

Financial Management of the Land Reserve Funds: Theory Induction, International Experience and Reform Path

【作者】 李宏志

【导师】 万寿义;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 会计学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国实行土地的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。(《中华人民共和国土地管理法》,2004)国家为公共利益的需要,可以依法征用集体所有土地为国有建设用地,并给予必要的补偿。国有土地的所有权由国务院代表国家行使,是不能出让的;在所有权和使用权可以分离的理论基础上,国有土地使用权可以依法以市场的方式出让给土地使用者并收取“土地出让收入”,即实行国有土地有偿使用制度。在社会主义市场经济条件下,国有土地使用权已经成为了一种特殊的商品。由于土地的属地化管理方式,地方政府事实上行使国有土地所有者的权利,“土地出让收入”也就全额纳入地方财政基金预算管理。为了提高政府土地收益、合理配置土地资源、调控土地市场,我国推行了土地储备制度,要求土地储备主体加强土地储备成本控制、政府合理分配土地出让收入。土地储备制度的实行,客观上要求建立土地储备资金。近年来,伴随着土地储备制度的建立和发展以及招标、拍卖、挂牌的市场方式出让国有土地使用权形式的采用,我国土地出让收入呈快速增长之势,已成为地方城市建设的主要资金来源。同时,由于土地储备规模的逐步扩大,如何筹集和运用开展土地储备工作所需要的土地储备资金也成了一个重要的课题。近年来,国家有关部门对建立健全我国土地管理制度、规范我国土地出让收支管理及土地储备资金财务管理做了大量的工作,出台了许多法律、法规和规范性文件,地方政府也纷纷就建立土地储备制度及土地储备资金运作进行了许多有益的探索。而相关理论性专著多集中于对土地经济学基础理论的研究,土地经济学作为经济学的一个应用学科,是从经济学的角度,即生产力和生产关系的角度对土地进行剖析,主要是研究包括土地资源供求、土地集约利用、土地规模经济、土地所有制、土地使用制、土地国家管理制、土地租赁制、土地信用制等在内的土地经济问题。(周诚,2003)但尚没有专门学术专著,对土地储备及土地储备资金财务管理问题进行研究。学术性文章也只限于对土地储备及土地出让收支问题的探讨,很少涉及到土地储备资金财务管理问题,且明显滞后于实践的需要,也就起不到对土地储备资金财务管理实践工作的指导作用。可以说,实践的发展已经走到了理论的前头。所以,现在研究土地储备资金财务管理问题有相当的现实意义。由于土地储备资金财务管理内容的多样性和复杂性,本文将重点研究土地储备资金的筹集、土地储备成本的管理、土地出让收入的分配三方面内容,本文采用规范研究与实证研究相结合的方法,本文按“概念界定→理论基础→现状分析及实证检验→国外借鉴→规范建议”的脉络对土地储备资金财务管理问题展开研究。除第一章“导论”外,第二章“土地储备资金财务管理相关概念的界定”是本文的基础理论部分,是后面的理论和实证分析的基础;第三章“土地储备资金财务管理的理论基础”是本文展开研究的理论依据;第四章“土地储备资金财务管理理论架构”是本文对土地储备资金财务管理的理论分析,分析了土地储备资金财务管理的主体、土地储备资金的筹集、土地储备成本的控制、土地出让收入的分配;第五章“我国土地储备资金财务管理的现状及因素分析”通过分析我国土地储备资金财务管理现状找出了存在的问题,并利用实证研究的方法,检验了影响土地出让收入的因素。第六章“土地储备资金财务管理的国际经验及启示”从与国外比较的角度旨在提出可供我们借鉴的主要经验以弥补我国土地储备资金财务管理的不足;第七章“加强土地储备资金财务管理的对策”是针对第五章和第六章中我国土地储备资金财务管理中的不足提出的对策和建议。第八章是“本文研究的结论及后续研究方向”,提出了本文的主要研究结论和论文的后续研究方向。本文各章的主要内容如下:第1章介绍了选题的背景、意义、国内外研究现状、研究内容、研究方法、论文的逻辑框架,总结了主要研究结论和本文的创新之处。第2章介绍了土地储备、土地储备资金、土地出让收入的基本概念,还介绍了土地储备资金的来源,土地出让收入的构成、使用及流程。对于基本概念的理解,有助于深刻了解土地储备经济活动过程,为规范本文的研究奠定了基础。第3章从土地权属理论、土地供求市场理论、新制度经济学理论介绍了本文研究的理论基础。土地权属理论为土地储备主体的界定和土地储备成本管理提供了理论依据。土地供求市场理论是土地出让价格确定的理论依据,包括土地价值二元论理论、资源配置与市场失灵理论、政府管理理论、区位理论。新制度经济学理论中的制度变迁与创新理论为土地储备制度的建立奠定了理论基础。第4章从财务主体、财务关系等方面论述了土地储备资金财务管理活动的理论框架。目前关于土地储备资金财务管理主体的界定还存在分歧,本文认为土地储备资金财务管理主体是地方政府专门设定的土地储备机构。然后介绍了土地储备机构在土地储备活动中与各利益相关者的财务关系。财务关系是通过财务活动表现出来的,财务活动是现象,财务关系是本质。土地储备资金的财务活动主要有土地储备资金的筹集、土地储备成本的管理、土地出让收入的分配。本章的土地储备资金财务管理理论框架的内容分析为第5章的我国土地储备资金财务管理现状的分析提供了理论依据。第5章着重分析了我国土地储备机构设置现状、土地储备资金筹集现状、土地储备成本管理现状、土地出让收入分配现状,并指出目前我国土地储备资金财务管理活动中的不足之处。本章还利用B市财政局提供的土地出让相关数据,检验了土地出让收入的影响因素。首先从B市土地储备的机构设置、土地储备成本和收入状况、土地储备资金来源状况三个方面介绍了B市土地储备机制的运行状况,从而体现出了B市土地储备运行机制中的特点,如:B市土地出让方式只有挂牌交易一种。接着利用B市2005-2009年土地储备的相关数据为样本,用线性回归的检验方法,实证研究了土地出让收入的影响因素。主要检验了土地规划用途、土地面积、容积率、土地级别、住房价格等五个因素对土地出让收入的影响,其中土地规划用途从两个方面考察,一方面考察是否是商业用地对土地出让收入的影响,另一方面考察是否是住宅用地对土地出让收入的影响。在理论分析的基础上提出了假设条件,根据Colwell and Sirmans(1978)的模型并加以修正,实证研究发现,商业用地、土地面积、容积率、土地级别与土地出让收入显著正相关,住房价格与土地出让收入显著负相关。第6章通过梳理瑞典、荷兰、法国、加拿大、美国等具有代表性的西方国家的土地储备的特征,为加强我国土地储备资金管理提供了一些启示。本章从土地储备的政策目的、储备土地来源、土地储备类型、执行机构、融资渠道五个方面来阐述一下西方国家土地储备资金财务管理的特点。通过对西方国家土地储备资金财务管理特点的分析,我们得到如下启示:一是我国土地储备类型是目的型,土地储备的政策目标定位于完善土地市场及土地供应,促进城市产业结构调整和基础设施建设为土地储备的政策目的;二是我国土地储备资金的融资渠道单一,主要依靠财政拨款和银行贷款,而且商业银行贷款的担保方式存在严重的缺陷,这无疑增加了土地储备资金运行的财务风险。第7章从规范土地储备机构、拓宽土地储备资金融资渠道、加强土地储备成本管理、合理分配土地出让收入四个方面提出了完善我国土地储备资金财务管理的对策和建议。第8章归纳了本文的研究结论,并提出了本文的后续研究方向。土地储备资金财务管理问题的研究涉及多方面的复杂因素,不可能在一篇论文中面面俱到。本文的许多观点、支撑资料参考了有关法律、法规、规范性文件和许多专家的研究成果。本文创新之处主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,建立企业化运作的土地储备机构,使之成为土地储备资金财务管理的真正主体。由于土地储备资金目前主要来自于土地储备贷款,主要用于开展土地储备工作的土地储备成本支出。土地储备机构是贷款的主体也是还款的主体,为明晰责任,土地储备机构应实行企业化运作。第二,多渠道筹集土地储备资金,分散土地储备资金财务风险。合理预测土地储备资金需求,根据预测结果制定融资方案,控制土地储备贷款规模。注入注册资本,保持合理的土地储备资金资本结构。提高国有土地收益基金的计提比例,增强土地储备的自身“造血能力”。多渠道筹集资金,探索土地储备债券等土地储备资金融资方式,分散土地储备资金财务风险。第三,建立土地储备成本的宗地核算制度,努力降低土地储备成本。以土地储备成本的宗地核算制度为基础,加强对土地储备成本的管理和控制,努力降低土地储备成本。明晰土地储备成本控制的责任主体,对土地储备成本进行事前、事中、事后的全过程控制。第四,合理分配土地出让收入,化解土地储备资金财务风险。土地出让收入实现上缴财政后,对土地出让收入安排的支出应区分为土地储备成本支出和用净收益安排的支出,土地储备成本支出部分应及时返还土地储备机构用于偿还土地储备贷款,正确衔接土地出让收支核算与土地储备资金核算,使土地储备机构成为真正的责任主体,并化解土地储备财务风险。

【Abstract】 The socialist public-owned land-ownership system has been implemented in China, which is the state-owned land-ownership system and collective-owned land-ownership system (the People’s Republic of China Land Regulation,2004). For the public interest, the Government usually makes a requisition of collective-owned land legally for construction purposes in the case of providing the necessary compensation. Ownership of state-owned land cannot be sold, that is held and exercised by the State Council. Based on the theory of the separation of land-ownership and land-use right, the state-owned land-use right can be traded legally; this is the implementation of the compensated use system of the state-owned land. In the socialist market economy, the state-owned land-use right has become a special commodity. The State Council exercises the ownership of state-owned land on behalf of the state. Because of the localization of the land management, the land revenue should be totally imposed into the local treasury and implemented with the local fund budget management by the local government.In order to enhance the land income of Government, to allocate the land resource rationally and to regulate the land market, China implements the land reserve system, which requires the land reserve cost controlling and the rational allocation of land revenue. The implementation of the land reserve system calls for the establishment of land reserve funds. In recent years, with the establishment and development of the land reserve system and trading state-owned land-use rights by bidding, auction and listing, the land revenue has increased rapidly and become the main local urban construction funding. At the same time, with the gradually expanding of the land reserve scale, it has become a very important issue that how to use the land reserve funds to carry out land reserving mobilization.In recent years, the state authorities have done a lot of work to establish and improve China’s land management system, standardize the management of land revenue and the financial management of land reserve funds. They introduced a number of laws, regulations and regulatory documents. Many local governments also had exercised the land reserve system and explored more useful operations of the land reserve funds. The most relevant theoretical monographs concentrate on the basic theory of land economics. As an applied science of economics, the land economics is to analyze the land issues from the view of the economics, that is, the perspective of productive forces and production relations. It is to study economic issues including supply and demand of land resources, the intensive use of land, land economic scale, land ownership, land use system, the land management system, the land lease system, the land credit system and so on (Zhoucheng,2003). However, there was no specialized academic monograph, which focused on the financial management of land reserve funds and the land reserve system. Scholarly articles are also limited to the land reserve and the land revenue management, little related to the financial management of land reserve funds, and significantly lags behind the practice, it cannot achieve the role in guiding the financial management of land reserve funds. It can be said that the development of practice is leading the way of theory. So it has considerable practical significance to study the financial management of land reserve funds.In view of the diversity and complexity of the financial management of land reserve funds, this article will focus on three aspects:the raising of the land reserve funds, the management of land reserve cost, and the distribution of land revenue. By the research and empirical research, this paper discussed the financial management of land reserve funds according with the "the concept defining→the theoretical basis→Analysis and Empirical→Foreign reference→guidelines recommend". In addition to the first chapter "Introduction", the second chapter, "the definition of the concepts related to the financial management of land reserve funds" is the theoretical basic of this article, that is the basis of the following theoretical and empirical analysis; Chapter III, "Theoretical basis of the financial management of land reserve funds" is a study of the theoretical basis for this article; Chapter IV, "the theoretical framework of the financial management of land reserve funds" is a theoretical analysis of this paper, which analyzes the financial management entity of the land reserve funds, the raising of the land reserve funds, the management of the land reserve cost, and the distribution of the land revenue; Chapter V," the status and factors analyzing on the financial management of the land reserve funds in China", by analyzing the status quo, this chapter is to identify the existing deficiencies, using the empirical study method to examine the factors affecting the land revenue; Chapter VI, "international experiences and implications of the financial management of land reserve funds", with the comparison of foreign countries, we learn how to improve the financial management of land reserve funds; Chapter VII, "Measures to strengthen the financial management of land reserve funds", this chapter put forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the lack in the financial management of land reserve funds in chapter V and VI. Chapter VIII is "the conclusions of this study and research directions in future ", this part presented major research findings of this paper and research directions in future. The main contents of this paper are as following:Chapter 1:Introduced the background, significance, research status, contents, methods, logical framework of this topic, and summarized the main research findings and innovations of this article.Chapter 2:described the basic concept of the land reserve, land reserve funds, land revenue, also described the origin of the land reserve funds, the composition, using scale and process of the land revenue. Understanding of these basic concepts would help us to understand the economic activity process deeply, and laid the foundation of this study.Chapter 3:described the theoretical basis of this study from the theory of land ownership, land supply and demand market theory, new institutional economics theory. Land ownership theory provides a theoretical basis for the land reserve entity and the management of land reserve cost. Land supply and demand theory is the theoretical basis for the market price of certain land, including land value dualism theory, resource allocation and market failure theory, government intervention theory, location theory. Theory of institutional change and innovation in the new institutional economics established a theoretical foundation for the land reserve system.Chapter 4:discussed the theoretical framework of the financial management of land reserve funds by analyzing the financial entity, financial relations, and etc. Currently, the definitions of the financial management entity of land reserve funds are still different; this paper argued that the financial management entity of land reserve funds is the land reserve institution specifically set by the local government. Then it introduced the various financial relationships in the land reserve activities. The financial relationship is shown by the financial activities. The financial activity is the phenomenon; the financial relationship is the essential. Financial activities of the land reserve funds included the raising of the land reserve funds, the management of the land reserve cost, and the distribution of the land revenue. The theoretical framework of the financial management of land reserve funds in this chapter provides a theoretical basis for the following analysis of Chinese financial management situation of land reserve funds in Chapter 5.Chapter 5:analyzed the status quo of the land reserve institution, the raising of the land reserve funds, the management of the land reserve cost, the distribution of the land revenue, and then the deficiencies of the current financial management activities of land reserve funds in China. By the related land reserve data provided by the Municipal Bureau of Finance in city B, this chapter inspected the affecting factors of the land revenue. Firstly, described the operation status of the land reserve system in city B, including the land reserve institution, the land reserve cost and the land revenue, the land reserve funding which reflect the characteristics of the land reserve operating mechanism in City B, Such as: listing is the only land trading way in City B. Then, using of the land reserve data of 2005-2009 as the sample, this paper researched the land revenue affecting factors with linear regression. It mainly examined the land commercial using, the area of land, the land capacity ratio, the land classes, and housing prices on the impact of the land revenue, in which the land commercial using was discussed from the two visits, one is the impact of the commercial land on the land revenue and the other is the impact of the residential land on the land revenue. Assumptions made in the basis of the theoretical analysis, according to Colwell and Sirmans(1978) model and fix, the empirical study found that the land commercial using, the area of land, the land capacity ratio, and the land classes were significantly positively related to the land revenue, the housing prices were negatively correlated with the land revenue.Through arranging features of land reserve of Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Canada, the United States and other representative Western countries in the Chapter 6, to put forward some inspirations for the financial management of land reserve funds. This chapter illustrated characteristics of Western countries’financial management of land reserve funds from five aspects which are objectives of land reserve policy, source of reserve land, type of land reserve, the implementing agencies, and financing channels. Through analysis of characteristics of Western countries’financial management of land reserve funds, we get the following inspirations. Firstly, the type of China’s land reserve is purpose orientation, and the policy objectives of the land reserve are to perfect land market and land supply, promote industrial restructuring and enhance land reserve of urban infrastructure construction. Secondly, financing channels of China’s land reserve funds are too single, which mainly rely on financial allocations and bank loans. What’s worse, there are serious flaws for guarantee mode of commercial bank loans, which will increase the financial risk of land reserve funds operation surely.Chapter 7:offered strategies and suggestions for improving China’s financial management of land reserve funds from four facets which are perfecting land reserve institutions, broadening financing channels of land reserve funds, strengthening management of land reserve cost, and arranging land income reasonably.Chapter 8:summarized the conclusions of this study and proposed directions of future study of this thesis.Many complicated factors get involved into the financial management of land reserve funds, which cannot be covered throughout in one thesis. Many views and supporting materials refer to relevant laws, regulations, formal documents and lots of experts’ research achievements. Innovations of this thesis are as follows:First, establish land reserve institutions with enterprise operation style to enable it to be the real financial management entity of land reserve funds. Because the land reserve funds are mainly collected from land reserve loans and used to conduct the land reserve at present, the land reserve institution is the entity of issuing the loan and returning the loan. In order to clarify responsibilities, the land reserve institutions shall be operated with enterprise style.Second, collect land reserve funds from various channels to spread financial risks. Forecast requirements of land reserve funds reasonably; and according to the forecasting results, to write financing proposals and to control the scale of land reserve loans. Add registered capital to maintain a reasonable capital structure of land reserve funds. Enhance the provision of state-owned land income fund to strengthen land reserve’s own capacity of operation. Collect funds from various channels and explore the land reserve bonds and other financing modes to spread financial risks of land reserve funds.Third, build an accounting system of land reserve cost to try to reduce the land reserve cost. According to the accounting system of land reserve cost, enhance management and control of land reserve cost and to do utmost to reduce the cost. Make clear of main responsible subjects for land reserve cost control, and control the land reserve cost throughout the whole process.Fourth, allocate the land revenue reasonably to resolve the financial risks of land reserve funds. After realize that the land revenue is imposed into the local treasury, expenditures of arrangements of land revenue shall be divided into cost of land reserve and cost arranged with net income. Cost of land reserve shall be returned to the land reserve institution to pay back the land reserve loans. Build a bridge between the land revenue accounting and the land reserve funds accounting to make the land reserve institution be the real responsible entity and to defuse financial risks of land reserve funds.

  • 【分类号】F812.7;F301
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1220

