

The Latest Development of US Internationalization of Higher Education in Post-9/11 Era

【作者】 李联明

【导师】 汪霞;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 高等教育国际化是指高深知识在国与国之间的越境流动,它以国家政策为重要导向,以人员流动、课程教学、科研合作、境外办学等活动为主要方式,旨在培养具有全球视野和国际能力的人才。国际化不仅己成为世界高等教育改革与发展的重要趋向,而且成为中国高等教育实现快速发展的必由之路。“9·11”事件发生之后,美国进入“后9·11时代”(Post-9/11 Era),美国的高等教育国际化也相应地呈现出一系列新的发展趋向:第一,恐怖袭击事件给美国带来的是非传统安全领域的威胁和挑战。新保守主义狂热的美国中心主义思想和奉行的单边主义政策,使高等教育政治论统领美国的高等教育国际化各要素之中。《爱国者法案》、《高等教育法》等主要法律及其相关政策的颁布实施,对人员流动、学科等加以限制,使高深知识的越境流动呈现出“逆水行舟”的局面。第二,前往美国的外国学生人数连续四年保持下降态势,美国高等教育吸纳外国学生跌入一个低潮,外国学生在美国大学的学习和生活变得较以往更加困难。联邦政府把外派学生作为国家安全战略的一个组成部分,亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲等非传统国家正在成为美国学生前往的“热点地区”,国务院、国防部、情报部门等都发挥了巨大的推动作用。第三,外国师资进入美国的数量一度下跌,但在一些政府主导的师资交流项目中,一些对于美国国家利益至关重要的项目却得到持续快速的发展。许多高校不断加大派遣教师出国交流的力度,并在学校规划、提升教师全球能力、教师资格证书发放、师资交流协议签署等众多方面采取许多行之有效的策略。第四,高校课程国际化被赋予服务于国家目标、服从于国家安全战略、培养具有全球能力的公民和劳动力等使命。课程国际化的实施方式呈现综合化,体现出课程的功利性与不稳定性,呈现出输出与引入双向度、通识课程与专业课程多类型、课堂教学与网络技术多维度,揭示出政府与大学、自由主义与保守主义交织争锋的复杂画面。第五,美国国家主要安全部门对于外语人才需求量大增,服务于反恐战争和加强国土安全变成了美国大学外语教学压倒一切的指导思想。事关美国国家利益和安全的“关键语言”呈现出“超常规”的发展态势,波斯语、阿拉伯语、乌尔都语、汉语、普什图语等“敏感地区”的语言学习人数比例大幅度增长。第六,外来移民和外籍人员的学术活动设置了各种严厉的限制措施,使美国高校的科研环境面临新的挑战。“视同出口”规定严重危害理工科师生科研活动。在文社会科学研究方面,教师的言论自由受到强大冲击。一些敢于突破控制的教师和学生则遭受到不同程度的惩罚。第七,美国高校依托“压力”、“推力”、“拉力”三种力量形成的合力,加快海外办学空间拓展的步伐,纷纷前往具有重要战略意义的中东地区和亚洲地区举办境外分校,在取得重大成功的同时也遭遇国际政治关系、国家政治制度、文化冲突、资金运作困难等一系列问题。在后“9·11”时代,美国颁布的系列法案和出台的相关政策对高等教育国际化的发展带来新的趋向,高等教育国际化呈现出既服务于国家安全战略,又拓展和交流高深知识的相悖而又并行前进的复杂景象。在美国的高校,开放与控制、引进与输出、得到与失去等多种现象并存,折射出高等教育国际化固有的“双刃剑”效应。

【Abstract】 Internationalization of higher education refers to the flow of high and abstract knowledge across the borders based upon national policies and with mobile staff, curricula, research and branch campuses abroad as usual channels. Currently, internationalization has become one of the trends of the world higher education. What’s more, it is an inevitable path for China’s modern education to go through. Since the September11th Event, US has entered the Post-9/11 Era and its higher education has been taking on such characteristics as the following.Firstly, the terror attack brought non-traditional challenges to US. The new conservatism-led federal government pursues severe policy. USA Patriot Act, i.e. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 was issued, which set obstacles on the way of international students, teachers and disciplines, etc.Secondly, the numbers of students entering US soil is falling down within the consecutive four years. Meanwhile, the foreigners’lives in US are getting worse and worse. US native students are being sent to some sensitive regions as Asia, Africa and Latin America regarded as strategic ones in the course of which the Defense Ministry and the department of intelligences play dominant roles.Thirdly, less foreign faculty is entering US but a few government-related programs develop as smoothly. Universities and colleges are encouraging their staff to go abroad for exchange purposes. Such measures as planning, teaching global competence, certificates and contracts are welcomed by an increasing pool of faculty members.Fourthly, the internationalization of curricula is granted as the tool to maintain national goals of security and cultivation of citizens of global competence. As a result of that, the comprehensive program of courses appeared bearing instability, bi-channeled, multi-type, individualism and conservative, government control and university’s freedom-oriented value picture of mixture.Fifthly, the main departments in charge of state safety is in great need of foreign language talents and serving the country has developed into one dominantly overwhelming factor affecting the instruction of languages. Consequently, such critical languages as Arabic, Pashto, Chinese, Persian and Urdu have been developing so fast.Sixthly, the foreign nationals academic activities are under severe control and supervision. The deemed-export policy threatens the teachers and their students’ scientific research. Meanwhile the arts and humanitarian teachers’freedom of speech is limited too. And those who are bold enough to challenge the rules and the authority are punished for their unlawful acts.Seventhly, US universities are rushing abroad mainly towards the middle eastern and Asian regions to run branch campuses with the pressures, push and pull forces. Most of them are harvesting achievements, whereas about others are troubled by the conflicts of cultures, politics and financial problems.On the whole, in the Post 9/11 Era US acts and relative policies are leading the internationalization of higher education to a new direction, which causes the being of serving the national interests and broadening the highly abstract knowledge. Openness and control, bringing and sending, acquiring and losing are emerging simultaneously on university campuses, which reflect the nature of a double-edged sword effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

