

Studies on the Characteristics of Ten Colonal Variants of Vitis Vinefera Cv. Thompson Seedless

【作者】 张宗勤

【导师】 王跃进;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园艺植物种质资源学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 以欧洲葡萄‘无核白’及其自然变异营养系为材料,通过对其果实特性研究,对葡萄果粒白藜芦醇等酚类物质与多酚氧化酶活性的测定分析,在新疆鄯善田间栽培条件下对自然高温与强光胁迫下光合作用特性研究,以期评价供试营养系的生物生态学特性;同时开展‘无核白’葡萄果穗处理促进优质果生产技术研究。研究结果为‘无核白’系新品种选育提供依据,对于促进其商品果生产具有借鉴价值。研究取得如下主要结果:1.果实特性研究表明,供试自然变异系间表现出多方面形态特征的差异。各营养系果粒均大于对照,其中大粒无核白、W3、长穗无核白、长粒无核白、W7的果粒重分别为对照的2.08、1.98、1.91、1.39、1.33倍;长粒无核白和大粒无核白的浆果耐压力分别是对照的1.23、1.01倍;长粒无核白、大粒无核白、W7、W3的果梗耐拉力分别为对照的1.59、1.05、1.01、1.01倍;果粒较大的W3、大粒无核白、长粒无核白等营养系可溶性固形物含量与对照无差异,均超过国标(18%)要求。综合评价认为供试营养系果粒性状优于对照,通过营养系选种有可能获得较大果粒或果型明显不同的‘无核白’葡萄营养系变异品系。2.生化分析研究表明,不同营养系果皮中白藜芦醇的平均含量是全果的4.86倍,浆果白藜芦醇含量较高的五个营养系分别为W2、W3、W6、长穗无核白、W7,依次为3.56、2.88、2.56、2.10、1.97μg·g-1;果皮酚类物质平均含量(401.94μg·g-1)高于全果(277.53μg·g-1),酚类物质浓度较低的营养系有大粒无核白、W3、长粒无核白和W8等;果皮中多酚氧化酶活性是全果的1.06~13.19倍,平均为2.81倍,全果中多酚氧化酶活性较低的营养系依次是W7、长穗无核白、W3、W8和长粒无核白。综合分析认为W3,大粒无核白、长粒无核白等营养系果实白藜芦醇含量较高,总酚含量与多酚氧化酶活性相对较低,可作为进一步鲜食、制干品种育种研究的材料;通过果粒的白藜芦醇与酚类物质含量,多酚氧化酶活性等指标测定分析可为‘无核白’系列葡萄鲜食与制干品种选育提供依据。3.光合作用特性研究表明,供试营养系葡萄光合速率日均值均高于对照,其中W3、W7、长穗无核白、长粒无核白与大粒无核白的净光合速率日均值分别为对照的1.52、1.43、1.32、1.15、1.13倍。除长穗无核白、长粒无核白与对照‘无核白’外,其他营养系未见明显光合午休现象。各品种(系)净光合速率与其它光合指标均呈正相关,温度是影响葡萄光合作用的主要因子,各生理生态因子与Pn的相关性大小顺序为Tair>Tleaf>VpdL>Tr>Gs>PARi。营养系日均表观光能利用效率(LUE)是对照的1.23倍,其中营养系W3、长穗无核白、W7的光能利用率分别为对照的1.58、1.32、1.31倍,可见供试营养系光能利用效率有提高趋势,同时营养系保持较高水平LUE的时间延长。日均内在水分利用效率(WUEg)为对照的1.77倍,说明营养系比对照‘无核白’的WUEg更高,这可能是光合速率提高、果粒增大的原因之一。综合分析表明各营养系具有比对照‘无核白’相对优良的光合特性,具有适应当地自然环境(高温、强光、低湿度)条件的优势。通过对‘无核白’葡萄自然变异营养系的光合特性指标测定分析可为‘无核白’系列葡萄品种选育提供依据。4.果穗不同物质处理试验表明,花后7~10天采用不同浓度组合GA3、CPPU和KH2PO4浸蘸‘无核白’葡萄果穗处理与空白处理对照在果粒单粒重、果梗耐拉力、果粒耐压力及果粒可溶性固形物四项指标方面均存在极显著差异,3种物质组配处理可有效提高果实单粒重、耐拉力、耐压力、可溶性固形物,可有效提高果实商品性;综合单粒重等四项指标结果认为,GA3 53.78 mg·L-1,CPPU 2.63 mg·L-1,KH2PO4 5 mg·L-1组合溶液於花后7~10 d浸蘸果穗处理效果相对最佳,浆果单粒重可达3.93 g,耐拉力4.74 N,耐压力17.95×105 Pa,可溶性固形物19.37%,分别为空白对照的1.78、1.58、1.40、1.08倍。对于促进欧洲葡萄‘无核白’商品果生产具有借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 In this study, Vitis vinifera cv. Thompson Seedless and its natural variations were used as materials to investigate fruit characteristics, including grape polyphenols such as resveratrol and polyphenol oxidase(PPO) activities. Moreover, the natural heat and light stress on photosynthesis characteristics were studied to evaluate the bio-ecological characteristics of different clones in the field cultivation conditions in Shanshan of Xinjiang. Grape bunch treatment of V. vinifera cv. Thompson Seedless was also carried out to promote the production of high-quality fruit. The results provide the basis for breeding new seedless varieties and have a reference value for the promotion of its commercial fruit production and optimizing the local economic development model. The main results were as follows:1. Fruit characteristics analysis demonstrated that there were a wide range of morphological differences among natural variation. The berry sizes of clones were greater than that of control. Berry mass of Big-berry Thomson Seedless, W3, Long-bunch Thompson Seedless, Long-berry Thompson Seedless, and W7 were 2.08, 1.98, 1.91, 1.39 or 1.33 times of that of the control respectively. The berry compression resistances of Long-berry Thompson Seedless and Big-berry Thompson Seedless were 1.23, 1.01 times of that of the control respectively. The berry detachment force of Long-berry Thompson Seedless, Big-berry Thompson Seedless, W7 and W3 were 1.59, 1.05, 1.01 or 1.01 times of that of the control respectively. The total soluble solid of greater berry clones (viz W3, Big-berry Thompson Seedless, Long-berry Thompson Seedless) were excess the national standard requirements (18%). Comprehensive evaluation showed that the berry characteristics of the clones were better than the control and a significantly different fruit or fruit type of‘Thompson Seedless’variation was probablely obtained by the clonal breeding.2. Biochemical analysis indicated that the contents of resveratrol in pericarps were 4.86 times higher than in whole berries. The 5 high resveratrol clones in berries were W2, W3, W6, Long-bunch Thompson Seedless and W7 with the contents of 3.56, 2.88, 2.56, 2.10, 1.97μg.g-1, respectively. The average concentration of phenolic compounds in pericarps (401.94μg.g-1) was higher than the whole berries (277.53μg.g-1). The clones of lower concentrations of phenolic compounds were Long-berry Thompson Seedless, W3, Big-berry Thompson Seedless and W8. The PPO activity in average of pericarp was 2.81 times of the whole berry. The clones of lower PPO activity were W7, Long-bunch Thompson Seedless, W3, W8 and Long-berry Thompson Seedless, respectively. Comprehensive analysis indicated that the higher levels of resveratrol were in the variants of W3, Big-berry Thompson Seedless and Long-berry Thompson Seedless, but total phenolic content and PPO activity in these clones were relatively low, which could be used for further table and raisin grape variety breeding. Moreover, the measurement of PPO activity and other indicators would provide a basis for breeding new table and raisin varieties of‘Thompson Seedless’line.3. Photosynthesis characteristics assay displayed that the daily average net photosynthesis rates (Pn) of the clones tested, including, W3, W7, Long-bunch Thompson Seedless and Long-berry Thompson Seedless, were 1.52, 1.43, 1.32, 1.15 and 1.13 times higher than that of the control. In addition to Long-bunch Thompson Seedless, Long-berry Thompson Seedless and the control, there was no significant midday depression of photosynthesis on other clones. The Pn and other indicators of these varieties (variants) were in positive correlation. The temperature was the main factor that affects grape photosynthesis, followed by humidity. However, stomatal conductance (Gs), light and other factors were weak on photosynthesis. The order of the correlation between the ecological factors and Pn were the air temperature (Tair) > leaf temperature (Tleaf) > vapor deficit at the leaf surface (VpdL) > Tr > Gs >PARi. The daily average light use efficency of the clones were 1.23 times than that of the control, among which W3, Long-bunch Thompson Seedless and W7 were 1.58, 1.32 and 1.31 times as higher than controls. The results showed that the light use efficency of the clones had an increased tendency, and the clones maintained a high level of light use efficiency (LUE) with time extension. The intrinsic water use efficiency on average was 1.77 times as higher as the control, suggesting that the water use efficency of the clones were higher than that of the control. This might be one of the reasons to increase the photosynthetic rate and fruit berry. Comprehensive analysis revealed that the photosynthetic characteristics of the variants were better than that of the control, and had the advantages to adapt to local climate (high temperature, strong radiation and low air humidity) conditions. Analysis of photosynthetic index of natural variation in Thompson Seedless would provide a basis for selection variety from its natural variations.4. Bunch treatment analysis showed that the bunch dipping treatment with a combination of different concentrations of GA3, CPPU and KH2PO4 were much better than that of the control on single berry mass, berry detachment force, compression resistance and fruit soluble solids, which could effectively improve the fruit commodity. Comprehensive analysis on the 4 indicators indicated that the combination of GA3 53.78 mg?L-1, CPPU 2.63 mg?L-1, KH2PO4 5 mg?L-1 to treat bunch 7-10 d after flowering could obtain ideal results. The single berry mass could reach to 3.93 g, the berry detachment force was 4.74 N, the berry compression resistance was 17.95×105 Pa and solube solids content was 19.37%, which were 1.78, 1.58, 1.40 and 1.08 times compared to the controls, respectively.


