

Political and Economic Analysis on the Construction of Environmental-friendly Society

【作者】 吕迎春

【导师】 林木西;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当前,环境问题已经衍变成五大当代社会的世界性问题之一。伴随着人类工业生产的不断发展,大量废弃物被排向环境,污染事件不断发生,环境问题日益严重。随着环境自然净化能力的下降,自然资源再生能力的衰减,环境污染的急剧蔓延,环境问题已经发展成为社会公害,成为超越国家和地区界限、关系到整个人类生存和发展的全球性问题。1992年在巴西里约热内卢举行了联合国环境与发展大会。大会通过的《21世纪议程》中有200多处提到了“环境无害(Environmentally sound)”和“环境友好(Environmental-friendly)”的理念。这标志着人类社会对环境问题认识水平的不断深化。说明国际社会已经深刻认识到,解决环境问题必须实施可持续发展战略。环境友好型社会的理念由此产生。建设环境友好型社会的理念最早在中国提出,要追溯到2005年。在当年3月12日举行的中央人口资源环境工作座谈会上,胡锦涛总书记第一次提出要“努力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”。这是以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央深入了解我国的资源环境状况,从我国国情出发,着力解决我国经济发展与资源环境矛盾的一项重大战略决策。“十一五”期间,我国经济社会发展取得了重大的成就。但在取得经济平稳快速发展的同时,我们也应该认识到,我国的经济发展方式仍然是粗放式的增长,以“牺牲环境换取经济增长”的特征仍十分明显,高资源与高能源的消耗、高污染排放仍然是支撑经济高速增长的重要因素。这种经济发展方式以高投入、高消耗、高排放、低产出为特点,忽视了社会经济系统与自然生态系统间的循环与传递规律,不仅导致了许多自然资源的短缺与枯竭,还产生了大量和严重的环境污染,对社会经济和人民群众的身体健康造成了重大损害。未来10年,将是我国环境发展矛盾最为突出的10年,也是环境与经济协调发展最重要的10年。在这10年中,我国经济社会发展与环境质量、资源保障的矛盾将日益突出,如果继续延续传统的发展方式,资源将难以为继,环境也将不堪重负。同时,“十二五”时期是中国全面建设小康社会的关键时期,中国继续处在经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期和社会矛盾凸显期,既会面临难得的历史机遇,也要面对诸多可以预见和难以预见的风险挑战,保持经济平稳较快发展、维护社会和谐稳定的任务艰巨而繁重。论文旨在通过对环境友好型社会的研究,提出切实可行的建设办法,从而提高我国生态文明水平,转变经济发展方式,增强可持续发展能力。本文采用了博弈分析方法、实证分析方法、社会调查与统计、比较方法等多种研究方法进行论述。分析了建设环境友好型社会对社会、企业、个人的利益影响,调查了多名社会公众、在校大学生对建设环境友好型社会的态度与认识,征求了相关业内人士的看法,对发达国家建设环境友好型社会的经验进行了分析和比较,提出了在我国建设环境友好型社会的策略建议。关于环境友好型社会的建设,本文分成三大部分共八章进行阐述。第一部分是整篇论文的总领。论述了环境友好型社会理念产生的背景和对其进行研究的意义,介绍了国内外相关专家和学者对环境友好型社会研究的现状和成果,提出了环境友好型社会建设的理论模型,建立了环境友好型社会的评价指标体系。第二部分阐述中国环境问题的现状,分析了其形成原因,指出了中国建设环境友好型社会的紧迫性。总结了发达国家解决环境问题的经验与措施,为中国进行环境友好型社会建设提供借鉴。第三部分从政府、企业、社会公众三个层面,对我国环境友好型社会的建设提出了对策与建议,从政府自身环境管理能力的提高、政府应该采用的行政和经济制度、政府对企业的监管、政府对社会公众的教育和引导、企业的循环经济发展、公众参与环保等方面提出了解决措施。

【Abstract】 Currently, the environment problem has already become one of the five greatest contemporary worldwide problems. With the continuous development of human industrial production, a lot of waste is discharged to the environment; pollution incidents occur continuously, the environment problem is becoming increasingly serious. With the decline in natural purification capacity of the environment, the decay of natural resources and regenerative capacity, the rapid spread of environmental pollution, environmental issues have become social nuisance, and become a global issue which is beyond the boundaries of countries and regions and related to the entire human survival and development.In 1992, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. There were more than 200 points referred to the concept of“Environmentally sound”and“Environmental-friendly”. This indicated that the level of the awareness of environmental issues continues to deepen. This also gave evidence that there is a profound understanding among the international community, that is, the implementation of sustainable development strategies is a must way to solve environmental problems. The concept of environmental-friendly society is established on this basis.It was on March 12, 2005 when the concept of the construction of environmental- friendly society originated in China. General Secretary Hu Jintao first put forward“try to build a resource-conserving and environmental-friendly society”at the central population, resources and the environment forum. This is a major strategic decision made by our party which based on a thorough understanding on China’s resources and environment condition, and aimed to solve the conflicts between economic development and environmental resource in China.China’s economic and social development made great achievements in the 11th“five-year-plan”period. But we should also realize that China’s economic development mode is sort of vulgar growth while achieving steady and rapid economic development. The main feature of this mode is“environment sacrifice for economic growth”. The important factors of rapid economic growth are high resource and high energy consumption as well as high pollution emission. With high investment, high consumption and high emissions, low output as the characteristic, this mode of economic development ignored the circulation and transfer laws between social economic system and natural ecological system. It caused not only many natural resources shortage and exhausted, serious environmental pollution, but also serious damage to social economy and people’s health.In the next 10 years, there will be prominent contradictions in environmental development, so it will be the most important 10 years of the coordinated development of environment and economy. Resource and environment problem will be even worse if the traditional ways of development continues. Meanwhile, as the 12th“five-year-plan”period is a crucial period in the construction of well-off society, a period that full of strategic opportunities and social contradictions, China will encounter with rare historic opportunities as well as risk challenges predictable or unpredictable. The task to maintain a fast and steady economic development as well as social harmony and stability is arduous.The main aim of this paper is to put forward feasible measures based on the study of environmental-society to improve the construction of China’s ecological civilization, thereby to transform the mode of economic development, and to enhance the ability of sustainable development.Many research methods are adopted in the paper, such as the game analysis method, the empirical analysis method, social investigation and statistical analysis, and comparison method. The influence of the environment-friendly society construction on society, enterprises, and individuals was analyzed. An investigation was made among social public and college students, and some relevant scholars were interviewed to collect attitude and suggestions on the construction of environmental-friendly society. After analysis and comparison of the experience of some developed countries, some strategies and advice are put forward to the construction of environmental-friendly society in China.This article is divided into three parts, eight chapters. The first part is the chief of this paper. The background and significance of the concept of environmental-friendly society were discussed. Some research status and achievements of domestic and foreign relevant experts and scholars were also introduced this part. Further more, the theory basis on the construction of environmental-friendly society was put forward, and the evaluation index system was established. The second part is mainly about the present environment situation and the reason of its formation. The experience and measures of developed countries in solving environmental problems were summarized as a reference to China. Suggestions and countermeasures were proposed in the third part of this paper. The solutions varied from the political, economic to cultural aspects.Based on the analysis and comparison of the experience on environment management and protection in developed countries, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction of environmental- friendly society in China, from the implementation of economic policy, perfecting the system construction, transforming development mode to the advocating of public participation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】F205;F124;X2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】450
  • 攻读期成果

