

Research on User Adoption of 3G Mobile Services

【作者】 刘子龙

【导师】 姜继忱;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着3G的大力推广,3G移动业务在政府、行业、企业和公众的渗透和使用都在加大。3G产业的发展前景吸引业界的极大关注和投资者的的投资热情,但是产业链终端的用户并没有对此表现出应有的兴趣。根据工业与信息化部统计,截止到2010年底,我国3G用户累计4705万户,仅占全部移动用户的5.4%,远远的落后于国际16%的平均水平。3G产业发展最终能否成功的其中一个关键因素是终端用户接受并使用其服务的情况。目前中国用户对3G移动服务较低的采纳意愿已经在一定程度上阻碍了3G产业的发展。如何使潜在用户接受并使用3G移动服务?哪些关键因素影响用户的采纳行为?根据不同的用户群体,移动服务提供商应采取哪些针对性的措施和服务?对于这些问题的理解有利于及时发现和改进3G移动服务发展过程中的不足,对3G移动服务产业的良性发展具有重要的实践意义和参考价值。本文从环境因素、技术因素、任务因素和个体因素等四个方面入手构建符合我国国情的3G移动服务用户采纳模型并加以实证的检验,以期能够识别出影响用户接受3G移动服务的关键因素。在此基础上本文还分析了不同经验、性别和年龄用户群体中影响用户采纳3G移动服务的关键因素的差异性,以弥补现有研究的不足。本文的主要工作如下:第一,通过对移动服务采纳文献的回顾,为理论框架的构建和概念模型的提出奠定坚实的基础。第二,在文献研究的基础上,结合中国3G移动服务发展的实际情况提出了3G移动服务采纳的概念模型及假设。在此基础上,本文借鉴国外研究的成熟量表,按照中国文化的情景及3G移动服务的实际情况对概念模型中变量的量表进行了丌发。第三,在对量表的信度和效度检验后,形成最终的量表并展开大规模的调查。根据大规模调查的数据,对模型中的假设及调节作用进行了检验。之后本文对模型检验的结果进行了详细的分析与解释,并总结了相关研究结论。第四,本文基于联合分析的方法对3G移动服务偏好行为进行了分析,并针对不同的细分用户群体比较了其偏好的差异性。在用户偏好行为分析的基础上,从理论上探讨了偏好行为对用户采纳行为的影响。第五,最后根据研究的发现,指出了本文的理论和实践贡献,以及本文的局限所在和未来的研究方向。本文的主要结论包括:第一,对于中国情境下第三代(3G)移动服务采纳行为,TAM模型依然适用并具有一定的解释力度,但模型核心变量的影响力度有所下降。第二,在本文引入的外部因素中,主观规范对用户的采纳意向的正向影响最为显著,而其对感知有用的影响并不显著。个体创新对行为意向具有两方面的影响:一方面个体创新对采纳意向具有直接正向影响作用,另一方面个体创新通过感知有用和感知易用间接影响采纳意愿。感知价格对移动用户采纳行为的影响具有双向作用。第三,本文将经验化分为直接经验和间接经验两个维度,分别检验了两种经验的调节作用。研究的结果显示,两种经验的调节作用并不一致。第四,性别和年龄的调节作用在本文中也得到了进一步的检验。研究结果显示感知易用对感知有用的影响在女性用户中的作用小于男性用户。而年龄在本文中的调节作用检验中,所提到的假设并没有得到数据的支持。第五,在用户的偏好行为分析中本文发现价格和品牌是消费者选择3G移动服务最重要的两个影响因素。在四种主流的3G移动服务中,手机上网和可视电话是最受消费者偏好的两个服务。在“价格优势型”用户群体中,价格是影响其选择行为的最重要的因素而四种不同的3G移动服务对其影响的差异性并不显著,而在“服务优势型”用户群体中,手机上网和可视电话成为其最关注的两个服务属性,其重要甚至超过了品牌和价格的影响。本文的创新主要有以下三点:第一,在中国的情景下,构建了3G移动服务采纳模型,并通过实证研究的验证,揭示了影响3G移动服务采纳的关键因素。此举有利于推动针对3G移动服务的特点展开深入的研究。第二,本文在采纳领域证实了感知价格对行为意向的双向影响机制。对于移动服务这种非企业环境下的创新,采纳领域内的学者也考虑到价格对其决策过程的影响,但大多数学者更多关注和验证了感知价格对行为意向的负向影响作用。消费者领域的研究认为感知价格除了对行为意向具有负向影响作用外还通过感知价值间接正向影响购买意愿。本研究证实了感知价格通过感知有用为中介间接正向影响行为意向,同时也证实了感知价格对行为意向的直接负向影响作用。第三,本文将经验划分为直接经验和间接经验两个维度,并分别检验和比较了两种不同经验的调节作用。本文将经验划分为直接经验和间接经验两个维度,并分别检验了两种不同经验的调节作用。研究的结果显示,直接经验的调节作用存在感知易用和主观规范对感知有用的影响路径上间接的影响采纳意向,而间接经验的调节作用存在于主观规范对行为意向的直接影响路径中。

【Abstract】 With the involvment and application of 3G mobile services in the government, the prospects of 3G industry attract great attention and investment enthusiasm. Although the whole industry has expressed great expectation in 3G development, the terminal customers in the industrial chain haven’t show much interest. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information industry, by 2010, China’s 3G users is 47.05 million, accounting for 5.4% of all mobile users, far behind the international average of 16%. One of key determinants of 3G industry’s success is that 3G mobile service should be accepted and used by mobile users. In China, user’s low adoption of 3G mobile service hampers the development of 3G industry. Large groups of potential users provide a huge potential for the development of 3G industry. How to make potential users to accept and use the 3G mobile service? What are the key factors that affect the users’ adoption behavior? What services should mobile operators provide for different user groups? Understanding of these issues is conducive to urgently detect and modify shortcomings of 3G industry.we propose a 3G mobile service adoption model from environmental, technical, task and individual factors in the context of China.Then we verify the theoretical model by empirical methods in order to identify key factors that impact 3G mobile users’ adoption behavior. The study also analyzes difference of key factors that affect adoption of 3G mobile services among different experience, age, gender users.The major procedures of this study are as follows:First, through the review of mobile service adoption, this study lays a foundation for theoretical framework and conceptual model.Second, On the basis of literature reiveiw, this study proposes a conceptual model.of 3G mobile service adoption in the context of China. To measure the constructs, validated items used by other researcher is adapted. The intial changes to the questionnaire are conducted based on the context of China.Third, a large-scale survey is conducted based on refined scales. Confirmatory factor analysis is used to test the convergent validity, discriminant validity and reliability of the study constructs. The hypotheses is tested by structural equation model. The moderator effect of direct experience, indirect experience, gender and age is tested by multi-group structural equation model.Fourth, the preference behavior of 3G users is analyzed based on conjoint analysis. The preference behavior difference between two sub-group users is compared in this study. This study also discusses preference behavior’s impact on adoption behavior.Finally, to sum up, the theoretical and practical contributions, limitations and future research directions of this study are pointed out.The major conclusions of this study are as follows:First, TAM model is still applicable and has some explanatory powers in the context of China 3G mobile service, but the impact strength has decreased.Second, In three external factors, subjective norm positive influences of subjective norms on adoption intention is significant, but its impact on the perceived usefulness is not significant. Individual innovation has two effects on adoption intention. Individual innovation has direct positive impact on adoption intention and indirectly affects adoption intention through perceived usefulness. Perceived price has a two-way effect on adoption intention. On the one hand, higher perceived price will decrease users’ adoption intention. On the other hand higher perceived price will increase perceived usefulness and then indirectly enhance adoption intention.Third, in this study, experience is divided into direct experience and indirect experience. Two different experiences’moderator effects are respectively tested. Results of the study show the moderator effects of two experiences are not the same.Fourth, the moderator effects of gender and age are tested in this study. The results show that perceived ease of use has more significant influence on perceived usefulness in female users.But the moderator effects of age hasn’t support by data.Fifth, price and brand are the two important factors that affect users’ choice. In four 3G services, mobile internet and mobile video call are two favorite services. In the "price preference" users, price is the most import factor but four 3G moblie service’s affect is low. but in the "service preference" users, mobile internet and mobile video call are import factors as brand and price.There are three innovations in this thesis.First, the study proposes a 3G mobile service adoption model and tests by empirical research to reveal the key factors that affect users’ adoption behavior. The special nature of 3G mobile services implies the difference in the decision process of user adoption. The 3G mobile service adoption model proposed in this study riches the mobile service adoption literatures, and will be conducive to promote further study on 3G mobile service.Second, the study also finds that the perceived price has a two-way effect on behavioral intention. Mobile service is an innovation of non-enterprise environment. Scholars have studied perceived price’s influence in decision process of user adoption. But most scholars focuses on perceived price’s negative effect on behavioral intention. This study not only confirms the existence of this relationship, but also find that the perceived price has indirect positive effect on behavioral intention through perceived usefulness. This not only reveals the mechanism of perceived price on the behavior intention, but also has provided a theoretical guidance for practical operation of mobile operators.Third, experience is an important individual factor in IS adoption, but scholars haven’t further divided difference experiences. In this study experience is divided into direct experience and indirect experience. Two difference experiences’moderator effect are respectively tested. Results of the study showed the moderator effects of two experiences are not same. The moderator effect of direct experience exists in the formation path of perceived usefulness, but the moderator effect of indirect experience exists in the formation path of adoption intention. These research results help scholars better understand the different dimensions of experience, reveal the mechanism of different experiences on users’adoption behavior, and give guidance for practical operation of mobile operators.

【关键词】 3G移动服务采纳技术接受模型经验
【Key words】 3GMobile ServiceAdoptionTechnology Acceptance ModelExperience

