

Research on Integrated Flexible Production Planning of Steel Making-Continuous Casting-Hot Rolling and Its Simulation System

【作者】 董红宇

【导师】 黄敏;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 系统工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 炼钢-连铸-热轧一体化生产过程是复杂的、高成本、高能耗的加工过程,前后加工工序紧密衔接,为了节省成本,提高产能,节能降耗,提高钢铁企业竞争力,炼钢-连铸-热轧(冶铸轧)一体化生产计划和调度问题已成为钢铁企业迫切需要解决的问题。本文首先综述了钢铁企业CMS中MES的重要作用和钢铁行业冶铸轧一体化生产计划研究的现状,结合“985工程”流程工业综合自动化科技创新平台暨流程工业综合自动化教育部重点实验室开放课题“炼钢-连铸-热轧生产计划一体化实验系统的研究”,以国内某钢铁企业生产过程为背景,基于柔性思想,针对冶铸轧一体化柔性生产计划研究中存在的若干问题进行了研究。综述了一种新的元启发式算法-变邻域搜索算法。对元启发式算法进行了简述,针对变邻域搜索算法的起源、原理、有效性等方面进行了理论分析,同时分析了扩展的变邻域搜索算法及其相关问题,然后,归纳了算法改进和算法在组合优化问题和连续优化问题中的应用,最后指出了算法的未来研究和应用方向,为后续研究建立了良好的理论基础。针对一体化柔性炉次计划问题,提出了问题的数学模型和算法。根据实际生产中柔性定单(板坯或工件)的特点,综合考虑冶铸轧三个工艺阶段的工艺规程,建立了以最小化炉次数,最小化操作成本,最大化产能为优化目标的多目标优化模型,基于规则和目标函数定界法将多目标优化问题转化成多个单目标优化问题,提出了两阶段启发式算法,引导式变邻域和声搜索算法,引导式变邻域模拟退火算法,并在随机数据和实际生产数据中与复杂度为O(mn)的枚举算法,禁忌搜索算法,ENFD(Extend Next Fit Decreasing)算法,变邻域搜索算法,和声搜索算法,简化变邻域搜索算法,变深度邻域搜索算法,模拟退火算法进行对比分析。获得了包含若干弱Pareto最优解的柔性的一体化炉次计划结果,保证了与后续计划的有利集成。结果表明,所提出的模型和算法是有效的和实用的。针对一体化柔性中包计划问题,提出了问题的数学模型和算法。以一体化柔性炉次计划为基础,根据实际生产中柔性定单的特点,综合考虑冶铸轧三个工艺阶段的工艺规程,建立了以最小化中包数,最小化操作成本,最小化产能偏差为优化目标的多目标优化模型,基于策略和加权和方法将多目标优化问题转化成单目标优化问题,分别将简化变邻域搜索算法,变深度邻域搜索算法与局部迭代搜索算法混合,在实际生产数据中验证模型和算法,并对算法的参数设置进行了详细的分析。结果表明提出的模型和算法是有效的和实用的,提高了与后续计划调度问题集成的能力。针对一体化柔性连铸机批调度问题,提出了问题的数学模型和算法。以一体化柔性炉次计划和一体化柔性中包计划为基础,根据实际生产中柔性定单的特点,综合考虑冶铸轧三个工艺阶段的工艺规程,建立了以最小化Setup成本为目标的优化模型,将局部迭代搜索算法和粒子群优化算法混合,在实际生产数据中验证模型和算法的有效性,并对算法的参数设置进行了详细的分析,实现了连钢-连铸生产计划一体化。针对一体化热轧机批调度问题,提出了问题的数学模型和算法。基于一体化思想,建立了以最小化总等待时间,最小化工艺总惩罚值,最大化平均轧制长度为目标的多目标优化模型,设计了改进的局部迭代搜索算法,在实际生产数据中验证模型和算法的有效性,并对算法的参数设计进行了分析。基于上述模型和算法,设计开发了冶铸轧一体化生产计划仿真系统,系统运行结果表明可以提高钢铁企业生产管理水平,达到了节能、降耗和增产的目的。

【Abstract】 The integrated process of Steel Making, Continuous Casting and Hot Rolling(SM-CC-HR) is complexy, capital and energy extensive. These three processes are tightly connected. In order to save cost, improve throughput, save energy consumption and improve the power of competition of steel enterprise. The integrated production planning and scheduling of SM-CC-HR is highly desired to be solved. The function of the MES in the CIMS of Iron & Steel enterprise and the integrated planning of SM-CC-HR are reviewed firstly. Combining with the open project, research on the experiment system of integrated planning of SM-CC-HR, which is a "985 project" of the key laboratory of Integrated Automation of Process Industry (Northeastern University) of Ministry of Education. Based on the flexibility theory and the actural production process of Iron & Steel enterprise in China, Some problems existed in the integrated flexible production planning of SM-CC-HR are studied. This dissertation has mainly carried on the following researches.An overview of a new metaheuristic algorithm, the Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS), is proposed. The brief description of methaheurists is given, then, the original of VNS, the principle of VNS and the analysis of VNS are given respectively. The extensions of VNS are also proposed, and many methods to improve the VNS are proposed. The applications of improved VNS on combinational optimization and continuous optimization are also introduced; finally, the future research about VNS is proposed, including applications and improvements. The following researches are based on the above theory.In order to solve the integrated flexible charge planning, the model and algorithm of integrated flexible charge planning problem on an integrated steel plant are proposed. Considering the characteristic of flexible orders (slabs or jobs) and the integrated technical constraints of SM-CC-HR, a multiobjective optimization model is proposed with minimizing the number of charges, minimizing the operation costs and maximizing the throughput. The multiobjective optimization model is transformed into many single objective optimization models based on rule and bound objective function method. The two phase heuristic algorithm, guided variable neighborhood search combining with harmony search and simulated annealing method are proposed. To test the performance of proposed algorithms, an enumeration algorithm with complexity O(m") and many classical methaheuristics are introduced, and these algorithms are tested based on random data and actural data. The flexible solutions of integrated charge planning are abtained, including more weakly Pareto optimal solution, and based on the the flexible solutions, integrated tundish planning will be get more feasible or optimal solutions for downstream planning. Hence, the results show that the model and algorithms are effective and applicable.The model and algorithm of integrated flexible tundish planning problem based on flexible jobs are proposed. Considering the integrated flexible charge planning and the integrated technical constraints of SM-CC-HR, a multiobjective optimization model is proposed with the objectives to optimize the number of tundish, the additional cost of technical operations and the throughput balance of each flow. Combining iterated local search with Variable Neighborhood Descent (VND) search method and Reduced Variable Neighborhood Search (RVNS) method, two new hybrid metaheuristics are designed. The performance of hybrid algorithms are analyzed based on changing number of local iteration and weights of objective function, these two algorithms are also compared with heuristic method based on numeral analysis of the actual data. The results show that the model and algorithms are effective and applicable. It provides highly probability of integration to downstream planning.The model and algorithm of continuous casting batch machine scheduling with flexible jobs are proposed based on its character. Considering the integrated flexible charge planning and tundish planning, and based on the integrated technical constraints of SM-CC-HR, a mathematical model with minimizing the setup costs is proposed. Combining iterated local search with particle swarm optimization, a new hybrid algorithm is proposed. The performance analysis of hybrid algorithm is analyzed based on changing its parameters. The proposed algorithm is also compared with heuristic method based on numeral analysis of the actual data. The results show that the model and algorithms are effective. The integrated planning of SM-CC is also achieved.The model and algorithm of hot rolling batch machine scheduling are proposed. Considering the integration of SM-CC-HR. a multiobjective optimization model with minimizing the total waiting time, minimizing the total operation penalties and maximizing the average rolling length. An improved iterated local search is proposed. The performance of proposed algorithm is analyzed with changing its parameters. The proposed algorithm is also compared with heuristic method based on numeral analysis of the actual data.Based on the researches mentioned above, a simulation system of integrated planning of SM-CC-HR is developed. The results show that it can improve the production planning, decrease the production cost and save energy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期

