

Research on Collaborative Design Management System Oriented to Networked Manufacture

【作者】 侯俊铭

【导师】 王宛山;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 市场竞争的日益加剧促使网络化制造技术的产生,企业必须通过降低成本、提高产品质量、缩短产品开发周期等措施才能在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势。网络化制造正是在这一背景下产生的先进制造方式,它利用先进的网络技术、计算机技术,形成企业动态联盟,实现网络化制造。产品开发作为企业生产制造过程中的重要因素决定着企业的发展。网络化制造环境下的产品协同设计作为网络化制造技术的重要组成部分,对产品制造过程中提高产品开发周期、降低企业成本、提高产品质量等方面发挥优势。本文在相关项目的支持下,对网络化制造环境下的协同设计系统进行了研究,结合某重型企业生产实际进行研究,并针对该企业的盾构机协同设计进行研究,从协同设计系统的架构、体系结构、设计过程任务规划(包括设计任务分解与分配)、协同设计模型互操作、协同设计过程中的知识管理等方面进行研究。主要研究工作有以下几点:(1)针对网络化制造环境下协同设计系统任务复杂的特点,采用了基于设计结构矩阵(DSM, Design Structure Marix)的协同设计任务分解方法,采用割裂算法对协同任务中的耦合部分进行解耦操作,根据任务之间的相互关系进行任务重组。采用模糊层次分析法对设计任务进行合理分配,最终实现协同设计任务合理规划。(2)针对协同设计模型操作过程中的互操作问题进行研究,对当前三维设计CAD软件基于特征的特点,对协同设计过程中的模型交换格式、坐标系处理等问题进行研究,采用基于XML格式的增量传输方法传递数据,并在基于历史特征重建的基础上进行特征辨识。对Pro/E与UG系统之间的模型进行试验,取得良好效果。(3)针对协同设计冲突消解问题进行研究,在研究协同设计冲突消解产生原因与解决方法的基础上,采用约束满足问题方法检测设计过程冲突,采用了基于CBR的冲突消解方法消解冲突。(4)针对机械设计过程中对知识重用的需求,对协同设计系统中的知识管理进行研究。采用OWL语言对知识管理中的设计知识进行表达,并对设计知识的发现、重用、共享进行了研究。对设计历史知识提出了相关模型方法进行记录,对产品全生命周期设计与知识集成进行了研究。(5)研究了网络化制造下的产品协同设计过程,并针对企业生产实际,建立了企业协同设计流程,在此基础了建立了B/S与C/S混合模式下的协同设计系统结构,提出了基于多Agent的分布式协同设计系统结构,采用着色Petri网技术针对协同设计全过程建立了系统模型。(6)针对沈阳北方重型集团的盾构机产品,采用JSP, Java, SQLServer等技术,在基于B/S与C/S混合模式下开发了协同设计原型系统NCDS。实现协同设计过程的各项功能,经过验证,系统合理。

【Abstract】 The increasing market competing make the networked manufacture emerge. The enterprises must occupy the market by decreasing cost, improving product quality and shorten the product developing time in the fiercely competitive market. Networked manufacture is a new manufacture style in the circumstance, which establishes the dynamic alliance to realize the networked manufacture with the computer technology and network technology.Product development is one of the importment factors in the process of enterprise manufacture, which determine the development of enterprise.Collaborative design is an important part of the networked manufacture, which can shorten the developing time, decrease the enterprise’s cost, and improve the product quality.The paper is supported by related foundation project to study the collaborative design in network circumstance. It combines with the heavy duty enterprise to study the system structure, design process schedule, the design model interoperated and the knowledge management in the process of collaborative design. The work is the following:(1) In view to complexity of the collaborative task, the task scheduling is studied. The Design Structure Matrix is applied to decompose the collaborative task. The disserve algorithms is applied to decouple the couple task. The fuzzy AHP method is applied to determine the weight of the task to allocate the task. At last, the collaborative design task is scheduled reasonably.(2) The interoperated method for model is studied. In view to three dimension model, the feature model is studied; the increment model is studied for the system. The exchange model style and the coordinate are also studied. The increasing transmission method is realized. The history feature model is re-established and recognized. At last, the method is applied with the Pro/E and UG(3) Conflict resolution problem in the collaborative design is studied. The conflict reason and the resolution problem are studied. The constraint method is applied on the detecting the confict.A CBR method is studied for the conflict resolution. The designer’s right is restricted.(4) In view to the requirement of knowledge resuse, the knowledge management of collaborative design system is studied. The knowledge representation is studied, which is by OWL. The knowledge discovery, knowledge reuse and the knowledge sharing is studied. The design history is recorded with a model. The PLM design and integration is studied in the paper.(5) The paper studies the process of the collaborative design in the networked manufacture and establishes the process of design of some enterprise. The system structure is the hybrid one with B/S and the C/S, and is on the multi-agent system structure. The system model is established by the colored Petri nets for collaborative design process.(6) In view to the shielding machine of some enterprise, JSP, Java and SQL Server is applied to develop an archetypal system named NCDS. The function of system is realized, which is right.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

