

Research of Farmers Education Supply System

【作者】 吴锦程

【导师】 杨孔炽; 郑金贵;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国是一个农村人口占大多数、农村经济社会正在快速发展的国家,但目前“三农”问题依然是制约我国农村经济社会持续、稳定、全面发展的瓶颈,这些问题的核心就在于农民素质不高。新中国成立以来,党和政府一直关注和加强农民教育,农民综合素质得到了很好的提升。人们已经深刻认识到开展农民教育、提高农民素质,是解决农村社会问题、促进农村社会稳定发展的根本之道。从供给的角度来看,农民教育在发展中遇到了许多新的困难,尤其是供给渠道不畅、效率不高、供给形式单一等,这就给所有关心农民教育和农村发展的理论与实践工作者提出了这样几个问题:在社会快速转型的今天,现行的农民教育供给制度与农民教育需求是否适应?如何实施有效的农民教育供给?如何在提升农村社会管理科学化水平、加速推进城乡一体化的过程中创新农民教育供给制度?农民是农村社会的主体,农村的任何发展最终都离不开农民的作用。农民教育开展的好坏不仅牵涉到社会资源的公正、合理配置,更直接影响城乡一体化发展进程和农村社会管理科学化水平的提高。围绕农村的发展和农业的进步,农民教育供给显然承载了许多我国政府对农村发展的重托和诸多农民群众的希望。毫无疑问,今后很长一个时期,我国仍将是一个发展中的农业大国,而农民人口多、素质不高的现实必然又制约着社会主义新农村的建设水平。虽然农民教育的公共产品特征并不强,但农业的特殊性和农民的弱势性要求其供给必然是依靠政府为主来进行。加之,长期城乡二元结构中,占全国人口大多数的农民没有能够平等地享受到公共产品服务,因此政府理当为农民教育承担更多的责任。所以,在深入考察我国农民教育内在需求变化的同时,积极开展农民教育供给制度研究,显得十分必要和迫切。研究不仅是对党和政府相关农民教育供给政策的进一步解读,而且也为提高农民教育供给效率提供了理论依据,对指导农民教育实践、推广农业科技具有重要的现实意义。长期以来,农民教育在供给过程中目标和功能出现了一定程度的偏离。一方面是由于农民教育价值观的工具主义取向,一方面是农民教育供给过程中出现了新问题。因此,新的历史条件下,必须加强农民教育供给制度创新,更加关注农民素质的整体提高。本文的研究内容主要包括以下八个方面:第一章为导论,主要阐述本研究的背景和研究意义,在综述国内外农民教育供给制度研究的基础上,提出本研究的假设、目标、研究内容和方法,并对本研究的创新和局限性进行了归纳。第二章对本研究的理论基础进行了系统阐述,其中包括农民教育、制度变迁、教育供给等相关概念界定,以及教育有效供给、人力资本理论、福利经济学等理论与农民教育的相关论述,并对本研究的分析框架、影响农民教育供给制度的相关因素进行了分析。第三章对20世纪以来我国农民教育供给制度的历史变迁进行了简要总结归纳。结论是不同历史时期的农民教育供给制度变迁均有其特定的政治、经济、文化和历史根源,应验了严复先生的一句话“制无美恶,期于适时”。第四章是在前三章的基础上,从理论的角度对农民教育供给制度变迁的内在机理进行了阐述,主要围绕政府的责任以及中央与地方政府在农民教育供给中的角色进行了分析。第五章是在实地调查和分析相关调查资料、统计数据的基础上,对我国农民教育供给效率进行了实证研究,发现我国农民教育供给总量短缺、供给成本偏高、供给结构不合理,并对影响供给效率的因素作了分析。第六章“农民教育供给的国际经验”,主要是选择部分有代表性、可借鉴的发达国家和发展中的市场经济国家,分析其农民教育供给的做法,以期为我国农民教育供给制度创新提供借鉴。第七章是选择福建省作为个案,在城乡一体化发展背景下,对福建省农民教育进行了探索。主要内容涉及农村社区的农民教育和城镇社区的“新市民”教育等方面,并对农民教育与农民专业合作组织建设以及培养农民社区意识促进城乡一体化进行了探究,其中心是农民教育与社会发展。第八章是本论文的最后章节,在总结前述理论分析和实践研究的基础上,围绕农民教育供给制度创新的必要性、原则以及新形势下农民教育制度创新的特征和创新的路径进行了探讨,并提出了五点建议:加强农民教育立法,保障农民受教育权益;基于有效需求表露,建立民主决策机制;保证地方政府权责对等,完善直接供给机制;创新“委托代理”关系,扶持第三方代理机制;倡导风险分担,强化多中心供给机制,等。总之,我国已经进入“以城带乡,以工促农”的发展阶段,应从统筹城乡发展的高度对农民教育供给给予足够的重视,探索农民教育在城乡一体化发展、和谐社会建设中的作用。鉴于农民教育需求的多样性,应构建以政府供给为主体、以农民参与为主要决策形式、以服务农民教育的社会企业为平台、以农民内在教育需求为目的、以社区理念教育为主线的农民教育供给模式。本研究还存在一定的局限性。主观上,对农民教育供给制度变迁的内在机理和创新的探索尚不够深入,相关调查分析还不够透彻;客观上,调查广泛性不够、国外农民教育供给研究的资料匮乏,影响了研究的深入。如何进一步加强农民教育与农民需求、农村实际的密切联系,从理论上强化农民教育工作指导,不断完善农民教育经济学研究等,是今后进一步努力的方向。

【Abstract】 Our country has a majority of the rural population, and the economy and society of it are developing rapidly. The crude farmer is the core of“san-nong”problem. Since the founding of New China, the CPC and our government have been paying attention to the farmers education. The comprehensive quality of farmers has been improved. People have realized deeply to the education value of farmer in rural development. Farmers education is a basic way to promote the steady development of rural community. But it met many new difficult in supply in developing, such as supply channel, supply form a single, and efficiency is not high. These remind us theory and practice workers about farmers education and rural development: farmers education supply system whether to need to reform in the social transformation. How to carry out effective farmers education supply? How to innovate education supply system of farmer in the process of the integration of urban and rural areas is a significant topic. Farmer is the main body of the rural society, and any development of the rural is inseparable from the farmers. The quality of farmers population influence the development of integration of urban and rural areas process directly, and improve the rural social scientific management level, not only justice of the social resources allocation.Government in providing farmers education has an important effect for the rural development and the progress of agriculture, and this is a hope for many farmers. There is no doubt that for a long time, our country will still is a developing agricultural country, the quality of farmers population will restricts the socialism new rural construction level. Though farmers education is not standard public products, but the particularity of agricultural and farmer requires that the supply mainly rely on the government. In addition, the long-term urban and rural structure system influence the fair in public products and services, so our government provided farmers education is compensatory. In examining farmers education internal demand, the research of farmers education supply system is very necessary and urgent. The research can interpret the policy of the CPC and the government for education, and improve farmers education supply efficiency, provides the theory basis for guiding farmers education practice. For a long time, the goal of farmers education supply and its function is not in line. These include tools socialist values and some new problems in supply process. So we must pay attention to the innovation about farmers education supply system, and improve the quality of peasants overall in the new historical period.The thesis consists of eight sections:The first chapter is introductory, including the background and significance. In this paper, the author put forward some assumptions, target, content and methods in the basis of the related studies, and come up with the innovation and limitations in this chapter finally after the completion of this research.The second chapter is the theoretical foundation. It includes some concepts about farmers education, institution changing, farmers education supply and others, and education effective supply theory, human capital theory, welfare economics theory and same research of farmers education. The chapter also studies analysis framework of the farmers education supply system, and influence factors of it.The third chapter is history changing of farmers education supply in our country since 1912. We found that different historical period of the farmers education supply system change which have their particular political, economic, cultural and historical roots, fulfilled Mr Yan fu saying "system has no beauty or evil, only timely".The fourth chapter is based on the first three chapters, and introduces the internal mechanism of institutional change of farmers education supply in theory. Main analysis of farmers education supply is the government’s responsibility and its role.Chapter 5 is farmers education supply efficiency of empirical studies of China based on the field survey and statistics data. The author found that farmers education supply in our country is shortages, the total cost of supply is on the high side, the supply structure is unreasonable, and we discussed the influence factors of supply efficiency finally.Chapter 6 "farmers education supply of international experience", the main research some typical developed and developing market economy country farmers education supply, the purpose is for innovation education supply system in China to provide a reference for farmers education.Chapter 7 in fujian province as a case study, we study the farmers education under the background of the integration of urban and rural areas. The main research contents are farmers education and farmers’ specialized cooperative organization construction, farmers community consciousness and the integration of urban and rural areas, the rural community education and urban farmers education of "new citizens" , its core is the farmers education and social development.Chapter 8 is the end of the thesis. On the basis of the conclusion of the theory and practice, the author studies the necessity, principles and characteristics of farmers education supply of institutional innovation, and discusses the innovation of the path. Conclusions of the study include five aspects: To strengthen the education legislation, protect rights and interests of farmers education; Based on the effective demand, the establishment of a democratic decision-making mechanism; Ensure that the local government right and responsibility is the equivalence, perfect the mechanism of supply directly. Innovate the "principal-agent relationship", support agent mechanism of the third party; Advocate risk sharing, strengthen the mechanism of supply for more center, etc.In short, China has entered a new stage of development of "led the country by city, promote the development of agriculture with industry", farmers education supply should be the height enough attention from the coordination of rural and urban development height, exploring the role of farmers education in urban and rural integration development and the construction of a harmonious society. In view of diversity of farmers education demand, We should set up a farmers education supply mode: The government supplies as the main body; To farmers’ participation as the main form of decision making; To service the social enterprise for farmers education platform; Inner education needs to farmers for the purpose; The education of rural community as the main line.This study also has some limitations. In subjectively, the exploration and innovation of the inner mechanism of farmers education supply system changing is not enough, for further investigation and analysis is not yet complete. In objectively, lack of extensive investigation and foreign farmers education supply material affected the research. How to further strengthen farmers education and demand, and the rural contact, from theory to strengthen the guidance of farmers education, and constantly improve the farmers education economics research and so on, is the future direction.


