

Rearch and Assessment of the Reginal Eco-geo-environment in the Southern Anshan

【作者】 温守钦

【导师】 金成洙;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鞍山南部地区是重要的矿产资源分布区,又是重要的大宗农作物、林果种植区,同时还有闻名全国的旅游资源。受矿产资源开发、工业排放、过度耕作等因素的影响,该地区的生态地质环境正在恶化。在发展经济的同时,如何保护好生态地质环境,使地方经济能保持可持续发展,这将关系到子孙后代的生存问题。应用GPS定位、遥感解译、GIS海量数据处理等现代化手段,通过大量的野外调查、样品采集和样品测试,应用不同的研究和评价方法对本地区包括农业生态地质环境、地质灾害环境、千山风景区生态地质环境等在内的区域生态地质环境的进行了研究与评价。首次对鞍山南部地区进行的农业生态地质的调查和研究表明:全区土壤状况基本良好,氮、磷、钾、有机质和其它植物必须元素大都处于丰富或一般水平,仅个别元素的缺乏,如硒、硼等,总体来看,区域生态地质环境较好,适宜大宗农作物和林果种植。根据土壤元素总量特征和有效态含量分布,将研究区分为十个分区,进行了农业种植区划,并提供了施肥建议。土壤环境调查表明,本区重金属元素Hg、Pb、As含量较高,Hg异常最为明显,且异常区正好处在铁路沿线的人口密集区和工业聚集区;Hg、Pb、As的污染异常叠加出现在研究区北部,与毗邻的几大铁矿山有关。根据污染元素的含量分布,编制了环境质量评价图,将全区划分出重污染区、中污染区、轻污染区和未污染区,提出了种植建议。对本区特产南果梨生长的地质背景研究表明,本区较为丰富的植物生长必需元素和营养元素是鞍山南果梨生长的必要条件,土壤中丰富的钾、铁、镁、钙、钴、锰,加上良好的自然条件和本区特有的高热流值的背景,决定了其独特品质。根据研究成果,对种植区进行了南果梨种植区划,分成最佳、优势、中势和不宜种植四个区。首次对南果梨生长体系中稀土元素生态地球化学特征研究表明:南果梨生长体系中从立地土壤到植物各部位轻稀土迁移富集更明显,而重稀土的分馏作用欠显著。稀土元素总含量从立地土壤到树冠有:土壤>树叶>树枝>果实。据GB14935-94,食用南果梨果实是安全的。增加果园立地土壤有机质是发挥稀土肥效和改善果实品质的有效手段。对鞍山南部地区地质灾害系统的调杏研究表明,该区域地质灾害种类较多,主要类型包括崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、地面塌陷、不稳定斜坡等。从区域地质灾害分布上看,东南部山区最发育,西北部平原区灾害点较少。主要灾害致因有:构造发育因素、矿产开发无序、过度耕作、植被破坏等人为因素和东南部地区为山地丘陵、暴雨时有等自然因素。采用定性分析与定量评价相结合的方法,运用单元网格信息量综合评判法进行地质灾害易发程度区划和评价,对调查区进行了易发程度分区,划分出地质灾害高易发区、中易发区、低易发区、不易发区。在地质灾害易发程度区划的基础上,以点位重要性为依据,结合地质灾害的发育特征、危害程度,将研究区划分出重点防治区、次重点防治区和一般防治区,对不同的防治区提出了相应的防治措施。首次对千山风景区及周边生态地质环境进行了调查研究。分别运用背景和异常评价法、生态环境比拟法对千山风景区周边土壤环境进行研究。以工作区土壤N、P、B、Si、K、Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、Co、Ca和Mg等的有效态含量为评价指标,可划分出六个元素污染异常亚区。与背景区域相对照,所选的三个评价区中,第Ⅰ亚区主要是Fe有效态高,Cu、Zn次之;第Ⅱ亚区主要是Cu、Fe和Co的有效态含量高,第Ⅲ亚区主要是B有效态高,Zn、Mn次之,它们是土壤中抑制植被生长的过量元素,均与铁矿开发有关。首次采用建立在专家打分、资料检索、野外充分调查基础上的模糊综合评判法,对千山风景区及周边生态地质环境质量进行评价。结果表明:风景区周边的大孤山铁矿区、眼前山铁矿区生态地质环境质量基本上均为极差区域,同时也是最差区域。周边地区道路、居民点等受人类活动影响强烈的地区基本为生态地质环境质量较差区:农田或园地、山脚或沟谷较为平缓处的生态地质环境质量为中。其他地区生态地质环境一般为优和良。在景区内旅游景点、旅游建设用地是呈点状分布的生态地质环境质量较差地区。纵观整个千山景区及周边区域,景区内生态地质环境质量优与良的区域的面积比例大于周边地区,说明景区整体的生态地质环境质量还较好,但已有恶化现象。鞍山南部地区总体来看生态地质环境正在恶化,主要表现在土壤环境污染增加、地质灾害频繁、农作物品质下降、植被减少。研究表明,这与区域人类活动,诸如矿产资源开发、工业排放、过度耕作等因素密切相关。保护区域生态地质环境已刻不容缓。根据综合研究结果,对研究区进行功能区规划。即研究区东南部为山地丘陵主要适宜林木种植,西北部适宜大宗农作物种植,过渡带适宜果林种植,千山风景区应加强保护,提倡绿色旅游。

【Abstract】 The southern part of Anshan is the significant area in mineral resources distribution, staple crops and fruit cultivation, also with the famous tourism resources. But affected by exploitation of mineral resources, industrial discharge and over-cultivation, the environment is worsening. It is a surviving issue related to future generations for us to protect the eo-geo-environment and keep the local economy sustainable development during expending economy.By means of 3S technologies and a lage number of field investigation, samples collection and test, argo-eco-geological environment and geological disasters environment of the southern part of Anshan, eco-geo-environment of qianshan scenic area were studied and assessed.The investigation and research of argo-eco-geological environment in the southern Anshan the first time showed the soil status was quite good, the content of N, P, K, oganic matter and some elements that plants need were rich or general level. The reginal eco-geo-environment was better to be suitable for staple crops planting and fruit cultivation. The district was divided into ten areas and the planting and fertilizing suggestion was given to each on the base of the total and available contents of elements. The investigation of soil environment also indicated that the contents of the heavy metal elements, such as Hg, Pb, As, were higher than anormal values, Hg in particular. The distribution was accordance with the densely populated areas or industries where. They also occured in the northern part together and may be from the iron mines nearby. Finally the assessment map of the environment quanlity was made up and the heavy contaminated, contaminated, light contaminated, Non-contaminated areas were given out, planting suggestion also provided.The research result of the geological background Nangou pear growing evinced that the rich contents of elements and nutrition plants needed in the area was the necessary condition for nanguo pear growing. Its unique quality was deponded on the K, Fe, Mg, Ca, Co, Mn, good nature contion and the local heigh heat flow value. The area division of nanguo pear planting was done in four levels zones.The eco-geochemical features of rare elements (Ree) in Nanguo pear growing system were studied for the first time. The results showed that the light Rees fractionation was much better than heavy ones from its growing soil to every part of the tree and the content was (big to small) in the range of soil-leaves-branch-fruit. The fruit as food was safety according to GB14935-94. By means of increasing the oganic matter in soil could bring into play the Rees fertilization and improve quality of nanguo pear.It was found there were many kinds of the geological hazards in southern Anshan, such as collaps, slope, debris flow, ground subsidence, unstable slopes, by the systemic investigation and research. The geological hazards were well-developed in southeastern of the working area, but could be seen hardly in northwest plain area. The reasons included in the well-developed structure, mineral mine exploitation, excessive farming, vegetation damage, others were mountain and hills area, rainstorm sometimes. By use of qualitative analysis and definite quantitative assessment together, comprehensive evaluation method of the unit grid information was put to use for division and assessment of the prone degree of geological hazards, and the prone degree division was produced also. The focus protection area, sub-focus one, general one and their protection measures were provided further.The assessment method of background to anomaly and analogy method of eco-environment were taken to research the eco-geo-envinronment of Qianshan scenic area for the first time. Six the contaminated areas were found according to the available contents of N, P, B, Si, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Co, Ca and Mg. Reference to the background area, the chosen areas were found to be with heigh Fe, Cu, Zn in areaⅠ, Cu, Fe, Co in areaⅡand B, Zn, Mn in areaⅢ. The vegetation growing was suppressed by them, which were from the iron mines nearby.The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was use to assess the quality of the eco-geo-environment of Qianshan scenic area on the base of experts grading, data search and full field investigation for the first time. The results showed that the quality of Dagushan iron mine and nearby was the extremely poor and the poorest one, the second was the area near road, settlements, the third was farmland, the foot of mountain, and the other places were outstanding or good. The good areage in scenic area was more than rim area, that meaned the quanlity of whole scenic area was quite good. But some places were proved to become poor.On the whole, the quality of eco-geo-environment in Anshan southern was getting poor, so that the contaminated soil and geological hazards were more and more, the quality of farm produce and vegetation were decreased. These related to the mineral mine development, industrial discharge and excessive farming. According the research results Anshan southern was divided into the different function zones.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

