

Research on Livelihood of China’s Farmers Based on Citizens’ Rights

【作者】 张顺

【导师】 李怀;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 农民问题是中国革命、建设和改革的根本问题。在不同的历史时期,人们对农民问题的认识各不相同。共产党成立之初,认为农民的根本问题是“土地问题”,从而开展了土地革命运动,“打土豪、分田地”是中国共产党赢得农民、动员农民的革命口号。新中国成立以后,中国共产党没有忘记对农民的承诺,在全国范围内实行了“土地改革”,使农民获得了赖以生存的土地。但在以后的发展过程中,在一个统一的主权国家内空前构建了城乡分离的二元经济和二元社会结构,农民的部分权利被限制和被剥夺,农民成了二等公民,从而人为的制造了新的农民问题。二十世纪八十年代以来,被贫困折磨和集体禁锢已久的亿万农民,尝到了分田到户的丰收喜悦,但随之而来的农民负担问题又成了九十年代以来中国社会的突出问题。这种“按下葫芦浮起瓢”的现象,使我们认识到土地问题、农民负担等问题,只不过是农民权利缺失的种种表现形式。换言之,对农民问题的认识应该从土地问题、增收问题上升到公民权利问题。只要农民的公民权利得到尊重、保障与实现,农民的其他问题就会迎刃而解。“四农”问题的根源在于农民公民权利的缺失。农村改革成果来自农民各项公民权利的重塑。农村未来改革的路径选择是不断完善农民的公民权利。保障农民公民权利是改善农民民生、建设和谐社会和实现包容性增长的客观要求,是中国未来持久发展的最大动力,是实现城乡协调发展的核心策略。共产党通过农村包围城市夺取了革命的胜利,新政权主要是由农民的生命和鲜血铸造的;建国后通过农产品的“剪刀差”为国民经济恢复和工业体系的建立积累了大量的资本;改革开放后,中国逐步成为“世界工厂”,大量输出廉价商品,创造GDP年均10%的增长速度,最主要的劳动力贡献是农民工。可以说农民是中国革命和建设的头号功臣,但城乡二元制度却使农民沦为社会的二等公民。结合农村的现实可以说:对“四农”的欠账太多,最需要补偿;农业基础薄弱,最需要加强;农村发展滞后,最需要扶持;农民增收困难,最需要加快;城乡差距扩大,最需要协调;城市化历史趋势,最需要推进。痛定思痛,我们得出一条最大的结论是必须完善农民的公民权利,还农民国民待遇,使农民不再享受二等公民的待遇。本文从公民权利视角研究中国农村改革的历史经验和未来路径,引导人们从新的视角思考和解决“四农”问题。这样可以使人们分析问题更加深入,找到城乡发展中的主要矛盾,以此破解城乡不协调发展的难题。从完善农民权利角度思考和研究解决“四农”问题,对增加农民教育投入、完善农业基础设施、解决农民工迁移、失地农民补偿、户籍制度改革和完善农村社会保障制度的各项改革都有启发意义,从公民权利平等角度思考解决农民问题,会使农村制度改革更彻底、更坚定、更有方向。本文共分八部分对理论和实际进行分析:第一部分,在导论中介绍了研究背景、研究的框架结构和基本思路、国内外研究动态、论文的研究方法、本选题的理论和实践价值、创新点和不足之处。第二部分,公民权利的界定。在本部分通过对公民的词源、权利的核心意义、公民权利内涵的丰富和发展、权利的阐释路径等方面对公民权利进行分析,总结出自己对公民权利的理解,从而确定了本文研究的主要重点,本文主要从“五权”(农民迁徙自由权利、政治权利、受教育的权利、土地财产权利和享受社会发展成果和社会保障的权利)的角度分析农村改革和发展问题。第三部分,在理论上论述了农民迁徙自由权利、政治权利、教育权利、土地财产权利和社会保障权利与“农民、农村、农业和农民工(四农)”发展之间的关系。制度经济学的产权理论、交易费用理论、激励理论、人力资本理论和政治学的人的能动性理论都支持公民权利的完善与经济社会发展的正相关关系。第四部分,回顾了中国公民权利制度建设的发展历程,通过对公民权利制度建设的梳理,可以看出农民公民权利的是逐步完善的,如农民获得获得了土地的部分财产权利、部分剩余索取权和生产经营自主权、一定迁移的权利、一定的社会保障权利、部分政治权利。农民这些权利的获得具有明显的经济社会意义,其可以促进农村经济发展,提高农民收入,促进社会和谐发展。但是农民在当今中国还没有获得平等的公民权利,这些权利的缺失已严重地阻碍了“四农”问题解决、农民民生改善和城乡一体化进程。第五部分,总结农民公民权利保障方面存在的问题和不足。表现如下:农民受教育权的缺失和农村教育资源短缺;农民遭受不公正的政治权利;农民享有迁移自由权利障碍重重;社会保障权利的低水平和不平等;土地财产权利体系不完善。这些权利的不完善影响了农民素质的提高,影响劳动力资源的合理配置,阻碍城市化进程,造成严重的社会不公平。第六部分,从历史和现实角度总结了农民公民权利不平等及缺失的原因。主要表现如下:宪政价值定位对农民权利的影响;集体主义权利观对农民权利的影响;现代化情结对农民权利的影响;宪法文本规定对农民公民权利的影响;我国法律、行政法规和规章制度对农民平等权利的影响;农民缺少维护自己权利的社会组织;农民自身争取平等权利的意识不强;司法救济机制不健全对农民平等权利的影响等方面。第七部分,对形成和破解城乡二元体制进行制度分析,提出了制度规模效应和制度临界最小努力理论。所谓制度规模经济效应是指制度一旦形成体系,路径依赖效应会加强,制度变迁越来越困难。“制度临界最小努力”理论指制度的变迁是由促进制度变迁的力量和阻碍制度变迁的力量的矛盾运动决定的。把刚好突破阻碍制度变迁力量的促进制度变迁的力量称为制度最小临界努力。这部分是对制度经济学的理论创新。按照以上的分析,要实现农村的制度变革必须进行制度的大推进战略。第八部分,基于前面的分析,提出塑造农民迁徙自由权利、政治权利、教育权利、土地财产权利和社会保障的权利的对策思路。我国农业人口占总人口的60%,解决了“四农”问题就解决了中国60%人口的生计和发展问题。希望我的研究能为生我、养我、培养我的农村经济发展提供一些思路,激起更多的人关心农民的公民权利问题,我将对“四农”问题持久研究,这是我出身农民和我的农民情结决定的。

【Abstract】 The farmer problem is the basic problem of Chinese revolution, construction and reform. In different history periods, there are different understandings to the farmer problem. After the establishment of Communist Party of China, "land problem" was considered the basic, and "land revolution" was developed; after the establishment of New China, "land reform" was held nationally and the farmer became the political host of the nation. But China imitated the mode of former Soviet Union, which caused new farmer problems---part of rights of farmers were limited and deprived, and farmers became a second class citizens in the social structure in which cities and countries were separated. In 1980’s, with the development of reform, farmers were satisfied with the system of fields division, but the farmers’burden problem followed, which was the outstanding issue of China social problems in 1990’s. The phenomenon made us realize that farmer’s burden problem and land problem reflect the imperfection of farmers’rights. In other words, as long as farmers’rights were respected, guaranteed and realized, other relevant problems would be solved. The sources of some problems of "Four agricultures" are the imperfection of citizens’right. The core strategy of China to make a harmonious development between cities and countries is to perfect and protect citizens’rights in following half century.The victory of Chinese revolution was contributed to lives and blood of farmers; "scissors balance" caused a great deal of capital for national economy and industrial system. After the reform and opening, China gradually became "factory of the world" and in great quantities output cheap merchandise and created a 10% yearly growth in GDP on the average, farmers played important roles in the labor force. The "four agricultures" need to be compensated; the weak agriculture foundation needs to be strengthened; the villages need to be supported; the income needs to be increased; the differences between cities and countries need to be moderated; the urbanization, a history trend, needs to be strengthened. Recall and learn from painful experience, we draw the conclusion that it’s necessary to perfect citizens’rights of farmers, return national treatment to farmers, instead of the treatment of second class citizen.The history experience and the future path of China village reform are studied in the dissertation on the view of citizens’ rights, leading people to get the solution of "four agricultures" problem from the new angle of view; making people have a thorough analysis of problems and finding out the main antinomy. It is basically important to solve "four agricultures" problems by perfecting farmers’rights, increasing farmers education devotion, perfecting agriculture infrastructures, solving farmers migration, indemnifying lost fields, reforming household register system, and perfecting village social guarantee system. The city and country reform will be more thorough and more firm by solving farmer problems from the angle of citizens’equal rights.The theoriotical and practical analysis is made in eight parts in the dissertation:Part 1:The research background and the overall frame and structure are introduced, the dynamic state overview home and abroad, research method, theoriotical and practical value, innovation and shortage are discussed and analyzed.Part2:The definition of citizens’rights, on the basis of analysis of the core meaning of citizen and right, development of citizens’rights, path to the explanation of right, a personal understanding of citizens’rights is drawn and the key points of the dissertation is set up. Citizens’rights are a set of right system ---"five powers"(farmers’free right of changing residence, political right, education right, property right, and the right of enjoying social development and social guarantees) are discussedon the view of village reform and development.Part 3:the developing relationship is theoretically discussed between "five powers" (farmers’free right of changing residence, political right, education right, property right, and the right of enjoying social development and social guarantees) and "agriculture, village, farmers and peasantworkers". Theories in system economics---property right theory, transaction cost theory, encouragement theory, human resource and dynamic theory in politics support the related relation of perfecting citizens’rights and developing economic society.Part 4:A brief summary of the development and perfection of citizens’rights in New China is made as follows:the host right; the right of acquiring production materials and owning parts of property; residual claim and independent operation; migration right; social guarantee right; a ticket political right. Farmers’obtaining these rights is economically and socially meaningful in developing village economy, improving village spirit appearance, raising farmers’income and promoting harmonious development of society.Part 5:Problems and shortages of citizens’guarantees are summarized:imperfection of education right and lack of education resources; unfair political right; obstacles of migration right; low level and inequality of social guarantees; inperfection of land property right system. These imperfections influence the improving of farmers’qualities, blocking the fanner reasonable claim outlets, affecting reasonable allocation of labor force resources, baffling urbanization progress, and causing serious social unfair. In October,2010, the 17th plenary congression of the Party took the equity and the justice as the congressional topic. It is clear that how important and urgent to carry out the social fair and justice.Part 6:Reasons for the inequality and imperfection of farmers’rights are analyzed from the history and the realistic angle:the influence of constitutional government on farmers’ rights; the influence of collectivism right view on farmers’rights; the influence of the modernization on farmers’ rights; the influence of the first constitution of New China on farmer problems; The influence of our laws and regulations on equal rights of farmers; the lack of social organizations to protect their rights; weak consciousness of fighting for equal rights; the influence of judicial remedy on farmers equal rights.Part 7:Systems and performance of citizens’rights are put forwarded. I think that the path dependence results in a system scale effect. The so-called system scale economic effect means regulations once form system, the path dependence effect will be stronger, and the change of system will be more difficult because the system scale effect asks the motivation of system change to at least attain "system critical minimum effort". "System critical minimum effort" theory points out the change of system is subject to self-contradict sport of promotion power and resistance power; the power promoting system change includes inside power and outside power, the resistance power includes path dependence and vested interest groups. only when promotion exceeds resistance, the change of system can succeed, and at this moment the promotion power is called "system critical minimum effort". There is an innovation in system economics theory in this part. According to the above analysis, system reform is based on a series of system changes, but under the consideration of national realities, political right and education right can go in advance, others followed gradually.Part 8:On the basis of above analysis, strategies are put forwarded:free migration right, political right, education right, property right and social guarantees.Agricultural population takes up 60% of the total population in our country, the solution of "four agricultures" will solve the livings and development of 60% of population in China. Hoping my research will contribute to village economy, where I was born and living, and arise more concerns to farmers. I will hold out my research on "four agricultures" for long time, probably I’m from a farmer family and have deep feeling to farmers.

  • 【分类号】D422.6;D621.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】966
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