

Research on Relevancy and Coupling Coordination Degree of Chinese Inbound Tourist Flows of Typical Western Regions

【作者】 李振亭

【导师】 马耀峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 旅游流作为旅游研究的重要内容,多年来一直受到国内外研究者的关注。入境旅游流的空间流动是旅游地理学研究的重要课题之一,也是旅游流研究中的热点问题。随着入境旅游的发展,我国入境旅游发展的东西不平衡态势日渐突出,东西部区域间的旅游流扩散及流动引起了学界越来越多的关注。近年来,我国旅游发展东西部区域差距和经济发展差距趋同,发展水平的距离日渐拉大,且有越来越大之势。中国西部地区12个省市及自治区,约占全国总面积的72%。西部的旅游资源丰富多彩,别具一格,具有资源类型全面、特色与垄断性强、自然景观与人文景观交相辉映的特点。然而,2010年,西部入境旅游人数为1702.65万人次,仅占全国入境总人数的16.7%,入境旅游外汇收入为54.4亿美元,仅占全国入境旅游总收入的10.4%。这种极不相配的现象亟需引起人们的理论思考和现实关注。本文依托国家自然科学基金项目《中国典型区域入境旅游流东—西递进空间演化机理研究》(NO.40771058),在界定我国典型旅游区的基础上,借助多年来国家权威部门入境旅游统计数据和项目组实地市场调研的一手数据,从旅游流流量、流出比例、流向偏好指数、流动关联度、经济耦合协调度等方面分析了中国西部地区代表旅游区云贵、成渝、泛西安在东西部区际、西部典型区之间、西部典型区区内三个尺度上的空间关联度特征与规律,为了对中国西部旅游发展问题进行全面分析和诊断,文章依托作者亲自参与调查的全国13个入境旅游热点省市7370份有效市场调查问卷数据,分析了西部典型区的入境旅游线路关联度。进而,基于经济这一根本性因素视角,分析了西部典型区入境旅游流的流域经济协调度。分析发现,入境旅游流系统与区域经济系统的耦合协调度差异,特别是区域经济系统综合发展水平的差异,是导致中国西部入境旅游发展滞后的最重要原因之一最后,文章提出了西部入境旅游发展的启示和一些有针对性的旅游流管理调控策略。本文得到如下主要结论:(1)入境旅游流系统与区域经济系统的耦合协调度差异,特别是区域经济系统综合发展水平的差异,是中国入境旅游流时空地域差异的根源之一。(2)中国西部入境旅游发展的大背景已经悄然实现了质的转变。2008年前后,西部三大典型区不约而同的实现了翻转,区域经济系统发展水平超过了入境旅游流系统发展水平,形成了入境旅游发展滞后型区域。这与西部大开发十年的经济成效是密不可分的。这种质的转变,为西部入境发展提供了历史性机遇,有了经济系统的根本性支撑,西部入境旅游发展有望实现历史性的突破。(3)入境旅游流流动呈现“东—西递进式”和“西—东回流式”共存的发展格局与演进态势。在此两种流动模式的共同作用下,中国入境旅游空间流动已形成一个“东部引领西部,西部反作用于东部”的时空地域格局复杂的动态平衡系统。从流动关联度分析来看,中国入境旅游流在近年的西-东关联度已经超过了其东-西关联度,西部对东部的反作用已经日益不容忽视。(4)中国西部典型区入境旅游发展差异与分化日趋显著。西部成渝、云贵和泛西安三个入境旅游典型区发展从流动关联度、线路关联度及经济耦合协调度等方面看均出现了显著的差异和分化。(5)中国西部与东部典型区之间入境旅游的差异是全方位的。中国西部典型区与东部典型区的入境旅游差异,从接待入境客流量、中转流量、线路地位等到经济系统综合发展水平均存在巨大差异。(6)中国入境旅游发展渐显分散化、多元化、多极化和自主化态势。本文在撰写过程中,主要在以下方面进行了创新:(1)提出了新的入境旅游流流动测量模型。首次将入境旅游流流动现象从微观和宏观两个方面进行量化测量。微观上设定了入境旅游线路关联度模型,宏观上构建了入境旅游流流动关联度模型。这两个模型的建立丰富了旅游流流动测量理论和方法。(2)从微观和宏观的双重视角研究入境旅游流。既立足微观视角,分析入境游客行为,又立足宏观视角,探讨入境旅游流流动。将微观的游客线路关联度和宏观的客流流动结合起来,互为补充,互为印证。同时,将旅游流系统与宏观经济系统结合起来进行耦合协调分析。(3)入境旅游流的经济协调度评价体系的构建。基于入境旅游流系统和区域经济系统分析,提出入境旅游流-区域经济系统耦合协调度模型,并构建了综合评价指标体系。(4)研究思路创新。立足典型区分析视角,对入境旅游流的流动关联度进行分析,特别指出了关联度的方向性,重点关注了旅游流的回流现象,并对其进行实证分析。

【Abstract】 As one of the core issues of tourism study, tourist flows have attracted broad attention of scholars for years. Inbound tourism flows on spatial and temporal scale is also one of the most focus of the study of tourism geography. With the development of inbound tourism, the trend of imbalance in Eastern and Western China has been standing out and the spatial diffusion and flows of tourists have drawn more and more attention of the field. Recently, the disparities both exist of tourism development and economic development between Eastern and Western China, which has been increasing with each passing day. The 12 provinces (municipality/autonomous region) covers 72% area of China. It is rich in different tourism resources and share unique monopoly features, which combines human heritages with natural landscapes. However, the foreign tourist arrivals was only 17,026.5 thousand in 2010 in Western China which occupied only 16.7% in total China, and the international tourism receipt was$5.44 billion, which was only 10.4% of total. The phenomenon appeals theory discussions and practical thoughts.Based on the National Natural Science Foundation Project of China [The Study of the East-West Progressive and Evolutional Mechanism of Inbound Tourist Flows of Representative Regions in China (NO.40771058)], the doctoral dissertation make use of the first-hand statistics from state authorities to analyze the space relational degree and the rules of the three dimensions of interregional, within region, typical region of the representative regions of Western China:Yunnan and Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing, Xi’an and Surrounding regions, which is mainly concerned with the volume of tourist flow, the rate of tourist flowing out, the preference index of flow direction, the flow relational degree and coupling coordination degree. Targeting on the analysis and diagnosis of the problems of the tourism development of Western China from a whole view, the dissertation analyzed the relevancy degree of the inbound tourist route of typical Western China on the foundation of 7370 valid questionnaires from sample surveys of 13 hot inbound tourism markets of which the writer participated in 2008. It is found that the differences between the coupling coordination degree of inbound tourist flow system and the regional economic system, especially the differences of comprehensive development level of different regional economic systems are the main reason which result in the inadequate development of inbound tourism in Western China. At last, the dissertation proposed some revelations of the development of Western China and some segmented regulation strategies of tourist flow management.This dissertation draws conclusions and revelations as follows:(1) The differences between the coupling coordination degree of inbound tourist flow system and the regional economy system, especially the differences of comprehensive development level of different regional economic systems are one of the origins of the spatial difference of inbound tourist flow in China.(2) The major background of inbound tourism has experienced some qualitative changes:the three typical regions of Western China realized economic growth simultaneously, the development level of different regional economic systems has exceeded the development level of inbound tourist flow system, which makes the inadequate inbound tourism development region being formed. It is related closely with the achievement of Development of the Western Regions and this qualitative change offers a great opportunity for the western inbound tourism development, with the cornerstone of economic system, historical breakthrough of the development of western inbound tourism will be made.(3) The spatial diffusion of inbound tourist flows in China presents the development pattern and evolution trend of east to west and west to east. With the combined action of the two patterns, spatial diffusion of inbound tourist flows in China has actually formed a complex dynamic pace-time system of the east pushes the west while the west reacts on the east. From the point of the flow correlation degree, the west to east correlation degree has exceeded the one of east to west of the inbound tourist flow in China. The reaction of west on the east can not be neglected.(4) The disparities and differentiations of the development of inbound tourism of typical western region are remarkable gradually, from the aspects of volume of tourist flow, the rate of tourist flowing out, the preference index of flow direction, the flow relational degree and coupling coordination degree, the three typical regions-Yunnan and Guizhou, Sichuan and Chongqing, Xi’an and Surrounding regions, they all demonstrate some remarkable disparities and differentiations.(5) The differences between inbound tourism of typical Western and Eastern China are multidirectional. Great disparities exist in all aspects such as the volume of inbound tourist, the volume of transfer tourist, the role of route position and the comprehensive development level of economic system.(6) The development of inbound tourism in China shows notable tendencies of decentralization, diversification, multipolarization and conceptualization.This dissertation aims to make innovations on the following four aspects:(1) The innovative Measurement Model is proposed and measures the inbound tourist flow both from the macroscopic and microscopic aspects. Setting up the relevancy model of inbound travel route from the microscopic aspect, and a relevancy model of the diffusion of tourist flows from the macroscopic aspect. The establishment of the two models realized the separate and integrated measurement of the diffusion of tourist flows.(2) The unique study perspective. The dissertation analyzed the behavior of inbound tourists from a microscopic angle as well as to discuss the diffusion of the inbound tourist flows on a macroscopic view, which combined the two aspects together to prove and complement each other.(3) The construction of evaluation system of inbound tourist flows-coupling coordination degree of regional economic system. Based on the analysis of inbound tourist flow system and regional economic system, the dissertation proposed the model of inbound tourist flows-coupling coordination degree of regional economic system and build up the evaluation system, established the weight and measurement method, thus the measurement model of coupling coordination degree came into being.(4) The innovative methods. The dissertation analyzed the relevancy of the diffusion of inbound tourist flow and pointed out the limitation and direction of the relevancy and supported the point with empirical analysis based on the angle of typical region analysis. To analyze the inbound tourist flow, the dissertation utilize the method from spatial relevancy analysis and then tourist route analysis to coupling analysis, which shows a cumulative process of proceeding from the outside to the inside, from the effect to the cause.


