

Study on Transfer Matrix Method for Dynamics of Controlled Multibody Systems

【作者】 戎保

【导师】 芮筱亭;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工程力学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 兵器、航空、航天、船舶、交通、通用机械工业等领域存在大量诸如现代多管火箭、自行火炮、飞机、航天器、舰艇、车辆、机器人、数控机床等带有控制系统的以各种方式相联接的多个物体所组成的受控多体系统。通常多体系统动力学方法需建立受控多体系统总体动力学方程、涉及系统矩阵阶次高、计算工作量大,难以满足快速计算和控制系统优化设计的要求。近年发展起来的受控多体系统传递矩阵法无需建立系统总体动力学方程、矩阵阶次低、计算速度快、程式化程度高,为受控多体系统动力学分析设计提供了全新的思路。该方法目前仅用于已知控制律情况下参数确定性受控多体系统动力学研究。作为国家国防“973”项目的重要研究成果之一,本文通过理论、计算、试验三方面的深入研究,对受控多体系统传递矩阵法作了如下发展:(1)发展了线性受控多体系统传递矩阵法,改进了线性多刚柔体系统固有振动特性算法,实现了重特征值识别;推导了受控多刚柔体系统的体动力学方程和模态空间下线性受控多体系统状态空间方程,实现了受控多刚柔体系统动力响应的精确分析。(2)建立了受控层合板壳有限元传递矩阵法,实现了多维受控结构动力学快速计算。(3)建立了线性受控多体系统的H∞独立模态空间控制设计方法,实现了线性多刚柔体系统和层合板壳结构的高效振动控制。(4)在受控多体系统离散时间传递矩阵法方面,充实了受控元件的传递矩阵,实现了时变、非线性、大运动、一般受控多体系统动力学的快速计算和高效模糊神经网络控制设计。(5)建立了随机线性多刚柔体系统和层合板壳结构传递矩阵与随机参数间的摄动关系,实现了随机系统特征值分析和鲁棒振动控制设计。(6)本文方法得到两项重大工程应用验证,建立了舰艇海上并靠补给系统控制动力学,设计了船用起重机自适应PID控制器和波浪自动补偿装置模糊控制器,工程实现了舰艇并靠补给系统动力学的快速分析和高效控制;建立了受控自行火炮行进间发射动力学,计算结果得到了试验验证,为自行火炮动态设计提供了重要的理论基础。本文研究为受控机械系统动态性能设计和高效控制提供了快速计算新方法。据此解决了多项重大工程项目急需,获国家科技进步二等奖1项、授权发明专利6项、软件著作权4项。

【Abstract】 In the field of weapon, aviation, astronavigation, ship, transportation, and general mechanical industry, many complex mechanical systems, such as multiple launch rocket system, self-propelled artillery, airplane, spacecraft, naval vessel, vehicle, robot, digit control machine tool, and so on, can often be regarded as controlled multibody systems including control system, rigid bodies and flexible bodies connected by different kinds of hinges. When using the ordinary methods to study the controlled multibody dynamics, it is necessary to develop the global dynamic equations of system, the orders of the involved system matrices are rather high for complex controlled multibody systems, and the computational time is very huge. Sometimes, it is difficult to satisfy the demand of rapid dynamics calculation and control system optimization. The transfer matrix method of controlled multibody system developed in recent years has the advantages as follows: without the global dynamics equations of system, high programming, low order of system matrix and high computational efficiency, etc. This method provides a new approach for dynamics design of controlled multibody systems. At present, the transfer matrix method of controlled multibody system is only used to study the dynamics of controlled multibody systems with certainty structural papramerts and known control laws.As one of the important research productions of national defence "973" project, in this paper, through the research on theory, calculation, and test, the transfer matrix method of controlled multibody system is extended as follows:(1) In aspect of the transfer matrix method of linear controlled multibody system, the algorithms of eigenvalue problems of linear multi-rigid-flexible-body systems is improved, and the repeated eigenvalues can be identified simply. The body dynamics equations and state space equations of linear controlled multibody system are presented, and the exact efficient dynamics analysis of controlled multi-rigid-flexible-body systems can be realized. (2) The finite element transfer matrix method of controlled laminate plates/shells is presented, and the speedy dynamics computation of controlled multidimensional structures is realized. (3) The H∞independent modal space control strategy is designed, and the active vibration control of linear multi-rigid-flexible-body systems and laminate plates/shells is realized. (4) In aspect of the discrete time transfer matrix method of controlled multibody system, the transfer matrices of some typical controlled elements are deduced, and the rapid dynamics calculation and highly efficient fuzzy neural network control of time-variable, nonlinear controlled multibody systems is realized. (5) The perturbation relationship between transfer matrices and random parameters of random linear multi-rigid-flexible-body systems and random laminate plates/shells is deduced. The eigenvalue problems of random systems are discussed, and the robust control design of random systems is realized. (6) The method presented in this paper is applied on two important engineering problems. Firstly, the control dynamics for the sealifts system of navy ships connected parallel is developed, and the PID adaptive controller of marine crane and fuzzy controller of wave compensation device are designed. The rapid dynamics calculation and highly efficient control for the sealifts system of navy ships connected parallel are realized. Secondly, the marching launch dynamics of controlled self-propelled artillery is presented, and the simulation results are validated by tests. This study provides an important theoretical basis for dynamics design of self-propelled artillery.This paper provides a new highly efficient method for dynamics and control design of controlled mechanical systems. The method in this paper has been used to solve many important engineering problems, and obtained one Chinese national prize in science and technology,6 national invention patents, and 4 national software copyrights.


