

Research on Jade Culture of Prehistoric Age, the Three Dynasties, Qin and Han Dynasties

【作者】 李婵

【导师】 徐传武;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国古代玉文化是中华文明的重要组成部分,通过对古玉器的研究,探索中华民族文化的风貌,为历代专家学者所重视,此课题具有重大的研究价值。本文以上古三代秦汉为研究时间段,对这一时期出土玉器的文化内涵进行系统论述。全文分绪论、四个章节和结语三部分,四个章节按时代顺序论述,分别为上古、夏商、周代及秦汉玉文化。绪论介绍中国古代玉文化的研究范畴,此领域的著录和研究状况,以及本文的研究意义。第一章为上古玉文化。首先论述玉器文明的出现。中国玉文化根基深厚,源远流长,谓其具有万年玉器史和万年玉文化史应不为过。本文认为玉器是上古原始人类在使用石器的过程中,逐渐认识到玉之质料的特殊,进行玉石分化而产生的。中国的早期玉器,从出土地点来看,主要集中在东北的辽河流域、中原黄河中下游及南方长江下游沿岸区域。玉器起源时期各地发展有先后之分,但在玉器文化的内涵上并无相互影响和承袭的关系;玉器的材质主要以色泽艳丽、质地温润为主,也就是后人所说的“石之美者”;起源时期的器形以装饰品和生产工具为主。以玉作为美的象征,以玉装饰和美化生活,是先民赋予玉的最初的社会功能,也是玉器文化萌芽时期的主要特征。其次对上古主要文化遗址及其出土玉器做出介绍。最后讨论上古玉器的文化特征。本文认为新石器时代中晚期出现的玉器大多为巫觋用来事神的“玉神器”,其主要功能在于沟通神灵,是人类与神灵交流的媒介;巫觋是史前“玉神器”的持有人和使用者,其以玉事神、媚神、享神,在玉文化发展史上具有特殊重要的作用;原始宗教的发展使得原始崇拜得以产生,史前玉崇拜主要表现为图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜。论述红山文化玉龙、玉鸟和勾云形玉器的文化特征。本文认为红山文化玉龙的造型起源于猪与蛇两种动物的综合,并对其象征意义和宗教功能进行探讨;鸟因具有飞翔和自由来往于天地间的功能而被远古先民看作神灵的使者,从而被当作崇拜的对象;对勾云形玉器的造型、性质和功能的争论进行梳理,认为其造型起源于云,纹饰为神鸟形象,其功能即沟通天地、人神。论述良渚玉璧、玉琮和玉钺的文化特征。对良渚玉璧文化功能的研究成果进行梳理,认为其具有敛尸及沟通天地的功用;对良渚玉琮的起源、功能和神徽象征意义的研究进行总结,认为其造型代表天地贯通的象征意义,其作用为沟通天地的“玉神器”;考察了良渚玉钺的墓葬情况及形制特点,结合时代特征,认为其为军权的象征。第二章为夏商玉文化。首先论述夏代的主要出土玉器及其玉文化特征。本文认为夏代玉文化主要有工艺质朴、突出“玉兵”和礼玉文化初步形成三个方面的特点。其次论述商代玉文化。介绍商代的主要出土玉器,并讨论商代的玉文化特征。商代玉文化与前代玉文化如红山、良渚、龙山、夏代玉文化等均有渊源关系;商代玉文化延续了上古时期玉器所体现的鬼神观念,妇好墓出土的玉动物亦具有原始宗教功能,其不仅为财富和地位的象征,亦是图腾崇拜的对象和神灵的象征,还具有沟通人神的作用;商代的礼仪仪仗器如玉琮、玉璧、玉圭、玉璜、玉戈、玉钺、玉戚、玉簋等,体现出鲜明的王权特征和独特的等级特征;通过考察商代玉人的发式、服饰、冠饰及坐姿,可以了解当时的社会习俗及礼仪;商代独特的玉阴阳人是生殖崇拜的象征;商代的玉人形象体现出原始宗教由崇拜神向崇拜人的过渡,体现出原始宗教从低级向高级阶段迈进的必然趋势。第三章为周代玉文化。首先介绍西周和东周的主要出土玉器。其次从礼玉文化、饰玉文化、葬玉文化三个方面讨论周代玉文化特征。论述周代的礼玉文化,对于《周礼》中记载的“六器”与“六瑞”进行辩证探讨;论证周代玉圭的种类、用途和执圭礼仪;论证周代玉璋的种类和用途。论述周代的饰玉文化。以《诗经》为例,从头饰用玉、物品饰玉、随身玉佩三个方面探讨周代的饰玉风尚;春秋战国之际,社会变革,以孔子为代表的儒家提出“玉德”理论,以玉比德,将玉之特性与君子品德相联系,赋予玉器以人性化特征,使玉器成为君子美好品德及人格的代表,对传统文化产生深远影响。论述周代的葬玉文化。周人认为玉是天地之精华,具有充足的“精气”,以玉敛葬,可以上达神鬼,使精神不灭、灵魂不朽;讨论丧葬用璧、饰棺用玉及琀玉的使用制度和功能。第四章为秦汉玉文化。首先介绍秦代的主要出土玉器及其玉文化特点。其次论述汉代的玉文化。对汉代的主要出土玉器做出介绍,并从用玉思想、葬玉制度和玉礼器的演变三个方面讨论汉代玉文化特征。论述汉代的用玉思想。汉代玉文化受到儒家与道家思想的双重影响,具有儒、道并重的用玉特征,突出表现了国家礼制的政治用玉与“长生”、“成仙”思想相联系的特点。汉代儒家思想对玉文化的影响突出表现在对“玉德”学说的继承完善和佩玉的等级制度上。汉代道家对玉文化的影响主要体现在葬玉上。汉代儒道融合的玉文化内涵,在“道”与“器”两种观念上,多表现为道器并用思想。汉代的用玉思想亦有吉祥文化的特色。汉代的吉祥玉器主要有铭刻征祥祝词的玉璧、刚卯与严卯及神兽灵禽类如玉辟邪、四方神兽、熊等。汉代的吉祥玉器具有宗教性、楚文化性及民俗性的文化特质,并具有哲学价值。论述汉代的葬玉文化。汉代人的玉敛葬观念承袭了周代“以玉为精”,“精魄沟通天地”的葬玉思想,又因国家社会经济的发达,及受到儒家“贵玉”、“孝道”、“厚葬”和道家“升仙”思想的双重影响,不再被动的慑服于神灵的权威之下,而是重在发挥人的主动作用,利用各种人为的手段将自身升华到神仙的世界中去,并且还把人世间的财富和地位一并带过去,以供来世享用;论述汉代的玉衣制度及其所体现的文化内涵;探讨汉代葬玉中的璧及蝉形玉琀的文化意义。论述汉代玉礼器的演变。汉代玉礼器的使用沿袭“周制”,其仍为天地祭祀、朝廷礼仪不可或缺之物,但是在器类上已发生变化。汉代的玉礼器主要为璧和圭,玉璧的用途较多,玉圭的数量较之前代有所减少。玉琮与玉璋已很少见到,基本已不再制作。玉璜在西汉中期已全面衰落,除极少数可能与丧葬仪式有关外,其余皆用作装饰品。前代曾用作礼仪器的玉环、玉块、玉龙、玉虎等,到了汉代有的已很少发现,有的虽然常有出土,但已不是礼仪用玉,而是用作装饰用的佩玉。结语部分对前文内容进行总结和提炼,提出论文中的不足及未来努力的方向。

【Abstract】 Chinese ancient jade culture is an important part of Chinese culture. Scholars through the ages devoted much attention to study the style and feature of Chinese culture by researching ancient jade articles. This paper discusses the cultural connotation of jade articles systematically based on prehistoric age, the Three Dynasties, Qin and Han dynasties. This paper includes an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. Four chapters are represented in chronological sequence, which are jade culture of prehistoric age, Xia and Shang dynasties, Zhou dynasty, Qin and Han dynasties.In the introduction, it represents the scope and condition of Chinese ancient jade culture research, and the importance of this paper.Chapter one represents the jade culture of prehistoric age. Firstly, it represents the beginning of jade culture. As Chinese ancient jade culture has long historical origins, it is no exaggeration to say that it has a history of ten thousand years. We consider that the beginning of jade article was in prehistoric age, while primitive people were using stone implements, they recognized jade, and departed it from stone. Early jade articles of China mainly existed at the Liaohe River valley of northeast, the Huanghe River valley of central plains and the lower reaches along the Changjiang River valley of south China. The three areas grew in order of priority, but didn’t influence each other and had no relationship of adoption; the stuffs were beautiful and smooth which were called beauty of stone; the implements were mostly decorations and tools. Taken jade as the symbol of beauty and used it to beautify life was the early social function as well as the main characteristic of the beginning of jade.Secondly, it represents the main culture sites and jade articles.At last, it represents the culture characteristics of this period. We consider that the jade articles of middle and late Neolithic Age were mostly yushenqi used to offer sacrifices to gods by wizards, which were mediums for communication between human being and gods; wizards were owners and appliers of yushenqi, who offered sacrifices to gods, and had special influence on jade culture history; primitive worship began to exist, which were totem and ancestor worship. The characteristics of jade dragon, jade birds and jade articles of gouyun of Hong-Shan culture have been represented. We consider that the mould of jade dragon originated from comprehension of pig and snake, and its symbolic significance and religinal functions have been discussed; ancient people took birds as massagers of gods for the ability of flying, for whom being taken as symbol of worship; the mould and functions of jade articles of gouyun have been represented, we consider that its mould originated from clouds, its utensils were birds and which used as the medium for communication. The characteristics of yubi, yucong, and yuyue of Liang-Zhu culture have been represented. The functions of yubi have been researched, and we consider that it had been used for funerals and as a medium; we have researched the origination, functions and symbolic significance of shenhui of yucong, and consider its mould represents the linking up of heaven and earth, its function is yushenqi which is a medium for communication; the graves and mould of yuyue have been researched, and we consider it stands for military power.Chapter two represents the jade culture of Xia and Shang dynasties. Firstly, it represents the jade articles and culture characteristics of Xia dynasty. We consider that jade culture of Xia dynasty has three characteristics of simple craft, significance of jade weapons and the beginning of sacrificial vessels.Secondly, it represents the jade culture of Shang dynasty. Jade articles and cultural connotation have been represented. Jade culture of Shang dynasty has original relationship with jade culture of Hong-Shan, Liang-Zhu, Long-Shan, and Xia dynasty; jade culture of Shang dynasty continued the conceptions of gods which began from prehistoric age, jade animals of Fuhao grave also have functions of primitive religion, which are not only symbols of wealth and status, but also objects of totem worship and symbols of gods, as well as having the function of medium; sacrificial vessels such as yucong, yubi, yugui, yuhuang, yuge, yuyue, yuqi, yugui and so on, represent characteristics of monarchical power and ranks; we could see the social customs and proprieties by studying the hair style, clothes and sitting postures of jade persons; jade bisexual person is symbol of reproduction worship; jade persons represent the transition of worship from gods to human beings and the inevitable trend of striding from lower level to higher level of primitive religion.Chapter three represents jade culture of Zhou dynasty. Firstly, it represents the jade articles of Xizhou and Dongzhou. Secondly, jade culture characteristics of Zhou dynasty have been represented from three parts of sacrificial vessels, decorations and funeral jade articles.Sacrificial vessels of Zhou dynasty have been researched by discussing liuqi and liurui recorded in Zhouli, the varieties, uses and ceremonies of yugui and yuzhang have been studied.Jade of decorations have been researched. It represents the decoration fashions of Zhou dynasty from three parts of head ornaments, sundries and yupei according to Shijing; while in Chunqiu and Zhanguo, society changed rapidly, Confucius advanced the theory of yude, related the specific properties of jade with gentlemen, entrusted characteristics of human beings to jade, made it the representation of fine virtue and personality, which had significant influence on traditional culture.Funeral jade articles have been researched. On the minds of people of Zhou dynasty, jade is the essence of heaven and earth, funeral with jades could make spirit always alive; the using and functions of yubi in funeral, jade on coffin and hanyu have been represented.Chapter four represents the jade culture of Qin and Han dynasties. Firstly, it represents the jade articles and characteristics of Qin dynasty.Secondly, it represents the jade culture of Han dynasty. It represents the jade articles, and its characteristics from three parts of conceptions of using jade, funeral jade articles and the transition of sacrificial vessels.The conception of using jade articles has been researched. Jade culture of Han dynasty had been influenced by both Confucianism and Taoism, represented the characteristic of combination of ceremonial jade articles with changsheng, shengxian conceptions. The influence of Confucianism reflected the inheritance of yude theory and the ranks of using jade articles. And the influence of Taoism reflected the using of funeral articles. The combination of Confucianism with Taoism characteristic reflected the conception of the using of both dao and qi. It also has the characteristic of lucky culture. Lucky jade articles of Han dynasty are mainly yubi with lucky words, gangmao and yanmao, yubixie, sifangshenshou, bears and so on, which have the characteristics of religion, culture of Chu state, custom philosophic value.Funeral jade articles have been researched. The conception of funeral jade articles of Han people inherited the conceptions of Zhou dynasty, but no longer submitted in the power of gods, besides contended for the initiative to put themselves into the world of gods, and took the wealth and status along with them, because of the development of economic and the influence of Confucianism and Taoism.The transition of sacrificial vessels has been researched. The using of sacrificial vessels of Han dynasty inherited the using system of Zhou dynasty, and sacrificial vessels still played important roles in ceremonies and proprieties, but changed in varieties. The main sacrificial vessels of Han dynasty are yubi and yugui. Yubi were used extensively, but the quantity of which decreased compared with previous dynasties. Yucong and yuzhang were hardly been seen, which almost stopped producing. Yuhuang declined wholly at mid of Xihan, which were all used as decorations except a few for funerals. Yuhuan, yujue, jade dragons and jade tigers, which were used as sacrificial vessels at previous dynasties, were hardly found in Han dynasty, some of which could be found frequently, but used for decoration which were no longer sacrificial vessels.It has been summarized and refined in conclusion, and deficiencies have been advanced as well as future efforts.

【关键词】 玉文化史前三代秦代汉代
【Key words】 jadecultureprehistoric agethe Three DynastiesQin dynastyHan dynasty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

