

A Comparative Study of Cross-Cultural Tourist Behavior

【作者】 马静

【导师】 汪榕培;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 旅游与文化的关系密不可分,文化是旅游的灵魂,旅游则是文化的载体,也是对文化的挖掘、提炼和发扬。中国是一个文化大国,丰富的文化资源,既是外国游客游览认识体验中国的重要内容,也是我们本国游客学习传承我们珍贵文化传统的重要途径,是增强中华儿女民族自豪感的重要内容,也是增进中外了解的重要手段。随着中国经济的迅猛发展和国际地位的不断提升,越来越多的外国人都将中国作为首选的旅游目的地,希望有机会了解这个远在东方的古老而神秘的国度。他们的到来无疑促进了我国旅游业的积极发展。然而,东西方文化之间存在的差异却在一定程度上制约了我国旅游业的发展。价值取向和价值观念、哲学思想和思维方式、生活方式和饮食习惯等等各个方面的差异无形地操控着人们的行为,反映在人们的日常生活中,给旅游者在旅行过程中带来文化上的碰撞与冲突,有时甚至会转化为不适感和厌恶感。充分了解东西方文化差异对我国旅游业在各个方面的影响有利于制定正确的应对策略,从而实现使入境旅游者乘兴而来,满意而归,最终使我国的旅游业得到蓬勃发展的同时,使我国璀璨的文化得以更好地传承和发扬。就目前国内外旅游研究现状来看,从文化角度入手的研究在数量上不断增长,主要研究领域集中在文化变迁、文化冲击、社会文化影响等方面。随着跨文化研究意识的增强,国外跨文化旅游研究成为学者关注的焦点,相关研究表明文化是影响旅游者行为的重要因素。旅游发展的文化战略相对于发展旅游业的经济战略更具有全局性意义,是旅游业经济战略的前提。本文在社会学、人类学等理论指导下,运用跨文化比较研究方法,以西安入境旅游者和国内旅游者为研究对象,对旅游者的跨文化旅游行为进行比较研究,并对旅游者跨文化旅游行为对旅游目的地社会文化及旅游者自身的影响进行了深入的探讨。本文的研究目的在于从文化差异角度理解不同文化背景下旅游者的行为差异,了解旅游者行为对目的地及自身的影响,从而结合本民族的文化特色制定合理的旅游开发与发展策略,提高民族文化保护意识,实现文化旅游的可持续发展。本文共分为六个部分。第一部分阐述了论文的选题依据和研究意义,明确了主要概念的定义,并界定了本文的研究对象和研究范围。同时还详细指出了本文的研究方法,以及创新与不足。第二部分是理论回顾和文献综述。这一部分首先总体回顾并介绍了国内外旅游研究的相关理论研究成果以及当前的研究现状和特点,然后对从跨文化角度进行的旅游研究和理论进行了简述和评论,分别介绍了中西方在旅游跨文化相关领域进行的旅游者行为研究,为后面章节的进一步深入分析提供了理论基础。第三部分分析了东西方文化的差异及其导致的东西方旅游者行为差异。这一部分首先从文化差异的衡量尺度出发,阐述了东西方文化在价值取向、思维方式、生活方式等各方面的共性和差异,对文化差异在旅游者行为上的体现进行了综述和分析。第四部分以西安国内外旅游者为研究对象,对跨文化旅游行为进行了比较研究。这一部分从对问卷调查和访谈设计的描述入手,介绍了问卷调查和访谈的过程,对问卷调查得来的数据进行了统计分析,并重点对旅游动机和旅游满意度进行了跨文化比较,同时也对访谈调查结果进行了归纳和综述。第五部分就跨文化旅游行为对目的地社会文化及旅游者自身行为的影响分别进行了研究。这一部分首先分析了旅游行为对目的地居民、环境、社会结构、道德文化、语言及旅游文本、旅游地营销策略、旅游地文化资源的保护与开发策略、以及对旅游文本及其译文质量等各个方面的影响。继而从旅游者的角度出发分析了跨文化旅游对于旅游者旅游体验和旅游行为的影响。第六部分在对论文的整体思路和研究进行总结和回顾的基础上,强调文化因素在现代旅游活动中的重要性,指出要充分理解和尊重异质文化间的差异及承载不同文化的旅游者间存在的行为差异,从跨文化角度和社会学、人类学人本主义角度出发进行旅游研究,根据旅游目的地自身的文化特色制定旅游发展战略,从而实现旅游活动过程中不同文化接触的适应度和融洽度,一方面提高旅游者旅游体验质量,另一方面加强文化旅游资源的保护和可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Tourism is closely related with culture. It serves as a carrier of culture while culture, which is examined, refined and promoted in traveling, is the soul of trourism. As a large culturally rich country, China is abundant in cultural resourses, which not only play a dominant role in foreign trourists’touring experiences, but offer an important means for domestic tourists to learn and pass down cultural tradition and help develop a sense of national pride for Chinese. Simultaneously, cultural resourses work as important means of promoting mutual understanding between China and the outside world. With China’s rapid economic growth and increasingly higher international status, more and more foreigners would choose China as their first tourist destination and hope to have an oppotunity to learn more about this ancient and mysterious oriental nation far away. Their arrival is no doubt a great promotion of China’a tourism industry. However, cultrual differences between the east and the west constrain, to some extent, the development of China’s tourism industry. Differences in value orientations, values, philosophical thoughts, way of thinking, lifestyle and eating habits, which dictate people’s behavior in an invisible way and are reflected in people’s daily life, may lead to cultural shocks and conflicts in the traveling process, with the shocks sometimes even resulting in discomfort, contempt or antipathy. A better understanding of cultural differences between the east and the west helps formulate appropriate tourism policies and strategies so that inbound tourists are enabled to come with curiosity and desire and return with satisfaction. In this process, as a result, local tourism industry booms and China’s brilliant culture is better expressed, preserved and passed down.The current situation of tourism research both at home and abroad shows that the number of studies in tourism from a cultural perspective is ever growing, with the focus of these studies resting on cultural change, cultrual shock, social and cultural impacts of tourism. Cross-cultural research in tourism is receiving increasing attention from western academics with a growing awareness of cross-cultural perspective. Related research reveals that culture plays an important role in tourist behavior. Compared to economic policies for the development of tourism, cultural strategy is more significant to the overall industry, in other words, economic policy should be established on the basis of the cultural policy. This dissertation, in line with sociological and anthropological theories and applying cross-cultural and comparative method, examines inter-cultural tourist behavior based on an investgition and study on inbound and domestic tourists in Xi’an. The impact of cross-cultural tourist behavior on tourist destination’s society and culture as well as tourists themselves is also explored.The purpose of this dissertation is to, from a cultural difference perspective, understand behavioral differences among tourists with distinct cultural background and to examine the impact of their behavior on tourist destinations and tourists themselves. Only if national cultural characteristics are taken into account, can tourism development policies be appropriately formulated; only if the awareness of preserving national culture is raised, can a sustainable development of cultural tourism be achieved.This dissertation falls into six parts. Firstly, the objective and scope of this study are stated by explicating the siganificance and grounds of the thesis topic selected, and definitions of some important terms are also explained. In addition, the first part gives a ditailed explanation of methodology applied as well as innovations and dificiencies of this dissertation.The second part is composed of a review of tourism theroies and a comprehensive statement of literature. It starts with an overall review and introduction of relative theoretical research results as well as status quo and characteristics of current study both at home and abroad. What follows is generalization and comments on these studies and theroies. An illustration of tourist behavior studies from a cross-cultural perspective in the west and east lays a theoretical foundation for further analysis in the later parts.The third part is an analysis of the cultural differences between the east and the west as well as tourist behavioral differences resulted from cultural differences. It, from the angle of cultural differences, elaborates similarities and differences in value orientations, way of thinking, and lifestyle of the western and the eastern culture. How cultural differences affect tourists in their behaviors is elaborated and analyzed afterwards.In the forth part, a comparative study on cross-cultural tourist behavior is undertaken by contrasting behaviors of domestic and international tourists in Xi’an. The considerations of how the questionnaire and interview are designed and the process of the survey are described at some length, and special emphasis is given to a cross-cultural comparative analysis of tourist motivations and satisfaction based on the statistical analysis and generalization of the data acquired in this process.Part 5 examines the impact of cross-cultural tourist behavior on the society and culture of destinations and tourist behaviors. First, it analyzes how tourist behavior affects destination’s residents, environment, social sturcture, ethics and culture, languages, public sign translation, destination marketing strategy, policies for presevation and exploration of destination cultural resources as well as other issues such as quality of tourism text and translation version. Followed is the analysis of the impact of cross-cultural tourist on tourist experiences and behaviors.As a conclusion and review of the overall argumentation and study, Part 6 underlines the importance of cultural factors in modern tourism activities and points out that differences in cultures and behaviors of tourists from differenct cultural background should be well understood and respected. When tourism study is conducted from cross-cultural, sociological, anthropological and humanistic angle, it is important that tourism development strategy should be formulated in the light of cultural features of tourist destination. In this case, adaption and harmony can be achieved when different cultures meet in the process of tourism activities. On the one hand, tourists acquire travel experience of higher quality, on the other hand, cultural tourism resources are well preserved and a sustainable development is thus realized.


