

Research on the Talent Training Mode of Competitive Sports in Social Transformation Period

【作者】 刘亚云

【导师】 李艳翎;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国正处在社会转型期,整个国家的经济制度由计划经济向市场经济转变,整个社会也正由传统社会向现代社会转型,这就使得我国原有的竞技体育人才培养模式已经失去了有效运作的土壤,中国体育也走到了从体育大国向体育强国迈进的十字路口。我国竞技体育人才培养如何适应社会主义市场经济的要求,如何建立符合我国国情的竞技体育人才培养的管理体制和运行机制,如何构建具有中国特色的多元化竞技体育人才培养模式,就成为摆在我国理论界和体育主管部门面前的一大难题。本研究运用文献资料、专家访谈、理论研究与实证研究相结合和历史研究与比较研究相结合等研究方法,结合我国竞技体育的具体实践,综合运用管理学、社会学、经济学、教育学、人才学和运动训练学等多学科知识,以竞技体育产品性质研究为切入点,介绍了国外部分国家竞技体育人才培养的成功经验,通过回顾中国竞技体育人才培养模式的发展历史沿革,分析了中国竞技体育人才培养模式的发展现状,探究了中国竞技体育人才培养模式变革的影响因素,在此基础上,借鉴国外的成功经验,结合中国国情,建构了具有中国特色的多元化竞技体育人才培养模式,并提出了实现中国竞技体育多元化人才培养模式并存的保障措施。研究认为:(1)单一的竞技体育人才国家培养模式已经不适应时代发展的需要。建国以后实行的举国体制,培养周期长、投入金额大、运动寿命短、淘汰率高等问题一直深受社会诟病。我国民众对竞技体育的胜负观已经发生变化,国人对竞技体育的心态也日渐成熟理性。同时,随着我国行政管理体制深层次改革的不断推进,我国原有竞技体育人才培养体制所赖以生存的政治制度正在丧失必要的社会基础。(2)竞技体育产品具有准公共产品性质,其供给主体应包括国家、市场和社会,因此我国竞技体育人才培养应该包括国家、市场和社会等多种培养主体。(3)由于市场经济地位确立,市场化改革全面铺开,我国竞技体育人才市场化改革也已初见成效,目前已经出现包括国家培养、高校培养、俱乐部培养及家庭培养等多种形式并存的局面。(4)部分西方发达国家的竞技体育人才培养模式各不相同,呈现出不同的特点。美国是以学校为中心的竞技体育人才培养模式;德国是以体育俱乐部为基础的竞技体育人才培养模式;澳大利亚是以体育组织为中心的竞技体育人才培养模式;俄罗斯是以体育运动学校为基础的竞技体育人才培养模式;日本是以学校和俱乐部为基础的竞技体育人才培养模式。但各种培养模式却都有一些共同特征,主要表现在:各国竞技体育人才培养模式的选择都注重本国国情和具有鲜明的特色;各国竞技体育人才培养都注重体育与教育的结合;各国竞技体育人才的培养大多走政府和社会相结合的道路;各国竞技体育人才的培养都建立在广泛的群众体育基础上。(5)竞技体育人才培养模式多元化改革应遵循普及与提高相结合、体育与教育相结合、兼容并存与各有侧重相结合、国际化与本土化相结合的原则,与传统竞技体育人才培养模式相比较,实现了公平与效率的有机结合,充分满足了社会资本对竞技体育人才培养的参与需求,弱化了国家培养的主导地位,凸显学校培养的主体地位,兼顾了投资主体与运动项目的结合,既借鉴国外的经验又体现了中国特色。为使多种培养模式“并行不悖、各有侧重”,实现多元化培养模式的效能最大化,必须进行观念更新、制度创新、政策调整和法律完善。

【Abstract】 At present, China is in social transformation period that economic system of the country is transiting from a planned economy to a market economy and the society is changing from tradition to modernism, this result in the talent training mode of competitive sports has lost its base conditions of operation effectively, sports in China is at the crossroad of sport country and sport power country. How can the talent training of competitive sports meet the requirements of socialist market economy? How can the management system and operation mechanism be established in accordance with Chinese conditions? How can the talent training mode of competitive sports be constructed with the Chinese characteristics? Research on those is a difficult problem to the theory circle and sports administration in China.The research methods adopted in the dissertation are as follows: literature consultation, combine theoretic analysis with demonstrative study, with historical analytical method and comparative method, and so on. Based on the practice of the competitive sports in China, knowledge of management, sociology, economics, pedagogy, talent science and sports training theory has been used comprehensively. The research on the properties of competitive sports products being as a breakthrough point, successful experience of competitive sports talent training in some of the other countries has been introduced. After the talent training mode of competitive sports in China being reviewed, the present status of the talent training mode of competitive sports in China has been analyzed, the factors influencing the talent training mode reform of competitive sports in China have been analyzed, and based on those, with the overseas successful experience and in accordance with Chinese conditions, the talent training mode of diversified competitive sports with Chinese characteristics has been constructed, and the safeguard measures to realize the mode has been put forward. The results show that:(1) That single training mode of competitive sports talent by country can’t keep abreast of the times. Training mode of competitive sports talent by country established in early PRC has problems of longer period of training, more expensive cost, high elimination rate and high return rate. The masses’ideas to competitive sports in China has changed, people’s attitude towards sports has become more and more sensible. At the same time, along with the constantly advance of deepened reform of administrative management system, the political system which the formal system of talent training mode of competitive sports lived on is losing its essential social roots.(2) Competitive sports products have the characteristics of quasi public product, its supply main body should include county, market and society, so the competitive talent training should be multiple training body including country, market and society.(3) Because of the establishment of market economy status, market-oriented reforms is fully under way, competitive sports talent market-oriented reform has achieved initial success, and emerged the situation of multiple training modes coexist including by country, colleges, clubs and family. (4) Partial western countries’talent training mode of competitive sports are different from each other showing different characteristics which taken the school as the center in America, based on sports clubs in Germany, based on sports organizations in Austrian, on the basis of sports schools in Russia, based with schools and clubs in Japan. But each different training mode has some common trait, mainly showing as fellow: choose right talent training mode of competitive sports in accordance with its own national conditions. Competitive sports talent training cares about the combination of sports and education. Competitive sports talent training cares about the combination of government and society. Competitive sports talent training is based on mass sports.(5) Multifactor reform of training mode of competitive talent should adheres to the principles of integrating universal and raising, combing sports and education, linking compatible and coexistence with treated in different order, internationalization and localization. This mode, comparing to our traditional mode, achieved a combination of equity and efficiency, met the participation needs of social capital fully, weaken the country’dominant situation, highlighted the school training dominant position, taken into account combination investor with sports, used the experience of other countries and also embodied Chinese characteristics. We should update the concepts, innovate the system, change the policy and improve the legal system in order to make all kinds of mode "go hand in hand, treat in different order" and realize its efficiency maximize.


