

【作者】 赵琳

【导师】 蔡达峰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 文物学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在探讨自元代到明代工艺美学风格的发展状况。文章以工艺美术品的图案、色彩和造型作为主要分析内容,并根据典型性、影响性和延续性的原则,选择青花瓷、漆器和明式家具作为代表性器物,并结合其他工艺品种,运用二重证据法、比较法和图像学等方法,探索在元明时期的不同时段内,器物艺术特征的流传、演变情况及其背后的成因。论文分为元代、明代早中期和明代晚期三个时段:元代以元青花和漆器为代表,该时期工艺美术风格呈现出多元并存、斑斓驳杂的面貌,既有因外来品种传入而带来的异域情调,又有宋代审美旨趣的沿续,还有多元文化融汇下器物艺术的新风尚。第二时段明代早中期工艺美术将以青花瓷作为主线,探索明代在继承元代工艺成就的基础上,如何传承与恢复唐宋传统美学风范的历程;从风格演变上来看,先后经历了前期宫廷工艺美术的规整化和中期工艺美术的世俗化。明代晚期在文人的积极影响和参与下,工艺美术的文人趣味得以确立与流行,以青花瓷和明式家具为代表的晚明工艺美术,体现出对简洁、自然、古雅、含蓄和抒情性的追求,充分反映了对宋代审美旨趣的复归。因此,元明时期工艺美术风格流变的历程,无疑展示出元代工艺风貌如何在宋代基础上发生重大转折,又如何在明代逐渐与中国传统美学范式相结合,并在新时代呈现出新的特色,最终再次回归宋代审美旨趣的漫长而复杂的历程。本文在梳理这一历程的同时,也注重对造成风格演变的原因与背景进行探讨。

【Abstract】 This research attempts to explore the development of artistic style of arts and crafts from Yuan Dynasty to the end of Ming Dynasty. The pattern, color and shape of craftwork are main objects which will be analysed. In addition to other craftwork, Blue and White Porcelain, lacquer ware and furniture of Ming style are selected as representative examples of this period on the basis of their typicality, influence and continuation. With the help of comparative method, Iconology and Duplicate Evidence (literature and antique) Theory, how artistic style in different period is inherited and as well transformed along with the reason will be discussed.The dissertation develops in terms of three phases: Yuan Dynasty, early and medium-term Ming Dynasty, and late Ming Dynasty. Illustrated with Blue and White Porcelain, lacquer ware and so on, the artistic style of Yuan Dynasty is diverse and heterogeneous. Contemporaneously there are exoticism brought by exotic, continuation of Song artistic style as well as new product and style syncretizing different cultures. Given Blue and White Porcelain as the main clue to arts and crafts of early and medium-term Ming Dynasty, on the one hand, the accomplishment of Yuan is almost totally inherited. On the other hand, the traditional decorated style of Tang and Song Dynasty is furbished up consciously. Influenced by complex background, artistic style of this period develops gradually from orderly and cautious formality to straight and exoteric secularity. During late Ming Dynasty, due to active influence and participation of intelligentsia, taste of intellectuals on arts and crafts is established and comes into fashion. Taken example for Blue and White Porcelain and Ming-style furniture, the artistic style of late Ming is in pursuit of pithiness, naturalness, lyricism and classic elegance. This is a renaissance to the style of Song Dynasty. To draw a conclusion, the development of artistic style of arts and crafts from Yuan to the end of Ming Dynasty is a labyrinthian and far-going course which shows how artistic style in Yuan breaks away from the style of Song, how Yuan style is combined with resuscitation of traditional decorated style in early and medium-term Ming, and how Song style revives during late Ming Dynasty. Meanwhile, this research also pays attention to exploring the reason and background causing these changes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】K876.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1378

