

Investigation into Electrohydraulic Control Systems for Shield Tunneling Machine and Simulated Experiment Method

【作者】 施虎

【导师】 杨华勇; 龚国芳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 盾构是一种在大直径钢圆筒内实现挖掘、排渣、衬砌等隧道建设过程自动化和工厂化的大型复杂掘进装备,当前我国基础设施和国防建设领域需求十分紧迫。盾构掘进主要有控制与测量、刀盘刀具、电液控制等三大关键技术。电液控制系统承担着盾构向前推进和刀盘切削土体的任务,其控制性能直接影响掘进安全、工效及装备能耗。此外,盾构穿越地质条件复杂多变,系统负载和掘进过程难以用理论模型直接描述,而现场试验需付出较大经济代价和承担较高安全风险,设计方法的完善和关键技术的突破须借助掘进模拟试验来实现。因此,研制盾构掘进模拟试验平台并通过模拟试验开展推进、刀盘驱动等电液控制技术研究是提升我国掘进装备制造能力的重要途径,具有很强的工程应用背景和学术研究价值。论文建立了采用分项阻力合成的盾构推进力和刀盘扭矩计算模型,与传统经验公式相比,该模型包含土质参数、切深、刀盘开口率和密封舱压力等关键影响因素,描述了推进系统与刀盘驱动系统之间的负载匹配关系,揭示了推进力、推进速度、刀盘扭矩及刀盘转速等参数之间的相互影响规律。典型土层掘进模拟试验验证结果表明,均一地质中模型计算值与实测值吻合较好,相对误差小于3%,为推进和刀盘驱动电液控制系统负载精确计算和预测提供了理论依据。论文提出了一种节能型盾构刀盘驱动方式,该方式采用变转速定量泵控制液压马达驱动刀盘转动,显著提高了驱动系统的能量传递效率,有效解决了现有驱动系统因正常工况转速低导致系统能量浪费严重的问题。节能型变转速刀盘驱动系统模拟试验结果表明,该系统在粘土、砂土和砂砾三种典型土层中切削时较现有变排量系统能量传递效率提升幅度均非常明显,刀盘在0.5r/min至1.25r/min区间内工作时该驱动系统最高可节能50%。论文提出了盾构推进液压系统突变载荷顺应性定义以及评价指标,该指标可定量评价现有典型系统突变载荷顺应性的优劣,基于此类指标形成的评价体系可应用于盾构推进液压系统设计方法中,构建相应设计平台用以引导系统设计。由此自主创新设计的Φ6.3m盾构推进液压系统,其载荷顺应性能明显优于现役国外盾构,可将单位突变外界载荷衰减至原有69%,从而有效缓减系统承受的冲击。研究成果可成为提高掘进装备可靠性和降低故障率的理论依据和设计准则。论文还完成了盾构掘进综合模拟试验台总体设计和研制了掘进系统电液控制技术专项实验台,综合试验台具有功能多样且集成度高、模拟地质环境覆盖范围宽、掘进土体边界影响小等突出优点,且全物理和半物理模拟相结合,弥补了现有试验台规模小、功能单一的缺陷,为盾构电液控制技术研究提供了理想的实验条件。本论文主要研究内容如下:第一章,介绍了盾构原理、国内外发展历程及其关键技术,综述了模拟试验台盾构及推进、刀盘、管片等驱动控制系统的研究进展和存在的不足,进而指出本课题的研究背景及所要开展的研究内容。第二章,分析了盾构掘进动力系统模拟试验方法,并针对掘进动力系统电液控制技术研究的实际要求,研制了Φ3m盾构掘进综合模拟试验台、缩尺盾构模拟试验台和掘进电液控制系统半物理仿真实验台,通过试验台之间的优势互补,为掘进动力系统电液控制研究提供了实验条件。第三章,提出基于分项阻力的盾构推进力计算模型,并借助相关实验验证修正了传统基于施工经验的推进力估算公式。通过仿真分析和掘进模拟试验从压力和速度控制特性以及多缸同步控制等方面对比例溢流阀和比例调速阀组合与比例减压阀两种典型结构型式的推进液压系统作了对比研究。第四章,建立了盾构刀盘扭矩负载计算模型并分析了推进与刀盘工作参数匹配关系,基于负载模型通过仿真和模拟实验开展了变转速和变排量刀盘液压驱动系统工作效率对比研究,以粘土、砂土和砂砾土三种土层中掘进时采集的刀盘工作参数为基础,分析了三种土层中变转速盾构刀盘液压驱动系统比现有变排量系统的效率提升效果。第五章,建立了管片拼装机构运动学和动力学模型,并采用摄动法分析了拼装过程中管片的位姿误差,针对管片拼装定位过程中执行器的运动速度和精度控制提出了速度和位置复合控制策略,提高了管片定位运动的平稳性。第六章,提出液压系统顺应性定义和评价方法对国外典型盾构推进液压系统突变载荷顺应性进行了评估,分析了油液体积弹性模量、压力阀结构参数等顺应性影响因素,提出了基于顺应性的盾构推进液压系统设计方法并完成了新型液压系统设计。第七章,概括和总结了全文的主要研究工作和成果,为本课题未来开展进一步深入研究提供了参考思路和方向。

【Abstract】 Shield tunneling machine (STM) performs excavation, discharge, erection and other procedures inside a steel cylindrical shield to achieve automation and factorization of tunnel construction. Nowadays, there is a great demand for STM in China for modernization of infrastructure construction. The key technologies of STM include cutters and cutterhead. electrohydraulic power transmission, measurement, control and others. Electrohydraulic systems undertake the tasks of thrusting and excavation, and their performance directly affects safety and energy efficiency. STM goes through unexpected geological strata, so it is difficult to describe its external load and operating process using theoretical model, thus system design and technology development must be carried out by simulated experiment. Therefore, development of test rigs and study of electrohydraulic control systems for thrust and cutterhead through experiments are very significant to support technically to equipment manufacturing industry in China.In the thesis, the force and torque calculation models for the thrust and cutterhead drive systems were proposed. Compared with the empirical formula, many influential factors such as soil properties, penetration, opening ratio and earth pressure have been taken into account in the models. The relationship between thrust force and cutterhead torque was presented and the interactions of the parameters such as thrust force and speed, cutterhead torque and speed were revealed. It was shown in the experimental results for typical types of soils that the calculated and measured loads match closely under uniform geological conditions with a tolerance less than 3%. The models can be used for calculation and prediction of the loads of the thrust and cutterhead drive systems. An energy-saving cutterhead drive system with variable speed hydrostatic control was proposed. Power transmission efficiency of the cutterhead drive system was greatly improved and energy loss resulting from the system normal operating conditions under low speed was reduced. It has been shown in the experimental results that the energy efficiency of the proposed system is increased, irrespective of the geological conditions of clay, sandy and gravel soils. Within the operating speed range from 0.5r/min to 1.25r/min. the energy consumption of the new cutterhead drive system was reduced by nearly 50%. The compliance of a thrust hydraulic system and related values were proposed, by which the compliance of existing systems can be evaluated quantitively. A system design platform based upon compliance was established and a new system for 06.3m STM was designed. It was verified that its compliance is much better than that of existing machines, decreasing a peak load to original 69%. The design method will be helpful to improve reliability and to reduce failure rate of STM. The test rigs for tunneling and electrohydraulic control systems were developed, featuring multifunction, integration, various simulated geological conditions and small boundary effect. Combining physical simulation with semi-physical simulation, the test rigs make up the shortcomings of the previous ones noted for small scale and single function, and provide a good platform for experimental study on electrohydraulic control systems of STM.The major contents are summarized as follows:In chapter 1. the working principle, domestic and overseas development process of shield tunneling machine and its key technologies were introduced. The current research progresses on thrust, cutter head, segment erection control systems and shield simulation test rig were reviewed. The background and content of research subject were presented.In chapter 2, a comprehensive simulation test rig was developed, including a soil box of steel structure with a distributed loading system to simulate the vast majority of geological conditions. aΦ3m shield, an electric control system with 1500 interfaces and points, and a data acquisition system based on real-time database platform. The drive systems were designed in detail.In chapter 3, the thrust force calculation model was proposed. A comparative study of the thrust hydraulic systems with the combination of proportional relief and flow control valves, and proportional reducing valve were compared in terms of the characteristics of pressure and speed control, multi-cylinder synchronous control.In chapter 4. the cutterhead torque calculation model was established and the relationship between operating parameters were analyzed. Comparisons of drive efficiency between the hydraulic systems with variable speed and variable displacement were carried out. The efficiency improvement of the variable speed hydraulic system applied in cutterhead drive was analyzed, studying the cases in clay, sand and gravel soil.In chapter 5, the segment assembly kinematics and dynamics were modelsed. The segment pose error was derived by the perturbation method. The segment speed and position control strategies for assembling actuators were put forward, and a way to optimize the segment assembling route and hereby save energy was proposed.In chapter 6, the compliance of a hydraulic system was defined. The thrust hydraulic systems of four foreign shield machines were evaluated from the perspective of compliance. The design procedures of a compliance based thrust hydraulic system were put forward, considering fluid bulk modulus, structural parameters of pressure valves and other influential factors.In chapter 7. the research work and achievements were concluded, moreover, suggestions and directions for further in-depth study on the subject were provided.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

