

On the Provincial Military Administration System of the Beijing Government during the Republic of China Period

【作者】 刘迪香

【导师】 李育民;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 北洋军阀政治研究在史学界已有丰硕成果。但该领域依然存在很大研究空间。本课题拟从省区军政制度的视角,探讨军阀政治运行的制度基础,进而探讨民国北京政府时期西方民主政治制度移植于中国后所发生制度蜕变的原因。督军制与巡阅使制度是中国军阀政治形态的生存基础,也是军阀实现其政治统治的最主要途径和工具。但是,在政治体制方面,军阀时期在省区一级三权分立政治结构始终存在。在中央一级,三权分立政治结构直到1924年北京政变之前也一直存在。因此,军阀政治从制度上而言,它是一种法外干政的变态政治体制。它自始至终都无法完全解决自身的合法性与正当性问题。也无法解决中央政府权威及国家层面政治整合的问题。这也是北洋军阀政治仅仅十多年便被国民党党政体制取代的根本原因所在。本文包括绪论、正文、结语三个部分。绪论部分对问题的提出,学术界已有研究现状,中外军人政治相关理论对本课题的指导和启发,研究计划和研究范围方法等进行介绍。正文五章分别初步探讨了民国北京政府军阀时期的督军制、巡阅使制,都统和护军使制的基本情况。在研究省区主要军制的同时对省区军政制度的常态与逸轨运行,督军巡阅使对中央政治的干预和影响机制进行研究初步探讨。具体言之,主要包括三个方面的内容。第一,本文围绕军政关系或军民分治问题,探讨了军阀时期省区(本课题“区”有两个含义。一是指民国北京政府时期的热河、察哈尔和绥远三特区,二是指民国军阀时期逐步形成的超省级的巡阅使区即准大军区。后文中具体指哪一种含义视语境而定,后文不再一一说明。)军政关系的制度规定及实际运行状态。本课题探讨研究了民国北京政府时期省区制度的基本史实。辛亥革命初期一度出现的军政合一的省区体制,袁世凯时代恢复重建省区“军民分治”制度的努力:法定省区制度为省级行政机构与军政机构独立设置,文武职官分轨运行。这种制度设置终北京政府时期没有改变。虽然各省行政长官或由军政长官兼任,或听命于本省军政长官,但是,行政公署并没有沦为军政机构的附庸,军政机构也没有将处理民政的行政公署取而代之。第二,本课题探讨研究了北洋军阀政治运行的制度基础即省区军政制度督军制及超省级巡阅使制。督军制与巡阅使制在所辖省域的共同军制制度基础是道与县域重要军事要地设置的镇守使及其镇守使制。督军制是普遍设立的经常制度,巡阅使是临时设置的非常机构。督军与巡阅使制度的运行都是以督军制为基础不断扩张法外权能而实现的。督军与巡阅使制度既是是中国军阀政治形态的基本方式,也是军阀实现其政治统治的最主要途径和工具。第三,热河、察哈尔、绥远三特区实施的则是军政合一的都统政治体制。都统体制也与巡阅使制和镇守使制互为犄角,共生共存。从省区军政制度对军阀政治整体影响来看,本课题通过对督军巡阅使横向干预省政,纵向干预国政过程的研究,得出如下基本结论:第一,民国北京政府时期的军阀政治是一种制度外干政的变态政治。军阀政治出现的远因是殖民地半殖民地中国国内社会矛盾和民族危机加剧的间接结果。北洋军事集团将领走向近代中国政治前台的直接原因是辛亥革命后日益尖锐复杂激烈的国内外社会矛盾。具体而言是中国两千年封建帝制推翻后各个政治实力派的国体与政体之争以及第一世界大战参战与战争善后事务的处理都使军事将领及其所辖军队的政治筹码作用凸显。第二,督军巡阅使对中央政治的干预有诸多途径与方法。军阀前期和后期也有所不同。军阀前期主要是以“督军团”集体联合干政形式为主。军阀后期以军事派系干政形式为主。期间也有督军巡阅使之间纵横捭阖的分化组合,但均以派系利益为依归。督军巡阅使干政具体途径之一就是操纵国会或立法机构。包括总统副总统选举等。干政方法之二,就是操纵政府内阁人事和内阁政策。最终,实力派军阀直接建立军政府,彻底废弃国会机构及民主政体。军阀时期军阀对司法的干预可分为制度性干预模式与非制度性干预行为。制度性干预模式体现在军事司法对普通司法的侵越和干预,将凡与军事活动相涉的普通公民犯罪行为置于特殊军法制裁之下。非制度性干预行为具体体现在军阀意志左右个别重大司法案例。第三,军阀时期,督军巡阅使对省区政治干预的基本途径和方法有几个。一是督军兼任省长,以督军身份军事立场管理省长事务,以军事侵越民政事务。二是督军巡阅使干预省议会事务,包括省议会议长人选或省议会议案,主要是控制该省区财政预算决算大权。三是督军巡阅使依靠军政权力优势通过对所辖区域重要人士任免权的干预,间接控制省区道县财政经济大权。第四,军阀时期,军政关系或文武关系中军队与军将对于文官系统及文官的优势地位和作用源自早于行政系统的军制改革及其制度化成果。民初“文武关系”逆转的原因之一就在于文武科举制度除后,军事科层制优先于文官制度建立发展的结果。军事科层制的优先发展更深层的原因则是自鸦片战争后尤其是甲午中日战争后,深重的民族危机迫使我国将军事近代化改革置于其他制度近代化改革之前。

【Abstract】 The studies on the Northern Warlords Politics have acquired plentiful achievements in the historiography circle, but they still leave many to be studied. From the perspective of the provincial Army and Government System, this subject discusses the system basis of the military politics operation and further explores the reasons that led to the change of western democratic politic system when it was applied in China in the early period of the Republic of China (1912-1949). Military Governor System and Inspector System are closely related with the survival of China as well as the most important tool for the realization of warlord political domination. However, separation of the three powers in provincial level still existed in warlord period. In central level, the separation of the three powers had existed until the 1924 Peking Coup. Thus, warlord politics is a kind of abnormal politic system that intervenes on politics beyond laws. It always was unable to solve its own problems on validity and legitimacy, which were the fundamental reasons why the Northern Warlords Politics gave place to the KMT party system after more than a decade of politic domination.This paper includes three parts:introduction, main body and conclusion. On the basis of the proposal of the topic, the existing research documents and relative study theory both at home and aboard, the introduction presents briefly the research planning, scope and methods.The five chapters of main body distinctively study the basic situation of Military Governor System, Inspector System, Command-in-Chief and Protection Corp system during the warlord period of the Republic of China. Besides the study on provincial main military system, this part also probes into the general conditions and illegal operation of the provincial military system, the influence and interference system of military governor inspector toward the central politics.Firstly, focusing on the Army and Government System or the separation of army and people, this paper discusses the Army and Government System as well as its practical operation in warlords provincial areas (the three special regions in the early period of the Republic of China:Rehe, Chahar and Suiyuan). It can be concluded that the army-politics united provincial system appeared in the 1911 Revolution changed from Yuan Shikai Times to "the separation between arm and people", namely the separation between the provincial administration and military administration, the distinguished working between the civil and military officials. The three special regions applied the army-politics united system, which has kept the same since the Peking Government Period. Although the provincial executives may be served by the military governor or submit themselves to the provincial military governor, the administrative office does not subordinate to the military administration or be replaced by the military administration in dealing with the administrative office of the civil authority.Secondly, Northern warlord makes its politic regime realize on the basis of provincial military governor system and over-provincial inspector system. Provincial military Governor in the early days of the Republic of China is a General system, and inspector system is temporarily established. To expand politics intervention beyond laws based on the Provincial military Governor can help realize the operation of the two systems (Provincial military Governor and inspector system). Military Governor system and inspector system are closely related with the survival of China as well as the most important tool for the realization of warlord political domination.Thirdly, Re-cha-shui Special District dominates in the politics system of the unity of the Army and Government. From the perspective of the overall influence of the provincial Army and Government System toward the Warlords Politics, through the Comprehensive study of interventions of the provincial military Governor and inspector toward provincial administration and the government political process, I arrive at the following reviews:Firstly, warlord politics in modern China is a kind of abnormal politic system that intervenes on politics beyond laws. Warlord politics is the inevitable outcome of the intensify of the internal Social contradiction in old China (a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country) as well as the National Crisis.Secondly, Provincial military Governor and inspector have various methods for the central political intervention whenever in the early Warlord period or in the late. In the early warlords period, they mainly show "provincial military governor crop" joint-intervention politics. In the early warlords period, they mainly Intervene on politics by military factions. The between there are the open and close between provincial military governor and inspector, but they have the same view of sectarian interests. One method is to manipulate the Parliament or the legislature, including the election of the President, the Vice President and so on. The other is to manipulate the Government personnel of the Cabinet and the Cabinet policy. Eventually, the strength warlord directly organizes military Government, and completely abandons parliamentary institutions and democracy politics system.Thirdly,during the warlord, in the aspect of justice interventions, Warlord shows justice intervention in a systematic intervention model, rather than individual behavior.Fourthly, in the Warlord Period,army’s key institution in the relationship of Army and Government System derived from the Military System Reform and systemization of it. And in the early Republican period, the reverse between the civil and martial results from, after the imperial examination system, that military bureaucracy takes precedence over the civil service system development. At the same time, one of the reasons that why military man system takes precedence over the democratic political systems (in the early Republican period) is the stagnation and lag of modern political party system development and the negative influence of traditional faction culture.

  • 【分类号】K258;D693.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】808
  • 攻读期成果

