

【作者】 周晴

【导师】 王建革;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 嘉湖平原区北濒太湖,大面积的平原地区是汉唐以后通过围垦太湖南缘低地而形成。本文以嘉湖地区位于太湖南部的低洼平原为中心,解析9到17世纪嘉湖平原从湖沼湿地生态系统向以蚕桑为主要特征的农业生态系统转变的动态历史过程。论文内容分为四大部分。第一部分考证了今太湖水域完全形成之时,嘉湖平原存在一条沟通古长江水与钱塘江的河流,并且直到3—8世纪,嘉湖平原仍是以湖沼地貌为主。论文分析了9—12世纪太湖南岸圆弧形湖岸、太湖南部平原的浅碟型地貌特点及其形成的历史过程,在此基础上研究了平原区中水利工程建设特点、水环境特征、横塘纵溇式水系结构形成的历史,论文还对太湖南部江南运河水网的基本形态进行了复原;论文第二部分分析了宋至明末清初嘉湖平原湿地农业开发的大致过程,探讨了平原区在积水环境下的不同开发模式。论文以桑基鱼塘与桑基稻田为中心,考察了嘉湖平原中两种不同的农业生态模式,同时分析了人类农业活动如何对平原微地貌进行改造的历史过程。论文分析了湿地中形成的村庄特点,以及人们通过筑坝处理水流,兴建市镇聚居的过程,论文以菱湖镇为中心分析了嘉湖地区沼泽湿地中市镇兴起的历史地理过程;论文第三部分以湿地生物为中心,对晋以降嘉湖平原的主要水生动、植物群落进行了分析,论文分析了湿地中人们如何利用菱等水生植物进行农业开发的技术,在此基础上,解析了明清时期蚕丝业于嘉湖地区沼泽湿地中兴起的原因;论文第四部分主要以植桑业为中心,对明清时期嘉湖平原与桑树种植有关的农业生态问题进行分析。论文通过对本地区内一些特有的农业技术如湖桑育苗、湖桑种植、湖羊饲养等技术细节及其农业生态背景进行分析,讨论了农业生产技术与农业生态之间的关系。

【Abstract】 This dissertation take the ecological history in the southern part of Taihu lake in Jiaxing and Huchou plain from 9th to 17th century as a major research object, focus on the historical process from wetlands ecosystems to agro-ecosystems in the investigative region. There are four sections in the dissertation and the main points are listed as follows:In the first section, as the dissertation proved, there was an shifting river in Jiaxing and Huchou Plain, which was connecting the Yangtze River and Hangzhou Bay when the Taihu lake was not shaped. and there were broad marshes in Jiaxing and Huchou Plain from 3rd to 8th century. By the lake flow in Tang-song dynasty Firstly, a sedimentary belt was shaped up in the southern part of Taihu Lake, meanwhile the process of building the irrigation framework was also taken up in the southern part of Taihu Lake. The southern embankment of Taihu lake was built up when the Lou-gangs were ripped up on the sedimentary belt in Wuyue period. Then in the Song dynasty an irrigation framework called "Hengtang-Zonglou" formed in the plain. This irrigation framework had the function of easily draining the stagnant water to Taihu lake and Wusong River. Cannals in the marshes are also under carefully research in this chapter.In the second part, The dissertation firstly take a roughly research on the process of agricultural exploitation. There were several kinds of utilization forms in the hydrological Environment, and the Wei-field in Jiaxing and Huchou Plain in Song and Yuan Dynasty was studied. The study of agricultural ecology history is around the Mulberry-Dike Fish Ponds and Mulberry-Dike Rice Field, and the artificial environment and landscape was built up When lots of Mulberry-Dike Fish Ponds and Mulberry-Dike Rice Field appeared in Jiaxing an Huchou Plain.In the third section, a few animals and plants are under studied. During the past several centuries, many rare birds and animals in the wetlands were extincted, and the wild aquatic plant turned to the artificially aquatic plant when wetlands were changing into farmlands. The indigenous vegetation in the wetlands were Glyptostrobus pensilis, Ginkgo biloba L., Brasenia schreberi, Nymphoides pel tatum. and so on. The dominant secondary Vegetation in the rivers and lakes is waternut (Trapa spp.) In the period of Southern Song Dynasty, wetlands were enclosed, Meanwhile waternut was planted in the specialized ponls which mostly had fences. These cultivated waternuts were simple in the community organization. When waternuts were widespread in the lakes and rivers in Jiaxing and Huchou Plain, the water quality was improved, so a great deal of white and high grade silk was reeled from this region.The last chapter focus in the mulberry planting, will take a research on the agricultural ecology history of Jiaxing and Huchou plain. The dissertation analysis the techniques of tree types training, leaves harvest, and raising Taihu sheep and so on, then discuss these techniques’ agri-ecological backgrounds. The Specialized mulberry orchards and their ecological economical environment in Jiaxing and Huchou plain in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties was also studied. Because of the regional geographical differences, the specialized mulberry orchards assembled in Jiaxing and Huchou plain, and the specialized operating procedure also formed in the area in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】S-09;K207
  • 【下载频次】585

