

Social Network Based Research on Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities

【作者】 雷静

【导师】 杨保安;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,知识这种无形资源正逐步取代传统的有形资源(如土地、自然资源、资本和劳动力等)成为推动社会进步的关键因素,“知识就是力量”即是对此最好的诠释。然而大部分的组织和个人不可能拥有其所需的所有知识,而必须依赖与外界的知识共享来获取新的知识。随着互联网技术的发展和普及,人与人之间的知识共享与交流不一定需要面对面,还可以凭借各种电子媒介,形成新的网上交流空间--虚拟社区(Virtual Community)。虚拟社区这种新的交流方式使得知识的共享与传播达到了前所未有的迅捷和广度,顺应了人们迫切的知识共享与学习的需求,在短短的时间里得到了迅猛发展,引起了理论界和企业界的关注,虚拟社区的兴起被认为是知识管理研究的重要推动力。作为互联网上的交流平台,丰富的知识、热烈的讨论、及时的互动是虚拟社区繁荣发展的重要标志,如果社区内的成员积极参与知识共享,使虚拟社区成为汇集人气的空间和平台,那么他们也就会为虚拟社区经营者创造更大的利益,因此虚拟社区经营者的重要目标之一就是促进社区内成员之间的知识共享与交流。虽然虚拟社区为知识共享提供了一个便捷的交流平台,但并不是只要建了它,人们就会积极来参与共享。相对于知名社区网站,还有很多虚拟社区面临着用户参与不足、知识共享交流气氛不浓等问题,以致社区创建之后很快便走向衰落。因此,有必要研究虚拟社区中知识共享行为的形成机制与影响因素,进而探寻提高虚拟社区知识共享水平的措施。从严格意义上来说,知识并不能脱离作为其主体的人而单独存在,知识是隐藏在人脑之中的,所以知识的共享传播是通过人与人之间的交互而产生的。近年来,学者们越来越关注知识共享活动背后的人与人之间的社会关系网络,基于社会网络的知识共享研究成为新兴的研究范式。该范式从社会网络的关系和结构角度来分析知识共享行为。目前基于社会网络的知识共享研究大都是针对团队或组织的,这些研究多采用实证研究的方法通过对各种横向数据的分析研究影响知识共享行为的社会网络中的关系和结构因素。虚拟社区的虚拟性和开放性使得虚拟社区的知识共享有别于传统组织、团队中的知识共享,有其特殊性。虚拟社区中知识共享的过程和特点有待进一步的探讨分析,同时,虚拟社区中成员间的社会关系也有别于传统组织或团队中的社会关系,其社会网络的结构和对知识共享的影响作用也有待于进一步探究。本文正是基于以上背景,在前人的研究基础上结合社会网络理论、知识共享理论和公共物品理论,运用社会网络分析、统计分析方法和软件工具,结合对一个专业虚拟社区的实证分析开展基于社会网络的虚拟社区中的知识共享研究。论文的主要研究内容包括:(1)基于社会网络的虚拟社区知识共享研究理论框架的建立。从虚拟社区与传统社区的对比分析得出了虚拟社区的特点,进而对虚拟社区中的知识共享过程进行分析与阐述,总结了虚拟社区中的知识共享相对于传统的组织知识共享的特点,并对虚拟社区中的知识共享水平的衡量提出了量化的方法;最后,从社会网络的视角分析了虚拟社区中成员间的人际互动关系和知识关系两种关系对知识共享行为的影响。(2)虚拟社区知识共享网络模型的建立。在前述理论框架的基础上,对虚拟社区中的知识共享网络进行分析建模,并从理论上分析了两种关系间的相关性,然后结合前面虚拟社区知识共享的过程和特点分析,从虚拟社区中知识的公共物品特性分析入手,将虚拟社区的知识共享行为看作是产生社区公共知识的集体行动,从理论上分析了虚拟社区知识共享行为的形成机制,结合实证分析对虚拟社区知识共享网络的结构模式和两种关系之间的相关性进行了解析和验证。(3)虚拟社区中知识共享网络的演化和对知识共享的影响分析。首先运用社会网络分析软件工具对知识共享网络中两种关系的联结强度、节点度、网络密度、网络中心性、互惠指数等关系和网络结构指标在各个时期的演化进行了分析,并与各个时期该社区的知识共享水平进行对比,通过对各个时期的知识共享网络中的关系和结构指标与社区知识共享水平之间的相关性分析揭示了知识共享网络的关系和结构对虚拟社区知识共享的数量和质量的影响和作用。(4)虚拟社区知识共享支持策略的研究。从虚拟社区知识寻求者的支持与培养、个性化的知识共享技术支持、虚拟社区核心成员的发展与培养三个方面探讨了虚拟社区的知识共享支持问题。本研究的创新点可以概括为以下几点:(1)建立了融合人际互动关系和知识关系的虚拟社区知识共享网络模型。在基于社会网络的虚拟社区知识共享研究中,同时考虑和分析了人际互动关系和知识关系两种关系对知识共享的影响,而在已有的研究中大多只研究了一种关系的影响。(2)提出从纵向的、动态的视角研究社区成员关系与网络结构对虚拟社区知识共享水平的影响。本研究考虑到虚拟社区的虚拟性和开放性,运用纵向的历史数据展现了虚拟社区知识共享网络的演化和社区知识共享水平的变化,从中发现知识共享网络的关系和网络结构对虚拟社区知识共享的影响和作用,属于动态的分析。而现有的关于社会网络对知识共享的影响研究大多是假定社会关系和网络结构是不变的,属于横向的静态的分析,这一假设不适合于虚拟社区这种高度动态变化的网络。(3)结合社区知识的公共物品特性对虚拟社区知识共享网络结构和知识共享行为形成机制的分析,而已有的研究中还未见有对虚拟社区中的知识的公共物品特性的分析。(4)提出个性化的虚拟社区知识共享支持系统框架。结合社区成员的知识关系与人际互动关系提出了个性化的知识共享支持系统框架以提高虚拟社区的知识共享效率和水平。本研究是对当前知识共享和社会网络领域的理论与应用研究的发展和补充,为虚拟社区中的知识共享研究提出了一个新的研究视角,具有重要的理论价值,同时研究结果也对如何提高虚拟社区知识共享效果和活跃社区人气,使社区成员能更多地从中获益和为其经营者创造更大的价值具有一定的参考价值,具有重要的实践意义。为了从纵向的、动态的角度研究虚拟社区中的知识共享问题,本研究通过网页抓取软件抓取了一个有代表性的专业论坛型虚拟社区--ChinaASP从2001年7月至2011年6月底跨度为10年的历史数据,数据完整地展现了随着该社区的发展其知识共享网络的演化和知识共享水平的变化过程,为本研究提供了完备的实证数据基础。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge, an intangible resource, is gradually replacing the traditional physical resources (such as land, natural resources, capital and labor) to become a key factor in promoting social progress, "knowledge is power" is a true reflection of the stress on knowledge. However, most of the organizations and individuals can not have all the knowledge they need, but must rely on knowledge sharing with the outside world to acquire new knowledge.With the impressive development and popularization of the Internet, knowledge sharing do not necessarily need face to face communication, it also can be achieved through various electronic media, such as E-mail, instant messaging or chat rooms, forums and newsgroups, discussion lists, etc. These new electronic techniques have thus given birth to a new online communication space, which now is usually named virtual community (VC). VC, the new computer-mediated communication method on the Internet, has greatly accelerated the speed, breadth and ease of knowledge transfer, and thus meet the urgent demands for knowledge exchange and learning. The rapid development of virtual communities has aroused the interest of researchers and industry, the rise of virtual communities is considered an important driving force for knowledge management research.VC is an online communication platform in which people with common interests, goals, or practices interact to share information and knowledge, and engage in social interactions. It is centered upon the communications and interactions of participants to generate specific domain knowledge that enables the participants to perform common tasks and to learn from, contribute to, and collectively build upon that knowledge. The richness of knowledge, enthusiastic discussion and timely interaction in VC are the key indicators of its prosperity. Knowledge sharing has been found to be a motivation for participation in VCs and VC builders. Although VCs provides a convenient platform for knowledge sharing, but not as long as it was built, people will actively participate to share. Contrast to those well-known community sites, there are still many VCs in which user participation is not sufficient, so that the community declines soon after its creation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the the mechanism and influencing factors of knowledge sharing behavior in VCs and then explore the measures to improve knowledge sharing in VCs.Strictly speaking, knowledge, especially the particular tacit knowledge, can not be self-existent independent of its owners. Knowledge is concealed in human brains and shared through mutual interactions. Recently, more and more researchers begin to focus on the underlying social network among peoples in studying their knowledge sharing behavior, social network based research on knowledge sharing becomes a new research paradigm. In this research paradigm, knowledge sharing behaivior and its influencing factors are analyzed from the aspect of relations and structure of social network. The important theory basis for studying knowledge sharing in social network is that the subjects of knowledge sharing, humans, are embedded in concrete and real-time social relation sytems.Currently, most social network based researches on knowledge sharing are devoted to traditional groups or organizations, these studies usually examine the social relations and network structure which influence knowledge sharing behavior through empirical researches with transverse data collections. The openness and virtuality of VC make the knowledge sharing in VCs different from that in traditonal organizations, so the process and characterisics of knowledge sharing in VC needs to be further studied. At the same time, the social relationship among VC members is also different from that in traditional organizations and the structure and its impact on knowledge sharing are not clear yet.Based on the above background analysis and prior researches, this dissertation tries to expand the social network based knowledge shaing research in virtual communities integrating theories of social network, knowledge sharing and public goods. Social network analysis and statistical analysis methods and tools are used and a typical professional VC, ASPChina, is studied in empirical research. The main content and contributions of this dissertation are as following:(1) The establishment of theoretical framework for social network based knowledge sharing research in VC. Beginning with the definition of VC, the character of VC was analyzed by comparing with traditional communities. The relationship between knowledge sharing and VC was clarified and the process of knowledge sharing in VCs was described. The characteristics, challenges and advantages of knowledge shaing in VCs, compared to that in tradional organizations, were also elaborated. A quantitative method for evaluation of knowledge sharing in VCs was proposed. Finally, the influence of human interaction relationship and knowledge relationship among VC members on knowledge sharing behavior was analyzed from the prospective of social network(2) The development of the model for knowledge sharing network in virtual communities. Based on prior theoretical reserach framework, the knowledge sharing network in VCs was modeled and the correlation of the two kinds of relations was analyzed in theory. Then, the public goods characteristics of community public knowledge was analyzed and the knowledge sharing behavior in VCs was looked as collective action to generate community public knowledge.The mechanism of knowledge sharing behavior in VCs was analyzed in theory from the perspective of social network, combining with empirical study, the knowledge sharing network structure and the correlation between the two kinds of relationships was analyzed and validated.(3)The evolution analysis of knowledge sharing network and it’s impact on knowledge sharing in VC. Firstly,the evolution of the two relations and the structure of knowledge sharing network were analyzed through social network analysis, including the evolution of tie strength, node degree distribution, network density, network centrality and network reciprocity through each period, and the result was compared with the knowledge sharing level in each period. The correlation analysis of changes in relation and network structure with changes in the level of knowledge sharing revealed the influences of knowledge sharing network structure on the quantity and quality of knowledge sharing in VC(4) Studies on support strategies for knowledge sharing in VC. Based on prior analysis of knowledge sharing in VC, support strategies were studied from three aspects:(a) support and keeping of knowledge seekers in VC; (b) personalized technical support system for knowledge sharing in VC and (c) development of core members in VC.The innovative points of this dissertation can be summarized as following:(1)Propose the knowledge sharing network model integrating interpersonal interaction relationship and knowledge relationship to investigate knowledge sharing in VC. In the social network based research on knowledge sharing in VC, two kinds of relationships, interpersonal relationship and knowledge relationship, were considered simultaneously. In most prior researches, only the impact of one relationship, the interpersonal relationship, was invetigated.(2) Invetigate the impact of relation and network structure of knowledge sharing network on knowledge sharing in virtual communities from a longitudinal and dynamic perspective. In this study, considering the virtual nature and openness of virtual communities, the overall development process of a virtual community was divided into four stages, the longitudinal data collection was used to show the evolution of knowledge sharing network and the fluctuation in knowledge sharing in a virtual community, and investigate the influence of relation and network structure of knowledge sharing network on knowledge sharing, and the study belongs to dynamic analysis. While in almost all current social networks based researches on knowledge sharing, it is assumed that social relations and network structure keep stable, and these researches belong_to static analysis, but this assumption is not suitable for virtual communities.(3) Analyze the mechanism of knowledge sharing behavior and knowledge sharing network structure in virtual community integrating public goods characteristics analysis of community knowledge, and this is not present in prior researches on virtual communities.(4) Propose personalized support system framework for knowledge sharing in virtual community. In this framework, community members’ knowledge relationship and interpersonal interaction relationship are all considered to provide personalized support for community members to improve the efficiency of knowledge sharing. Above all, this study presents a new perspective for research on knowledge sharing in virtual communities, and it is the development and supplement of the current theory and application research on knowledge sharing and social networks, the study has important theoretical implication. While the results also provide some advices on how to improve knowledge sharing in virtual community and make the community more attractive and popular, so that community members can benefit more from the community and create greater value for its builders, so the study also has important practical significance.In order to study knowledge sharing in virtual community from a longitudinal and dynamic perspective, a representative of the professional forum-based virtual community-ChinaASP is studied and historical knowledge sharing interaction data of 10 years span, from July 2001 to June 2011, is collected using web crawling software, the data completely shows the development process of the community with the evolution of its knowledge sharing network and the fluctuation in knowledge sharing, it provides a comprehensive empirical data base for this study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F224;F49
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】3335
  • 攻读期成果

