

A Quality Management Research on Breeding and Supporting Technology of Japonica Hybrid Rice

【作者】 东丽

【导师】 袁隆平;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国是世界上粳稻种植面积最大、总产量最高的国家。当前,中国水稻种植面积3000万hm2,其中籼稻2200万hm2,粳稻800万hm2。籼稻中近80%是杂交稻,而杂交粳稻仅占粳稻面积的5%。杂交粳稻同杂交籼稻一样具有突出的生长优势、产量优势及抗性优势。实践证明,要想更进一步提高粳稻的产量水平,必须在常规育种技术的基础上充分利用杂种优势,进一步提高杂交粳稻育种及配套技术水平势在必行。杂交粳稻科研包括杂交粳稻育种、制繁种及栽培三个核心内容,尽管中国杂交粳稻科研水平已居世界领先地位,但杂交粳稻科研质量管理研究在世界上还是空白,如果能对杂交粳稻育种、制繁种及栽培技术全面系统地开展科研质量管理研究并制定出相应的技术标准和运行机制,对提高杂交粳稻科研效率及中国口粮安全具有重要的理论和现实意义。本论文通过分析X公司相关杂交粳稻试验数据资料,开展行业调查访谈,对杂交粳稻科研质量管理进行了系统研究,识别出杂交粳稻科研过程中关键技术的质量控制节点。主要结论有以下几点:1.通过全面分析国内外杂交粳稻发展现状及存在问题,梳理出了杂交粳稻科研效率不高、科研过程缺乏管理标准及科研质量管理缺乏系统性等杂交粳稻科研管理中存在的问题。2.分析了杂交粳稻科研管理特点,建立了杂交粳稻3个科研质量管理模块,即杂交粳稻育种、制繁种及栽培科研质量管理;结合全面质量管理理论,建立了杂交粳稻科研质量管理体系;建立了基于决策体系、计划体系、运行体系、考评体系和改进体系的杂交粳稻科研质量管理运行机制;设计了杂交粳稻科研质量管理组织机构;分析了杂交粳稻科研人才的素质要求和激励机制。3.在杂交粳稻育种科研质量管理研究中,分析了杂交粳稻种质资源收集、保存和评价有关原则和技术,制定出杂交粳稻三系不育系、两系不育系、三系保持系、三系恢复系、两系恢复系的选育技术标准及技术管理措施,总结了杂交粳稻组合选配的目标、配组原则及三系法和两系法杂交粳稻育种程序,提炼出杂交粳稻选育的关键技术及其标准,设计了杂交粳稻育种科研质量管理实施与控制的运行机制。4.在杂交粳稻制繁种科研质量管理研究中,根据杂交粳稻制繁种目标,确定了杂交粳稻制繁种的关键技术与标准,包括基地环境、亲本种子、花期预测与调节、防杂保纯、田间鉴定等杂交粳稻制种影响因子,从培育壮秧、大田管理、花期预测及调节等方面制定了杂交粳稻制繁种关键技术与标准,设计了杂交粳稻制繁种科研质量管理实施与控制的运行机制。5.在杂交粳稻栽培科研质量管理研究中,根据杂交粳稻栽培目标,分析了杂交粳稻栽培的关键技术,制定出种子处理、播种插秧、秧田管理、秧苗移栽、本田管理、收获与储藏、产量与品质验收等杂交粳稻栽培各阶段的技术标准,设计了杂交粳稻栽培科研质量管理实施与控制的运行机制。6.最后,将本文设计的杂交粳稻科研质量管理体系应用于X公司,对其实施前后的效果进行了对比和评价,通过数据分析表明,X公司实施科研质量管理体系后,在杂交粳稻新品种数量、制繁种产量与纯度、发表论文与申请专利等方面都取得了显著的提高和改进。

【Abstract】 China has not only the world’s largest growing area, but also has the highest total yield of japonica rice. The rice planting area in China is 30 million Ha, which includes 22 million Ha indica and 8 million Ha japonica. Nearly 80 percent of the indica is hybrid, while hybrid japonica rice accounts for just 5% of japonica area. Compared with the hybrid indica rice, hybrid japonica rice has outstanding growth advantage, yield advantage and resistant advantage. The practice shows that we must make full use of heterosis to further improve japonica level of output. Thus, we should do everything to improve the scientific research level of japonica hybrid rice’s breeding and supporting technology, which is imperative. Japonica hybrid rice breeding, seed production and reproduction, cultivation are the three core content of hybrid japonica rice research work, and the research level has been a world leader, however, in the world, no one has yet carried out quality management research of japonica hybrid rice. If we can carry out comprehensive and systematic research and develop appropriate technical standards and operational mechanism of hybrid japonica rice, it would be of great significance both theoretically and practically to improve the research efficiency of japonica hybrid rice and the safety of Chinese food rations.With the help of Hybrid Rice Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance and China Japonica Hybrid Rice Cooperative Group Secretariat and through analysis synthetically relevant experimental data and interview survey, quality management of japonica hybrid rice has been systematically studied in the paper, and concluded the control node of key steps of japonica hybrid rice in the research process. The main conclusions are as follows:1. Through the comprehensive analysis of development status and problems of japonica hybrid rice at home and abroad, It is summarized in research management problems of japonica hybrid rice such as the efficiency of research management is not high, lack of management standards and lack of systematic management in research process.2. The research management characteristics of japonica hybrid rice are analyzed in this paper, and established 3 quality control modules of breeding, seed production and reproduction, cultivation of japonica hybrid rice; With total quality management theory, the research quality management system of the japonica hybrid rice is established; The research quality mechanism of japonica hybrid rice based decision-making system, planning system, running system, evaluation system and improving system is established; The research quality management organization of japonica hybrid rice is designed;The research personnel requirements and incentives of japonica hybrid rice is analyzed.3. In research of japonica hybrid rice breeding quality management, the principles and techniques of collection, preservation and evaluation of japonica hybrid rice germplasm is analyzed in this paper, drawed up breeding technical standards and technology management measures of japonica hybrid rice CMS line, two-line CMS line, three -line maintainer, three-line restorer, two-line restorer, summarized the goal of japonica hybrid rice combination matching, principles and breeding program, extracted the key technologies and standards of japonica hybrid rice breeding, designed the operating mechanism of implementation and control of japonica hybrid rice breeding quality management.4. In research of seed production and reproduction quality management of japonica hybrid rice, according to seed production and reproduction objectives of japonica hybrid rice, established key technologies and standards of japonica hybrid rice seed production and reproduction, including the base environment, parent seed, flowering prediction and regulation, purity, field identification and other factors, developed key technologies and standards for seedling, field management, and flowering prediction and regulation and other aspects, designed the operating mechanism of implementation and control of japonica hybrid rice seed production and reproduction quality management.5. In research of cultivation quality management of japonica hybrid rice, according to cultivation objectives of japonica hybrid rice, analyzed the key technologies of japonica hybrid rice cultivation, developed technical standards for various stages such as seed treatment, sowing, seedling, field management, harvesting and storage and quality, designed the operating mechanism of implementation and control of japonica hybrid rice cultivation quality management.6. Finally, the quality management system of japonica hybrid rice used in X company. Through comparing the effects, it showed that the number of new varieties, seed production and reproduction yield and,purity, papers, patents have made significant improvement after the implementation of scientific research and quality management system.


