

Research on the Political Communication of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 殷晓元

【导师】 吴家庆;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 政党政治传播是指政党通过自身组织体系或大众媒体,传播其政治主张及路线方针政策以形成政治舆论的过程。政党政治传播具有监测环境、构建核心价值观、塑造政治形象、政治动员、社会整合五大功能。政治传播是中国共产党的一大优势,是其弥足珍贵的精神财富。新民主主义革命期间,中国共产党政治传播是领导革命的工具,新中国成立后是社会主义建设的号角,“文革”期间中国共产党政治传播陷入泛政治化状态,改革开放以来政治传播逐渐走向务实。当前,中国共产党政治传播面临复杂的生态环境。从国际环境看,全球化信息化使世界舆论争夺更趋激烈;从政治环境看,中国政治发展取得的成效为中共政治传播奠定了良好基础;从社会环境看,社会转型加快,结构出现裂变;从文化环境看,大众文化发展迅猛,文化走向世俗化;从自身建设看,中国共产党建设的科学化水平得到提高,但其掌握的政治资源有所流失,提高政治认同的难度有所加大。中国共产党政治传播已形成立体化格局,马克思主义中国化时代化大众化取得显著成效,凝聚了现代化建设的强大力量,促进了社会主义和谐社会建设,改善了中国政府和中国共产党的国际形象。但是,也存在一些缺陷和不足,如政治信息渠道不畅、大众媒介异化、对互联网调控办法不多、价值观构建结构失衡、传播话语僵化、社会心理疏导不够、国际话语权不够等。优化中国共产党政治传播,需要树立真实真诚、分层分众、受众本位、公共传播、政治营销和法治化等传播理念;整合多种政治资源,充分发挥人文知识分子、非政府组织、艺术工作者、意见领袖等在政治传播上的作用;从道路与方向、理论与旗帜、制度与政策、价值与文化、形象与资源等方面优化政治传播的内容;注重完善沟通机构、形成主导格局、建立干预机制;建构有效的政治符号,改善政治修辞方式,争夺国际话语权。

【Abstract】 Political communication of parties is a process that parties disseminate their political ideas and policies through their own organizations or mass media to form political public opinions. It has five major functions as follows:monitoring environment, building core values, shaping political images, political mobilization and social integration.Political communication is a great advantage and a precious spiritual wealth of the Communist Party of China(CPC). During the New Democratic revolution, it was the tool to revolution; after the establishment, it changed into the horn of socialist construction; during the Cultural Revolution, it fell into a pan-politicalization condition; while since the reform and opening up, it tended to Pragmatic.The CPC’s political communication is facing a complex environment nowadays. From the perspective of international environment, the globalization and informatization have made competitions in world opinions more intensive. From the perspective of political environment, the development of Chinese politics has laid a good foundation for the CPC’s political communication. From the perspective of social environment, the acceleration of social stratification has led to the fission of society. From the perspective of culture environment, the mass culture has got a rapid development, and tended to secularization. From the perspective of self-construction, the scientific level of the CPC’ s construction has been improved. Nevertheless, the CPC is facing the scaterring of political resources. And to enhance it’s political identification is becoming more and more difficult.The CPC has formed a three-dimensional pattern of political communication, and the sinicization, modernization and popularization of Marxism has achieved remarkable success, which shaped a powerful force to promote the construction of a harmonious socialist society, and improved the international image of Chinese government and the CPC. However, there are also some flaws such as poor access to political information, mass media dissemination, lack of Internet-control methods, structural imbalance in values building, ossification of word communication, insufficient to social psychological counseling, short of the international power of discourse and so on.Optimization of the CPC’ s political communication needs to innovate its concepts, which should be real honest, stratification divided, audience-based, public communicated, political marketing and legalized, etc. It also needs the integration of various political resources, and the function of intellectuals, non-governmental organizations, art workers and opinion leaders in political communication. To optimize the content of political communication, it should work on the road and direction, the theory and banner, the system and policy, the value and culture, the image and resources, meanwhile perfect the communication agencies to form a dominant pattern and establish an intervention mechanism. Besides, it needs to construct effective political symbols to modify the way of political rhetoric and fight for the international power of discourse.

  • 【分类号】D26;G206
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1393

