

"Public Service on Campus": Reform and Development of Initial Training for College and University Faculty

【作者】 赵惠君

【导师】 雷鸣强;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高校教师是高校发展的核心力量,是高校声望的重要载体。世界上任何职业,即便从业者受过充分严格的职前学历教育,我们也无法期望他从业伊始即能做出充分的贡献。高校新进教师的培训与发展受到世界各国的关注与重视。我国目前实行的是自上而下的制度化、规模化高校教师岗前培训政策,虽有良好初衷,但缺乏合理设计。自1998年开始实施,运行十余年后,我国高校教师岗前培训已出现功效危机,成为急需研究的现实问题。高校教师岗前培训相关研究虽不少,但缺乏系统深入探究,甚至很多研究仅仅站在管理者视角俯视问题,提出改进策略,但归因失真,使高校教师岗前培训应然面目更加混淆不清。本研究运用中美比较研究、问卷调研以及个别访谈等方法,站在促进高校新进教师发展的立场展开言说,首先从岗前培训理念反思入手,然后对高校教师岗前培训从组织运行方式、培训内容、培训方法、培训考核诸环节进行全程全景式剖析、解构、建构;最后进行根本归因分析,指出我国高校教师岗前培训改革与发展的根本走向。全文共分八章。第一章导论。包括本研究的选题缘起、研究价值、概念界定、文献综述、研究思路与基本内容、研究方法。第二章我国高校教师岗前培训的缘起及现状分析。本章首先对我国高校教师培训的政策脉络进行梳理,同时解读高校教师岗前培训政策文本,再从高校青年教师发展、国家高等教育质量建设、国际高等教育关注的共同主题等三方面对高校教师岗前培训的必要性进行了阐述,在现状调研的基础上,挖掘出当前我国高校教师岗前培训需要关注的五个方面的问题:培训理念、培训组织方式、培训内容、培训方法、培训考核,接下来的五章即围绕这五方面的问题展开研究。第三章“公共服务”——论高校教师岗前培训的理念。高校教师岗前培训在何种理念下运行,是影响其培训效果的重要因素,本章对中美两国高校教师培训理念——管理主义与公共服务的内涵及其表现进行了分别阐述,并比较两种理念形成的背景和主要区别。指出公共服务理念的根本缺失与管理主义的浓郁盛行不仅体现在我国高校教师岗前培训政策制定上,也渗透在岗前培训实施的每一个环节,理念转变是关键。第四章“低重心”——论高校教师岗前培训的组织方式。目前我国高校教师岗前培训在统一的行政指令下运行。本章在对我国高校教师岗前培训的组织方式进行述评后,对美国高校教师发展的历程、运作模式、组织原则进行案例分析,并在中美比较后提出参考建议。第五章“实用”——论高校教师岗前培训的内容。我国高校教师岗前培训内容学科化呈现、计划式供给,导致岗前培训“内容空洞、形式化、教条化、缺乏实用性与针对性”。本章对我国高校教师岗前培训内容现状进行述评后,对美国高校教师培训的内容进行分类阐述,并分析其核心培训内容以及培训内容的实用性特点,最后就我国高校教师岗前培训提出培训内容方面的改进举措。第六章“自我导向”——论高校教师岗前培训的方法。目前我国高校教师岗前培训的具体方法主要为灌输式讲授,形式单调。这并非高师培训中心有意为之,实乃高校课堂教学的微观镜像、中小学教学方法的自然延续,受岗前培训班级规模的制约以及岗前培训考核方式的影响。本章对美国高校教师培训的10余种方法进行分类详尽描述,在比较的基础上运用成人学习理论的“自我导向”思想进行分析,并提出相关启示。第七章“谁考核谁”——论高校教师岗前培训的评价。本章对高校教师岗前培训的“应试盛宴”进行现实扫描,同时指出与“应试盛宴”相伴的另一不容忽视的负效应——“老师也作弊”,并对其进行归因分析。反观美国,其高校教师发展机构不仅不对参训教师进行鉴定性评价,相反,培训机构还经常组织参训教师对培训效果进行评估。“谁考核谁”这对关系在中美高校的倒置颇值得思考。本章对高校教师岗前培训与高校教师资格证书之间的制度关联进行了析解,并主张消解不合理的制度关联、理顺倒置的评价主客体关系,去却岗前培训现有的“筛子”之职,发挥其应有的“水泵”之效。第八章“校园内的公共服务”——高校教师岗前培训发展走向。前面三至七章虽然就五方面的问题进行了中美比较,并环环解构后积极重构,但要根本破解高校教师岗前培训低效甚至无效之困境,需要进行根本归因分析。本研究认为,行政指令替代教师自主——即岗前培训的“强制性”与“统一性”特质,是导致当前我国高校教师岗前培训低效甚至无效的根本原因,高校教师岗前培训管理重心的下移与服务理念的上扬是改革的根本理路,亦即构建在“校本”培训与“师本”培训双重保障下的“校园内的公共服务”,是我国高校教师岗前培训改革与发展的根本走向。

【Abstract】 Faculty are the core power of higher education and important carriers of university prestige. But no profession in the world expects new comers’ full contribution even with very severe pre-service education. All nations have paid attention and attached importance to the training and development of new faculty. China’s policy is institutionalized large-scale top-down initial training. This policy has been put into practice for more than a decade since 1998. There is an efficacy crisis in initial training because of its irrational design, although it has good original intention. Initial training for colleges and universities faculty is calling for Research. There are many studies on this issue. But most of them are not systemic and thorough. Many of the studies overlook the issue and put forward improvement solution just from the managers’ angle of view, hence the distortion of attribution. This causes more confused in true colors of initial training for colleges and universities faculty.The paper employs the methods of Sino-American comparative study, questionnaire and personal inquiry. Our standpoint is to facilitate the development of new faculty in colleges and universities. We begin with rethink on initial training ideal and make a thorough analysis and deconstruction and reconstruction of its organizational form, contents, methods and evaluation. Then we make an attribution analysis and point out the ultimate trend of reform and development of initial training for colleges and universities faculty in China.There are altogether eight chapters in this paper.Chapter One:Introduction. This chapter includes the origin of selected topic, the value of the study, definition of the main concepts, literature review, basic contents, research ideas and methods.Chapter Two:The origin and status quo of initial training for colleges and universities faculty in China. We review and analyze in this chapter the policies of training for college and university faculty. Then we expatiate the necessity of initial training for colleges and universities faculty in China from the aspects of new faculty’ development, improvement of higher education in China and common topic of international higher education. Based on the status quo investigation we point out five issues of initial training for colleges and universities faculty in China:training philosophy, organizational form, training contents, training methods and evaluation. The following five chapters are the discussions of these issues.Chapter Three:"public service"---on the philosophy of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. The training philosophy is the key factor of the training effect. This chapter explains the philosophies of initial training for colleges and universities faculty in China and America (managerialism vs. public service)and compares their forming background and the major differences. The lack of public service theory and the prevailing of managerialism influence the policy-making and implementation of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. The key is to change our philosophy.Chapter Four:"low gravity center"---on the organizational form of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. Nowadays initial training for colleges and universities faculty is running under the uniform Administrative orders. This chapter analyzes the organizational form of initial training in China and makes case studies of the course, the operating modes and organization principles of American faculty development. We make some reference proposals on the basis of Sino-American comparison.Chapter Five:"pragmatics"---on the contents of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. The contents of our initial training are disciplinary constructed and planned. It leads to emptiness of contents, formalization, dogmatization and lack of practicability and direction. In this chapter we analyze the status quo of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. Then we classify the contents of initial training for American college and university faculty and analyze its core contents and practicability. We propose some measures to improve initial training for colleges and universities faculty.Chapter Six:"self-direction"---on the methods of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. Nowadays the major method in our initial training is infusion. It is very monotonous but not out of the intention of training center. It is actually the microcosmic mirrorimage of classroom teaching in colleges and universities and the natural extension of primary and secondary school education methods. And it is restrained and influenced by class scale and the assessment of initial training. We classify and describe more than 10 American training methods and employ adult learning theory to analyze them on the basis of comparison and point out the possible inspirations.Chapter Seven:"who is the examiner?"—on the evaluation of initial training for colleges and universities faculty. We describe the "exam feast" of initial training and point out a relevant negative effect, that is"faculty cheat too". On the contrary, in America there are no assessments on participating faculty but the evaluation on the training result by the participating faculty. This inverted relations between Chinese and American is thought-provoking. This chapter is an analysis of the institutional relation between initial training and qualification certificate of colleges and universities faculty. We insist that the unreasonable institutional relation should be eliminated and the reversed relationship between Subject and Object should be corrected. We also insist that the function of initial training as "a sieve" should be replaced by "a pump".Chapter Eight:"public service on campus"---the trend of initial training for Chinese college and university faculty. Although the previous chapters(3-7) made a comparison between China and America of initial training for colleges and universities faculty and destructed and reconstructed every step of it. To find the ultimate solution to the low or even no efficiency of initial training we need an imputation analysis. We think that the prime reason of low efficiency of initial training is the replacement of faculty’ self-determination by administration orders, that is, the coerciveness and uniformity of initial training for Chinese college and university faculty. We propose that the ultimate solution lies in the moving down of management centers and the raising up of service theory, i.e, "public service on campus" based on both school-based training and intrinsic training for faculty. This is the ultimate trend of the reform and development of initial training for Chinese college and university faculty.

  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1666

