

"Modern" Shanghai in the Perspective of Space

【作者】 许峰

【导师】 葛红兵;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 开埠是上海现代性的开端,正是在开埠以后,菜(市)场、跑马场(跑马厅)、公园等传入到上海,而棚户区也是在此时逐渐出现。开埠后各种新型空间的生产,实际上表征着各种新型社会关系的生产。有形的菜场在租界、华界内逐一设立,带动了规范、秩序、市场、契约、卫生、人道、法治、公益等无形的西方现代理念也在不知不觉之间渗入到市民的日常生活,在潜移默化中起到规训、培养的作用,而国人接受菜市场的过程也就是国人逐渐接受“现代”城市生活规范的过程。跑马厅这一空间的开创,本意是西人出于自身锻炼与娱乐的需要,但在无形之中成为西方向中国展示现代体育文明发展成果的橱窗和传播现代体育精神的温床;而国人从四面八方围聚到跑马厅、追捧春秋大跑马的过程,实际上也就是国人接受西方现代竞技体育意识熏陶,认同西方先进文化植入的过程。不过,跑马厅不仅仅是强身健体的体育竞技场,还是西人耀武扬威的处所,华洋之间政治角力的漩涡中心以及不折不扣的名利场。外滩公园、虹口花园、顾家宅公园、兆丰公园等西式公园相继落成并向外国侨民及一小部分高等华人开放,在潜移默化之中促成了上海市民公共意识的觉醒及现代民主精神的勃发。以申园、张园(味莼园)、愚园、徐园、半淞园等为代表的亦公亦私的经营性私园的出现,标志着上海的传统园林建筑从封闭的私家园林向开放的经营性私园过渡,标志着从“私有”到“公享”的转变。而作为翘楚的张园,集公园、游乐场、会展中心、名利场、风月场以及政治漩涡中心于一身,清末民初之际上海社会的方方面面都在张园身上得到充分地展现。开埠以后的上海吸引了大批来自苏北的社会中下层人士到此谋生。被侮辱和被损害的“江北贱民”与被遗弃的“下只角”,这是苏北人及其聚居地闸北在晚清以来的文学作品中最为常见的形象,上海社会长期存在却在有意忽略、回避对于“苏北人”和“闸北”的地域歧视问题。实际上,苏北人自强不息,并非只是胸无点墨的“大老粗”,但是,对于闸北作为蛮荒之地及苏北籍产业工人作为化外之民的负面形象改造,一直要到2006年大宁国际商业广场的落成才初见成效。大宁国际在闸北的落户,一方面是在改变着闸北在上海人心目中一直以来作为贫民窟、“下只角”的负面形象,另一方面也是在这片一直以来是以劳动为美的工人区中播种下、催生出以休闲为美的中产阶级意识。中产阶级意识崛起在闸北,这一新型都市文化的产生,意味着上海正从传统的生产型社会逐步朝消费型、休闲型社会过渡。显而易见,开埠以后上海都市文化的生发与嬗变有一条明显的主线,一条关于“现代性”的主线,即上海不断地从传统向现代过渡,从乡土向摩登转型。但是这种过渡和转型,绝不是一蹴而就的,更不是非白即黑、非此即彼的,而是你中有我、我中有你。纵观三角地菜场、跑马厅、张园、蕃瓜弄和大宁国际这几处在上海赫赫有名的空间,尽管属性千差万别,但是它们的出现或者说生产却不约而同地折射出上海在开埠以后,中西杂糅、新旧交织、美丑并存、正负相随的独特城市风貌或者说是“地方性知识”。比如,菜场的产生既表现出强烈的世俗性又充满了浓厚的商业色彩,同时还打上了鲜明的政治干预烙印。跑马厅既是强身健体的竞技场同时又是敲骨吸髓销金窟,并且还是华洋冲突的政治漩涡中心以及斗富炫异的名利场。而作为“全国人之聚点”的张园不仅和跑马厅一样身兼多职,而且更加是以一种亦私亦公、不伦不类的形态出现。它不仅在很大程度上代行了公园的职能,而且甚至比那些“华人与狗不得入内”的侨民公园更富于平等、公共、契约等的现代精神,也更像是“公”园。至于蕃瓜弄和大宁国际就更耐人寻味了。偏偏是在“不夜城”中,在“霓虹灯”下,大片的棚户区一望无际,大批的苏北人在水深火热中苦苦挣扎。而那座金碧辉煌,以休闲为天职的大宁国际不仅不是坐落在南京路、淮海路等沪上知名的温柔富贵乡,反而是诞生在闸北这个上海有名的“下只角”和苏北人的聚居地,并且不偏不倚,就在大宁国际的正东面就是“上工新村”——上海产业工人的样板居住区。一个是中产阶级的乐土,一个是劳动者的家园;一个以休闲、娱乐为特征,一个以“劳动光荣”、“劳工神圣”为标志。无论是哪一处空间,无一不是矛盾重重、张力重重,正是在多重力量的相互碰撞、共同作用下,终于,上海在曲折中不断前行,呈现出一种中西杂糅、新旧交织、美丑并存、正负相随的独特发展态势。尽管这条充满“上海特色”的发展道路是如此曲折,但主线依然十分清晰:随着菜场、跑马场、公园、生活中心等空间在上海的呱呱坠地,秩序意识、卫生观念、契约精神、公共意识、言论自由、体育精神、休闲观念等种种西方先进理念也逐渐植入、勃发,在不知不觉之中改变着上海人的日常生活,其结果不仅是上海民众的物质生活日趋现代,更重要的是上海民众的思想观念和上海的城市氛围日趋现代。这四处空间的生产过程都殊途同归地反映出开埠以后的上海正不断地从传统向现代过渡,从乡土向摩登转型。百年上海,百年中国。

【Abstract】 Opening port was the beginning of the modernity of Shanghai. It was after opening port that vegetable market, racecourse, park as so on were input into Shanghai. Meanwhile, shantytowns were appearing generally. In fact, the production of all kinds of new space after opening port represented the production of all the new social relation.With the tangible vegetable markets established in the settlement and Chinese territory one by one, the intangible western modern ideas such as standard, order, market, contract, hygiene, humanity, rule of law, public interest were drove to infiltrate into citizens’daily life imperceptibly, and played a role of discipline and cultivation. At the same time, the course of Chinese people accepted markets was just the course of they accepted the discipline of modern urban life.The original intention of the west opening the space of racecourse was to meet the need of physical exercise and recreation of themselves. However, the racecourse became a display window of the west showing the achievement of modern sports to China and a hotbed of propagating modern sportsmanship. In the fact that, the course of Chinese people rounded up to the Shanghai Race Club and sought after the races during spring and autumn was the process they accepted the nurture of west modern competitive sportsmanship and identified with the embedding of west achieved culture.However, Shanghai Race Club was not only a stadium for strengthening the body, but also a place of the west to show off their power, the political whirlpool of wrestle between Chinese and the west, and downright Vanity Fair.With the western style parks completed one by one and been open to the west and a small potion of high class Chinese, such as Public Park, Hongkou Garden, Parc de koukaza, Zhaofeng Park, Shanghai citizen’s public consciousness awoke and their modern spirit of democracy broke out in unspectacular ways. The appearance of commercial private parks which were semi-public and semi-private at the same time and were represented by Shun Park, Chang Park, Yu Park, Hsu Park, semi-Sung Park, signalized that the traditional gardens in Shanghai were transforming from closed private gardens to open commercial private parks and meant that they were changing from belonging to the private to being shared by the public. As the top figure of commercial private parks, Chang Park played a role of park, playground, exhibition centre, Vanity Fair, demimonde and vortex of political fight. Every aspect of Shanghai society during the late Ching Dynasty to the early Republic of China was fully in display on Chang Park.After opening pier, Shanghai attracted a large number of the underclass from North Jiangsu to make a living. It was the insulted and injured pariah from North Jiangsu and the abandoned only Kok that were the most common figures of people from North Jiangsu and their settlement which is Zhabei District. The regional discrimination towards people from North Jiangsu and Zhabei District has existed in Shanghai for a long time. However, it was neglected and avoided. In fact, people from North Jiangsu ceaselessly self-improve and are not unlearned rednecks. However, not until the completion of Life Hub @ Daning in 2006, did transformation to the negative images of Zhabei District which was looked down upon as wilderness and of industrial workers from North Jiangsu was looked down upon as barbarians take effects. On the one hand, the built up of Life Hub @ Daning in Zhabei District betters the negative image of Zhabei District as a slum and the only Kok in the opinion of people in Shanghai, on the other hand, it breeds and encourages the consciousness of Middle Class in this workers area where labour is always regarded as beauty. Appearance of the new urban culture which is concept of Middle Class rises in Zhabei District means that Shanghai is tranferring from a traditional productive society to consumer and leisure one little by little.Obviously, there is a clear main line in the course on generation and evolution of the urban culture of Shanghai after opening port. The principal line is about the modernity which is Shanghai is transforming from tradition to modernity and transferring from the rural to fashion. However, this kind of transformation and transition absolutely cannot happen overnight and is more than all-or-nothing. On the contrary, it is inclusive and comprehensive. Throughout the famous space in Shanghai such as San Jiao Di Vegetable Market, Shanghai Race Club, Chang Park, Pumpkin Alleys and Life Hub @ Daning, various as their attribute is, their appearance or production commonly reflect Shanghai’s unique city form or local knowledge after opening port, which is Chinese and western culture combining, the new and the old interweaving, beauty and ugliness coexisting, the positive and the negative cooperating. For an instance, the appearance of vegetable market presented strong secularity, bright commercial colour and distinct political stamp. Not only a stadium for strengthening the body, but also an androphagous gold cave the Shanghai Race Club was. Moreover, it was the political whirlpool of struggle between Chinese and the west and a flaunting Vanity Fair. As the focus of all Chinese people, Chang Park was in multitasking just like Shanghai Race Club and it appeared the private and the public combining and neither fish nor fowl. As for Pumpkin Alleys and Life Hub @ Daning, they are more meaningful. Just in Shanghai, there were a large number of shantytowns no end in sight and a great number of miserable people from North Jiangsu struggling. Meanwhile, neither Nanjing Road nor Huaihai Road nor other bed of roses does Life Hub @ Daning which is splendid and for leisure lie in. On the contrary, it was built in Zhabei District which was the notorious slum and settlement of people from North Jiangsu in Shanghai. Impartially, on the east, Shanghai Workers Community which is the model residential area of industrial workers in Shanghai locates. One is the paradise of middle class; the other is the home of labourers. One is characteristic of leisure and recreation; the other is marked as“labour is glorious”and labour is sacred”.No matter which space, no one is not contradictory and not full of tension. It is under the collision and joint action of multiple force that Shanghai keeps advancing despite twists and turns and appears an unique development tendency which is Chinese and western culture combining, the new and the old interweaving, beauty and ugliness coexisting, the positive and the negative cooperating.In spite of the development path with Shanghai’s characteristics is so tortuous, its main line is still very clear. With the production of all manners of space in Shanghai, a variety of western advanced concepts such as order, hygiene, contract, public consciousness, freedom of speech, sportsmanship and leisure were implanting and blooming and were changing Shanghaiese’s daily life unknowingly. As a result, more than the material life, the citizens’thinking and city atmosphere in Shanghai are more and more modern. All roads lead to Rome. The productive processes of these four kinds of different space present that Shanghai is transforming from tradition to modernity and transferring from the rural to fashion after opening port.One hundred years of Shanghai, and one hundred years in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

