

An Empirical Study on the Sustainable Development of Tobacco Production in Relatively Developed Economic Areas

【作者】 周喜新

【导师】 周冀衡; 徐文军; 严钦泉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 烟草科学与工程技术, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 为探索经济相对发达烟区烟叶生产可持续发展道路,本研究以湖南省宁乡县为例开展实证研究,从分析与评价宁乡县烟叶生产可持续发展的先决条件(植烟土壤、烟区气候)入手,以分析和评价宁乡县烟叶可持续发展的核心(烟叶质量特征与市场需求)及宁乡县烟叶生产可持续发展的社会经济条件(烟叶产业比较优势和产业地位)为基础,以剖析经济相对发达烟区现代烟草农业建设思路和途径(2010年宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设的探索与实践)为重点,以创新经济相对发达烟区烟叶组织模式(宁乡县金醇烟叶专业合作社)为突破口,提出了经济相对发达烟区的烟叶生产可持续发展的指导思想、目标和对策。主要研究结果如下:1.宁乡县植烟土壤主要养分特征利用地统计学方法系统研究了宁乡县植烟土壤养分的空间分布特征,并构建了植烟土壤养分丰缺状况5级分类体系和适宜性指数对宁乡县植烟土壤养分状况进行综合评价。研究结果表明宁乡县植烟土壤适宜烤烟种植,在烤烟养分管理上应根据植烟土壤养分含量状况,结合各乡镇稻田种植烤烟的特点,实施“减氮、控磷硫、增钾,适当补施微肥”的原则,通过改良植烟土壤,改善水肥条件,优化烟草生长环境,调整专用肥配方,改进施肥方法,为优质烟叶生长创造良好的土壤环境,为宁乡县烟叶生产可持续发展提供良好的植烟土壤条件。2.宁乡烟区气候特征采用欧氏距离分析了宁乡县烤烟大田期间不同月份、不同气候因子与国内外主要优质烟叶产区差异和相似性;运用隶属函数模型与指数和法构建气候适宜性指数对宁乡烟区气候进行了综合评价。研究结果表明,宁乡县气候适宜性指数较高,烟区光照,温度、雨量与优质烟生长需求匹配协调,适合优质烤烟的生产,也为宁乡县烟叶生产可持续发展提供了优越的气候条件。3.宁乡烤烟质量特征采用比较分析方法全面分析了宁乡县烤烟外观质量、物理特性、常规化学成分、香气前体物、中性挥发性香气物、感官评吸质量特征及与国内外主要烟区的差异。研究结果表明宁乡县烤烟是生产中高档卷烟的优质主料。其独有的烟叶质量风格特色,烟叶质量稳定,市场信誉良好,为宁乡县烟叶生产可持续发展提供了坚实的基础。4.宁乡县烟叶生产的比较优势及产业地位采用比较优势指数分析了宁乡县烟叶生产的优势,采用比较法分析了宁乡县烟叶产业的地位,采用灰色局势决策中的上限效果测度方法和指数和法构建综合评价模型对烟稻种植模式进行了综合评价。研究结果表明宁乡县烟草种植具有综合比较优势;以烟一稻为主的种植方式是宁乡县农民长期获得较高规模效益的理想选择;烟叶产业担当着宁乡区域经济和社会发展的重任,已成为宁乡发展最稳定、体系最完善、效益最理想的农业支柱产业,成为烟区乡镇财政、村级经济和烟农收入来源的重要产业。宁乡县作为全国经济百强县,为其烟叶生产可持续发展提供了可靠的保证。5.宁乡县现代烟草农业整县推进的实践通过2010年宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设的探索与实践,明确了宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设的优势和存在的问题,确定了宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设的指导思想、目标任务和建设指标体系,开展了宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设规划,提出了宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设主要措施,分析了宁乡县整县推进现代烟草农业建设的成效。宁乡县首开先河在经济相对发达烟区实施整县推进现代烟草农业建设,为经济相对发达烟区烟叶生产可持续发展明晰了方向。6.宁乡现代烟草农业生产组织模式创新以宁乡县金醇烟叶专业合作社为案例,采用对比法分析了宁乡县烟叶专业合作社运行效果,阐述了宁乡县金醇烟叶专业合作社的运作模式和主要做法,研究结果初步认为,宁乡县烟叶专业合作社的发展使烟叶种植集中度和户均规模增大,减少烟叶生产用工,减少烟叶生产物化成本和降低烟叶生产成本,增加烟叶生产效益和烟农收入;宁乡金醇烟叶专业合作社作为“湖南省100个为农民办实事”先进合作社,其成功探索经验为经济相对发达烟区烟叶生产可持续发展的组织模式创新提供了良好的范式。7.经济相对发达烟区烟叶生产可持续发展对策要树立科学发展观,增强烟叶生产可持续发展的责任感;深化农工商政四位一体合作,提高产业价值链共赢能力;科学定位特色,确立烟叶发展主攻方向;推行以烟为主的耕作制度,改善烟区生态环境;实行基本烟田保护制度,完善烟区生产基础设施建设;构建技术推广和服务网络,提高技术入户率和到位率;建立与健全政策保障机制,解决烟农后顾之忧;加快技术创新推广步伐,提高市场竞争力;优化用人机制,建立一支高素质的烟叶人才队伍;高水平谋划、高标准实施、高质量推进现代烟草农业建设,创新烟叶生产组织模式,促进区域经济和谐发展。

【Abstract】 In order to explore the sustainable development of tobacco production in relatively developed economical areas, this paper, taking Ningxiang County in Hunan Province as a case adopting the empirical research, starts with analyzing and evaluating the prerequisites such as planting soil and growing areas’climate of tobacco, based on analyzing and evaluating the core elements which include the features of tobacco leaf quality and market demands, and the socio-economic conditions which contain comparative advantages of tobacco industry and its status on tobacco production’s sustainable development in Ningxiang County, emphasizes on seeking for conceptions and approaches on modern agriculture construction, for instance, the exploration and practice in entire Ningxiang County in 2010, then breaks through the practice made by Jinchun Tobacco Leaf Specialized Cooperatives to reform organization pattern of tobacco, eventually puts forward the guiding principles, objectives and strategies for the sustainable development of tobacco production in relatively developed economical areas. The main results are as follows:1 Main nutrient characteristics of tobacco planting soil in Ningxiang CountyBy geostatistics method, a systematic research has been made to analyze nutrients spatial distribution characteristics of tobacco planting soil in this paper. It formed a 5 grades classification system on the abundance and deficiency of nutrients about that and suitability indexes to comprehensively evaluate nutrients status of tobacco planting soil in Ningxiang County. The results show that, in Ningxiang County the tobacco planting soil basically ranges from weakly acidic to neutral. It is rich in organic, hydrolysable nitrogen and fast_acting phosphorus content. And what’s more, most of the soil are abundant in available microelments such as exchangeable magnesium, effective boron and effective zinc, and carbon content is also a bit high. However, parts of the soil are low in available potassium, especially the water_solude chlorinity content. Owing to the average of tobacco soil suitability index is 59.75, belongs to the grade 3, Ningxiang county’s soil is suitable for tobacco planting. There is a trend that soil suitability index increases from center to both west and east. According to the status of tobacco planting soil’s nutrient content, the management of Ningxiang flue-cured tobacco nutrient should adopt the principle "reduce nitrogen, limit phosphorus and sulfur, increase potassium, properly add micro_fertilizer", combining with features of using paddy fields to plant tobacco in each village. Through a series measures of improving the quality of tobacco planting soil, improving water and fertilizer facilities, optimizing the tobacco growth environment, adjusting the formulation of special fertilizer, improving fertilization method, it will eventually create a pretty soil environment for high quality tobacco growth and sustainable development of tobacco production.2 Climatic characteristics of Ningxiang tobacco-growing areasIt analyzed the differences and similarities between Ningxiang county and high quality tobacco production areas at home and abroad for different months and different climatic factors during Flue-cured Tobacco Growth Period. In addition, it overall evaluated the tobacco areas climate through climatic suitability index constituted by membership function model and index method. The results show that, climate of flue-cured tobacco field in Ningxiang County is highly similar to Chenzhou. The average temperature is highly similar to Chenzhou City, and relatively high similar to Longyan and Brazil. The sunshine hours is highly similar to Chenzhou, and relatively high similar to Xuchang, Zunyi, Qujing and Longyan. The precipitation is highly similar to Chenzhou, and relatively high similar to Brazil, the United States and Zunyi. The climate during flue-cured tobacco earlier growth period is similar to Chenzhou and Longyan, when comes to the medium-term is similar to Chenzhou, Longyan, Brazil and Zimbabwe, and the later growth period is Chenzhou, Xuchang and the United States. Ningxiang County’s climate suitability index reaches as high as 89.92%. The tobacco planting areas’ sunshine, temperature, rainfall matches with the growing need of high quality tobacco, which provides excellent climate conditions for the production of high quality flue-cured tobacco. 3 Qualitical characteristics of Ningxiang flue-cured tobaccoUsing comparative analysis, it comprehensively analyzed some important factors of Ningxiang County’s flue-cured tobacco, including appearance quality, physical property, normal chemical components, aroma precursors, neutral volatile aroma compounds, sensory quality characteristics and compared major differences between domestic and foreign flue-cured tobacco-growing areas. The results show that, maturity of Ningxiang County’s flue-cured tobacco is nice, its structure ranges from loose to osteoporosis, quality is moderate to slight, the oil is in the condition of being Having to less, colorimchy is moderate, no green miscellaneous, Degree of tobacco, leaf weight, leaf quality, equilibrium moisture content are low while its density is relatively high and leaf stem ratio is moderate. Tobacco leaves’contents of total sugar and reducing sugar are in a proper scope, upper leaves’nicotine content is obviously high, the total nitrogen content is appropriate, potassium content is relatively high, the chlorine content is low. Tobacco polyphenol content is relatively high, the amino acid content, total amount of non-volatile organic acid, higher fatty acids, chlorophyll content and plastid pigment volume are low. Tobacco leaves’ neophytadiene content is higher than that of Zimbabwe, Guiyang county and Longshan County, but lower than that of Brazil and Dali. Its total amount of chromoplast pigment degraded is lower than that of Brazil and Dali, but higher than that of Zimbabwe, Guiyang county and Longshan County. The total amount of cembrane substances, aromatic amino acid degradation and Ladd reaction is low. The total amount of neutral volatile aroma is lower than that of Zimbabwe, Brazil, Dali and Guiyang County, but higher than that of Guiyang and Longshan County. The fragrance of Ningxiang County’s Flue-cured Tobacco inclines to strong, with exquisite smell; the emission of aroma is in the category of medium and prolonged fragrance. The fragrance is full and heavy, and the concentration of flue is moderate to slightly big, taste strength is appropriate, aftertaste is clean and comfortable, combustion is good, Integral compatibility is nice, which makes it to be the major materials of high-grade cigarettes. The unique quality characteristics of tobacco leaves, stable tobacco quality and good reputation provide a solid basis for sustainable development of tobacco production in Ningxiang County.4 Comparative advantages and industrial position of Ningxiang County’s tobacco productionIn this paper, it first analyzed the advantages of Ningxiang County’s tobacco production by using comparative advantage index, studied the industry status of Ningxiang County’s tobacco production through comparison evaluation and assessed the tobacco-rice planting pattern by constructing a multiple evaluation model with the upper effect measure method in grey situation decision and index method. The results show that, Ningxiang county’s tobacco cultivation area and production has been on the rise, tobacco production has both the comparative scale and the comprehensive comparative advantage. Tobacco cultivation is mainly dominated by tobacco-rice, which is the ideal choice of Ningxiang farmers’ access to long-term benefits of economy. Tobacco industry plays an important role in promoting Ningxiang County’s regional economy and social development. With the most stable development, the most ideal system and the most economical benefits, it has become a agricultural pillar industry of Ningxiang County and an important income source for tobacco planting areas’finance and farmers. Ningxiang County, as one of the top 100 counties of our country, provides a reliable guarantee for tobacco production’s sustainable development.5 Practice on modern tobacco agriculture of the entire Ningxiang CountyBy the County’s entire exploration and practice in 2010, it found out Ningxiang county’s advantages and existing problems, pointed out its’ guiding ideology, target and index system of the construction, carried out its’ plans, raised its’ major measures and analyzed its’ effects on promoting modern tobacco agriculture construction. As the first one entirely to implement modern tobacco agriculture construction, it provided a clear direction for tobacco production’s sustainable development in relatively developed economical areas.6 Innovation on modern tobacco agriculture’s production and organization mode in NingxiangTaking Ningxiang County’s Jinchun Tobacco Leaf Specialized Cooperatives as a case, this paper, via comparative analysis method, analyzed its operation effect, and then explained the operation mode and the main practice. The results preliminarily show that, because of the development of Ningxiang County’s Tobacco Leaf Specialized Cooperatives, it enlarged the concentration of planting tobacco and average size in per household, decreased the time and labor cost of tobacco production, increased tobacco leaf production’s efficiency and farmers’ income. As an advanced one of" Hunan province’s 100 cooperatives that perform real deeds for the farmers", the main practices of Ningxiang County’s Jinchun Tobacco Leaf Specialized Cooperatives are as follows:strengthen organizational structure, perfect management system, adhere to the scientific development, standardize operation mechanism, implement straight technology management, enrich technology force, normalize professional services, improve service quality, develop diversified business, expand the channels of increasing income. The successful exploration of Ningxiang County’s Jinchun Tobacco Leaf Specialized cooperatives offers a good paradigm for the organizational pattern innovation of tobacco production’s sustainable development in relatively developed economical areas.7 The policy of tobacco production’s sustainable development in relatively economical developed areaIn this paper, it analyzed the objective inevitability of tobacco production’s sustainable development in economical relatively developed areas, then, elaborated its measurements and proposed such policies:establish a scientific development concept to enhance the responsibility of tobacco production’s sustainable development, deepen the cooperation between agriculture, industry, commerce and policy to improve the win-win ability of industrial value chain, scientifically position unique features to establish a main direction for tobacco development, practice the farming system focused on tobacco production to improve the environment of tobacco planting areas, execute the system aiming to protect basic tobacco planting land to improve infrastructure construction in tobacco-growing areas, build technology promotion and service network to improve technical penetration and arrival rate, establish and perfect the policy guarantee mechanism to solve farmers’ problems, accelerate the pace of technical innovation to enhance market competitiveness, optimize the employment mechanism to build a high quality team, high-level planning, high-standard practicing and high-quality promote the construction of modern tobacco agriculture, innovate organizational pattern innovation of tobacco production to promote the harmonious development of the regional economy.


