

Contemporary Chinese Policing and the Modern State-Constructing

【作者】 陆永

【导师】 闾小波;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国政府与政治, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现代国家的现代性集中体现为民族国家、民主国家、法治国家的构建和成长。当代中国在共产党的领导下完成了民族国家的物理建构,之后迈上现代国家成长之路。警察是看得见的政府,是国家权力的象征之一,警政即有关警察的国家和政府事务,则具体而真实地反映国家权力运行的规律和价值取向。现代国家成长,无论是政府集权扩大的面相还是政治参与扩大的面相,都可以从警政发展中加以深刻把握。1949年之后,中国全面开启了警政发展进程。本文试图从警政话语与执政理念、警政制度与公民权利、警政策略与国家能力、警政组织与政府职能等四个层面,考察警政与国家的关系,搭建基于警政这个微观观测平台来研究现代国家成长问题的分析框架。同时从现代国家成长的角度,对当代中国警政作一较为全面的审视。当代中国警政话语在始终强调党的领导、群众路线的同时,其核心词汇从革命、专政、斗争、镇压转换为稳定、执法、为民、服务,反映出执政理念从人民民主专政向社会主义民主法治的变化;警政法律法规逐步健全,由重点保障警察权,朝着保持警察权和公民权适度平衡的方向发展,中国公民权利的法制保障明显加强;警政策略历经了从镇反、严打、到社会治安综合治理、社区警务战略、社会治安防控体系建设、再到平安建设的变革过程,警政重心从维护治安转向了维护稳定,国家能力建设亟待优化;警政组织科学化程度逐步提高,专政、管理和服务职能全面拓展,适应了服务型政府建设的要求。这此,都表明中国正在推动发达国家曾经历经的现代警政变革进程,在政治整合、人权保障、民主法治等方而取得了明显进展,有力促进了现代国家成长。但是警政话语强调执法为民,警政法规实际执行不力,警政策略以维护稳定为中心,警政组织过于趋向集权,显示出当代中国政治发展并非沿袭西方发达国家程式,而是走向了一条带有中国特色的威权与民本交织的现代国家成长之路。执政者谋求的更多的是如何适应不断发展变化的周遭环境,保持对社会的有效控制。警政乃至整个国家政治的威权主义和民本主义特征,源于社会主义制度、中国本土文化和世界潮流大势这三大因素的共同影响。发展中国家对政绩合法性的依赖,决定了威权主义的历史合理性。但是国际经验表明,一国经济增长可能会出现一个长波,但终有经济增长的拐点,威权主义体制容易受到经济绩效变化的冲击,未必带来长治久安。按照国家能力建设理论,应当从缩减权力控制范围、增强核心控制能力出发,对当下中国威权主义的警政策略和治国策略予以优化。与传统社会“仁政”思想如出一辙的民本主义,一定程度上可以改善政府的道德形象、缓解社会对抗,但是民本主义喜好人治、排斥法治,很难从根本上改变政府趋利、官场腐败的固有弊端,亦非长久之计。现代国家政权的合法性植根于民主法治,现代国家成长的治本之道在于扩大政治参与,实行民主宪政。在中国这样一个处于经济起飞关键阶段的有着10多亿人口的多民族的超大规模国家,维护社会稳定和公众安全有着超乎寻常的价值意义,推进现代国家的建设成长,更宜志存高远而脚踏实地,兼顾治本之道与权宜之计的平衡,以推进司法独立为突破口,由法治而民主,发挥执政党示范作用,增强全民法治观念,不断扩充民主法治增量,在保障必要的安全秩序、防止因社会剧烈动荡带来民生灾难的前提下,渐进达致善政良治的境界。

【Abstract】 The modernity of modern state embodies for the construction and growth of nationality, democracy and rule of law. Contemporary China completed the national physical construction under the leadership of the communist party, and then to step on modern state-constructing path.The police is the government that can be seen obviously, and the most extensive and powerful representative of the state. And the policing reflects the state power of the operation rules and value orientation. The constucting of Modern state, whether the face of government centralized expanding or the face of political participation expanding, can be reflected in policing categories concretely and veritably. From 1949, China open the development process of police administration. This paper attempts to examine the relationship between the administration and state police, and builds a framework to study the modern state-constructing problem along the view of policing, based on the relationship of political discourse and governing idea, police administration system and civil rights, police strategy and the national ability, police administration organization and the actions of the government.Contemporary Chinese policing’s narrative discourse emphasizes the CCP’s leadership and the mass line in all times. And the core words of revolution, dictatorship, struggle, suppression have been replaced by the words of stable, law enforcement, service, and for the people. China’s policing regulations, is vared from protecting police power, to keep the balance between police power and citizenship. Chinese policing’s strategy experienced the change from Suppression of Counterrevolutionaries, take severe measures against grave illegal and criminal activities, take comprehensive measures to maintain law and order, Community Policing, to Crime prevention and control system, and then to cornerstone of safe construction. And the scientific level of policing organization has been imroved gradually, the organization’s function of dictatorship, management and service developmented overall. These show that China is pushing for the reform of modern policing, and during this process, the modern state-constructing has been promoted greatly. The contemporary political development is not follow the western developed countries program, but to an authoritarian and humanism path With a strong Chinese characteristics, the atttempt of this is that how to adapt to the ever-changing social environment, keep the effective control of society always, and to strengthen the national political power.The Contemporary Chinese policing contains a strong authoritarian and humanism colour, and the whole country’s ruling concept is also like this. It is the results of the comprehensive effect of factors contains socialist system, China local culture and the world trend. In developing countries, inorder to get economic performance, authoritarian may be approved by public. But the economic performance would be end eventually, so the authoritarian must be adjusted. The humanism can improve the government’s moral image, and alleviation social confrontation to some extent, but the humanism approximate the rule of man, so it couldn’t change the corruption which inherent to the officialdom.The modern political legitimacy is rooted in the democratic rule of law, and the permanent cure of modern state-constructing is to broaden the way of political participation, and implement democratic constitutionalism. In China, for the purpose of maintain social stability and public security of more than 10 billion people, "democratic state-constructing" may be select a makeshift way from rule by law to democracy, choosing the judicial independence as a breakthrough, then expanding the stocking of democracy, and gradually achieve the ideal state.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】D631.1;D630
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1300

