

Research on MF Efficiency Based on Material Flow Theory

【作者】 田源

【导师】 徐寿波;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 根据国内外经验,物流对于经济的作用与物流效率的高低密切相关。物流效率对于物流业发展的影响巨大,而物流业在国民经济中的地位也是至关重要的,物流效率研究可以帮助提高物流资源配置效率,为物流业发展提供科学依据,提高物流效率是实现经济可持续发展、减少物流对环境影响的需要,是应对全球化竞争的需要。论文以大物流(MF)理论为依据,考察经济活动中的物流运行效率,通过文献分析和现场调研,运用大物流(MF)、系统工程、经济学、技术经济学等理论以及统计分析方法,结合我国实际情况,重点研究物流效率的内涵与体系构成、物流效率的衡量指标与计算方法,在此基础上分析物流效率的发展规律与趋势以及影响因素,并通过国内外物流效率的实证研究,提出提高物流效率的措施,为有关部门决策提供定量化支持。论文的主要成果包括:(1)构建物流效率体系。对于物流效率的内涵进行了深入分析,并从物流、经济、环境三者之间的关系考虑出发,分析了物流效率提升对于经济和环境的作用,在此基础上分析了者之间基于物流效率的良性循环与协调优化,最后构建了物流效率基本体系,认为物流效率体系由物流经济效率、物流技术效率与物流环境效率三个方面构成,另外从不同的角度还可以有宏观、中观、微观的区分以及动态与静态的考虑。(2)提出物流效率衡量指标计算模型。根据所构建的物流效率体系,以物流经济效率、物流技术效率、物流环境效率的划分为基础,对于各种物流效率的衡量指标进行具体化,并对各指标的计算公式模型、以及公式中各参数的计算进行详细分析和阐述。(3)进行实证分析。应用论文理论研究成果,分别针对物流经济效率、物流技术效率和物流环境效率三个方面进行实证分析。通过文献及现场调研与分析,根据数据的可得性,对物流经济效率进行计算、评价、比较与分析,选取我国与部分国家进行评价与比较,证明理论的实用性,研究物流效率的发展趋势,揭示了物流经济效率、物流投入系数和物流投入弹性系数的发展变化规律。对于物流技术效率,分别从企业角度和物的角度进行分析与计算。对于物流环境效率,着重于分析和计算物流尤其是运输业的能耗和对环境的负面产出。(4)分析物流效率影响因素,提出我国物流效率提升措施。从物流效率基本计算公式中的参数入手,分析了影响物流效率提升的因素,提出降低物流投入量、提升物流管理水平和技术水平,是提升物流效率的主要方法,据此提出了我国提升物流效率的支撑条件及宏观和微观措施。图28幅,表26个,参考文献215篇。

【Abstract】 According to domestic and overseas experience, the role of material flow(MF) in economy is closely related to MF efficiency. MF efficiency has a great effect on MF industry which plays an important role in national economy. The research on MF efficiency will help to enhance the efficiency of configuration of MF resource, and then provide scientific basis for the development of MF industry. Increasing MF efficiency is a necessary step to achieve sustainable development of economy and to reduce the MF activities’influence on environment. Increasing MF efficiency is essential in the face of global competition.This paper, on basis of MF theory, observes and studies MF efficiency in economic activities. It’s supported by literature analysis and field research, and MF theory, system engineering, economics, technological economics and the method of statistical analysis. Considering the practical situation in China, the paper focuses on research of the concept, system structure, metrics and calculation of MF efficiency. Afterwards, the rule and trend of development and the effect factor of MF efficiency are discussed in the paper. At last, via empirical studies on internal and external literature, the paper puts forward measures to improve the MF efficiency, which will provide quantitative support for relative departments’decision.Main achievements of the paper include:(1) Constructing MF efficiency systemThe paper deeply analyzes the concept of MF efficiency and its role in improving the economy and environment from the consideration of the relation among MF, economy and environment. On this basis, it analyzes their coordination and optimization based on positive cycle of MF efficiency. At last, the basic system of MF efficiency is built up, which announces that MF efficiency system consists of MF economic efficiency, MF technological efficiency and MF environmental efficiency. This issue can also be considered from the perspective of the distinction among macroscopic view, madhyamika view and microscopic view, or from the perspective of dynamic and static.(2) Proposing calculating models for MF efficiency metricsAccording to the constructed MF efficiency system, the paper specifies various metrics of MF efficiency, analyze and detail the calculating formulae models as well as all parameters’computing on the basis of the division among MF economic efficiency, MF technological efficiency and MF environmental efficiency.(3) Conducting empirical analysisAs for the application of this paper’s theoretical results, three aspects of issues, respectively aimed at MF economic efficiency, MF technological efficiency and MF environmental efficiency, are looked into through empirical analysis. The method is by investigating and analyzing the literature and field, based on the data availability, computing, evaluating, comparing and analyzing the MF efficiency. This paper estimates and compares China and some other countries to announce the theory’s practical applicability and development trend of MF efficiency, and then proclaim the development trend of MF economic efficiency, MF input coefficient and MF input coefficient of elasticity. The MF technological efficiency is analyzed and calculated from the angles of enterprise and material. For the MF environmental efficiency, the paper focuses on the negative output produced by energy consumption of MF industry especially transportation business.(4) Analyzing influencing factors of MF efficiency, and proposing measures of improving China MF efficiencyFrom the MF efficiency basic calculating formulas, the paper analyzes the influencing factors of improving MF efficiency, puts forwards that the main means of improving MF efficiency are reducing MF input and strengthening MF management as well as technology. On these grounds, the paper proposes the support conditions and macro and micro measures to enhance China MF efficiency.There are28figures,26charts and215references in the paper.


