判性对话,这为当代唯物史观的研究奠定了更为坚实的、有文本依据的学术基础。为了实现这样的写作目的,本文的主要工作体现在以下三个方面:一是通过思想史的考察,对迪尔凯姆所遵循的实证社会学传统的启蒙语境加以梳理和理解,具体来说,通过17、18世纪思想史的考察,明确启蒙的基本主题(理性主体性原则和进步秩序和自由的信奉)及其充满张力甚至矛盾(包括启蒙和反启蒙的交锋)的思想史语境。二是对迪尔凯姆社会事实论本身的澄清,包括基本概念、理论诉求、理论目的、时代特征、道德秩序重建等,甚至它自身存在的问题。这里面笔者重点论述的是迪尔凯姆社会事实论所立足的“社会事实”、“社会有机体”和“结构功能分析方法”、理论的双重诉求、理论的真正源头、理论的后革命时代及社会转型的社会历史特征、以及道德事实的基本理解和道德秩序的整合路径等问题,同时也包括分工、自杀、团结、职业群体、道德教育等问题的阐释。三是对迪尔凯姆社会事实论及其实证社会理论的思想史意义及当代性加以阐释,具体来说:就思想史意义来说,笔者主要指认了迪尔凯姆社会事实论就其理论实质而言,是对启蒙传统的回应,仍落入在意识哲学范围之内:其开启了结构性、构成性、规范性社会理论;是保守自由主义和改良主义方向这三个层面;就当代性问题而言,文中首先指出迪尔凯姆社会事实论开启的学科意义,同时也指出了迪尔凯姆批判马克思的几个要点,然后通过对唯物史观中“社会存在”和“分工”这二个最为基础的概念的解读去回应迪尔凯姆对马克思的挑战和误解,也为唯物史观做出澄清,最后笔者强调了迪尔凯姆社会事实论的中国语境和借鉴价值。本文的研究方法遵循如下三个统一:思想史和现实语境、现实关怀相统历史和逻辑相统一、理论总问题和个案研究相统一、总问题和分问题之间相统-本文的主要内容分别是:第一章主要是对实证社会学传统的启蒙语境加以考察。首先从总问题上指出启蒙的基本主题是理性主体性原则、对进步秩序的信任、以及对自由的追求。其次在发生学意义上明确这样的启蒙主题是如何体现出来的?通过对17世纪诸多代表人物及其思想的考察,来阐释17世纪的思想家为启蒙所提供的原则,这里面对培根、笛卡尔、牛顿、洛克思想做了解读和分析;接下来笔者考察的是18世纪启蒙运动对理性、进步秩序的推动和反叛,这里对斯密、孟德斯鸠和卢梭、以及以迈斯特等人为代表的法国传统主义和以伯克为代表的英国保守主义的考察和分析。最后交代了启蒙总语境是内含张力的甚至是矛盾冲突的,这种启蒙总语境的根本问题就在于理性主体性原则及意识内在性,这是自笛卡尔以来的二元论立场必然引起的问题。第二章主要论述是实证社会学传统的基本逻辑和建构思路,首先是对实证理性和启蒙理性的关系加以考察,在启蒙理性那里,一个最为基本同时也是十分困难的问题就在于两个世界(先验世界和经验世界)如何沟通的问题,而实证社会学的创始人孔德,则是通过重新规定理性,从而试图把理性做实到社会生活中。在他那里,实证理性不仅具有认知意义上的功能,而且支撑着价值维度,旨在做到事实和价值的统一。其次,是对社会有机论和结构功能主义的最初雏形加以解读和阐释。在实证社会学传统孔德和斯宾塞那里,社会是一个有机体并且社会作为一个整体,整体中各个要素在整个社会结构和社会有机体的框架内是彼此关联且各自发挥着社会功能,以此保证社会正常运行。第三章主要论述迪尔凯姆社会事实论的双重诉求。首先指出迪尔凯姆对实证社会学传统的批判,在迪尔凯姆那里,社会学传统仍是概念研究,不仅如此,政治经济学、心理主义、甚至主观情感都在迪尔凯姆的批判之列,他这样做的目的是为了给社会学确定真正的研究对象。其次,迪尔凯姆通过对康德道德学说的批判性扬弃,从而奠定了他的道德事实及其道德可求性的基本见解。可以说,迪尔凯姆进入道德问题正是通过与康德的批判性对话来确立起来的。第四章是社会事实论的核心内容,主要分析了社会事实的基本界定、社会事实的结构功能及在此基础上的社会形态划分、社会事实论的真正源头、及社会事实论的“后革命时代”及社会转型的社会历史语境考察。具体来说,社会事实是作为物的“一切行为方式”,包括物质性社会事实(自然形态等)也包括非物质性社会事实(道德、法律、习俗、宗教等);社会事实具有结构功能,社会形态类型的划分就是建立在社会事实的结构功能的不同特征基础上的;社会事实论的真正源头是在圣西门,而肇端则是在孟德斯鸠和卢梭那里;社会事实论的社会历史语境是后革命时代和社会转型。这些论述都是和迪尔凯姆的主题“社会秩序的理解和道德秩序的重建和整合”直接相关。第五章主要论述了社会转型中社会道德事实的理解和整合。首先指出在迪尔凯姆那里,他对分工的社会根源和社会功能的分析,分工是社会秩序的基础,也是道德的基本依据。其次,对迪尔凯姆视野中的失范现象加以研究,以反常分工和自杀为例,这里面笔者重点论述了迪尔凯姆探讨这些失范现象的原因,对反常分工的理解,自杀在他那里则被转化成社会结构和社会团结的问题,并且他对自杀做了分类并指出其社会学的意义。最后,论述社会道德秩序的整合路径,职业群体的建构和道德教育的强调,主要论述了迪尔凯姆重视职业群体及职业伦理对社会整合的作用,发展基于公平契约关系的公民道德的重要性,强调理性的道德教育势在必行,以及宗教关注的意义在于宗教承载着社会理想。第六章主要论述了迪尔凯姆社会事实论的思想史意义和当代性。分为以下二个层次:第一,在思想史意义上,笔者主要指认了迪尔凯姆社会事实论就其理论实质而言,是对启蒙传统的回应,但仍落入在意识哲学范围之内;其理论开启了结构性、构成性、规范性社会理论;社会事实论是在保守自由主义和改良主义方向上。第二,就当代性来说,笔者指出迪尔凯姆社会事实论开启的学科意义,同时也强调迪尔凯姆社会事实论的中国语境和借鉴价值,尤其是对处在社会转型的中国道德整合及社会秩序的建构的意义,最后,笔者也给出一些建议性的操作路径。第七章主要论述了唯物史观对社会事实论的超越。这一章要处理的核心问题是,以唯物史观为基础,来看唯物史观何以能够实现对包括迪尔凯姆在内的整个意识哲学的批判性超越,以此来走进马克思创立的唯物史观及其批判理论的基本视野。具体分为四个层次展开:第一个层次是迪尔凯姆对马克思的批判并留给唯物史观的问题;第二个层次是马克思“社会存在”概念的存在论解读,这里面具体梳理了1、马克思扬弃哲学传统的出场语境:从中学时期马克思对启蒙的信奉到经物质利益难题对启蒙的质疑,到后来的马克思对包括意识哲学在内的以往的一切哲学的批判,这样一路走来,才使得唯物史观被创立出来,而讲这一部分是为了在发生学意义上彰显唯物史观如何实现了对以往一切哲学的内在超越。2、马克思“社会存在”之存在论澄清:“社会存在”不是一个纯粹思辨的概念;“社会存在”是指生成性的物质生活条件,是“关系存在”;“社会存在”具有历史性。第三个层次是论述马克思以分工切入对现代社会本质的发现和批判。具体来说,分工在一定程度上可以说是生产力的同义语;自发分工是异化劳动的感性存在形式;分工是社会权力(social power)关系中人们之间控制和被控制、支配和被支配关系的真实原因;最后一个层次是唯物史观对社会事实论的超越。这里面既对迪尔凯姆研究对唯物史观的意义做了论述,同时也指出了唯物史观对迪尔凯姆思想的超越。不仅强调了唯物史观是以存在论范式对迪尔凯姆认识论范式的超越,而且历史辩证法作为唯物史观的方法也超越了以理性为根基的结构功能主义分析方法。这样以来,通过对“社会存在”和“分工”的探讨明确了唯物史观在发生学意义上实现的哲学革命和存在论革命,这不仅回应迪尔凯姆对马克思的挑战和误解,而且也为唯物史观做出澄清。本文的理论成果表现在:1、本文系统地以迪尔凯姆“社会事实论”为根基而展开其实证社会理论的整个视野及问题域,到目前为止,这样的工作在国内理论研究中算前列。重新清理并回归经典社会理论十分必要,笔者正是在做这样的尝试。从目前的研究现状来看,本论文可以看作是国内目前从迪尔凯姆学说中最核心概念“社会事实”出发,去系统地、整体性地对迪尔凯姆的社会理论加以分析和论述。在文中,即厘清了他与以往思想传统的关联性,又重点突出其独特的理论内涵及品质:即立足文本,又切入现实问题;既抓住贯穿其理论的“社会秩序的理解和道德秩序的重建和整合”的主题,又对其理论中的诸多细节作出考察和分析,文中涉及到很多基本问题,包括社会事实、结构功能主义、社会学传统、启蒙语境和启蒙传统、心理主义、政治经济学、康德学说、实用主义、社会主义、分工、自杀、社会转型和后革命时代,社会有机体,职业伦理、道德教育、法团建构、爱国主义、马克思唯物史观等问题。可以说,本论文基本做到了总问题和分问题之间的贯通和统一。从目前研究成果来看,本文可以看作是国内第一本系统性、全局性的论述迪尔凯姆社会事实及其整个问题域的论文,或者至少可以看作是“走进迪尔凯姆整体”的一次尝试性的努力。2、关于迪尔凯姆思想的启蒙语境以及社会事实的基本澄清、对社会学传统的清理、理论的真正源头挖掘、与康德的批判性对话以及对“后革命时代”的社会转型历史语境的揭示,这些理论细节都可以看作本文的创新点。比如迪尔凯姆对康德道德学说的批判性回应,文中分析了迪尔凯姆是如何经过康德道德学说而提出“道德可求性”的主张以及对迪尔凯姆的道德二重性的论述;比如迪尔凯姆社会事实论的源头澄清,在文中笔者指出迪尔凯姆源头不能仅仅追溯到孔德、斯宾塞就停止,而是要追溯到圣西门甚至是孟德斯鸠和卢梭对社会科学的奠基性贡献,再比如重估迪尔凯姆的思想史意义,对迪尔凯姆思想的界定,认为其仍在意识哲学中;以及在对迪尔凯姆思想考察时,指出其理论的“后革命时代”语境,并且针对迪尔凯姆对马克思的批判,用一种比较研究的视野,站在唯物史观立场上,并相应地选择与之对应的“社会存在”概念(其作为唯物史观的核心概念),通过对其的解读和分析,去回应迪尔凯姆的问题,这在迪尔凯姆研究中可以看作创新的地方。

【Abstract】 The core task of this paper is to explain the viewpoint and the essence of the thought of Durkheim’s social fact in the classical sociology frame,and then to make dialogue with Historical Materialism which was founded by Marx and Engels,the purpose of the paper is to expound the radical difference between the tradtion of positivism sociology theory and the tradtion of critical sociology theory opened by Historical Materialism.and the author will discuss Chinese context of this theory so that we can understand its importance for the construction of Chinese reality in the context of post revolution era and social transformation,As a result, the up-to-date significance of Durkheim’s social fact theory can be highlighted.and the theory of Historical Materialism can clarified its theory premise, expand its domain, and deepen the complexity of the study on Historical Materialism through responses to challenges given by Durkheim.Study of the theory of Durkheim’s social fact has two main purposes:one is that the paper can confirm the up-to-date significance of Historical Materialism again in the frame of the classical sociology;and another is that it can promote the study of Historical Materialism and make this research maintain an open perspective.In general, the theory of Durkheim’s social fact supports positivism sociology theory, through the understanding of this research,we can not only solve some basic problems of positivism sociology theory but also make the contemporary study of Historical Materialism have a solid academic foundation,since the the study of Durkheim is extension research of the study of Historical Materialism.It is the critical dialogue(even with the interpretation of social theory created by Max Weber).In order to achieve the aims,the main work of this paper lies in the following three aspects.firstly, we need to understand the Enlightenment context of the tradtion of positivism sociology theory followed by Durkheim.after reviewing the thought history from the seventeen Century to the eighteenth Century,we think think that the basic topic of the Enlightenment is the principle of reason, progressive order and freedom.also we know this context is full of tension and conflict (including the enlightenment and anti-enlightenment confrontation).Secondly,the author will clarify The theory of Durkheim’s social fact,it includes the understanding of the basic concept, theory purposes,the characteristics of the times, the reconstruction of moral order and even its own problems. In the paper it focuses on not only the concept of " social organism" and the method of " functional analysis"but also two main purposes, the true source, the post revolution era and social transformation of social historical characters, the basic understandingof moral facts and the integration of moral order, also including the division of labor, suicide, unity, occupation groups, ethics education.Thirdly,the paper points out the significance of its thought history and its contemporary issues.specifically,the author thinks the theory of Durkheim’s social fact Is the result of the tradtion of the Enlightenment,and it makes a constitutive,normative social theory possible,at the same time,it is on the road of conservative Liberalsm and reformism.for its contemporary importance,this paper firstly points out that Durkheim’s theory opens scientific significance, and in the paper,the author also points out that it is Durkheim’s criticism on Marx that makes the clarification of Historical Materialism possbile.for this purpose,the athor does analysis of the concept of Historical Materialism,such as" social existence" and" division of labor".lastly,this paper stresses the Chinese context and reference value of the Durkheim’s theory.The research methodically of this paper is based on five forms of congruence:the congruence between the thought history and realistic context and realistic concern, the congruence between theoretical analysis and case studies, the congruence between general issues and specific problems.The key points are as follows:Chapter 1 is devoted to illuminating the background in which the tradtion of positivism sociology theory occurred,firstly,the paper points out the basic theme of the Enlightenment is the rational principle, the progressive order and the pursuit of freedom.and then,the paper gives the answer to the question that how does the contexts embody the theme,for this question,the author do research about the thought of Bacon, Descartes, Newton,and Rock in the seventeenth Century.and then,the author examines enlightenment movement of the eighteenth Century,including these research on Smith, Montesquieu and Rousseau, as well as Meister who was on behalf of the French traditionalist and Burke who wasthe representative of the British Conservative. Finally,this paper explains the general context of enlightenment is in the internal tension and even in contradictory conflict,the reason is that the context lies in the rational principle and the immanence of consciousness, which is created by Descartes.The main task of Chapter II is the understanding of the basical logic of the tradtion of positivism sociology theory.firstly,the paper deals with the relationship between the positivism reason and the Enlightenment reason.there is a basic and difficult problem in the enlightenment reason, that is how do the two worlds communicate,for its founder Comte,he hopes to solve this problem by redefining reasonl, he tries to combine the principle of reason with social life,in his viewpiont, the reason has not only cognitive function but also support value dimension and it realizes the unity of fact and value.moreover,in this chapter,the author interprets the social organic theory and structural functionalism.in Comte and Spencer’s viewpoints, the society is an organism and as a whole organism,various elements in the whole social structure and social organism in the framework are associated with each other and have different social functions, which are advantageous to the normal operation of society.Chapter III intends to express two purposes of Durkheim’s theory.firstly,in this chapter, the author points out Durkheim’s critique on the tradition of positivism sociology theory,in Durkheim’s viewpoint, the focus of sociological tradition is still study of concept,also,the way of study includes political economics, psychology, and subjective feelings, the reason why he does critique on the above theories is that he hopes to determine the true object of sociological study. In addition,he puts forward the concept of moral facts by giving critique on Kant’s moral theory.that is to say,Durkheim puts forward his viewpionts on moral problems by a critical dialogue with Kant.The work of Chapter IV is to explain the theory of social fact,in this chapter,the author analyzes some basic problems,including the definition of social fact,the structure and the function of social fact,social morphology,the true source of social fact,the social and historical context of post-revolution and social transformation.Specifically, the meaning of social fact is all behaviors, including substance social facts (natural forms) and immaterial social facts (moral, law, custom, religion and so on);in addition,social facts have the structure function, social classification is based on the different characteristics of these structure and function of social facts.the author also pionts out the true source of the theory is Saint Simon’s theory and it originates from Montesquieu and Rousseau; the social and historical context is the post revolution era and social transformation. These discourses are connected with Durkheim’s theme which is on the understanding of social order and and the reconstruction of moral order.The task of the Chapter V is to discuss social moral facts understanding and integration in social transformation.Firstly,the author explains the basic understanding of division of social in Durkheim’s point, division of social is not only the foundation of social order, but also moral basis. Secondly, this chapter explains Durkheim’s anomie phenomenon in his theory, and the author gives some more details on abnormal division and suicide.it discusses the reason why Durkheim pays attention to these phenomenons,in his theory, the problem of suicide is converted to the problem of social structure and social solidarity,and he makes classifications of suicide.Finally, this chapter discusses the path of social and moral order integration,and makes interpretations on the importance of the construction of occupation groups and moral education. this part also discusses the utility of occupation groups and occupation ethics in the social integration, the development of citizen moral and rational moral education. In addition, this chapter points out that the significance of religious concern lies in carrying the social ideal.The work of the Chapter vi mainly discusses the significance of the history of thought and contemporary value of Durkheim’s theory.For the significance of the thought history,when we regard its theoretical essence, we can get a conclusion that Durkheim’s theory is a response to enlightenment tradition,is still in the frame of consciousness philosophy,and his theory opens a kind of structural, constitutive, normative social theory; and Durkheim’s social theory is on the way of the conservative Liberalism and reformism.for its contemporary theory value,the author points out that his theory open a new discipline,and in this chapter, the author emphasises the Chinese context and reference value of Durkheim’s theory.especially the influence of his theory for social integration of China in the social transition and the author also gives some suggestions.The work of the final Chapter discusses Historical Materialism transcends Durkheim’s theory. the core problem of this chapter is to explain how does Historical Materialism transcend the whole consciousness philosophy,which includes Durkheim’s theory.these discussions is in favor of the basic understanding of Historical Materialism.this chapter is divided into four aspects:the first aspect is to discuss the criticism of Marx,the second aspect is to understand the concept of Marx’s"social existence ".specifically,the author points out how does Marx transcend the tradtion of philosophy.and the concept of social existence is not a consciousness concept,but a ontology concept which means the condition of material life,in addtion, social existence has its historic source.the focus of the third aspect is that Marx dis-cover and criticize modern society by the study of the division of labor.Specifically, the division of labor can be said to be synonymous with productivity in a certain extent,and spontaneous is the perceptual existence of alienation labor.moreover,labor is the real reason of social power,which lead to the relationship among people.the last aspect is that Historical Materialism transcends Durkheim’s theory.in this part, the author points out the value of the study of Durkheim’s thought and also explains the reason that Historical Materialism transcends Durkheim’s theory. Specifically, Historical Materialism realizes ontology revolution and makes a way of ontology understanding, in contrast, Durkheim’s thought is still on the way of epistemology, the view of Historical Materialism is beyond the view of Durkheim’s theory.furthermore, historical dialectics also exceeds the method of the analysis method of the structure and function.all these discussions can not only respond to the challenges given by Durkheim’s theory but also can clarify the Historical Materialism itself.The achievements of this dissertation are as follows:firstly,the topic "the study of Durkheim’s social fact theory" is based on the core cncept of his theory:social fact and the paper tries to show the whole theory of vision. the job in domestic theory study is in the front rank so far.and it is necessary and important to rethink the classical social theory,in addition,on the base of the current research situation,this paper can be regarded as one of the front row studies on, in this paper the study of Durkheim is comprehensive and also disscuss systematically.it emphasizes not only the relationship with the its theory tradition but aslo his theoretical quality;it has a solid text basis and concerns with reality problems;it has a theme "the understanding of social order and moral reconstruction and integration"and gives some important details. In all, the paper deals with a lot of theory problems including social fact,structural functionalism, the tradtion of sociology,the enlightenment context and the enlightenment tradition, psychology, political economics,Kant’s theory, pragmatism, socialism, division of labor, suicide, social transformation, social organism, occupation ethics, moral education, patriotism, and Marx and so on.so we think that this paper nuionizes the general problem and details.this paper can be regarded as the first systematic, overall discussion on Durkheim,or at least can be regarded as a tentative effort to understand Durkheim systematically.Secondly, there are some innovation points in details. Such as the enlightenment context of Durkheim’s thought, real source of his theory, critical dialogue with Kant’s moral theory, the historical context of post revolutionary era and social transformation,all these can be seen as the innovation points.in addtion,the author chooses another core concept social existence from Marx,and makes contrast with Durkheim’s social fact concept,maybe it is a better method of a comparative study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】C91-06
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1085

