

Research on the Positioning of Enterprise Clusters in Global Value Chain System

【作者】 石培哲

【导师】 张明玉;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 全球化浪潮特别是经济全球化浪潮以及由此产生的离岸、外包、对外直接投资等形式越来越深刻地影响着当今世界经济,丰富而多样化的经济形式催生了更为复杂而多变的投资、生产等模式。在这个快速多变的经济舞台上,企业集群以一种新的成规模的组织形式逐渐取代单个企业在世界经济舞台上的表现,集群之间的竞争取代了单个企业间的竞争渐渐成为当今世界经济、投资领域的重要现象。同时,在生产的组织形式上,离岸、外包等方式使散落于世界各地的企业集群正扮演着各自不同的价值创造功能,而世界各地的企业集群便成为一条条纵向的价值创造链条上的一个个环节。这已成为当今世界经济的主流现象。各地的企业集群都在想方设法力争在全球价值链条上居于高端位置从而执世界经济之牛耳,世界各国也都在采取措施帮助本国的企业集群在全球价值链上寻找到有利的位置。如何有效地指导企业集群在全球价值链上进行定位从而确立自己的动态竞争优势就显得很有必要。本文即是基于此出发点,研究了企业集群在全球价值链条上定位的有关问题,力求对企业集群进行准确、科学的定位和布局,从而有效突破集群升级的难度和阻力。本文系统回顾了全球价值链、企业集群及定位的相关理论研究现状,提出了企业集群定位的目的、实质和内容,在对集群定位模式、定位依据及定位方法系统分析的基础上,利用层次分析法构建了全球价值链分工体系中企业集群定位指标体系,并依此建立了分析模型,通过对郑州新区汽车企业集群、新乡市长垣起重机械企业集群在全球价值链体系中的定位进行实证分析,证明了企业集群定位模型在实践中的可操作性。本文主要采用了实证分析与规范分析相结合、定量与定性分析相结合、数学模型分析法等多种研究方法。本文的主要创新之处是:1、将全球价值链理论(GVC)和营销定位理论相结合来研究集群定位问题。抛开一味片面追求升级的研究思路,把全球价值链理论和营销管理中的定位战略相结合,通过对市场进行分析,为企业集群在全球价值链条上寻找匹配的位置从而获取持续的动态竞争优势找到理论基础。从更持久和更高端竞争力的获取视角,提出竞争力来自于集群在片断化的全球价值链上特别是在高端价值链上的定位和价值捕捉。2、研究并建立了企业集群在全球价值链分工体系中定位的指标体系。科学、客观、系统分析了影响集群准确定位的主要因素,在此基础上建立了一个能较准确把握集群定位关键环节的三级指标体系。3、利用层次分析法建立企业集群在全球价值链分工体系中的定位模型,并首次对郑州新区汽车企业集群定位、新乡市长垣起重机械企业集群定位进行系统研究从而对模型进行验证。通过企业集群定位的数学模型,为集群正确寻找发展战略和道路建立了一个可利用的工具,提供了一个有效的思路和方法。本文认为,在全球价值链分工体系中,企业集群的最终目的是要获得持续的动态竞争优势,从而在全球价值链上居于价值创造的高端位置。而要实现这一目标,就必须首先在科学客观分析的基础上对其进行链条的准确定位。定位并不是锁定,而是要根据情况的变动做出相应的动态调整。研究全球价值链及企业集群定位应从互动视角来进行,本文利用波特五力模型对集群定位下的市场竞争进行全面分析,指出全球价值链中企业集群应根据集群集体行动能力、领先企业战略等七大依据进行定位。通过附加值分析法对集群定位框架及风险进行分析,在此基础上,运用AHP分析法提出集群定位模型,同时在对郑州新区汽车企业集群、新乡市长垣起重机械企业集群实地调研的基础上,应用该模型对其进行定位,并重点从创新、营销、品牌运作等方面提出了相应的发展策略,以期对我国企业集群的健康发展有一定的借鉴和指导作用。

【Abstract】 The globalization, especially the economic globalization and resulted from which, the offshore, outsourcing and foreign direct investment (FDI) extend great influence on the current global economy. Various economic patterns breed more complicated investing and introducing patterns. On such a rapidly changing economic stage, enterprise clusters gradually replaced individual enterprises’ performance in a new scale organizing form. It is becoming an important phenomenon in the investing field and the current economy that competitions among enterprise clusters take the place of those among individual enterprises. In the meantime, it is the mainstream phenomenon that, in the introducing organization form, the offshore and foreign direct investing types make the enterprise clusters play respectively different value creating functions while the enterprise clusters throughout the world become the different points in the value creating chain. The enterprise clusters all over the world are making every effort to rank the top in the global value chain so as to occupy the leading position in relation to the economic development, and each nation is attempting to take different measures to aid their native enterprise clusters to seek beneficial occupations. It seems to be necessary on how to effectively guide enterprise clusters to spot their positions in the global value chain so as to set up their dynamic competitive advantages and based on which, this thesis paper explores the issues related to enterprise clusters’positioning in the global value chain and attempts to make an accurate and scientific positioning and disposition so as to effectively break through the difficulties and obstacles in enterprise clusters upgrading.This thesis paper systematically reviewed the related theory about global value chain, enterprise cluster and positioning. It puts forward the essence and content of enterprise clusters’ positioning, and constructs the positioning index system of enterprise cluster based on the positioning mode, positioning basis and positioning method in the global value chain. As a result, the analytic model was established. Through a positive analysis on the positioning of auto enterprise clusters in the new district of Zhengzhou city and crane enterprise cluster in Xinxiang city in GVC, it proves the feasibility of cluster locating model in practice.This paper mainly adopts various research methods such as empirical analysis and normative analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, mathematical model analysis and so on. The major creative points are as follows:1. This paper studies the issues of cluster positioning by combining the GVC theory and market location theory. With the combination of the GVC theory and positioning strategy related to market management, this paper attempts to find a theoretical foundation for enterprise clusters to seek matching positions in GVC so as to obtain sustainable dynamic competitive advantages by making an analysis on the market rather than partially pursuing upgrading. It points out that the competence results from cluster’s positioning and value catching on the fragmented global value chain especially on the high-end value chain.2. This paper studies and establishes the enterprise clusters’ positioning index system in the GVC distributing system. It systematically, objectively and scientifically analyzed the major factors influencing clusters’accurate positioning and on this basis establishes a grade-three index system that can control the key points of clusters’ positioning more accurately.3. This paper adopts analytic hierarchy method to establish enterprise clusters’ positioning model in GVC specialization system, and makes an initiative systematic study on the auto enterprise cluster in the new district of Zhengzhou city so as to verify it. Through the mathematic model in cluster’s positioning, this paper sets up an available tool and puts forward an effective train of thought and method to correctively seek developing strategy and path for clusters.This paper points out that in the GVC specialization system, enterprise clusters’ ultimate goal is to obtain ongoing dynamic competitive advantages so as to rank the top in value creation in GVC. In order to realize such a goal, in the first place, it is expected to make an accurate positioning based on a scientific and objective analysis. Positioning is not locking, but to make relative dynamic adjustments according to changing situations. The study on GVC and enterprise cluster is expected to be practiced from interactive perspective. This paper comprehensively analyzes the market competition of cluster positioning by using the model of potter’ five competitive forces, and points out that in the global value chain, enterprise clusters’ positioning is supposed to be conducted on seven bases such as enterprise’s collective acting ability, and leading enterprise strategy and so on. This paper analyzes the location framework and risk of cluster through the added value analysis method, and brings forward the locating model of enterprise clusters by AHP, meanwhile positions the auto enterprise clusters in the new district of Zhengzhou and crane enterprise cluster in Xinxiang city on the basis of spot researches through this model, and comes up with the corresponding development strategy from innovation, marketing, and brand operation etc. with a hope that this paper will provide certain references and guidance for the healthy development of enterprise clusters in China.


