

Effects of Water Supplying on the Yield and Quality of Rice in Cold Region

【作者】 吕艳东

【导师】 陈温福;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 水分供应是影响水稻生产的重要因子。阐明水分供应状况对水稻产量和品质的影响对指导水稻高产、优质、高效生产具有重要意义。本研究通过严格控制土壤水分的盆栽及大田试验,研明严重水分胁迫对不同基因型品种(系)产量和品质性状的影响,为筛选高产、优质、抗旱的水稻品种提供依据;同时以大面积生产上应用的品种为材料,分别研究了全生育期控水灌溉及不同生育期的水分供应对寒地水稻生长发育、产量和品质的影响,提出适合寒地水稻生产灌溉的土壤水势指标,为增产保优技术指标的制定提供了科学依据。本文的主要研究结果如下:1.寒地水稻品种抗旱性鉴定及其指标的筛选水分胁迫下,出穗日数较长、株高较高、穗长较长、单穗重较大、一次枝梗数较多、二次枝梗数较多、穗粒数较多、结实率较高、生物产量较高、经济系数较高的水稻种质具有相对较强的耐旱性。水分胁迫下,糙米率、精米率和整精米率较高或糙米粒宽较大、精米白度较高、精米垩白率和垩白度较低或直链淀粉含量较高、脂肪含量较低的水稻种质均具有相对较高的米饭食味评分值。水分胁迫下,穗数较少、穗粒数较多的水稻种质具有相对较高的整精米率、较大的糙米长宽比和较高的直链淀粉含量;结实率较高的水稻种质具有相对较高的整精米率和较大的糙米长宽比;千粒重较高的水稻种质具有相对较高的精米白度和米饭食味评分值;理论产量较高的水稻种质具有相对较大的糙米长宽比。抗旱指数(DI)和抗旱系数(DC)两种直接评定方法的吻合度较高、相关系数最高,均可广泛地用于生产实践。综合抗旱力指数(K)和抗旱系数的吻合度很低,综合抗旱力指数不能单独用于生产实践。综合抗旱能力(D)和抗旱系数的吻合度较高,且两者的相关系数远远高于任何单一指标与抗旱系数的相关性,能全面的反映水稻品种的抗旱性,可广泛地用于生产实践。品质综合抗旱能力(QD)和食味抗旱系数(TDC)的吻合度较高,两者的相关系远远高于任何单一指标(直链淀粉含量除外)与食味抗旱系数的相关性,两指标均能全面地反映水稻品种品质的抗旱性,可广泛地用于生产实践。采用本试验方法鉴定出同时在抗旱系数(DC)、食味抗旱系数(TDC)和品质综合抗旱能力(QD)三个指标上表现为中抗或高抗的品种7个,分别为垦稻11号,五优稻1号,松粳3号,2010S-42,2010Y-88,2010Y-82和2010Y-100。2.结实前水分供应对寒地水稻产量和品质的影响结实前进行-18~-20kPa和-28~-30kPa的持续控水处理,两品种的穗长、单穗重、次枝梗数、二次枝梗数、穗数、穗粒数和千粒重显著或极显著地减少,敏感程度为二次枝梗数>一次枝梗数,穗粒数>每穴穗数>结实率>千粒重,且以控水强度大的处理减少幅度大;两品种的产量均极显著降低,减产幅度为垦稻12号>垦鉴稻5号,且以控水强度大的处理减产幅度大。结实前进行-18~-20kPa和-28~-30kPa的持续控水处理,垦鉴稻5号的整精米率提高,而垦稻12号与之相反;两品种各粒位糙米粒长、糙米粒宽、垩白率、垩白度、直链淀粉含量和米饭食味评分值降低;两品种各粒位的蛋白质含量增加。结实前进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理,两品种的收获穗数减少,其中垦稻12号处理与对照差异达极显著水平;两品种的穗粒数极显著地减少;两品种的结实率和千粒重增加;垦鉴稻5号的产量增加,垦稻12号的产量降低。结实前进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理,有利于提高垦鉴稻5号的整精米率,不利于提高垦稻12号的整精米率;两品种的长/宽有减小的趋势;两品种优势粒的垩白率、垩白度和米饭食味评分值增加,两品种中势粒的垩白率、垩白度和米饭食味评分值降低;两品种各粒位的蛋白质含量增加。结实前进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理,两品种的节水率均在20%以上;结实前进行-18~-20kPa和-28~-30kPa的控水处理,两品种的节水率均在30%以上,且随着控水强度的加大,节水率增加。建议结实前进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理可作为寒地水稻增产保优灌溉的土壤水势指标;结实前不宜持续进行土壤水势为-18~-20kPa以下的控水处理。3.结实期水分供应对寒地水稻产量和品质的影响结实期进行-18~-20kPa和-28~-30kPa的持续控水处理,两品种的收获穗数减少;两品种的单穗重、结实率、千粒重、生物产量、经济系数和经济产量降低,且控水强度越大,经济产量降低的越多。结实期进行-18~-20kPa和-28~-30kPa的控水处理,有利于垦鉴稻5号整精米率的提高,不利于垦稻12号整精米率的提高;外观品质变劣;两品种各粒位直链淀粉含量、最高黏度值和米饭食味评分值降低,热浆黏度值和冷胶黏度值增加。建议结实期不宜持续进行土壤水势为-18~-20kPa以下的控水处理。结实期进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理,两品种单穗重和结实率增加,经济系数提高;两品种的穗数减少,千粒重和生物产量降低。结实期进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理,有利于垦鉴稻5号整精米率的提高,不利于垦稻12号整精米率的提高;垦鉴稻5号各粒位的垩白率和垩白度均降低,垦稻12号与之相反;垦鉴稻5号各粒位直链淀粉含量增加,垦稻12号与之相反;两品种各粒位的米饭食味评分值降低。结实期进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理,垦鉴稻5号和垦稻12号的产量比对照分别降低了0.69%和2.79%,与对照相比差异均不显著,但比对照节水17.06%,建议结实期进行-8~-10kPa的间歇控水处理可作为寒地水稻节本增效灌溉的土壤水势指标。4.全生育期控水灌溉对寒地水稻产量和品质的影响盆栽试验结果表明,全生育期进行土壤水势下限-8~-10kPa的间歇灌溉,两品种的单穗重和一、二次枝梗数增加;两品种的收获穗数减少,且垦稻12号的穗数降低达到极显著水平;两品种的穗粒数、结实率和经济系数增加;垦鉴稻5号的生物产量和经济产量增加,垦稻12号的生物产量和经济产量降低。全生育期进行土壤水势下限-8~-10kPa的间歇灌溉,不利于提高两品种的整精米率;增加了两品种优势粒和中势粒的垩白率和垩白度,降低了两品种劣势粒的垩白率和垩白度;提高了两品种各粒位的蛋白质含量、球蛋白含量、谷蛋白含量、醇溶蛋白含量、最高黏度值和崩解值;降低了两品种各粒位的直链淀粉含量、消减值和米饭食味评分值。大田试验结果表明,全生育期进行土壤水势下限-10kPa的间歇灌溉,有利于水稻产量的提高;有利于整精米率的提高、外观品质的改善和米饭食味评分值的提高;节水率在20%以上,节水效果明显。建议全生育期进行-8~-lOkPa的间歇灌溉可作为寒地水稻增产保优灌溉的土壤水势指标。

【Abstract】 Water supplying was an important factor affected rice production. Elucidation of the effects of water supplying on yield and quality of rice would have great significance on conducting the rice production with high yield, good quality and high efficiency. Based on the pot and field experiments by rigorously controlling soil water potential(SWP) with tensionmeters, the effects of severe water stress on the characters of yield and quality were explicited, which could offer the theoretically reference for the selection of rice varieties with high yield, high quality and drought resistance; the cultivars applied in production were used as materials, the effects of whole growth period controlling irrigation and water supplying during different growth stages on growth and development, yield and quality of rice in cold region were studied, the index of irrigation for the production of rice in cold region was brought out, which provided the scicniific refcremce for the establishment of the technique regulation of high yield and high quality. The main results were as follows:1. Appraisal of drought resistance and screening its identification indexes of rice in cold regionThe germplasms of rice with longer days to heading, higher plant height, longer panicle length, heavier panicle weight, more numerous of primary rachis-branchesr, more numerous of second rachis-branches,more numerous of grain per panicle, higher kernel seting rate, higher biomass and higher harvest index had relatively higher drought resistance under water stress. The germplasms of rice with higher brown rice rate,milled rice rate and head rice rate, or with wider grain width, higher milled rice brightness, lower chalkiness rate and lower chalkiness degree, or with higher amylose content and lower fat content had relatively higher rice taste value under water stress. The germplasms of rice with less panicles per hill and more grain number per panicle had relatively higher head rice rate, L/W, amylose content under water stress. The germplasms of rice with higher kernel seting rate had relatively higher head rice rate and L/W under water stress. The germplasms of rice with heavier 1000-grain weight had relatively higher milled rice brightness and rice taste value under water stress. The germplasms of rice with higher economic yield had relatively higher L/W under water stress.The identical degree of drought index(DI) and drought coefficient(DC) was higher, and correlative coefficient was highest, both of them could be widely applied in practice. The identical degree of K and DC was very low, K could not be applied in practice alone. The identical degree of D and DC was higher, the correlative coefficient between them was far more higher than that of between any other single indicator and DC, D could more completely reflect drought resistance of rice, it could be widely applied in practice. The identical degree of QD and taste value drought coefficient(TDC) was higher, the correlative coefficient between them was far more higher than that of between any other single indicator and TDC, both of them could more completely reflect drought resistance of rice, they could be widely applied in practice.By means of these methods, when using DC, TDC and QD as indicators on drought resistance, seven varieties showed high resistance or medial resistance, which were Kendao 11, Wuyoudao 1, Songjing3,2010S-42,2010Y-88,2010Y-82 and 2010Y-100.2. Effect of water supplying during the stage before heading on yield and quality of rice in cold regionUnremitting irrigation at-18~-20kPa and-28~-30kPa of SWP were carried out during the stage before heading, Panicle length, panicle weight, primary rachis-branches number, second rachis-branches number, panicles per hill, grain number per panicle and 1000-grain weight of two varieties were significantly or very significantly decreased; the sensitivity degree ranked as follows:second rachis-branches number>primary rachis-branches number, grain number per panicle>panicles per hill>kernel seting rate>1000-grain weight, and the more water controlling intensity, the more decreasing rate; yield of two varieties were very significantly decreased, the reduction of Kendao 12 was greater than that of Kenjiandao 5, and the more water controlling intensity, the more reduction. Unremitting irrigation at-18~-20kPa and-28~-30kPa of SWP carried out during the stage before heading, was suitable for increasing head rice rate of Kenjiandao 5, Kendao 12 was opposited; grain length and grain width of brown rice,chalkiness rate chalkiness degree, amylose content and evaluation of white rice taste of two varieties were decreased; protein content of GEP of two varieties were enhanced.Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP was carried out during the stage before heading, panicles per hill of two varieties was decreased, and the difference between treatment and CK was very significant in Kendao 12; grain number per panicle of two varieties were very significantly decreased; kernel seting rate and 1000-grain weight of two varieties were raised; yield of Kenjiandao 5 was increased, yield of Kendao 12 was decreased. Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP carried out during the stage before heading, it was suitable for increasing head rice rate of Kenjiandao 5, was not suitable for increasing head rice rate of Kendao 12; L/W of two varieties were decreased; chalkiness rate, chalkiness degree and evaluation of white rice taste of superior grains of two varieties were raised, those of middle grains were decreased; protein content of GEP of two varieties were enhanced.Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP was carried out during the stage before heading, water saving rates of two varieties were all above 20%; Unremitting irrigation at-18--20kPa and-28~-30kPa of SWP carried out during the stage before heading, water saving rates of two varieties were all above 30%; and water saving rate increased coupled with the raise of water controlling intensity. Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP during the stage before heading could be used as irrigating index for producing high yield and high quality rice in cold region; it is unfavorable to carry out unremitting irrigation below -18~-20kPa of SWP during the stage before heading.3. Effect of water supplying during the stage before heading on yield and quality of rice in cold regionUnremitting irrigation at-18~-20kPa and-28~-30kPa of SWP were carried out during grain filling stage, panicles per hill of two varieties were decreased; panicle weight, kernel seting rate,1000-grain weight, biomass, harvest index and economic yield of two varieties were decreased, and the more water controlling intensity, the more economic yield decreasing. Unremitting irrigation at -18~-20kPa and -28~-30kPa of SWP were carried out during grain filling stage, which was suitable for increasing head rice rate of Kenjiandao 5, but was unsuitable for increasing head rice rate of Kendao 12; exterior quality became deteriorated; amylose content, peak viscosity value and evaluation of white rice taste of GEP of two varieties were reduced; hot paste viscosity and cool paste viscosity of GEP of two varieties were enhanced. It was unfavorable to carry out unremitting irrigation below -18~-20kPa of SWP during grain filling stage.Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP was carried out during grain filling stage, panicle weight, kernel seting rate and harvest index of two varieties were increased; panicles per hill,1000-grain weight and biomass of two varieties were decreased. Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP carried out during grain filling stage, was suitable for increasing head rice rate of Kenjiandao 5, was not suitable for increasing head rice rate of Kendao 12; chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree of GEP of Kenjiandao 5 were decreased, Kendao 12 were opposited; amylose content of GEP of Kenjiandao 5 was enhanced, Kendao 12 was opposited; evaluation of white rice taste of GEP of two varieties were reduced. Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP carried out during grain filling stage, the yield of Kenjiandao 5 and Kendao 12 increased by 0.69% and 2.79%, respectively, as compared to CK, and there was no significance between the treatment and CK, but the water saving rate of treatment was lower by 17.06% than that of CK. Intermittent irrigation at -8~-10kPa of SWP during grain filling stage could be used as irrigating index for reducing the cost and increasing economic benefit of rice production in cold region.4. Effect of whole growth period controlling irrigation on yield and quality of rice in cold regionThe results of potted experiments has showed, intermittent irrigation at-8~-10kPa of SWP carried out from re-green to mature, the panicle weight, primary rachis-branches number and second rachis-branches number of two varieties were increased; panicles per hill of two varieties was decreased, and Kendao 12 reached the extremely significant level; grain number per panicle, kernel seting rate and harvest index of two varieties were increased; biomass and economic yield of Kenjiandao 5 was increased, those of Kendao 12 was decreased. Water controlling was not suitable for increasing head rice rate of two varieties; chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree of superior grains and middle grains of two varieties were raised respectively, those of inferior grains were decreased; protein content, globulin content,glutelin content, Gliadin content, peak viscosity value and the breakdown value of GEP of two varieties were increased; amylose content, setback value and evaluation of white rice taste of GEP of two varieties went down.The results of field experiments has showed, intermittent irrigation at-lOkPa of SWP carried out from re-green to mature was beneficial to improve the grain yield; it was beneficial to increase head rice rate, improve external quality and increase the evaluation of white rice taste; the rates of water saving were all above 20%, the effect of water saving was distinct. Whole growth period intermittent irrigation at-8~-10kPa of SWP could be used as irrigating index for producing high yield and high quality rice in cold region.

【关键词】 寒地水稻水分供应产量品质
【Key words】 Cold regionRiceWater SupplyingYieldQuality

