

On the Basis of Vicarious Liability in Public Law

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 肖金明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宪法行政法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 公法替代责任根据包括两层含义:一是公法替代责任是否存在的根据,二是公法替代责任轻重的根据。本文讨论了公法替代责任根据,并不揣浅陋提出双重根据理论,试图说明这个有争议的问题。公法替代责任是一种责任构成技术,而非法制野蛮、落后的象征。在英、美、德、日和我国,替代责任都是追究国家赔偿责任的基本模式①;在英、美和我国,替代责任也都是追究单位刑事责任的基本模式②;环境损害国家补偿责任、道路交通事故国家补偿责任以及刑事被害人国家补偿责任,也都是公法替代责任。公法替代责任有三个重要特征。第一,责任主体与行为主体不一致,工作人员的违法行为不是法人的违法行为;第二,公法替代责任的本质,是公法上的不利后果,合法行为国家赔偿不是公法替代责任,流域限批无关公法替代责任,引咎辞职也不是公法替代责任;第三,被广泛接受的补救性公法替代责任,责任的承担主体都是国家。关于公法替代责任根据,理论上存在几种重要主张。它们都有重要意义,也都存在一些不足,择其要者:危险责任理论不具备逻辑上的自洽;评述控制义务说间接否定了公法替代责任本身;支配或重大影响说难以解释公法替代责任根据;评述信息成本说固然开阔了学术视野,但违背了人权保障精神,与现代公法存在精神隔膜。本文尝试提出双重根据理论,主张公法替代责任根据有两个:第一,抽象的控制义务。责任人对权利(力)主体负有对行为人行为进行控制的义务,并且这种义务是公法上的抽象义务。第二,支配或重大影响。对行为人的行为,责任人能进行支配或产生重大影响。在每一种具体的公法替代责任形态中,都必须同时具备抽象控制义务和支配或重大影响因素。虽然还比较粗浅,但双重根据理论并非理论空想,它与激励理论一脉相承,同时契合康德道德传统。双重根据理论还有一定的制度意义,能够澄清初步澄清一些问题,主要表现在五个方面:辨析公法替代责任概念,评判公法替代责任形态,设计公法替代责任构成要件,限定公法替代责任适用范围,确定公法替代责任轻重大小。

【Abstract】 The basis of vicarious liability in public law has two layers of meaning:firstly, the basis of its presence; secondly, the basis of its intensity. This thesis works on the basis of vicarious liability in public law, and puts forward dual basis theory.Different from traditional ideas, vicarious liability is merely a mechanism. Vicarious liability is widely used in public law. Government Compensation for Crime Victim、Environmental Damage and Traffic Accident are vicarious liability. The vast majority of State Compensation and corporate criminal liability are vicarious liability.There are three important characteristics of vicarious liability in public law. Firstly, the responsible man is different from the actor. Secondly, it is negative effect in nature. In grasp of these two characteristics, we are able to indentify vicarious liability in public law from many things. Thirdly, the accepted compensation vicarious liability in public law is governmental liability.So far as this topic is concerned, there has been no work devoted. In spite of this, there are some important theories on this topic, such as Danger Liability Theory、Domination Theory、Information Theory、Supervision Theory and Mixed Policy Theory. Each of them is of great significance, and suffers many defects。This thesis puts forward dual basis theory, which views vicarious liability in public law as an application of incentive theory. In detail, views vicarious liability in public law is based on two factors. Firstly, extract supervision duty; secondly, dominance over the actor.In spite of imperfection, dual basis theory is consistent with both incentive theory and Kant moral tradition, and helps to solve many problems about the liability. For example, dual basis theory helps to identify the concept, judge the specific form, establish the constitution, limit the scope and determine the intensity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

