

On the Digitizing of the U.S. Newspaper Industry

【作者】 曾海芳

【导师】 张咏华;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 传播学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 美国报业迄今经历了三百多年的历史发展,期间有辉煌亦有低谷。然而,进入21世纪以来,美国报业再次遭遇寒流的考验,究其原因,除了受经济危机与新媒体冲击的双重外因以外,深层原因是受众注意力的缺失引发的报纸产业链的失衡。为此,报纸必须借助与因特网的对接实现数字化转型,为受众提供新的服务从而重新赢得受众的注意力。本文选取三家知名美国大报《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》和《今日美国》作为研究对象,从网络领域、移动领域和应对数字化发展的报业组织嬗变三大方向入手,分五章探讨美国报业的数字化发展进路和三大报的不同数字化发展特色,以期为中国报业的数字化进程提供可供借鉴的参考和启示。第一章为绪论部分,主要回顾了此次美国报业危机的起源和影响,指出美国传统报纸正濒临生死存亡的边缘,巨大的生存压力迫使其不得不走上数字化发展的道路,以期能找到挽救报业的新途径。与此同时,资本对经济利益追逐的本性也决定了美国报业集团会不断地推陈出新,以最大程度地迎合受众需求从而获取利润的最大化。第二章从社会学和媒介经济学的视角解读了在新媒介环境下美国报业危机的现状和原因,以及新媒介形式给美国报业带来的新闻范式、记者工作方式以及人才结构和文化等方面的嬗变,认为引发目前美国报业寒流的深层原因是受众注意力的缺失引发的报纸产业链的失衡,对此报纸应当大胆进入新媒体领域,利用其优势与自身的特点的结合寻找新的赢利模式和竞争优势。第三章试图运用创新-扩散理论分析网络报纸在美国报界的创新扩散过程,以及美国三大报纸作为“早期的大多数”的采纳者的角色及其原因。循着这视角,本章还分析了美国三大报在再创新中的各自特色和网络运营模式,试图发现其与报纸自身定位与特点之间的关系。第四章从受众需求的视角出发,分析了手机作为移动媒体的代表对报纸、广播、电视乃至因特网等媒介的改进与补偿,以及移动服务的三个层次——通讯、移动网络和移动应用程序——与受众需求的关系。此外,本章还探讨了三大报纸在移动领域的各自发展进路与特点,考察了移动平台的传-受模式变迁,认为新模式具有去中心化、凸显受众地位和内容多元来源的特点。第五章从管理学权变理论的视角出发,分析了报业组织的特点,以及在数字化发展过程中报业组织结构调整的内因和外因,认为在当前报纸的数字化转型中,美国三大报进行组织结构调整的共同目的都是为了帮助确立“数字化发展为核心”的理念。结语部分总结了三大报纸在数字化发展道路中的五个关键词:定位转型、编辑室整合、创新、社交化路线和全能型报业人才,指出报纸与新媒介的融合既是当前中国与西方报业的生存需要,也是其未来的发展趋势。尽管美国三大报的数字化发展均涉及到上述五个方面,但在具体操作和实践过程中三家报纸却因其定位不同而各有侧重,同理,中国报业的数字化发展在借鉴西方经验的同时,也应当根据自身特点和体制进行变通和创新。

【Abstract】 The Newspaper industry in the U.S. has gone through prior periods of boom and bust since 1830s. However, for this time, the U.S. newspaper industry is suffering through what could be its worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Advertising revenues are plummeting due to the severe economic downturn, while readership habits are changing as consumers turn to the Internet for free news and information. Some major newspaper chains are even burdened by heavy debt loads. Therefore, it’s important and urgent for newspaper to find a way out of such dilemma, the way it to invent a digital journalism and new services for newspaper readers, in order to draw their attention again.This dissertation is a case study of the famous New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today, which is conducted through three parts:the cyberspace, the mobile field, and the organizational change of newspaper industry. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the background of this study with a literature review on three relative topics:the relationship between traditional media and new media, the transformational change in the newspaper industry and the invention of digital newspaper. It suggests that newspapers’such digital transformation could be attributed to the financial crisis it underwent and the pursuit of economic interest. The second chapter reviews the situation of U.S. newspaper industry, especially New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today with a social and media ecology perspective, it also analyses why U.S. newspaper industry has suffered such financial crisis, and what kinds of transitions the U.S. newspaper industry has gone through in this digital age. The third chapter uses the diffusion of innovation theory to analyses the diffusion of American online newspapers, including its diffusion process, adopter categories, and the re-invention characteristics of New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today. The fourth chapter discusses the remedial function of "media-in-motion", such as cellphone and PDA, it also focuses on the three levels of mobile services and the new send-reccive model in mobile field. The fifth chapter studies the features of newspaper organizations, and the internal reasons and external reasons for newspaper organizational change. The conclusion part sums up five key words that run through the whole process of U.S. newspaper digital development; it concludes that the convergence of newspaper and new media is not only a current necessity but also a future trend.

【关键词】 美国报业数字化转型
【Key words】 U.S. newspaper industryDigitizingTransition
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】G219.712
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2451
  • 攻读期成果

