

Study on the Editing and Examining System of Textbooks for Primary and Secondary Schools in Modern China

【作者】 王昌善

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在几代专家和学者的努力下,我国近现代教育史的研究已取得了丰硕的研究成果。但与一些邻近的领域相比,我国中小学教科书的历史研究,特别是中小学教科书制度的历史研究还显得较为薄弱。目前,尚未见有对我国近代中小学教科书编审制度进行整体性研究的成果。因此,从整体上梳理我国近代中小学教科书编审制度发展的历史沿革,分析其构成的基本要素,探究其形成原因、实施效果和经验教训,其研究成果对充实我国近现代教育史研究、丰富我国教科书和课程理论研究具有较重要的理论价值,并能为深化当前我国中小学教科书编审制度的改革提供借鉴和启示,对完善我国中小学教科书制度、提高我国中小学教科书的质量具有较重大的现实意义。本论文致力于我国近代中小学教科书编审制度的整体研究,主要探究该制度的历史沿革、基本要素、形成原因、实施效果与借鉴和启示。全文共分五章,各章主要研究内容如下:第一章导论。首先介绍了研究缘起并对论题进行了界定,然后分析了研究现状与研究意义、阐述了研究思路与论文构架,最后讨论了研究可能取得的突破。第二章我国近代中小学教科书编审制度的历史沿革。把我国近代中小学教科书编审制度的历史分为如下三个时期:(1)光绪3年(1877年)至光绪23年(1897年):自由制;(2)光绪24年(1898年)至对日抗战开始(1937年):以审定制为主;(3)对日抗战至国民政府迁台(1949年):以国定制为主。主要运用历史学视角,充分发掘和爬梳了各种史料,尽可能地展现了制度化逐步实现的背景、过程及结果。第三章我国近代中小学教科书编审制度的基本要素。主要运用教育学的视角,对我国近代中小学教科书编审制度的基本要素包括编审机构、编审人员、编审标准、编审程序、编审周期分别进行了考察和评价。第四章我国近代中小学教科书制度的形成原因。主要运用社会学视角,深入地探讨了三个历史时期中小学教科书编审制度包括自由制、审定制、国定制的成因。乃以国家作为博弈主体,多方利益集团博弈妥协的结果。主要包括支配集团内部的博弈、支配集团与被支配集团之间的博弈、政治精英与学术精英之间的博弈等。第五章我国近代中小学教科书制度的实施效果。主要运用教育学的视角,对我国近代中小学教科书编审制度的实施效果包括经验与启示和教训与反思两方面进行了整体辩证地考察。论文最后总结了研究所得,分析了研究不足,指出作者今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 With the efforts of experts and scholars of several generations, encouraging achievements have been made in the research of China’s modern education history. But compared with some neighboring areas, the historical research on China’s primary and secondary school textbooks, especially the editing and examining system of textbooks remains to be rather weak. So far, no comprehensive study has ever been made in this aspect. Therefore, it is of great theoretical significance to comb as a whole the historical evolution of the development of the editing and examining system of primary and secondary school textbooks, analyze its basic elements and explore its causes, effects as well as the experience and lessons in its implementation. The results may enrich the research on China’s history of modern education, textbooks and curriculum theory. Besides, the results may provide references and inspirations for deepening the reform of the current editing and examining system of our primary and secondary school textbooks. The thesis attempts to make a comprehensive study of the editing and examining system of primary and secondary schools textbooks in modern China, including its historical evolution, basic elements, formative reasons, and implementation effect as well as the references and inspirations. There are five chapters altogether.Chapter one is the introduction. It first defines the research topic, and then analyzes the research status, explains the significance of the study and describes the framework of research. Finally it discusses possible research breakthroughs.Chapter two combs the historical evolution of the editing and examining system of primary and secondary school textbooks in modern China. It divides the history into the following three periods:(1) from 1877 to 1897:free editing; (2) from 1898 to 1937:validation; (3) from 1937 to 1949:national examination.Chapter three introduces the basic elements of the system. It makes a survey and assessment from a pedagogical perspective of the basic elements of the system, including the editorial agency, the editorial staff, the editorial standards, the editorial process and editorial cycle.Chapter four explores the causes of the system. It makes sociologically an in-depth exploration of the system in three historical periods.Chapter five argues pedagogically the implementation effect of the system. It offers overall dialectical study of its references and inspiration as well as its practical lessons.In the final part of the thesis, the author makes a summary of the study, analyzes its limitations and points out the direction of future efforts.


