

Research on Theory and Methods in Group Decision Making Based on Linguistic Information

【作者】 陈岩

【导师】 樊治平;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 群决策就是在一定的决策准则下将群体成员的偏好集结成单一的群体偏好的过程。随着IT技术的发展和经济全球化形势的变化,现在的工作环境下越来越多的决策要靠群体来制定,同时,群决策的方式也能给选择过程带来一些好处:更广泛的知识和经验、更多样化的视角、潜在的协作行为等。近年来,有关群决策理论与方法的研究受到了国内外学者的广泛重视,研究成果十分丰富。但需要指出的是,群决策问题的研究仍面临着新的挑战。在实际的群决策过程中,由于群决策每个专家对于复杂问题有各种不同的看法和观点,以及群体中的成员对复杂问题的重要性感知不同,同时又受到群体中每个成员的知识结构、评判水平、个人偏好及信息的不确定性等众多因素的影响,所以群决策面临着许多新的问题。因此,在群决策中研究不确定环境下群决策集结问题和专家水平评判问题是群决策的两个很重要问题。目前,关于这两方面的研究虽然已经引起了有关学者的关注,但无论在理论研究,还是方法方面都还很不成熟。为此本文针对基于语言信息的群决策问题和基于不确定信息的专家水平评判问题进行了相应的理论与方法研究,主要工作概括如下:(1)针对基于语言判断矩阵的一致性分析问题,给出了语言判断矩阵的加性完全一致性、乘性完全一致性概念及判别方法,同时也给出了满意一致性的判定方法及方案排序方法以及一致性调整方法。(2)针对基于语言判断矩阵的群决策问题,给出了利用二元语义方法以及转换函数方法处理基于语言判断矩阵的群决策问题以及基于多粒度语言判断矩阵的群决策问题。(3)针对基于语言决策矩阵的群决策问题,给出了基于LOWA、IOWA算子以及转换函数的两种处理方法以及针对多粒度区间型语言判断决策群决策问题的二元语义解决方法。(4)针对基于不确定信息的专家水平评判方法。给出了基于互补判断矩阵、语言判断矩阵、Vague信息决策矩阵、区间数信息决策矩阵以及基于不同形式不确定信息的群决策专家水平评判方法。在论文最后,总结了本论文的研究成果及结论,并概括了本论文研究的主要贡献、研究成果的理论价值和应用价值。同时也指出了本论文研究的局限和对后续工作研究的建议。

【Abstract】 The group decision-making is a kind of process, in which under some decision criteria the members’preference in the group are aggregated into single preference. There are more and more decisions needed to be made by group in working environment now, with the development of IT technology and economic globalization, and then, the way of group decision-making is benefit for us:the wider range of knowledge and experience, the more diverse perspective, the potential behavior of collaboration etc. In recent years, the group decision-making theory and study of method has been extensive attention of scholars at home and abroad, there are many results about it. However, it should be pointed out that there are some new challenges about researching on group decision-making. In the actual group decision-making process, the group decision-making is facing many new problems, because each expert has different views and perspectives about some complex problems, the perception of members in the group is different about some complex problems, and that is affected by each member’s knowledge structure, judgment level, individual preferences and uncertainty of information and many other factors. So, the decision-making under uncertain environment, aggregation of group decision and the judgment of expert level are two very important issues. Now, the study has raised the attention of scholars, but the theory and method are still immature. In this paper, the theory and method are studied about group decision-making based on linguistic information and the assessment level of experts based on uncertain information. Main tasks are summarized below:(1) Direct to the consistency of linguistic judgment matrices, the concept and discrimination method of additive complete consistency and multiplicative complete consistency of linguistic judgment matrices, the discrimination method of the satisfactory consistency, alternatives ranking, and regulating consistency is provided.(2) Direct to the group decision making on linguistic judgment matrices, the method of two-tuple linguistic and transfer function for dealing with the group decision making on linguistic judgment matrices and multi-granularity linguistic judgment matrices is provided.(3) Direct to the group decision making on linguistic decision matrices, two method of dealing with the problem on LOWA,IOWA operator and the transfer function are given, as well as the method of two-tuple linguistic for the group decision making of multi-granularity interval linguistic judgment decision problem. (4) Direct to the method of assessment level of experts on uncertain information, the method of assessment level judgment of experts in group decision on complementary comparison matrix, linguistic judgment matrix,vague information decision matrix, interval number information decision matrix and uncertain information in different forms is provided.At last, the research results and conclusions are summarized in this paper, and the main contribution of this thesis, the theoretical value and application value are generalized. Meanwhile, the limitations of this thesis and the follow-up suggestions of the study are pointed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

