

On Optimizing the Spatial Structure of Suburban Rural Tourism

【作者】 张传时

【导师】 李世平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 城郊乡村旅游是城市经济与乡村经济发展的产物,是推动农村就业非农化的先锋产业形式,是促进现代城乡文明交融和共同进化的的主要途径之一。近年来,我国乡村旅游在快速发展的同时,也面临快速城市化中的用地竞争、从业人员及乡村城市化、社区发展与乡村性特色保持等矛盾,这些矛盾在不同程度上制约着城郊乡村旅游的可持续发展。研究城郊乡村旅游的产品体系与空间组织、城郊乡村旅游景区空间布局优化、城乡文化演进中基于“乡村性”的产品开发与空间组织策略与路径等问题,对研究城乡一体化中的城乡经济互动、城乡景观融合、城乡休闲产业链、乡村旅游景区的开发与乡村旅游可持续发展具有现实意义。主要内容包括四部分。第一部分:第一章导论,梳理、总结国内外关于乡村旅游的研究动态。第二部分:第二章总结论文研究的理论基础,第三、四、五章从理论层面分析城郊乡村旅游的产品体系与空间组织、旅游景区空间布局优化、基于“乡村性”的产品开发与空间组织策略与路径。第三部分:探讨西安市城郊乡村旅游存在的问题(第六章)、空间组织与优化方法、路径与策略(第七章)。第四部分:结论(第八章)。主要结论:①从推进城乡融合的过程来看,在城郊旅游发展中的乡村旅游布局有两种主要形式:借助新农村建设与旅游产业聚集的力量,建设与发展城郊旅游小镇;因地制宜在城乡用地功能体系中开发乡村旅游。因地制宜在城乡用地功能体系中开发乡村旅游,将形成新的城乡休闲产业体系下“串珠放射”+“圈层环状”的城郊乡村旅游空间布局模式。按照城市化进行的影响程度与城乡居民休闲体系进行新的空间组织,在传统乡村旅游中分离出城郊都市型乡村旅游景区与产品,构建城郊都市型乡村旅游与乡村型乡村旅游两种类型体系,并进行相应的产品配置。②运用遗传算法和CA模型研究发现,城市空间扩展与乡村旅游开发具有区位选择的趋同性和竞争性,表明纳入城乡一体化的乡村旅游开发对城市和乡村发展的重要性。③基于“乡村性”的产品开发与空间组织主要体现在两个方面:从地域文化传承与文化遗产保护来实现城市化进程中的乡村旅游“乡村性”保持,并在此基础上进行乡村旅游空间结构优化;把城郊都市型乡村旅游社区建设与城市规划和建设结合起来,使城郊都市型乡村旅游社区成为城市生活空间、城市社会空间的重要组成部分,通过乡村旅游社区参与实现乡村旅游的“乡村性”保持。④西安市乡村旅游已经具有一定规模与发展基础,但主要存在城市休闲需求多元化与城郊乡村旅游产品结构的矛盾、城郊乡村旅游经营与利益分配模式的矛盾、乡村城市化下的城郊乡村旅游发展的矛盾、城市空间扩展下的城郊乡村旅游景区的发展困境、乡村社区发展与乡村特色矛盾等五方面问题。⑤从实现城郊乡村旅游的城郊农业功能、城郊休闲旅游功能、城郊生态功能、城郊的城乡建设与发展等功能出发,西安市城郊乡村旅游在都市型乡村旅游和乡村性乡村旅游两种基本类型的基础上,结合空间位置和产业类型划分为三个亚类、四个区域。乡村旅游产品的空间结构组织应该由“市场分析与线路耦合结构”理念和思路入手,旅游景区定位应由“线”带“点”、由“点”靠“线”体系构建原则、极化原则、组合现代舒适原则,对西安市乡村旅游产品进行空间重构和再组织。从长远来看,把城郊都市型乡村旅游社区纳入城市社区体系的规划和建设中,有利于城乡文化多元化、城乡地域空间公正、城乡社会融合,有利于实现城郊乡村旅游的地域文化传承和“乡村性”保持下的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Suburban rural tourism is the product of urban and rural economic development. It is a vanguard form of industry in promoting the non-agriculturalization of employment in the rural area and one of the major ways in accelerating the integration and mutual evolution of modern urban and rural civilizations. In recent years, with the rapid development of rural tourism, some contradictions have occurred, taking the form of space competition between the suburban rural tourism and urban land use, inconsistency between the quality of the employed and the demand of urbanization, and conflict between community development and protection of the local distinctive characteristics, etc. These contradictions have constrained the sustainable development of suburban rural tourism to some extent. Against the background of the urban-rural integration development, the present paper explores the relatonship between product system and spatial organization in suburban rural tourism, the spatial layout optimization of suburban rural tourist attractions, the rural culture-based product development in urban-rural cultural evolution, and the spatial organization strategy and promoting path. Discussions of all those topics may shed some realistic light on the interaction between urban and rural economy, the integration of urban and rural landscapes, the development of urban-rural leisure industry chain and rural tourism scenic spots, and the sustainable development of rural tourism.This thesis includes four parts: Chapter one is part one, which serves as the introduction of the research background of rural tourism development at home and abroad; Part two consists of four chapters (namely, chapter two, three, four and five). Chapter two is a summary of the theoretical foundation of rural tourism. From Chapter three to five, the author analyzes the relationship between product system and spatial organization in suburban rural tourism, the spatial layout optimization of suburban rural tourist attractions, the rural culture-based product development in urban-rural cultural evolution, and the spatial organization strategy and promoting path. Part three includes chapter six and seven. Chapter six explores the existing problems in suburban rural tourism development in Xi’an against the background of urban-rural integration. Chapter seven discusses the method of optimizing spatial organization, the promoting path and some strategies in the development of suburban rural tourism. Chapter eight is part four, which is the conclusion of the paper .The findings from the present research show:(1) In the process of urban-rural integration, the rural tourism layout in the development of suburban rural tourism has two main forms: one is construction and development of suburban tourism towns with the help provided by new rural area construction and tourism industry agglomeration, the other is the development of rural tourism, adjusting measures to local conditions, in the function system of urban and rural land use, which will produce the effect of“Beaded Radiation + Cycle of Rings”, a new spatial layout model of suburban rural tourism in the urban-rural leisure industry system. The author believes that, on the one hand, re-organization of space ought to be done according to the influence of urbanization and the leisure system of urban and rural residents. On the other hand, suburban urban-type rural tourist attractions and corresponding products ought to be differentiated from the traditional rural tourism. In this way, both the suburban urban-type and the rural-type rural tourism systems can be constructed and corresponding product configurations can be conducted.(2)The author adopts the genetic algorithm and CA model in the present research. The results suggest that the urban space expansion and rural tourism development present the convergence and competitiveness in terms of choice of locations, which proves the significance of rural tourism growth to urban and rural development in the urban-rural integration.(3)The rural culture-based tourism product development and space organization mainly are embodied in two aspects: firstly, preservation of the local distinctive features of rural tourism in the process of urbanization through inheritance of the regional cultural and protection of the cultural heritage so as to realize the optimization of the space structure of rural tourism; secondly, combination between the suburban rural tourism community construction with urban planning and construction so as to make the rural tourism community to be the main component of urban living space and social space and to retain the local distinctive features of rural tourism by participating in the rural tourism community.(4) Although rural tourism in Xi’an has developed to a certain scale and with some foundation, there still exist some problems, such as the contradiction between the diversification of urban leisure demands and the product structure of suburban rural tourism, the conflict between the operation and interests distribution model of suburban rural tourism, the opposition between suburban rural tourism development and rural urbanization, the dilemmas in the development of suburban rural tourism scenic spots during the expansion of urban space, and the contradiction between rural community development and retain the local distinctive characteristics of rural tourism. (5) According to the performance of functions, such as the suburban agriculture, suburban leisure tourism, suburban ecological, the construction and development of urban and rural in the suburb, suburban rural tourism in Xi’an can be divided into two basic types: the urban-type and the rual-type. Based on the two basic types, it can be further divided into three subgroups and four regions by combining its location and industrial type. The author suggests that the spatial structural organization of rural tourism product needs to start with the idea of“market analysis and route coupling structure”, and the location of tourism attractions should be based on the systematical construction principle of integration between“point”and“line”, the principle of polarization, and the principle of combination of the modern and the comfortable. The rural tourism product in Xi’an should be reconstructed and reorganized spatially based on the principles we discussed above. In the long run, the adoption of suburban rural tourism community into the urban community system planning and construction is beneficial for the diversification of urban-rural culture, the spatial justice of urban and rural areas, the social integration of urban and rural areas, and the achievement of a sustainable development of suburban rural tourism between inheritance of regional culture and protection of“ruralness”of local culture.


