

Research on the Theory and Method of Data Analysis Combined with VLBI2010 and GNSS

【作者】 马高峰

【导师】 郑勇;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在全球尺度范围内,达到1mm定位精度,是新一代VLBI系统VLBI2010的目标之一,目前的数据分析理论和方法还远不能满足这个要求。VLBI和GNSS技术分别作为几何和动力学技术的代表,两者具有很强的互补性。然而受观测条件和数据分析技术的限制,基于两种技术原始几何观测量的联合数据分析始终未能实现,VLBI2010与下一代GNSS技术良好的观测条件以及数据分析和计算机技术的发展,为观测水平上的联合数据分析创造了条件。本文针对两种技术新的需求和各自的特点,建立了基于原始几何观测量联合数据分析的完整理论体系与框架,为建立相应的联合数据分析软件打下了坚实的基础。论文的主要研究内容如下:1.研究了VLBI2010和下一代GNSS系统的原理、特点及数据分析需求等,分析了VLBI2010宽带相位时延模糊度产生的原因及解算方案。2.在广义相对论框架下,研究了基本时空参考系BCRS和GCRS的定义及转换方法,给出了坐标时参考系和空间坐标参考系的定义。3.研究了联合解算中的基准问题,分析了基本时空参考系的坐标参考基准,系统研究了定义参考基准的代数约束。4.研究了空间数据处理中常用的坐标时系统及它们之间的关系,分析了各种坐标时的定义及其转换方法,研究并比较了各种坐标时转换方法的精度及其适用范围。5.研究了空间坐标转换所涉及的概念和方法,分析比较了各种转换方法的优缺点及转换参数之间的关系。研究了IERS建立的ITRF和ICRF,指出了其存在的缺陷和不足。6.推导给出了适合VLBI2010的理论时延公式。研究了联合数据分析中地面参考点、信号传播路径、空间参考点以及设备延迟的系统改正模型,给出了联合解算中改进部分系统模型的方法。7.研究了基于最小二乘原理的函数模型及随机模型参数估计方法。针对联合数据分析的需要,对相关的估计方法进行了拓展与综合。在可靠性理论的基础上,研究了粗差的探测与定位问题以及附加系统参数的统计检验问题,给出了相关的检验统计量。8.建立了基于GNSS非差非组合载波相位观测量及VLBI2010宽带相位延迟观测量的观测方程,推导了相关的偏微分方程。研究并给出了具体的参数化方法与分组约化方案,分析了可用于联合解算的分段线性参数化模型。9.给出了适合VLBI2010和下一代GNSS联合解算的初步方案,研究了将联合解算方案应用于建立参考架,校准系统差和提供EOP快速服务的方法。论文的主要贡献及创新点如下:1.研究了计量基准和参考基准的联系与区别,对常用的代数约束进行了详细的归纳和分类,指出了各种代数约束的优缺点及其应用方法。给出了联合数据分析时应用代数约束加强或定义坐标参考基准的方法,解析了常用时空坐标参考基准的定义及其实现。2.深入解析了IAU关于坐标转换的一系列新的概念和方法,详细推导了基于春分点与基于NRO的GCRS与ITRS之间的坐标转换方法,研究了各种转换参数之间的关系及其计算方法。3.给出了外部信息的统一处理方法,建立了一种适合并行计算的分组约化方法。基于最小二乘方差分量估计方法,推导了方差因子的BLUE及相关的简化公式。4.给出了GNSS非差载波相位观测量的等价单差参数化方法,提出了基于分组约化方法与史赖伯规则的观测方程约化方案。5.在TT框架下,推导了适合平面波前及球面波前的VLBI理论时延模型,拓展了球面波前情形下的级数展开法,并在二次方程法的基础上给出了适合地球卫星射电源的VLBI理论时延模型。

【Abstract】 One millimeter position accuracy on global scales is one of challenging goals for VLBI2010 which is the new generation VLBI system, this request can not be met far-forth with current theory and method of data analysis. VLBI and GNSS are geometrical and dynamics technical representative respectively, and have strong complementarity to each other. Howerver, combined data analysis can not be carried out because of restrictions of observational condition and data analysis technique, and observational combined data analysis will be realized with nicer observational conditions of VLBI2010 and next generation GNSS as well as developments of data analysis and computer technique. Aiming at new requirements and characteristics of two techniques, a complete theories system and frame of combined data analysis based on origin geometrical observations is built up, and solid foundation is presented to establishment of combined data analysis software.The main works of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. The principle, characteristics and requirements of data analysis about VLBI2010 and next generation GNSS system are studied in detail, the origin and solution of broadband phase delay ambiguity resolution is analyzed as well.2. In the framework of general relativity, the definitions and transform methods about basic space time reference are studied, definitions of coordinate time reference and space coordinate reference are presented.3. The problem of datum about combined algorithms is studied in detail, the coordinate reference datum of basic space time reference system is analyzed, some algebraic constraints used to define the reference datum are studied in detail.4. The commonly used coordinate time system and their relations are studied, their definitions and transformations are analyzed, and transformation precision and scope of application among various coordinate time is compared and studied as well.5. The concepts and methods to transform space coordinate are studied, transform methods between GCRS and ITRS are derived, advantages, disadvantages and their relations of various transform parameters are analyzed as well. ITRFs and ICRFs combined by IERS are studied, and deficiencies and limitations are pointed out.6. The VLBI theoretical time delay formula fitted to VLBI2010 is derived. The corrected models of terrestrial reference points, signal spread path, celestial reference points and instrumental delays which may be used in combined with data analysis are studied in detail, improved methods to some corrected models are given as well.7. The parameter estimation methods about parameters of function model and statistical model based on least square principle are studied. The relevant parameter estimation methods for the requirements of combined data analysis are developed and summaried. Problems to detect and fix blunders and statistical test to assistant parameters are studied based on reliability theory, and relevant statistical quantity are presented as well.8. Observational equations in terms of broadband phase delay of VLBI2010 and uncombined and undifferenced carrier phase of GNSS are established, formulas of partial differential coefficients about relevant linear equations are derived. The parameterization methods and scenarios of equivalently eliminated methods are studied and presented, a method which applies piece wise linear offsets models to combined solution is analyzed.9. An elementary solution which can be used to combine with data analysis VBLI2010 and next generation GNSS system is given, approaches to use combined solution in combining the reference frame, calibrating systemic errors and providing EOP services are researched.The main contributions and innovations of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. The relations and differences between metric datum and coordinate reference datum are studied, various algebraic constraints are summarized and classified, and advantages, disadvantages and usages of various algebraic constraints are pointed out as well. Methods in data analysis to define or strengthen the coordinate reference datum are given, and definitions and realizations of space time reference system in common use are parsed.2. A series of new concepts and methods about coordinate transform presented by IAU are parsed in depth, methods of coordinate transformation between GCRS and ITRS based on vernal equinox and NRO are derived in detail, relations among various transform parameters and their calculated methods are studied.3. The unified approaches about exterior formation are given, an equivalently eliminated method which fits parallel computing well is developed. BLUEs of variance component and simplified formulas are derived based on the least-square variance component estimation.4. An equivalent single differencing parameterization to undifferenced carrier phase observations of GNSS is developed, eliminated scenarios of observational equation which make use of developed equivalently eliminated method and shi laibo rules are given.5. The VLBI theoretical time delay models fitted to plane wave front and curved wave front respectively are developed based on time argument with TT-compatible, a series expansion method with curved wave front is improved, a relevant theoretical VLBI time delay model which can be used to earth satellites is given based on quadratic equation methods.


