

【作者】 李向明

【导师】 杨桂华; 叶文; 姜若愚;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 旅游管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 人们一度认为旅游业是“无烟工业”,不会带来环境问题。然而,在当今世界,随着大众旅游的迅猛发展,旅游业发展与生态环境保护之间的矛盾日益突出。旅游环境问题研究已成为国内外旅游学术界研究的重点领域和热点。目前,在研究旅游开发与旅游环境的相互作用机理,以及全面、综合评价旅游环境影响等方面还有待深入研究。而生态健康理念作为环境管理、生态系统管理和可持续发展的新思路、新方法,使得人类在面临全球生态环境恶化,生态系统受到前所未有的胁迫与挑战的时候,寻找到一条解决之路。目前生态健康理论已成为生态环境研究的一个热点和趋势,而且在许多类型的生态系统开展了广泛而深入地研究,在旅游研究领域还属于亟待开展的新的研究方向。因此,本文将生态健康理论引入到旅游区生态系统研究当中,构建了旅游区生态健康基础理论与旅游区生态健康诊断方法,为旅游区可持续发展之路作出有益的探索。本文在界定旅游区生态系统概念,阐述旅游区生态系统特征及运行规律与调控机制的基础上,构建了旅游区生态健康的基础理论,建立了基于DPSIR概念模型的山地型旅游区生态健康评价指标体系与基于模糊数学的旅游区生态健康评价方法,最后,以井冈山旅游区为例进行了旅游区生态健康诊断与调控的实证研究。本文研究的主要内容、结论及创新点总结如下:(1)提出了旅游区生态健康的基础理论首先,本文对旅游区复合生态系统概念进行了界定,分析了旅游区生态系统的结构与功能特征,剖析了旅游区生态系统的运行机制与调控机制。其次,阐释了旅游区生态健康的内涵。旅游区生态健康是一个生态价值与人类价值相统一的整合性的概念。旅游区生态健康的概念可以理解为:在以旅游活动为主要干扰因素情况下,旅游区能够保持自然生态环境与人类社会经济系统协调、持续、稳定发展的状态。第三,提出了旅游区生态健康管理新模式。旅游区生态健康管理是指以旅游区生态系统可持续性为目标,在不断探索、认识旅游区生态系统本身内在规律、生态健康影响机理的基础上,对旅游区生态健康进行全面监测、分析、评估、预警以及对影响旅游区生态健康的危险因素进行全面干预和管理的过程。(2)建立了基于DPSIR模型的山地型旅游区生态健康评价指标体系DPSIR概念模型较好地反映了人类活动与自然生态系统之间的相互关系及作用,结构清晰、逻辑关系明了,为旅游区生态健康评价指标体系的建立提供了一个很好的分析框架。根据旅游区生态健康影响因素的DPSIR模型分析,结合指标体系选取方法与原则,本文采用自上而下、逐层分解的方法,把山地型旅游区生态健康评价指标体系分为3个层次,每1个层次又分别选择反映其主要特征的要素作为评价指标。第1层为目标层,以旅游区生态健康指数为目标,用来度量旅游区生态健康的总体水平;第2层为准则层,包括驱动力(D)、压力(P)、状态(S)、影响(I)、响应(R)5个因子;第3层为指标层,共40个评价指标。基于DPSIR模型建立的指标体系的重要意义在于,能表达影响旅游区生态健康各因素之间的信息耦合关系,说明旅游区生态健康的演进变化具有动力学特点,全面反映了旅游区生态系统的健康状况。(3)提出了基于模糊数学的山地型旅游区生态健康指数评价方法影响旅游区生态健康的机制和因素非常复杂,存在许多具有模糊性质的事物和因素,它们之间的相互作用关系及各要素对系统功能的影响程度在量上是难以精确衡量的,具有明显的“模糊性”特征。模糊综合评价法能够满足影响旅游区生态健康因素的模糊性和因素变化的不确定性,能合理地评价旅游区生态健康的客观现状。因此,本文采用多层次模糊综合评判方法建立旅游区生态健康评价模型,提出了旅游区生态健康指数的评价方法。(4)对井冈山旅游区生态健康进行了实证研究本文在旅游区生态健康管理理论研究的基础上,以井冈山旅游区为例进行了实证研究,并得出以下研究结论:第一,井冈山旅游区生态系统总体上处于“健康”状态。但存在许多“不和谐”或“不健康”的因素,需要进行优化与提高。第二,井冈山旅游区“压力”因子健康指数处于“亚健康”状态。对“压力”因子起消极作用的关键因素(指标)是“城镇居民恩格尔系统”、“农村居民恩格尔系统”、“旅游季节性基尼系数”和“游客空间利用集中度指数”。第三,通过井冈山旅游区生态健康诊断与分析,提出了基于DPSIR模型的井冈山旅游区生态健康管理框架及调控措施。(5)研究创新点本文的创新主要表现在两个方面:第一,本文首次将生态健康理论引入到旅游区生态系统研究,提出了旅游区生态健康概念及其诊断方法。第二,运用了DPSIR概念模型构建了山地型旅游区生态健康评价指标体系,提出了旅游区生态健康指数概念及其评价方法。由于本文对旅游区生态健康的研究是一个探索性的工作,对旅游区生态健康理论还需作进一步深入研究,在实证研究方面还需要选择不同发展阶段和不同开发程度的同类型旅游区进行对比研究,以此来补充与完善旅游区生态健康理论。

【Abstract】 Tourism, which has once been held as a "smokeless industry", is considered to result in no environmental problems. However, with the rapid development of mass tourism, the contradiction between tourism development and environmental protection has become increasingly prominent. Researches of tourism environmental problems have attracted attention from domestic and international scholars.Currently, relations between tourism development and tourism environment interaction mechanism, as well as an integrated and comprehensive evaluation of environmental impacts of tourism still remain an area for further study. As a new idea, new method to deal with issues as global environmental degradation when eco-system encounters unprecedented stresses and challenges, the concept of ecological health,which has been applied in such areas as environmental management, ecosystem management and sustainable development, is regarded as a rather good solution. At present, the ecological health theory has become a research hotspot and a trend, extensive and in-depth researches have been conducted in many different types of ecosystems,while there has been no such researches found in the field of tourism,so relevant studies are expected.In this paper, the theory of the ecological health is introduced into tourist areas ecosystem, the basic theory of ecological health of tourist areas is constructed and ecological health diagnosis of tourist areas is designed. This is considered as a useful exploration for sustainable development. Firstly, the concept of tourist areas ecosystem is defined, ecosystem characteristics, operating rules and control mechanism of tourist areas are described, the basic theory of ecological health of tourist areas is put forward and DPSIR conceptual model based on ecosystem health assessment index system and fuzzy evaluation method of ecological health tourism is built. Secondly, taking Mt. Jinggangshan tourist area as an example, ecological health diagnosis and control is analysed in detail.The main contents, conclusions and innovations of this paper are summarized as follows:(1)The basic theory of ecological health of tourist areas is put forwardFirst, the concept of tourism area complex ecosystem is defined, structure, functional characteristics, operation mechanism and control mechanism of tourism area ecosystem are analysed.Second, the connotation of ecological health of tourism area is explained.Ecosystem health of tourism areas is a unity of ecological value and the integration of the concept of human values. The concept of ecological health of tourism areas can be defined as coordination, sustainability and steady development of tourism activities to maintain natural ecosystems and human social and economic system in the case of the main confounding factors.Third, new management model of ecological health of tourism areas is presented. To pursue goals of ecosystem sustainability, laws and affeacting mechanism of ecological health of tourism areas are explored, comprehensive monitoring, analysis, assessment, early warning and impact of tourism on the ecological health of the overall risk factors for intervention are stuied.(2)Ecosystem health assessment index system based on DPSIR conceptual model is constructedDPSIR conceptual model,which is simple and has clear-cut structure,reflects mutual relations and actions between human activities and natural ecosystem,provides a rather good anlysis structure for creating ecosystem health assessment index system of tourism areas.Based on analysis of DPSIR conceptual model and combined with selective methods and rules of index system,from-top-to-bottom and layer-by-layer analysis method is applied,which ecosystem health assessment index system is further divided into three layers and each layer has its corresponding assessment index.Goal layer of ecosystem health assessment index,which constitutes the first layer,is applied to measure comprehensive level of ecological health of tourism areas. Criterion layer,which forms the second layer,includes driving force(D), pressure(P), state(S), influence(I) and response (R).Sub-criterion layer,which composes the third layer, consists of as many as forty factors.The significance of index system based on DPSIR model consists in interpreting information coupling relations which affect ecological health factors,showing ecological health evolution of tourism areas bears dynamics traits,roundly reflecting health state of tourism area ecosystem.(3) Ecosystem health assessment method of tourism areas based on fuzzy mathematics is brought forwardMechanism and factors affecting ecological health of tourism areas are very complicated, which results in many fuzzy alternatives and factors.The reciprocity between these alternatives and factors and the degree that their influences exert on the system functions are difficult to measure, which evidently takes on fuzzy traits. Fuzzy assessment method, which provides a solution to problems involving fuzziness of factors which affect ecological health of tousim areas and uncertainty of ever-changing factors, can reasonably assess the external status-quo of ecological health of tourism areas.So a ecological health assessment model of tourism areas is created on the basis of multi-layer fuzzy assessment method, and assessment method of ecological health index of tourism areas is put forward.(4)A case study concerning ecological haelth of Jinggangshan tourism area is conductedOn the basis of ecological health management theories of tourism areas, a case study concerning Jinggangshan tourism area is conducted, and the following conclusions are reached.Firstly, as a whole, ecosystem of Jinggangshan tourism area is in a "healthy"state, but there are still quite lots of "unhealthy" and "unharmonious" factors, which require optimization and improvement.Secondly, pressure (P) health index of Jinggangshan tourism area is in a state of sub-health. The key facors which negatively influence pressure health index are Urban Residents Engel System, Rural Residents Engel System, Gini Coefficient of Tourism Seasonality and Centralization Index of Tourists’Spacial Distribution.Thirdly, through diagnosis and analysis of ecosystem health of Jinggangshan tourism area, ecosystem health management framework and corresponding adjustment and control measures based on DPSIR model is proposed.(5)InnovationsThe innovations of the paper lie in two aspects.Firstly, for the first time, ecosystem health theory is introduced into tourism area ecosystem and the conception and diagnosis method of ecosystem health of tourism areas is brought forward.Secondly, with the application of DPSIR conceptual model, ecosystem health assessment framewaork of tourism areas is constructed, ecosystem health assessment index and its assessment method are brought forward.The study on ecosystem health of tourism areas in this paper is only exploratory,further studies in this field are required.In the aspect of case study,comparative study among tourism areas of different types, different development stage and different exploitation degree is needed,which reinforce and consummate ecosystem health theory of tourism areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】F592;F205
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】795

