

Research on News-Publishing Legal System of Nanjing National Government

【作者】 张莉

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在南京国民政府统治大陆的二十二年中,先后颁布实施了近二百部有关新闻出版的法律法规。在此过程中,政府、新闻出版业及民众三方就新闻自由与新闻法制的认识和激烈博弈,对该时期新闻出版法律体系的形成和实际效用均产生了重要作用。由于受到“以党治国”政治体制下党权对立法权、司法权的侵蚀,长年战争状态对新闻出版的工具化要求、以及新闻报刊业自身局限性的影响,南京国民政府新闻出版法制逐渐显示出新闻立法与实践、官方管理与新闻出版活动相断裂的趋势。本文通过对南京国民政府时期新闻出版法制历史逻辑与理论逻辑的考察,揭示新闻自由这一历史概念的双重属性,寻求实现新闻自由的基本路径。第一章追溯南京国民政府新闻出版法制的立法背景。主要从南京国民政府政权建立之前的法制基础、新闻法制理论及该政权在“党治”政体下新闻统制政策的确立三个方面展开分析。中国近代新闻出版法制化的活动肇始于清末民初。虽远未形成体系化的成果,且大多遭到废止的结局,对当时的新闻出版实践活动影响有限。但每一次的修删,都在文字、体例、制度规范上更为斟酌,为日后南京国民政府的立法活动提供了各种可供借鉴的的文本样式。每一次存废之争,都反映了政府与社会尤其是报界之间,就新闻控制与新闻自由之间的激烈博弈。在这个过程中,人们对新闻自由和新闻出版法制的认识渐趋理性,学者们从立法理念和具体制度设计上均做了较为深入系统地探讨,为南京国民政府的新闻出版立法提供了法理基础。随着日军侵华战争的逼近,抗日言论逐渐高涨,为取得抗战的胜利,学者们提出战时新闻学理论,明确支持政府提出的新闻国防和新闻统制政策。新闻统制政策厉行新闻一元主义和战时新闻检查。该新闻统制政策对南京国民政府颁布的数量庞大的战时新闻出版法提供了立法指引和具体要求。第二章回顾南京国民政府新闻出版的立法进程。南京国民政府自统治初期即十分重视新闻出版的法制化。在最初五年内初步形成了以《出版法》为核心,包括刑法、民法、中宣部条例、各种办法等在内的新闻出版法律体系,为新闻出版活动提供了一个基本的法律框架。但法律条文含糊、规范变化过快且前后矛盾的现象时有发生。此缺点在第二个阶段即发展期有所改善。随着政权的稳定,南京国民政府各立法机构在职权分配、管理体制、人员素质及机构设置等方面更为完善。在立法工作上不仅及时完成对刑法和出版法的修正工作,而且出台大量有关新闻出版的解释案和单行法。尤其是这一阶段新闻统制政策的成型,为日后新闻出版立法和实施提供了基本原则和具体指针。抗战开始后,南京国民政府转入战时体制,其新闻统制政策、最高立法机构及立法重点均发生相应转变。在战时新闻统制政策指导下,一批战时新闻出版法律法规密集出台,在内容和程序上打破了前期新闻出版立法的成果。立法机构和内容军事化色彩浓厚,厉行严格的战时新闻检查。进入内战时期,南京国民政府虽然作出实施宪政、保障言论自由的承诺,但实践中仍然奉行党治政体和言论一律的要求。这种表层与现实的差异,彻底断送了南京国民政府的法制权威。随着其政权的倒台,法制体系最终崩溃。第三章以法律渊源为标准,对南京国民政府体系庞大、纷繁复杂的新闻出版法律进行分类梳理,以期对该时期的新闻出版法律体系有一个系统而清晰的认识,从整体上把握其立法取得的成就和不足。具体分为宪法及宪法性文件、法律、法规和规章以及地方性立法、司法判例、解释例等五大类,详细考察各法律渊源中有关新闻出版法律原则和制度的规定,重点是三部《出版法》中相关制度的递演关系。并在此基础上就不同法律渊源中相关制度的关联性以及相同法律渊源不同文本中相关制度的比较作进一步论述。第四章以更为微观的视角,深入剖析南京国民政府新闻出版法律体系中所规定的基本原则和具体制度。“言论出版有限自由”原则无疑是这一时期所确立的最为重要的新闻出版宪法原则。新闻出版自由在南京国民政府时期,并非一个独立的概念,而是借助于言论、出版自由得以表达的。通过南京国民政府宪法文本和实践活动中,逐渐确立起的言论出版有限自由原则。其具体内容中既有符合各国对言论出版自由基本原则的通行做法,如公共利益优先原则、危险倾向原则、较少限制原则等,也有国民党党治政体下的独特规定,如党义保留原则。此外,对新闻从业者制度、新闻出版管理制度、新闻犯罪法律制度以及新闻法律责任制度的规定,构成一套完整的新闻出版法律制度规则体系。其中对涉及国家安全、社会秩序、善良风俗以及私人名誉权、隐私权等内容禁止或限制登载的规定,是当时就新闻自由与公共利益、私人权益的法权冲突与平衡的一次有益尝试。第五章从动态考察南京国民政府时期新闻出版法制的实施情况。作为国家宣传体系重要一环的新闻出版业,始终受到南京国民政府的重视。南京国民政府利用其掌握的政治、经济优势,建立起一张严密的全国性的新闻出版管理网络。该管理网络中主要依托于国民党党部、行政、司法等组织机构体系,并形成了党政双重监管的管理模式。在具体分工上,各管理机构经历了由党部系统为主、到党政并管以党为主、再到以行政机关为主的演变过程。对这一过程客观来看,其总体趋势是向着符合现代国家新闻出版管理的通行做法发展的,符合现代国家公权力与新闻出版活动之间关系的处置方式,也是有助于推进实现宪政。然而,由于经验不足和监管不力,在机构设置上也明显存在着机构重叠、职权不清、越权检查的弊端,甚至采用特务组织、新闻聚餐会、长官指令等非法形式管理新闻出版活动。在实际的新闻出版管理活动中,重点管理对象是危害国家安全、扰乱社会秩序的新闻出版活动和扰乱新闻出版秩序的行为。对宣扬封建迷信、暴力、淫秽等损害社会风俗及个人隐私权、名誉权等侵害公民权益的新闻的管理较少。随着广告业的发达,对广告这种特殊形式的新闻也开展了一定的管理活动。总体来看,南京国民政府时期开展的新闻出版管理活动中,形式上依法管理的趋势不断加强,在打击不良报刊、规范报刊业经营方面也取得了一定的成果。但由于受到“党治”政治体制和战争的影响,各管理机构法定职能的发挥受到较大影响。同时,由于缺乏行政违法问责制等制度约束,管理活动软弱无力或腐败现象比较严重,报纸常常出现违禁内容,不仅败坏社会公德,贻害人民,而且使新闻出版法制和政府的威信不断流失。第六章内容是南京国民政府新闻出版立法的延伸——行业自律。完善的自律机制不仅能够对立法产生重要的补充和修正作用,而且能够使政府对新闻出版活动的管理成本减到最低程度。本章以上海、浙江等为主,从新闻自律实施机制的三个要素——自律组织、自律规范及纠纷裁定着手,分析该时期新闻自律组织的发展和作用发挥情况。虽然不同地区新闻自律组织的名称、权限、人员构成、产生方式和具体工作方式等不尽相同,并且普遍存在着经费不足、人手不够、缺乏强制性等局限性,但这些新闻自律组织基本均以自律与维权作为自身功能的定位,力图使新闻出版业界达成一项共识:新闻出版业一方面应珍重新闻自由,维护职业的尊严;另一方面应重视对社会所负的道德责任,对国家利益与安全所负的法律责任。并对国家立法提出诸多建议。在这一点上,南京国民政府时期的新闻出版自律与法制形成了较为有效的良性互动。文章最后一部分是反思与借鉴。通过将南京国民政府新闻出版法制与清末民初时期对比,从一段更长的历史视野中把握我国近代新闻出版立法的历史发展脉络和规律。体会南京国民政府在面对新情况和新问题时,在新闻出版立法方面所作的种种取舍和改变。这个过程不仅是具体制度上的变化,更是新闻自由权利属性不断得到拓展,并获得法权确认的过程:从消极自由开展到积极自由,由单纯的自然权利转为自然权利与制度性权利兼备的双重属性。并在南京国民政府宪法和出版法中作了确认,有限新闻自由原则的确认就是具体的体现。但南京国民政府的历史教训也警示我们,要真正实现新闻出版法治,就必须确保对新闻自由的配置上具备主体正当性和程序正当性,通过立法和司法环节,以正当程序实现对新闻自由的配置。

【Abstract】 The NanJing National Government of ruled the Mainland 22 years, had published almost 200 Ministry of press and publication of relevant laws and regulations. During this process, the government, news publishing industry and the public, fiercely battled on the freedom of the press and Understanding of press law, and this had a significant role on the formation and the effectiveness of the legal system of press during the period. Due "party" ruling political party power under the system on legislative and judiciary erosion, long war on news publishing tool requirements, and news industry’s own limitations can affect, Nanjing national government news and publishing legal system gradually showing news, official legislation and practice management with news breaking process of publishing activities.Press published this article through the period of Nanjing national government legal history logic and the theory logic, revealing the historical concept of the dual nature of press freedoms, seeking to achieve the freedom of the basic path.Chapter 1 trace back to Nanjing national government legislative background of the legal press publication. Mainly from the Nanjing regime prior establishment of the rule of law Foundation, information legal theory and the regime of "party governance" news under Government control established three aspects of the policy deployment analysis. Scholars from the legislative concepts and specific design of the system were to do a more in-depth exploration of the system for the Nanjing National Government Press and Publication legislation provides a legal framework.With the approaching Japanese invasion of China, the anti-Japanese speech gradually rising, to get the anti-Japanese War victory, scholars had proposed theory of journalism in times of war and explicitly support news and information control policy for national defense proposed by the Government. Information controlling policy enforcement information of unary and wartime censorship. The news control policies on the Nanjing national Government issued a large number of press and publication law in time of war provides guidelines and specific requirements of the legislation.Chapter 2 recalls the Nanjing national government legislative process of the press publication. Nanjing national government rule early attached great importance to the press and publication law. In the first five years formed the publishing act as the core, including criminal law, civil law, the Central propaganda Department of press and publication law, regulations, various methods such as system, provides a basic legal framework for press and publication activities. But vague legal provisions, specifications changed too quickly and contradictory phenomena had occurred. This disadvantage in the second stage of the development period had improved. Over the next five years, with the stability of the regime, the Nanjing National Government in terms of distribution of legislature bodies, management system, Quality of personnel and institutional settings, and will be more perfect. In the legislative work, not only completed the rectification of criminal law and publishing law in time, and introduced a large number of the interpretation of the case of press and publication and single law. In particular this phase information control policy, it for future legislation and implementation of press and publication provided the basic principles and specific pointers. After the War of resistance against Japan beginning, Nanjing National Government into war system, its information control policy, the highest legislative bodies and legislative investigation that all were changed. In times of war news control under the policy guidance, a group of press and publication laws and regulations introduced in wartime densely .That broke the early fruits of press and publication of legislative in the content and procedures. Militarization of the legislative and contents of the strong color, rigorously enforce strict wartime censorship. Into civil war, although the Nanjing Government to implement the constitutional though, the commitment protect freedom of speech, in practice was still pursuing party political and governance requirements of all speech. This surface and the reality of difference, it completely ruined the legal authority of the National Government. Collapse as the regime, legal system finally collapsedChapter 3 legal sources as a standard, Nanjing national Government system of large, complicated classification of press and publication law in order. To the press and publications in the period with a view to have a system and clear understanding of the legal system, overall grasp of its legislative achievements and shortcomings. Divided into specific the Constitution and constitutional documents, laws, regulations and rules and local legislation, judicial precedents and explained five categories. Detailed inspection the source of law in the relevant legal principles and system of press and publication regulations, focusing on the three in the Publishing Act related recursion relations system. And on the basis the different sources of related systems and the same text in different sources of law related to comparison systems for further discussion.Chapter 4, on the microcosmic sight, analyses deeply essential pricinples and concrete institutions of news-publishing legal system of NanJing national government. Limited freedom pricinple on the speech and the press was the most important constitution rule of news-publishing undoubtedly in that era. Freedom on news-publishing was not dependent but with the help of freedom on the speech and the press at the period of NanJing nantional government. Limited freedom on the speech and the press reflected both common practices from other countries,such as the princples on public interest being preferred, danger tendency and less restriction, and special regulation under the control of KuoMinTang, such as the princple on party righteousness holding. There was a whole set of news-publishing legal system concluding institution of news prictitioner, regulation on the press, news crime and legal duties on news and so on. Aim to attempt to keeping balance between news freedom and public and personal interest, this system stipulated that prohibited or restricted any contents threaten to national safety, social order, good custom and personal reputation and privacy and so on.Chapter 5 studies implementation of law on news publishing in the period of NanJing national government. News-publishing, as an important part in national publicity system, was paid attention by national government. Nanjing national government, taking advantage of political and economic power, found a piece of net news-publishing management all over the country, which depended on department, administration and justice system. At the view of objectives, the trends accorded with the mode of morden national news-publishing management, and contributed to propelling constitutionalism. However, because of lack of experiences and supervisation, national government used all kinds of spying, orders to manage activities of news-publishing on illegality. In reality of management to news-publishing, managed key targets were demagement to national safety, public order and news-publishing. With development of advertisement, the news on advertisement were controled. In a whole, in the period of NanJing national government, management to news-publishing made strong more and more in form and was great available to giving a norm to newspapers operation. However, in the influence of political institution and wars, the effects on legal functions of regulatory authorities weaken more and more. At the same time, because of shortage of institution restrain to administrative illegality accountability, feebleness of management and serious corruption, newspaper published unsuitable news, not only demaged social morals and mislead peoples but also made authorities of news-publishing Laws and government lose ceaselessly.Chapter 6 studies autonomy to news-publishing of NanJing national government. Matural autonomy system makes replenment and amendment of legislation and make reduce of government force on news-publishing to minimum level. For example of ShangHai and ZheJiang, based on three factors whose of autonomy organizition, autonomy stantard and dispute verdict, we analyse development and effects of news autonomy organizitons in that period. Although various forms on name, extent to power, staff constitution and so on to news autonomy organizitions in different areas, and limititions on funds, manpower, authorities, these organizitions took position on autonomy and justice,and tried to take agreement of a common view which news-publishing should perish news freedom and keep self-esteem, on the other hand made emphasis on moral duties to society and legal duties to nation interests and safety. In this point, news-publishing autonomy and legal system interacted well in the period of Nanjing national government.The last part focuses on introspection and learning a lesson. Constrasting news-publishing laws of NanJing national government to ones of the late Qing Dynasty, in the sight of longer history, we make clear of historical path and rules of recent period news-publishing laws in our country, understand all kinds of choice and changes of NanJing national government facing new situation and matters on new-publishing laws. This way is not only changing from specific institutions, but also expanding to features of press freedom and confirming to right from negative freedom to active one, from single-handed natural rights to both natural and institutional rights. Limited press freedom principle written in constitution and law of publication was a good case. learning a lesson from NanJing national government, press freedom can but exist and expand really in the procedure of legislation and administration of justice and be based on proper orders.

  • 【分类号】D929;D922.16
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1161
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