

A Study on the Legislation Construction of China Cultural Industry

【作者】 张庆盈

【导师】 江奔东;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文在探索中国文化产业法制理论的前提下,研究分析了中国文化产业法制的现状、存在问题,并借鉴国外文化产业法制的有益经验,结合中国加入世界贸易组织面对的新情况,提出了中国文化产业法制建设的目标和任务。中国文化产业法制是在中国从计划经济向市场经济转型中、大力发展文化产业的背景下提出来的。探讨文化产业法制的基本理论,首先回答文化产业法制的理论依据。之所以加强文化产业法制建设,源于市场经济是法制经济这一基本认识。而成熟的市场经济又是“看不见的手”和“看得见的手”共同起作用的混合经济制度。市场原本就有缺陷,市场也可能失灵,当市场失灵的情况出现,政府的干预调控就是不可缺少的了。市场为文化产业资源配置的基础机制,国家干预管理必不可少,其中重要的手段就是法制。于是就有了文化产业包括立法、执法、司法三大主要环节的法制体系。这一法制体系是整个社会法制体系的有机组成部分,是文化产业发展壮大的制度保障。在以上讨论基础上,文章转入实证研究,考察分析了中国文化产业立法、执法、司法的现状,侧重分析了法制进程和已取得的主要成果,改革开发以来,中国文化产业法制主要经历了以规范管理为主的探索阶段(1978年—2000年)和以促进发展与保障权利为主的发展阶段(2001年-)。在探索阶段,其成绩主要是通过立法建立文化市场、允许“双轨制”运行、推进社会资本准入、规范文化内容与市场秩序、加强知识产权保护、实行许可证制度。在发展阶段,通过制定、修改和废止相关法律法规,制定《文化产业发展规划》,加速培育市场主体,文化企业的所有制准入政策更加灵活;加强中外文化交流和文化走出去;运用金融和税收杠杆,加大对文化产业的扶持力度;加强对文化产业的宏观引导,并采取若干措施引导文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业等等,初步形成了一批法律法规制度文本。从执法、司法上看,也开始探索建立相应机制的步伐。对国外特别是文化产业发达国家文化产业法制的情况、主要经验和可资借鉴的方面进行了讨论,归纳了重视发挥市场的基础性作用、重视知识产权的保护、重视内容创意核心产业、重视民族传统文化保护开发、重视文化产业结构提升、重视文化产业主导行业等六条基本经验。国外文化产业通过立法确认经营性文化的产业地位,立足于产业的市场运作机制;重视文化产业宏观管理,强化战略谋划,通过立法确立适合本国国情的文化产业引导和扶持政策;重视科学技术对文化产业的引擎作用,通过立法促进高新技术在文化产业中的应用,鼓励文化产业创意与高新技术的融合,支持文化产业链的发育;通过立法强化知识产权保护,维护文化经营者的权益,创造良好市场环境;通过立法支持鼓励本国文化产业走出去,占领国际文化市场的更大份额;通过立法实施文化保护,维护本民族优良文化传统,抵御文化霸权主义,保护国内市场,重视国家文化安全。中国文化产业法制建设应借鉴这些做法推动文化产业发展。文章对世界贸易组织规则中涉及文化产业的内容及其与我国文化产业法制相关的事项进行了梳理,讨论了中国加入世界贸易组织对文化产业发展带来的机遇、面临的问题以及文化产业规制应当解决的新课题,主要是要利用世界贸易组织有关规则,推动文化产业资源市场配置的改革,促进中国文化产品走向国际文化市场,扩大市场占有份额,使中华文化走向世界。在与世界贸易组织规则接轨当中,中国文化产业法制必须从中国文化产业起步阶段的现实出发,注重保护民族文化产业,有步骤、讲策略地开放国内文化市场,有选择、有区别地引进外资,在传媒,特别是广播电视网络传媒产业领域应慎之又慎。同世界贸易组织规则接轨,国内文化产业规制的内容涉及多个方面,其中包括扩大对外文化贸易、扩大文化交流等,但是必须确保国家文化安全,这是国家核心利益的大事。文章随后指出了我国文化产业立法、执法、司法和整体法制建设中存在的诸多主要问题,立法上的主要问题是文化产业法律位阶不高、文化产业规章质量不高、文化产业立法重管理轻保障、文化产业立法滞后。执法上的主要问题是政企不分、管办混淆;政出多门、权责不清;忽视程序、缺少监督。司法上的主要问题是司法独立性和中立性有待加强、司法体制和审判方式有待改革、非诉讼手段解决纠纷有待推进、对侵权的打击有待加强等。文章最后部分,针对中国文化产业法制建设目前存在的问题,借鉴发达国家文化产业法制的有益经验,提出了我国文化产业法制建设的总目标和任务。我国文化产业法制建设的总目标是:根据文化产业发展的实际与趋势,借鉴发达国家促进文化产业发展的有关经验,从中国国情出发,加强和完善文化产业立法、执法、司法体系,形成健全的文化产业法制保障环境,推动文化产业成长、壮大、可持续发展。从立法角度说,文化产业法制体系建设包括三个层次的目标。一是根据《宪法》制定文化产业发展的基本法,如《文化产业促进法》来作为文化产业法制体系建设的统领性法律。二是制定与《文化产业促进法》配套的各种法律法规,要在文化产业发展主体、文化市场、宏观调控、财产权制度、企业生产经营、文化资源开发利用、保险与救济、支持公益文化事业等方面明确权利义务与具体措施。三是制定相关规章与实施细则,并制定各地区域性文化产业发展规划,形成完整的文化产业法制体系。根据此目标,文化产业法制建设的重点任务是要进一步提高立法级别、构建文化产业的实体法律框架、建立与完善文化产业法律体系、制定文化产业促进法等四大任务,同时应当注意转变政府定位,调整规制主体扮演角色;引入立法后评估,减少立法滞后型风险;优化规制行为,积极防范规制机构失灵等三个问题。本文坚持理论联系实际、跨学科交叉融合、现实性与前瞻性有机结合的原则,运用历史研究、比较研究、系统研究以及案例分析等方法进行论述,主要创新之处在于深入探讨文化产业法制的理论依据、系统进行文化产业法制实证研究以及从建设法治社会高度立意,提出符合中国实际的文化产业法制建设总体目标和主要任务,措施可行,富有建设性和前瞻性。

【Abstract】 Based on the presupposition of exploring the legislative theory of China cultural industry, this dissertation makes a study of the status quo and existing problems of the legislation construction of China cultural industry. Drawing on the beneficial legislation experience of cultural industry in other countries, and taking the new conditions after China’s entry into WTO, the author presents the objective and tasks of legislation construction of China cultural industry.The legislation of China cultural industry is presented in the process of China’s economic transformation from planned economy to market economy and under the background of its vigorously developing cultural industry. To discuss the basic theory of cultural industry legislation requires answering the theoretical foundation first. The reason to enhance the legislation construction of cultural industry comes primarily from the cognition that market economy is legal economy, and a mature market economy is a mixed economic system manipulated by "a visible hand" and "an invisible hand". Defects exist in market, and market failure may occur. When market failure happens, regulation and intervention from the government becomes inevitable. Market is, for the resource allocation of cultural industry, the fundamental mechanism, which cannot function properly without government’s regulation and intervention, and one of the essential means is law, and hence the legal system concerning cultural industry, which includes three main sectors, i.e. legislation, enforcement and judicature. This legal system concerning cultural industry is an organic part of the whole social legal system and offers institutional guarantee for cultural industry development.After the above discussion, the dissertation turns to empirical research. A study is made on the current situation of legislation, enforcement and judicature of cultural industry. It is focused on the legislative process and the achievements. Since the opening-up and reform, China cultural industry legislation has mainly undergone two periods:one is the exploring period emphasizing regulation and management (1978—2000) and the other is the development period emphasizing promotion and right guarantee (2001~). In the exploring period, the main achievements are the establishment of cultural market, admittance of double-track pricing system, promotion of social capital entry, regulation of cultural content and market order, reinforcement of intellectual protection and implementation of license system, which are all confirmed in the form of law. In the development period, relevant laws and regulations are constituted, revised and abolished to speed up market subject cultivation, to make ownership admittance more flexible, to promote the international cultural exchange and the going-abroad of Chinese cultural products, to support cultural industry by using financial and taxation leverage, and to enhance the macro guidance of cultural industry. The Development Plan of China Cultural Industry is formulated and measures are taken to guide cultural industry to develop into a mainstay industry in the national economy. A system of laws and regulations concerning cultural industry has been preliminarily formed. The corresponding mechanisms on enforcement and judicature are also in the process of being established. The cultural industry legislation and experience of some developed countries have been discussed, and such conclusions are drawn as:emphasis should be put on the fundamental function of market, intellectual property protection, the content-creative core industry, the protection and exploitation of traditional national culture, the upgrade of cultural industry structure and the guiding industry of cultural industry. Its enlightenment on China cultural industry mainly lies in six aspects:the first is to confirm the legal status of cultural industry for commercial purposes through legislation and base its operation on market mechanism; the second is to attach importance to macro-administration of cultural industry and strategic planning, and establish through legislation proper guiding and supporting policies suitable for China cultural industry; the third is to value the propelling role of science and technology for cultural industry and nurture a cultural industry chain by combining cultural industry creativity with high-tech and promoting its application in cultural industry through legislation; the fourth is to strengthen intellectual property protection through legislation and ensure the cultural industry runners’rights, and thus create a sound market; the fifth is to encourage the domestic cultural products to go abroad through legislation and take a larger share in international cultural market; the sixth is to enhance through legislation the protection of national traditional culture and domestic market against cultural hegemony with emphasis on national cultural security. In this dissertation, contents in WTO regulations relevant to cultural industry and items in relation to China cultural industry are sorted out. China’s entry into WTO brings challenges, problems and new topics for cultural industry administrations, which are mainly about how to utilize the WTO rules to promote the reform of resource allocation and support China’s cultural products and service to occupy a larger share in the international cultural market, and thus make Chinese culture internationalized. In the process of being more in line with WTO regulations, the reality that Chinese cultural industry has just started must be taken into consideration in legislation construction. The opening of domestic cultural market and the introduction of foreign capital must be carried out step by step with great caution, especially in the field of mass communication. In blending with WTO regulations, many fields are involved in formulating cultural industry legal system, such as to promote cultural trade and expand cultural exchange, and so on, but the presupposition is to guarantee the national cultural security, which is concerning the national core benefit. Then problems in China cultural industry legislation are pointed out that the rules and regulations stay in comparatively low status, their quality needs improving, and the focus is more on regulation than on guarantee. Problems in enforcement lie in incomplete separation of government administration from management, confusion of administration and operation, neglect of procedure and lack of supervision. Problems in judicature mainly exist in the lack of independence and neutrality concerning judicial mechanism, inadequate non-contentious methods to settle dispute and to crack down on infringing act.In the last part of the dissertation, the objective and tasks of legislation construction of cultural industry are presented aiming at the existing problems and by referring to the experiences in legislation of the developed countries. The general objective of legislation construction of cultural industry is to improve the system of legislation, enforcement and judicial construction to form guarantee environment for the sustainable development of cultural industry on the basis of China’s realities. From the perspective of legislation, there exist three levels of cultural industry legislation. The first level is to constitute the basic law of cultural industry according to the Constitution of the People s Republic of China, such as taking the Promotion Law of Cultural Industry as the leading law. The second level is to complement rules and regulations to make clear the rights and responsibilities and formulate concrete measures in such aspects as the development subject of cultural industry, cultural market, macro adjustment, property system, enterprise management, cultural resource exploitation, insurance and remedy and public welfare-undertaking support. The third level is to establish a complete legal system of cultural industry by enacting corresponding implementation rules and framing regional developing plans of cultural industry. In accordance with the goal, the main tasks of cultural industry legislation are to upgrade the rules and regulations, constitute the legal framework, enact the promotion law and improve the whole legislative system. Meanwhile, attention should be paid to the change of government function and the role of regulating subject; the introduction of post-legislation evaluation to reduce the risks resulted from lag of legislation and the measures to avoid regulation failure.Principles such as theory connecting with practice, interdisciplinary study, integrity of reality and prospect are used in this dissertation. The methodology includes historical, comparative, systematic and case study. The innovation points lie in thorough discussion of the theoretical foundation of cultural industry legislation, the systematic study of legislation and projecting the general objective and tasks of the legislation construction of China cultural industry from the perspective of building a society of rule of law in conformity with China’s reality. The countermeasures are feasible, constructive and prospective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】G124;D922.16
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2972
  • 攻读期成果

